SET 1: The Moma Dance > Possum, Wolfman's Brother, Birds of a Feather, I Didn't Know, Happy Birthday to You[1], Martian Monster, Reba, Walls of the Cave
SET 2: The Wedge > Wilson > A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing, Yarmouth Road, Kill Devil Falls[2] > Piper > Twist
SET 3: No Men In No Man's Land > Auld Lang Syne > Blaze On > Carini > David Bowie, The Horse > Silent in the Morning > Backwards Down the Number Line
SET 1: Sample in a Jar, Free, Simple > Back on the Train, Waiting All Night, 555, Roggae, The Dogs > 46 Days
SET 2: Chalk Dust Torture > Ghost > Can't Always Listen[1] > Ghost > Waves > Bathtub Gin > Mike's Song > Bouncing Around the Room > Weekapaug Groove -> What's the Use? > Weekapaug Groove
ENCORE: Character Zero
No known setlist
SET 1: What Is Life, Speak to Me, Magilla, Pigtail > Dark And Down, The Land of Nod, Lever Boy, Valentine, Burlap Sack and Pumps, It Makes No Difference, Bounce > Night Speaks to a Woman
SET 2: Invisible Knife > Simple Twist Up Dave, Let Me Lie > Tuesday, 49 Bye-Byes, Greyhound Rising, Mr. Completely > Architect, Shine, Clint Eastwood > Push On 'Til the Day
ENCORE: Show of Life, Black Dog
SET 1: Drifting, First Tube, Cayman Review, Soul Rebel, In Rounds, Acting the Devil, Money, Love and Change, Flying Machines, Spin, Sometime After Sunset > Last Tube
SET 2: Paper Wheels, Alive Again, The Song, Plasma > Liquid Time, Frost > Gotta Jibboo > Goodbye Head, MacArthur Park, Sand
ENCORE: Ocelot, Dazed and Confused
SET 1: Sand, Sometime After Sunset, Cayman Review, Pigtail, Alive Again, Dark And Down, Magilla, Valentine, The Song, Money, Love and Change, Push On 'Til the Day
SET 2: Night Speaks to a Woman, Alaska, 49 Bye-Byes, The Land of Nod, Tuesday, 1977, Burlap Sack and Pumps, Flock of Words, Simple Twist Up Dave, Clint Eastwood, Dazed and Confused
ENCORE: Gotta Jibboo
SET 1: Curlew's Call, Speak to Me, Cayman Review, Acting the Devil, Night Speaks to a Woman, O-o-h Child > Sand, Drifting, Burlap Sack and Pumps, Wherever You Find It, Gotta Jibboo
SET 2: In Rounds, Magilla, The Devil Went Down to Georgia, Simple Twist Up Dave, The Song, Liquid Time, The Way I Feel, Valentine, Money, Love and Change > Architect > Mr. Completely > Clint Eastwood > Push On 'Til the Day
ENCORE: MacArthur Park, First Tube
SET 1: Cayman Review, Magilla, Sand, Soul Rebel, Sometime After Sunset, Alaska, Valentine, 1977, Money, Love and Change, 49 Bye-Byes, Dark And Down, Push On 'Til the Day
SET 2: The Song, The Land of Nod, Gotta Jibboo, In Rounds, Let Me Lie, Plasma, Shine, Greyhound Rising, Spin, Enjoy Yourself, Clint Eastwood, First Tube
ENCORE: Dazed and Confused
SET 1: Drifting, Acting the Devil, Speak to Me, The Devil Went Down to Georgia, Last Tube, It Makes No Difference, Pigtail, Burlap Sack and Pumps, Let Me Lie, 49 Bye-Byes, Night Speaks to a Woman
SET 2: Simple Twist Up Dave, Bounce, Ocelot, Liquid Time, Cartwheels, Wherever You Find It, Mr. Completely, Architect
ENCORE: Enjoy Yourself, Small Axe, O-o-h Child, MacArthur Park
SET 1: Tuesday, Sand, Cayman Review, Sweet and Dandy, Magilla, Money, Love and Change, Greyhound Rising, Valentine, The Song, Dark And Down, Soul Rebel, Gotta Jibboo
SET 2: Alaska, Alive Again, Sometime After Sunset, Curlew's Call, Spin, Invisible Knife, A Case of Ice and Snow, In Rounds, Shine, Clint Eastwood, Dazed and Confused
ENCORE: Show of Life, First Tube
SET 1: Sand, Cayman Review, Mozambique, Night Speaks to a Woman, Magilla, Soul Rebel, Pigtail, Dark And Down, Valentine, Tuesday, 49 Bye-Byes, Gotta Jibboo
SET 2: First Tube, Sometime After Sunset, 1977, The Devil Went Down to Georgia, Money, Love and Change, The Song, Let Me Lie, Burlap Sack and Pumps, Enjoy Yourself, Clint Eastwood, Mr. Completely > Plasma, MacArthur Park, Dazed and Confused
ENCORE: Push On 'Til the Day
SET 1: Cayman Review, Magilla, Money, Love and Change, Valentine, Invisible Knife, Drifting, Burlap Sack and Pumps, Sand, 49 Bye-Byes, Gotta Jibboo
SET 2: Sometime After Sunset, Alive Again, Speak to Me, Simple Twist Up Dave, Greyhound Rising, Lever Boy, The Song, Traveler, Bounce, Clint Eastwood, First Tube
ENCORE: Shine, Push On 'Til the Day
SET 1: First Tube, Cayman Review, Acting the Devil, The Devil Went Down to Georgia [1], Sometime After Sunset, The Land of Nod, 49 Bye-Byes, Drifting, Frost, Burlap Sack and Pumps, 1977, Paper Wheels, Enjoy Yourself [2], Night Speaks to a Woman
SET 2: Curlew's Call, O-o-h Child, Bounce, Alaska, Last Tube, Architect, Sweet and Dandy, The Way I Feel, Plasma, Push On 'Til the Day
ENCORE: MacArthur Park [3]
SET 1: Gotta Jibboo, Speak to Me, Mozambique, Dark And Down, Valentine, Let Me Lie, In Rounds, Magilla, Soul Rebel, Flying Machines, Spin, Tuesday
SET 2: Money, Love and Change, Pigtail, Lever Boy, A Case of Ice and Snow, Simple Twist Up Dave, The Song, Clint Eastwood, Sand
ENCORE: Show of Life, Dazed and Confused
No known setlist
SET 1: Sometime After Sunset, Cayman Review, Mozambique, O-o-h Child, Burlap Sack and Pumps, Wherever You Find It, Pigtail, 1977, Night Speaks to a Woman, What Is Life [1], Small Axe, Tuesday
SET 2: Curlew's Call, Plasma, Shine, Simple Twist Up Dave, Flock of Words, Goodbye Head, Architect, Mr. Completely, Dazed and Confused
ENCORE: Push On 'Til the Day
SET 1: Gotta Jibboo, Soul Rebel [1], Valentine, Dark And Down, Speak to Me, Magilla, The Land of Nod, 49 Bye-Byes[1], Alive Again, Drifting, Greyhound Rising, Traveler
SET 2: Money, Love and Change, The Song, Invisible Knife, Flying Machines, Sand, Lever Boy, Clint Eastwood, Bounce, MacArthur Park[1]
ENCORE: First Tube
SET 1: Blaze On [1], The Line[1], Joy[1], Cartwheels [2], Farmhouse[1], Backwards Down the Number Line[1], Sample in a Jar[1]
SET 1: Jump Into the Fire [1]
SET 1: Say Something, How Many People Are You > Sleep to Dream > Yarmouth Road, Looking for Clues, Tiny Little World, Face
No known setlist
SET 1: Angatta [1]
Soundcheck: Dog Log
SET 1: The Landlady, Free > The Moma Dance > Seven Below > Prince Caspian > Backwards Down the Number Line, The Line, Scent of a Mule[1] > Saw It Again, Halfway to the Moon, The Birdwatcher, Frankenstein[2]
SET 2: Wilson > Down with Disease[3] > Carini > Steam > Piper > Also Sprach Zarathustra > Tweezer > The Horse > Silent in the Morning > Slave to the Traffic Light
ENCORE: Tweezer Reprise, Harpua[4] > After Midnight[5] > NO2[1] > Keyboard Army[5] > Your Pet Cat[6] > Once in a Lifetime > United We Stand[7]
This show featured several bustouts: The Landlady (last played December 3, 1994, or 770 shows), Birdwatcher (June 28, 2012, 134 shows), Keyboard Army (December 14, 1995, 686 shows), and Once in a Lifetime (October 31, 1996, 636 shows). Scent of a Mule and NO2 featured Fish on Marimba Lumina. Frankenstein featured Page on keytar. Down with Disease and Harpua were unfinished. Piper included a quote of Rockin' Down the Highway from Fish with "rollin'" sung instead of "rockin.'" Harpua, After Midnight, Keyboard Army, and Your Pet Cat included narration about Jimmy being a guy from the east coast coming west, having a breathing problem, and needing an oxygen tank (with Trey sucking from an oxygen tank). Trey then said Jimmy started to feel strange and wondered if he should've gotten that oxygen tank in the parking lot after the Phish show. Harpua also contained a Glass Onion quote with Trey saying "the Walrus was Page." Your Pet Cat included narration from Mike about eating Poster Nutbag and finished with a portion of Harpua. Once in a Lifetime contained Harpua quotes. This show featured the Phish debut of United We Stand. During Harpua, Trey mentioned that people writing down the setlist would want to only count Harpua once (by doing this, the encore spelled out THANK YOU).
Soundcheck: Mercury (x2)
SET 1: No Men In No Man's Land, Martian Monster, NICU, Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan, Bouncing Around the Room, 555, Winterqueen, Split Open and Melt, Limb By Limb > Roggae > Character Zero
SET 2: A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing > Chalk Dust Torture[1] -> Twist > Mercury > Light > Wingsuit > Rock and Roll
ENCORE: Sleeping Monkey > Harry Hood > A Day in the Life
Soundcheck: My Soul, Undermind, Hey Joe
SET 1: Tube > Ghost > Halley's Comet > Undermind, Yarmouth Road > Bathtub Gin, Waiting All Night > Horn > The Wedge, 46 Days > Run Like an Antelope
SET 2: Wolfman's Brother[1] > Blaze On > Golden Age > Roses Are Free > Fuego > Wading in the Velvet Sea > Walls of the Cave
ENCORE: Hold Your Head Up > Bike > Hold Your Head Up, Loving Cup
SET 1: Punch You in the Eye > Buffalo Bill, A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing > Limb By Limb, Waiting All Night > Theme From the Bottom > Maze, The Line, Stash, Reba, I Didn't Know[1], Character Zero
SET 2: Martian Monster > Down with Disease[2] -> Scents and Subtle Sounds[3] -> What's the Use? > Dirt > Mike's Song > Fuego > Twist -> Weekapaug Groove[2] -> Martian Monster
ENCORE: You Enjoy Myself
SET 1: Divided Sky, The Moma Dance > Mound, Army of One, Scabbard > Sample in a Jar, Tube, Halfway to the Moon, Camel Walk, How Many People Are You, When the Circus Comes, Undermind > Run Like an Antelope
SET 2: Wolfman's Brother, Halley's Comet > 46 Days -> Backwards Down the Number Line > Tweezer > Prince Caspian
SET 3: Meatstick > Blaze On -> Possum > Cities -> Mind Left Body Jam > Cities > Light > 555, Wading in the Velvet Sea > Walls of the Cave
ENCORE: Boogie On Reggae Woman > Tweezer Reprise
SET 4: Drive-In Jam
SET 1: Simple > The Dogs > The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday > Avenu Malkenu > The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday > Free, Happy Birthday to You, The Wedge, Mock Song, Roggae > Rift > Bathtub Gin
SET 2: Chalk Dust Torture[1] > Ghost -> Rock and Roll > Harry Hood -> Waste > No Men In No Man's Land -> Slave to the Traffic Light
ENCORE: Farmhouse, First Tube
SET 1: Jam
Soundcheck: Foam, The Mango Song, My Soul
SET 1: Golgi Apparatus > Undermind, Julius, 555, Nothing, No Men In No Man's Land, Stash, David Bowie > Possum
SET 2: Down with Disease[1] -> Slave to the Traffic Light > Light -> Twist, Shine a Light, Fuego > Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley > You Enjoy Myself
ENCORE: Backwards Down the Number Line
Soundcheck: Sparkle, McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters, Friday, Nothing (x5), Stir It Up (instrumental)
SET 1: Simple > Glide, Buried Alive > McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters > Roggae > Limb By Limb > Big Black Furry Creature from Mars > Your Pet Cat > Big Black Furry Creature from Mars, Horn > Blaze On > Run Like an Antelope[1]
SET 2: Halley's Comet > 46 Days -> Bug > Steam > What's the Use? > Steam -> Piper -> Tweezer[2] -> NO2[2] -> Tweezer > Walls of the Cave
ENCORE: Sleeping Monkey > Tweezer Reprise
Soundcheck: Beauty of a Broken Heart, Scabbard, Wombat
SET 1: Llama[1], Chalk Dust Torture, The Moma Dance, Yarmouth Road, Tube > Bouncing Around the Room, Maze, Waiting All Night, Lawn Boy, Devotion To a Dream, Wolfman's Brother, Suzy Greenberg
SET 2: The Wedge, Golden Age > Reba > Mike's Song > Ghost > No Quarter > Weekapaug Groove > First Tube
Soundcheck: Your Pet Cat
SET 1: AC/DC Bag > Free, Ya Mar, Sample in a Jar, Cities, Stash, Birds of a Feather, The Line, It's Ice > Character Zero
SET 2: Bathtub Gin, No Men In No Man's Land > Twist, Scents and Subtle Sounds, Harry Hood
ENCORE: Loving Cup
Soundcheck: Skin It Back, Scents and Subtle Sounds, Vultures, Sing Monica
SET 1: Crowd Control, Martian Monster > Axilla, Skin It Back -> Martian Monster, Vultures, Dog Faced Boy > David Bowie, Farmhouse > Scent of a Mule[1], Ghost, Grind
SET 2: Fuego > Rock and Roll[2] > 46 Days -> Taste, Also Sprach Zarathustra > Sand > The Horse > Silent in the Morning > Cavern > Backwards Down the Number Line
ENCORE: Julius
SET 1: The Very Long Fuse, Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird, Brian and Robert, Saw It Again, Esther, Weigh, The Sloth, Sanity > Split Open and Melt
SET 2: Run Like an Antelope > Carini > Waves -> Tweezer > Dirt > Mike's Song > Blaze On > Weekapaug Groove > Tweezer Reprise
ENCORE: Contact, Frankenstein[1]
SET 1: No Men In No Man's Land, Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan, Poor Heart, Julius, Frankie Says > Maze, Mercury, Reba, Possum
SET 2: Down with Disease[1] > Halley's Comet -> Twist > Light > What's the Use? > Fuego > Backwards Down the Number Line > Slave to the Traffic Light
ENCORE: Meatstick > Character Zero
Soundcheck: It's Ice, Mound, The Lizards, Jam
SET 1: A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing, My Sweet One > Wilson > Timber (Jerry the Mule), Roses Are Free, Rift, The Moma Dance, Ginseng Sullivan, Wingsuit, It's Ice > Bathtub Gin
SET 2: Chalk Dust Torture[1] -> Tweezer > The Lizards, Makisupa Policeman > Ghost > Harry Hood > Tweezer Reprise
ENCORE: Good Times Bad Times
SET 1: Gumbo > Kill Devil Falls, Back on the Train, Bouncing Around the Room, Divided Sky, The Last Step[1], Blaze On, Waiting All Night, 46 Days
SET 2: Gotta Jibboo > Twist > The Wedge, Down with Disease[2] > Sand > Joy, You Enjoy Myself
Soundcheck: Jam, Mercury
SET 1: Free, No Men In No Man's Land, Wolfman's Brother, 555, Birds of a Feather, Funky Bitch, When the Circus Comes, Stash, Lawn Boy, Walls of the Cave
SET 2: Golden Age > Light > Shade, Mike's Song > Piper > Crosseyed and Painless -> Weekapaug Groove
ENCORE: Slave to the Traffic Light
Soundcheck: My Soul, Jam
SET 1: Sample in a Jar, Chalk Dust Torture, Train Song, Devotion To a Dream, Meat, Maze, The Line, Roggae, My Friend, My Friend, 46 Days > Cavern
SET 2: Down with Disease[1] > Camel Walk > Seven Below > Fuego > Also Sprach Zarathustra > Harry Hood > Possum
ENCORE: A Day in the Life
Soundcheck: Jam, Scabbard (x4)
SET 1: Runaway Jim, Undermind, Nellie Kane, Blaze On, Halfway to the Moon, Ocelot, Heavy Things, Theme From the Bottom > Run Like an Antelope[1]
SET 2: Tweezer > Waiting All Night > Backwards Down the Number Line > Carini > Waste > Sand > Tweezer Reprise
ENCORE: Rock and Roll
SET 1: Prince Caspian > No Men In No Man's Land, Ghost, The Wedge, The Moma Dance, How Many People Are You, Rift, Mike's Song > I Am Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove
SET 2: Kill Devil Falls[1] > Martian Monster[2] > Twist -> Back on the Train -> Reba[1], Bathtub Gin
ENCORE: Farmhouse > Character Zero
SET 1: Tube, Guelah Papyrus > Punch You in the Eye > Steam > Poor Heart, NICU, I Didn't Know, Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan, Divided Sky, The Squirming Coil
SET 2: Chalk Dust Torture[1] > Simple -> Silent in the Morning > The Line, Birds of a Feather, Fuego > Julius > Harry Hood
ENCORE: The Connection, First Tube
SET 1: Party Time > Free, Halley's Comet > Wolfman's Brother, Possum, Lawn Boy, Bouncing Around the Room, Water in the Sky > Dirt, Devotion To a Dream, Sugar Shack, Run Like an Antelope
SET 2: 46 Days -> The Dogs -> 46 Days > Piper > Ghost > Shade, Gotta Jibboo, Waiting All Night, Blaze On, Wading in the Velvet Sea > David Bowie, Suzy Greenberg > Tweezer Reprise
ENCORE: Loving Cup
SET 1: Martian Monster, Down with Disease, Waiting All Night, Heavy Things, Axilla, 555, Limb By Limb, Ya Mar[1], Fuego > Walls of the Cave
SET 2: No Men In No Man's Land > Carini -> Tweezer > My Friend, My Friend[2] > Roggae > Backwards Down the Number Line > Slave to the Traffic Light
ENCORE: You Enjoy Myself[3]
Soundcheck: The Line, Waiting All Night
SET 1: The Line, The Moma Dance, Kill Devil Falls, Yarmouth Road, Undermind > Free, Reba, 46 Days
SET 2: Blaze On > Twist > Light > Joy, Harry Hood > Cavern
ENCORE: Character Zero
SET 1: Stash, How Many People Are You[1], Winterqueen, Heavy Rotation[1], Back on the Train, Scabbard[1] > Maze, Mercury[2], Possum
SET 2: A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing > Waves > Wingsuit, Farmhouse > Simple, First Tube
ENCORE: Bathtub Gin
Soundcheck: Blaze On, Shade, The Last Step (incomplete)
SET 1: Sample in a Jar, Sand, 555, Rift, Halfway to the Moon, Horn > Devotion To a Dream, Blaze On[1], Tube, Wolfman's Brother
SET 2: Ghost > Birds of a Feather, Mike's Song > The Wedge, Fuego > Shade[1], No Men In No Man's Land[1] > Weekapaug Groove > Boogie On Reggae Woman > Chalk Dust Torture
ENCORE: Theme From the Bottom
SET 1: China Cat Sunflower -> I Know You Rider, Estimated Prophet, Built to Last, Samson and Delilah, Mountains of the Moon > Throwing Stones
SET 2: Truckin' > Cassidy, Althea, Terrapin Station > Drums -> Space > Unbroken Chain > Days Between > Not Fade Away
ENCORE: Touch of Grey
ENCORE 2: Attics of My Life
SET 1: Shakedown Street, Liberty, Standing On the Moon, Me and My Uncle, Tennessee Jed, Cumberland Blues, Little Red Rooster, Friend of the Devil, Deal
SET 2: Bird Song, The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion) > Lost Sailor > Saint of Circumstance, West L.A. Fadeaway, Foolish Heart > Drums -> Space -> Stella Blue, One More Saturday Night
ENCORE: U.S. Blues
SET 1: Box of Rain, Jack Straw, Bertha > Passenger, The Wheel > Crazy Fingers > The Music Never Stopped
SET 2: Mason's Children > Scarlet Begonias -> Fire on the Mountain > Drums -> Space -> New Potato Caboose > Playing in the Band > Let It Grow > Help on the Way > Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower
ENCORE: Ripple
SET 1: Different World, Cruel World > Meat -> Normal Phoebe, Babylon Baby, Angatta > Another Door
SET 2: I'm Deranged > Peel > Sound, Tiny Little World > Loon, The Last Step, How Many People Are You > Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Here Today
SET 1: Feel Like A Stranger, New Minglewood Blues > Brown-Eyed Women, Loose Lucy, Loser, Row Jimmy, Alabama Getaway, Black Peter, Hell In A Bucket
SET 2: Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo > Wharf Rat > Eyes of the World -> He's Gone -> Drums [1] > I Need A Miracle > Death Don't Have No Mercy > Sugar Magnolia
ENCORE: Brokedown Palace
SET 1: Long Black Line, Andelmans' Yard, Spock's Brain, Sleep to Dream, Horizon Line, Are You a Hypnotist??, Take It As It Comes
SET 2: Surface > How Many People Are You > Yarmouth Road > Looking for Clues, Ether, Say Something, How Do I Know [1], Face
ENCORE: Make Up Your Mind [2], Sugar Shack
SET 1: Truckin', Uncle John's Band, Alligator > Cumberland Blues, Born Crosseyed > Cream Puff War, Viola Lee Blues
SET 2: Cryptical Envelopment > Dark Star > St. Stephen > The Eleven > Turn On Your Love Light > Drums > What's Become of the Baby > Space > The Other One > Morning Dew
ENCORE: Casey Jones
SET 1: Only a Dream, Say Something, How Many People Are You > Sleep to Dream, Meat > Jumping, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Here Today, Jones > Black Tambourine, Traveled Too Far > How Do I Know, 555, Face > Dig Further Down > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Different World
SET 1: I'm Deranged > Yarmouth Road > I'm Deranged > Take It As It Comes, Papa Loves Mambo [1], I'm Deranged > Jumping -> I'm Deranged > Caught Up -> Tiny Little World
SET 2: Burning Down the House[1] > Here Today, Sleep to Dream, The Last Step, Spock's Brain > Sleep to Dream, Another Door, Long Black Line, Jones > Only a Dream, Face
ENCORE: Looking for Clues
SET 1: Sugar Shack > Sound, Jones > Normal Phoebe, Andelmans' Yard > Susskind Hotel > Face > Susskind Hotel
SET 2: Take It As It Comes, Surface > How Many People Are You, Peel, Looking for Clues, Say Something, Cruel World, Dig Further Down
SET 1: Long Black Line > Babylon Baby, Sleep to Dream, The Last Step, Tiny Little World, Meat > How Many People Are You
SET 2: Angatta > Ether, Jumping, 555, Yarmouth Road, Black Tambourine, Traveled Too Far > How Do I Know > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Here Today
SET 1: Different World, Another Door, Surface, Here Today, Say Something, Looking for Clues, Spock's Brain, Different World
SET 2: Jones, Take It As It Comes, Sugar Shack, Normal Phoebe, Are You a Hypnotist??, Voices, Face, How Do I Know
ENCORE: How Many People Are You
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Looking for Clues, Spiral, Meat > Cruel World, Angatta, Traveled Too Far
SET 2: Horizon Line, Sleep to Dream > Only a Dream > Sleep to Dream, How Many People Are You, Peel, Sugar Shack, Jumping, Yarmouth Road, Here Today
ENCORE: Tiny Little World
SET 1: Take It As It Comes, Long Black Line, Sleep to Dream, Andelmans' Yard, Say Something, Jumping, Face
SET 2: Here Today, Ether > Spock's Brain, Yarmouth Road, Looking for Clues, Jones > How Many People Are You, Tiny Little World, How Do I Know
SET 1: Sugar Shack, Jones, How Many People Are You, Peel, Long Black Line, Say Something > Sleep to Dream, Different World
SET 2: Normal Phoebe, Spock's Brain, Jumping, The Last Step, 555, Another Door, Yarmouth Road > Looking for Clues, Voices
ENCORE: Black Tambourine
SET 1: Horizon Line, Take It As It Comes, Angatta, Loon, Susskind Hotel, Surface, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Traveled Too Far, Here Today, Ether, Cruel World, Meat, Andelmans' Yard, Are You a Hypnotist??, How Many People Are You, Long Black Line > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: How Do I Know
No known setlist
SET 1: Long Black Line > I'm Deranged > Jones, Sugar Shack, Here Today, Yarmouth Road, Sleep to Dream, Face
SET 2: Sound, Jumping, How Many People Are You, The Last Step, 555, Another Door, Looking for Clues, Say Something, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: How Do I Know
SET 1: Take It As It Comes, Cruel World, 555, Angatta, Sleep to Dream, Tiny Little World, Jumping
SET 2: Jones > Dig Further Down, Looking for Clues, Yarmouth Road, Susskind Hotel, Normal Phoebe, Face, How Do I Know
ENCORE: Spock's Brain, Meat
SET 1: Another Door, Take It As It Comes, Spiral, Peel, Spock's Brain, Black Tambourine, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Horizon Line, Say Something, Cruel World, Meat > Ether, Voices, How Many People Are You, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Looking for Clues
SET 1: Here Today, Long Black Line, Sleep to Dream [1], Sugar Shack, Are You a Hypnotist??, Different World
SET 2: Only a Dream, 555, Take It As It Comes [2], The Last Step[2], Andelmans' Yard, Face, Normal Phoebe, Yarmouth Road, How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Meat, How Do I Know
SET 1: Say Something, Surface, Here Today [1], Babylon Baby > Spock's Brain [2], Jumping, Angatta > Looking for Clues [3], Tiny Little World
SET 2: Ether, Jones, How Many People Are You[1], Meat > Face > Traveled Too Far > How Do I Know[3]
ENCORE: Yarmouth Road
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
SET 1: Good Times Bad Times [1], Come Together[1], Another Brick in the Wall (Part II)[1], Shakedown Street[1]
No known setlist
SET 1: Maze, AC/DC Bag > Divided Sky, Cavern > Scent of a Mule, Plasma, Devotion To a Dream, Water in the Sky, Split Open and Melt, Character Zero
SET 2: Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan > Down with Disease[1] > Light -> Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley > Sand > Harry Hood > Suzy Greenberg
ENCORE: Good Times Bad Times
SET 1: Free, The Moma Dance > Possum, Roggae, Stash, Back on the Train, Sugar Shack, The Line, Ocelot, The Squirming Coil
SET 2: Mike's Song > 46 Days > Weekapaug Groove[1], Fuego > Slave to the Traffic Light, Also Sprach Zarathustra > Walls of the Cave
ENCORE: Sleeping Monkey > Rocky Top
SET 1: Tube, Gumbo, David Bowie, Lawn Boy, Undermind, Yarmouth Road, Wingsuit, Poor Heart > Bathtub Gin
SET 2: Twist > Piper > Prince Caspian -> Twenty Years Later > Winterqueen, Wading in the Velvet Sea, Run Like an Antelope > Rock and Roll
ENCORE: Meatstick is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.
This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.
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The Mockingbird Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Phish fans in 1996 to generate charitable proceeds from the Phish community.
And since we're entirely volunteer – with no office, salaries, or paid staff – administrative costs are less than 2% of revenues! So far, we've distributed over $2 million to support music education for children – hundreds of grants in all 50 states, with more on the way.