The Lizards as performed by Phish

The Lizards was played at 16.05% of live Phish shows.
It was last played July 27, 2024, which was 30 shows ago.
There have been 1,945 shows since the live debut.
“The Lizards” has been played approximately once every 6.2 shows.
Since its debut, “The Lizards” has been played, on average, once every 5.9 shows.
It was played 328 time(s) at the following show(s):

Date Venue Gap Set Song Before Song After Notes Comments
1988-01-27 Gallagher's 98 3 Fee > Suzy First known performance.
1988-02-07 Nectar's 2 2 Possum Mockingbird (Theme from I Dream of Jeannie tease)
1988-02-08 Nectar's 1 2 Divided Antelope
1988-02-24 Gallagher's 3 1 IDK Wilson
1988-02-26 Living and Learning Center, ... 1 2 Golgi > Bowie
1988-03-11 The Base Lodge, Stearns Hall... 2 1 Corinna Bowie (Theme from I Dream of Jeannie tease)
1988-03-12 Nectar's 1 1 McGrupp > > Tela
1988-03-21 Nectar's 2 1 Timber Ho ***
1988-03-22 Nectar's 1 1 YEM GTBT
1988-03-31 Kenny's Castaways 1 1 Alumni Forbin's
1988-04-22 University of Vermont 6 1 Golgi Fee
1988-05-14 Goddard College 10 1 YEM BBFCFM
1988-05-15 Beecher Hill Farm 1 1 Shaggy Dog Sneakin' Sally
1988-05-22 Nectar's 1 2 Possum Timber Ho
1988-06-15 The Front 6 2 IDK Bag
1988-06-20 Nectar's 3 1 Bag > ***
1988-06-21 Nectar's 1 1 Curtain > Mockingbird
1988-07-12 Sam's Tavern 7 1 Cities Sneakin' Sally
1988-07-23 Pete's Phabulous Phish Phest 1 1 Weekapaug On Your Way Down Unknown additional percussionist. (Fly Famous Mockingbird tease)
1988-07-24 Nectar's 1 2 La Grange Alumni
1988-07-28 The Roma 2 2 La Grange 'A' Train
1988-08-03 Fly Me to the Moon Saloon 3 2 Whipping Post I Know a Little
1988-08-04 The Roma 1 1 Flat Fee McGrupp
1988-08-05 The Roma 1 2 Alumni ***
1988-08-22 Nectar's 9 1 Suzy ***
1988-09-12 Sam's Tavern 8 2 Satin Doll > TMWSIY
1988-09-24 Humphries House (The Zoo), A... 4 2 Bowie Walk Away
1988-10-29 Sculpture Room, Goddard College 2 1 Suzy > Time Loves a Hero
1988-11-03 Molly's Cafe 1 2 Walk Away Shaggy Dog
1988-11-05 Sigma Phi Fraternity, Hamilt... 2 2 Bold As Love Bag
1988-11-11 Old Stone Church 1 3 Bold As Love Whipping Post
1988-12-02 Molly's Cafe 1 2 Alumni Bowie
1988-12-10 The Red Barn, Hampshire College 2 1 Bowie Foam
1989-01-26 The Paradise 9 1 YEM 'A' Train
1989-02-07 The Front 5 2 Bag > Timber Ho
1989-02-18 Old Stone Church 4 1 Mockingbird > Walk Away
1989-03-03 Living and Learning Center, ... 5 2 Mockingbird SOAMelt
1989-03-04 The Wetlands Preserve 1 2 Fluffhead Antelope (Theme from I Dream of Jeannie tease)
1989-03-05 Anastasio's House ø 2 Contact So What
1989-03-13 Nectar's 3 2 Divided Fire
1989-03-14 Nectar's 1 3 Alumni La Grange
1989-04-14 The Base Lodge, Stearns Hall... 9 2 Bold As Love Sloth
1989-04-20 Humphries House (The Zoo), A... 3 2 SOAMelt Mike's
1989-04-27 Strafford Room, Memorial Uni... 3 1 Alumni > Whipping Post
1989-04-30 Night Stage 3 1 McGrupp Divided
1989-05-01 Pearl Street Ballroom 1 1 SOAMelt Golgi
1989-05-09 The Front 6 2 IDK Bold As Love
1989-05-13 The Orange Grove 2 2 Bold As Love Hood
1989-05-14 UMass Campus Pond 1 1 Divided Antelope
1989-05-20 Northfield/Mt. Hermon School... 3 1 YEM Wilson
1989-06-23 The Paradise 11 1 Weekapaug Antelope
1989-07-01 Les Foufounes Électriques 3 1 Divided Bowie
1989-08-17 The Front 4 2 YEM *** (Theme from I Dream of Jeannie tease)
1989-08-19 Collis Center, Dartmouth Col... 2 1 Mango Mike's
1989-08-23 The Living Room 1 2 Bag > Makisupa
1989-08-26 Townshend Family Park 2 e Contact La Grange
1989-10-01 The Front 12 2 SOAMelt ***
1989-10-07 Chase Hall, Bates College 2 2 Happy Birthday Bag
1989-10-10 The Front 1 1 Contact Bowie
1989-10-12 Mabel Brown Room, Keene Stat... 1 2 Walk Away ***
1989-10-21 The Front 4 1 Bag > Dog Log
1989-10-22 The Front 1 e Antelope ***
1989-10-26 The Wetlands Preserve 1 1 Wilson > Mike's
1989-10-31 Goddard College 2 2 Alumni > Highway to Hell (Theme from I Dream of Jeannie tease)
1989-11-09 Mission Park Dining Hall, Wi... 4 2 PYITE Mike's
1989-11-10 Sigma Phi House, Hamilton Co... 1 2 Sloth If I Only Had a Brain
1989-11-18 23 East Cabaret 3 1 Bag MSO
1989-11-30 The Paradise 1 1 Foam MSO
1989-12-01 The Paradise 1 2 Walk Away Mike's
1989-12-07 8x10 Club 5 2 Walk Away Antelope
1989-12-09 Huden Dining Hall, Castleton... 2 1 La Grange Foam
1989-12-16 Contois Auditorium, City Hall 2 1 Weekapaug In a Hole
1989-12-29 23 East Cabaret 1 1 Bag > Lawn Boy
1989-12-31 World Trade Center 2 1 Gin Satin Doll
1990-01-20 Webster Hall, Dartmouth College 4 1 Caravan Antelope
1990-01-29 The Haunt 5 2 *** If I Only Had a Brain
1990-02-16 The Paradise 12 2 Curtis Loew > ***
1990-02-22 Mabel Brown Room, Keene Stat... 2 1 Caravan Bowie
1990-02-24 The Bayou 2 2 Contact Caravan
1990-02-25 8x10 Club 1 2 Makisupa Fluffhead
1990-03-01 Toad's Place 1 2 *** GTBT
1990-03-02 The Chance 1 1 Coil Foam
1990-03-03 The Wetlands Preserve 1 1 Coil -> Oh Kee Pa
1990-03-07 Memorial Union Building 2 1 Caravan Bowie
1990-03-08 Aiko's 1 2 IDK Mike's
1990-03-11 The Front 3 1 Coil > > Possum
1990-03-17 23 East Cabaret 1 1 Donna Lee Antelope Lyrics changed to "he led them t... (Entrance of the Gladiators tease)
1990-03-28 Beta Hockey Team Party 2 2 JJLC SOAMelt
1990-04-04 Quigley's, University of Col... 4 2 Sloth IDK
1990-04-05 J.J. McCabe's 1 1 YEM > Fire
1990-04-07 El Dorado Café 2 1 Coil > Walk Away
1990-04-08 Fly Me to the Moon Saloon 1 2 Walk Away Slave
1990-04-12 The Inferno 2 2 Tweezer Runaway Jim
1990-04-21 Canyon West Room 6 2 Tweezer ***
1990-04-29 Woodbury Ski & Racquet Club 6 1 HYHU Fire
1990-05-04 The Colonial Theatre 2 1 YEM > ***
1990-05-11 The Living Room 6 2 Bag > Tweezer
1990-05-15 Hamilton College 3 1 Coil ***
1990-05-19 The Upper, St. Paul's School 1 1 YEM > Highway to Hell
1990-05-23 The Library 1 2 Tweezer La Grange
1990-06-02 Greenstreets 7 1 Possum Fire
1990-06-05 Cat's Cradle 1 2 MSO YEM
1990-06-07 The Bayou 2 1 YEM GTBT
1990-06-16 Townshend Family Park 3 2 YEM > Antelope
1990-09-13 The Wetlands Preserve 4 e *** ***
1990-09-14 The Living Room 1 2 Cavern Destiny
1990-09-20 Somerville Theatre 5 e *** ***
1990-09-22 Student Union Ballroom, Univ... 2 2 Stash Lawn Boy
1990-09-28 The Chance 2 1 Coil > Asse Festival
1990-10-01 The Haunt 3 1 Coil > Landlady
1990-10-04 Field House, UNH 2 1 Coil Destiny
1990-10-07 Club Bene 3 2 IDK > > GTBT
1990-10-13 Greenstreets 5 2 Foam Destiny
1990-10-17 The Pterodactyl Club 2 2 Possum If I Only Had a Brain
1990-10-30 El Dorado Café 8 e Paul and Silas > GTBT
1990-10-31 Armstrong Hall 1 1 Coil > Stash
1990-11-02 Glenn Miller Ballroom, Unive... 1 2 YEM IDK
1990-11-08 The Great Hall, University o... 4 1 Possum Foam
1990-11-09 Lounge Ax 1 1 Possum IDK
1990-11-10 Earlham College 1 1 Buried Alive > Mike's
1990-11-16 Campus Club 2 2 Paul and Silas > Runaway Jim (Theme from I Dream of Jeannie tease)
1990-11-24 The Capitol Theatre 2 1 Coil > Oh Kee Pa
1990-11-30 The Colonial Theatre 3 2 Stash Gumbo
1990-12-29 Campus Club 6 2 Runaway Jim Cavern
1991-02-04 The Front 5 2 Guelah Antelope
1991-02-07 Pickle Barrel Pub 1 2 Let's Go Sloth Aborted midway through the secon...
1991-02-08 The Music Hall 1 2 Bouncin' Antelope
1991-02-21 Trax 7 1 Llama MSO
1991-02-26 The Barrel House 2 2 Possum Mike's
1991-02-28 Sarratt Student Center, Vand... 2 2 HYHU ***
1991-03-09 Tipitina's 6 2 Bowie HYHU
1991-03-15 Gothic Theatre 2 1 Bag > Mike's
1991-03-17 Wheeler Opera House 2 1 Stash Bowie
1991-03-23 The Inferno 2 2 Tweezer Uncle Pen
1991-03-29 DNA Lounge 3 1 SOAMelt 'A' Train
1991-04-03 Britt Ballroom 3 1 Llama Paul and Silas
1991-04-05 Starry Night 2 2 Stash Sloth
1991-04-11 The Cave, Carleton College 2 2 TMWSIY > SOAMelt
1991-04-15 The Gathering Place, Norris ... 3 2 Landlady > Possum
1991-04-19 Nietzsche’s 3 1 Cavern Stash
1991-04-22 Billings Lounge, UVM 3 2 MSO > Highway to Hell
1991-04-27 The Capitol Theatre 3 1 Llama Suzy
1991-05-03 Somerville Theatre 2 1 Tweezer > Sweet Adeline
1991-05-10 Page Commons Room, Student C... 3 1 Buried Alive > Possum
1991-05-12 The Front 2 1 Stash Landlady
1991-05-16 The Sting 1 2 MSO GTBT
1991-05-18 The Marquee 2 2 HYHU > ***
1991-07-11 Battery Park 2 1 Stash Landlady Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-13 Berkshire Performing Arts Ce... 2 2 Paul and Silas > Stash Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-15 The Academy 2 1 Flat Fee Cavern Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-18 Hampton Casino Ballroom 1 2 SOAMelt Landlady Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-21 Arrowhead Ranch 3 1 SOAMelt Landlady Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-23 The Bayou 1 2 Cavern > Landlady Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-25 Cat's Cradle 2 2 JJLC > Gumbo Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-26 The Georgia Theatre 1 2 Sweet Adeline Happy Birthday Giant Country Horns.
1991-08-03 Amy's Farm 2 3 MSO Buried Alive
1991-09-26 State Theatre Of Ithaca 2 1 Guelah Foam
1991-09-28 The Rink 2 2 Lawn Boy > Poor Heart
1991-09-30 The Dugout Lounge, Ohio Univ... 2 2 Landlady > Tweeprise
1991-10-11 Backstage 7 1 YEM Llama
1991-10-18 Great American Music Hall 5 1 Llama Sweet Adeline
1991-10-24 Crystal Ballroom, Hotel St. ... 3 2 Weekapaug Uncle Pen
1991-10-30 Boulder Theater 4 1 Brother Possum
1991-11-14 Cat's Cradle 11 2 HYHU > Tweeprise
1991-11-22 Sullivan Gymnasium, Universi... 6 2 Llama YEM
1991-12-04 E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium, S... 4 2 Sparkle > CDT
1991-12-07 The Music Hall 3 2 Brother HYHU
1991-12-31 Worcester Memorial Auditorium 1 1 Stash Guelah
1992-03-11 The Colonial Theatre 3 2 Sloth Gin
1992-03-13 Campus Club 2 2 Landlady > MMGAMOIO
1992-03-20 Broome County Forum 4 1 Maze Mound
1992-03-26 Ziggy's 5 2 My Friend Cavern
1992-03-31 The Blue Note 4 2 Stash Cavern
1992-04-04 Balch Fieldhouse 3 1 Sparkle > IDK
1992-04-07 Fine Arts Auditorium, Fort L... 3 2 My Friend Maze
1992-04-13 After the Gold Rush 3 1 Stash Landlady
1992-04-16 Anaconda Theatre 2 2 Llama Mike's
1992-04-18 Wilbur Field, Stanford Unive... 2 2 Manteca Mound
1992-04-23 Oz Nightclub 4 2 Weekapaug NICU
1992-04-29 First Avenue 3 2 Llama Mike's
1992-05-01 The Rave 2 2 Mound Llama
1992-05-16 The Orpheum Theatre 12 1 Golgi Cavern
1992-07-10 Empire Court 12 1 Golgi Cavern
1992-07-15 Trax 4 1 CDT Antelope
1992-07-26 Big Birch 9 1 SOAMelt Llama
1992-11-20 Palace Theatre 22 1 Stash Memories
1992-11-25 Keswick Theatre 4 2 YEM Tweezer With "King of Prussia" lyrics ad...
1992-12-02 Newport Music Hall 5 1 Stash Sparkle
1992-12-05 The Vic Theatre 3 1 SOAMelt Mound
1992-12-08 Barrymore Theatre 3 2 It's Ice > Antelope
1992-12-11 Michigan Theater 2 1 Stash CDT
1992-12-28 Palace Theatre 3 2 YEM > > HYHU
1993-02-04 Providence Performing Arts C... 5 1 Stash Sample (Theme from Speed Racer tease)
1993-02-09 Auditorium Theatre 4 2 Stash > HYHU
1993-02-11 Haas Center for the Arts 2 2 HYHU Cavern
1993-02-13 Bob Carpenter Center 2 2 Tweezer > Llama
1993-02-18 Electric Ballroom 3 2 Stash PYITE
1993-02-21 Roxy Theatre 3 2 Stash -> Gin
1993-02-23 The Edge Night Club 2 2 Stash -> PYITE
1993-03-02 Tipitina's 4 2 Tweezer > Llama (Theme from Speed Racer tease)
1993-03-08 Sweeney Center 4 2 YEM Amazing Grace
1993-03-13 Balch Fieldhouse 3 2 Tweezer It's Ice
1993-03-19 The Greek Theatre 5 2 Sample Mike's (Blue Monk tease)
1993-03-22 Crest Theatre 2 2 It's Ice > > Tela
1993-03-28 East Gym, Humboldt State Uni... 5 1 SOAMelt Sloth
1993-04-02 Mt. Baker Theatre 5 2 Weekapaug BBJ
1993-04-16 The Macauley Theater 8 2 Maze Mike's
1993-04-22 The Agora Theatre 5 2 Tweezer > BBJ (Theme from Speed Racer tease)
1993-04-27 Concert Hall 4 2 Maze BBJ
1993-05-02 Tower Theatre 4 2 YEM BBJ (Theme from Speed Racer tease)
1993-05-07 Bangor Auditorium 4 1 Caravan Horn (Charge! tease)
1993-07-15 Cayuga County Fairgrounds 4 2 Faht Walk Away
1993-07-25 Waterloo Village 8 2 Maze BBJ
1993-07-28 Grady Cole Center 2 2 Antelope Mound
1993-08-03 Bayfront Park Amphitheater 5 2 YEM Sparkle
1993-08-12 Meadow Brook Music Festival 6 2 Tweezer Sloth
1993-08-15 The Macauley Theater 3 2 Tweezer Landlady
1993-08-26 Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall 7 2 JJLC HYHU
1993-12-28 Bender Arena 2 2 My Friend -> Sloth
1993-12-31 The Centrum 3 3 SOAMelt Sparkle
1994-04-06 Concert Hall 3 1 Stash Sample
1994-04-13 Beacon Theatre 5 1 Stash Julius
1994-04-16 Mullins Center, University o... 3 2 Tweezer -> Julius
1994-04-21 Lawrence Joel Veterans Memor... 4 1 SOAMelt DwD
1994-05-02 Five Points South Music Hall 9 2 Golgi Julius
1994-05-12 Buena Vista Theater 7 1 Gin -> Sample
1994-05-14 Montezuma Hall, SDSU 2 2 FEFY Cavern
1994-05-19 Silva Concert Hall, Hult Cen... 3 2 Weekapaug Julius
1994-05-27 Warfield Theatre 7 2 Reba Julius
1994-06-10 Red Rocks Amphitheatre 4 1 Bowie Cavern (Fanfare for the Common Man tease)
1994-06-19 State Theater 7 1 Julius Axilla (Part II)
1994-06-26 Municipal Auditorium 6 1 Llama > > Tela
1994-07-03 The Ballpark 5 2 SOAMelt Bouncin'
1994-07-08 Great Woods 3 1 NO2 > > Tela
1994-07-16 Summerstage at Sugarbush North 6 1 Stash Cavern
1994-10-12 Orpheum Theatre 5 1 SOAMelt Guelah
1994-10-21 Sunrise Musical Theatre 7 1 Stash Dog Faced Boy
1994-10-25 Atlanta Civic Center 3 1 SOAMelt Sample
1994-10-28 Gaillard Auditorium 3 2 Bowie Peaches
1994-11-02 Bangor Auditorium 3 2 Possum Sample
1994-11-13 Warner Theatre 4 2 Divided Tweezer
1994-11-16 Hill Auditorium, University ... 2 1 Axilla (Part II) Stash
1994-11-22 Jesse Auditorium, University... 6 e *** ***
1994-11-26 The Orpheum Theatre 3 2 Sweet Adeline Sample
1994-12-02 Recreation Hall, University ... 4 1 It's Ice > Stash
1994-12-08 Spreckels Theatre 5 1 Simple -> WMGGW
1994-12-10 Civic Auditorium 2 1 Stash Sample
1994-12-29 Providence Civic Center 2 2 Halley's > HYHU
1995-06-13 Riverport Amphitheater 8 2 Bowie Axilla (Part II)
1995-06-23 Waterloo Village 8 2 Runaway Jim -> Wedge
1995-06-30 Great Woods 6 1 Wedge Mound
1995-07-03 Summerstage at Sugarbush North 3 2 Bag > > BBFCFM Aborted.
1995-10-02 Seattle Center Arena 5 2 Hello My Baby Antelope
1995-10-06 The Orpheum Theatre 3 1 Free Sample
1995-10-13 Will Rogers Auditorium 4 2 Keyboard Army WMGGW
1995-10-15 Austin Music Hall 2 2 Tweezer -> Sample
1995-10-21 Pershing Auditorium 4 1 Kung > Strange Design
1995-10-28 The Palace of Auburn Hills 5 1 Sample Billy Breathes
1995-11-09 The Fox Theatre 3 2 Julius Gin
1995-11-22 USAir Arena 10 1 Taste That Surrounds Sample
1995-11-30 Ervin J. Nutter Center, Wrig... 5 1 FEFY > Fire
1995-12-05 Mullins Center, University o... 4 1 Taste That Surrounds Free
1995-12-12 Providence Civic Center 5 2 DwD -> > Simple
1995-12-17 Olympic Center 4 1 Stash CDT
1995-12-31 MSG 4 2 Drowned -> Axilla (Part II)
1996-07-11 Shepherd's Bush Empire 9 2 Maze HYHU
1996-08-06 Red Rocks Amphitheatre 15 1 Theme > Dinner and a Movie
1996-08-13 Deer Creek 4 2 Bag > Mike's
1996-08-17 Plattsburgh Air Force Base 3 1 CTB Sample
1996-10-17 Bryce Jordan Center 2 2 Free Star Spangled Banner
1996-10-23 Hartford Civic Center 5 2 Tweezer > Llama Bob Gullotti on a second drum set.
1996-11-02 Coral Sky Amphitheater 6 1 Stash Free Karl Perazzo on percussion.
1996-11-09 The Palace of Auburn Hills 5 1 SOAMelt Character Zero
1996-12-04 Sports Arena 16 1 Character Zero Bowie
1996-12-29 CoreStates Spectrum 3 2 Gin -> YEM
1997-02-21 Tenax 9 1 DwD > C&P
1997-08-08 New World Music Theatre 39 1 Gumbo > Dirt
1997-12-05 CSU Convocation Center 22 2 Slave > Loving Cup
1998-04-04 Providence Civic Center 13 2 Ghost -> Bowie
1998-07-29 Riverport Amphitheater 21 2 Bag > Tube
1998-08-09 GTE Virginia Beach Amphitheater 8 1 Gin Moma
1998-10-30 Thomas & Mack Center 11 1 Guelah Cavern
1998-11-18 BI-LO Center 12 2 Wolfman's -> Moma
1999-07-12 Tweeter Center 21 2 Bowie Guyute
1999-08-01 Naeba Ski Resort 15 2 Wedge YEM
1999-09-24 South Park Meadows 12 2 Wolfman's -> Sand
1999-12-08 Cumberland County Civic Center 18 2 Dog Faced Boy YEM
2000-06-15 Big Cat 23 2 DwD > Bike
2000-07-04 E Centre 11 1 Stash TMWSIY
2000-07-14 Polaris Amphitheater 7 2 Sand > Weekapaug
2000-09-15 Hersheypark Stadium 8 2 Piper > Tube
2000-09-25 Sandstone Amphitheatre 7 1 DwD > Tweezer
2003-07-22 Verizon Wireless Music Center 36 2 Friday WotC
2003-08-03 Loring Commerce Centre 9 3 Julius > Secret Smile
2009-06-07 Susquehanna Bank Center 35 1 46 Days Wedge
2009-06-20 Alpine Valley 8 2 Ghost -> YEM
2010-07-02 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... 49 2 Twenty Years Later > Carini
2010-08-07 William Randolph Hearst Gree... 5 e *** First Tube
2010-10-24 Mullins Center, University o... 19 2 Free > Brother
2011-06-04 Blossom Music Center 16 2 Piper -> Sneakin' Sally
2012-06-23 First Niagara Pavilion 41 e *** ***
2012-08-24 Oak Mountain Amphitheatre 16 2 R&R -> Halley's
2012-09-02 Dick's 7 2 Twenty Years Later > Hood
2013-07-21 Northerly Island 17 2 Ghost -> Harpua
2013-12-31 MSG 28 2 Icculus SOAMelt
2014-07-30 nTelos Pavilion 21 e *** ***
2015-08-07 Blossom Music Center 34 2 Tweezer > Makisupa
2016-01-02 MSG 17 e *** Tweeprise
2016-07-09 Xfinity Theatre 15 e *** Loving Cup
2016-09-04 Dick's 13 2 Light > First Tube
2017-08-05 MSG 37 2 Light > Horse
2017-09-02 Dick's 3 e *** Antelope
2018-07-25 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium 12 e *** ***
2018-10-19 Hampton Coliseum 17 e *** ***
2018-12-31 MSG 15 e *** Character Zero
2019-06-26 Darling's Waterfront Pavilion 14 e *** Suzy
2019-12-06 North Charleston Coliseum 21 2 LxL > Suzy (Theme from Speed Racer tease)
2020-02-21 Moon Palace 8 1 Plasma > Gin (Theme from Speed Racer tease)
2021-08-10 Hersheypark Stadium 12 2 BDTNL > > Character Zero
2021-09-01 Shoreline Amphitheatre 9 2 *** Tweezer
2021-10-26 Santa Barbara Bowl 12 e Meatstick > > A Life Beyond The Dream
2021-10-30 MGM Grand 3 2 Bug > Farmhouse
2022-02-24 Moon Palace 3 1 *** Moma
2022-06-03 Ruoff Music Center 13 2 Ruby Waves > Fluffhead
2022-07-30 Merriweather 14 1 Strawberry Letter 23 -> ***
2022-08-12 Alpine Valley 8 e *** More (Theme from Speed Racer tease)
2023-08-04 MSG 40 2 A Life Beyond The Dream WMGGW
2023-12-31 MSG 19 2 TMWSIY > > PYITE Off-stage backing chorus.
2024-07-27 Alpine Valley 15 1 My Soul Bowie

"The Lizards" was teased at the following shows

Show Date Artist Song (Tease Type) Venue
1990-11-02 Phish David Bowie (Tease) Glenn Miller Ballroom, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
1992-07-15 Phish Run Like an Antelope (Tease) Trax, Charlottesville, VA, USA
1992-11-19 Phish Run Like an Antelope (Tease) Ross Arena, St. Michael's College, Colchester, VT, USA
1993-02-20 Phish Mike's Song (Tease) Roxy Theatre, Atlanta, GA, USA
1994-12-04 Phish Possum (Tease) Acker Gym, Chico State University, Chico, CA, USA
1995-11-11 Phish Ya Mar (Tease) The Fox Theatre, Atlanta, GA, USA
1997-07-10 Phish Jam (Tease) Espace Julien, Marseilles, France
1998-08-02 Phish David Bowie (Tease) Deer Creek Music Center, Noblesville, IN, USA
2003-12-28 Phish Jam (Tease) American Airlines Arena, Miami, FL, USA
2011-06-04 Phish Harry Hood (Tease) Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, USA
2017-08-06 Phish You Enjoy Myself (Quote) Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA
2021-09-01 Phish Tweezer (Tease) Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA, USA
2022-02-24 Phish Tweezer (Tease) Moon Palace, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico
2024-12-31 Phish What's Going Through Your Mind (Quote) Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA

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Yellow indicates you were in attendance.
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This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.

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