January: 20 | 25 | 27
February: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 26 | 27 | 28
March: 01 | 02 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 19 | 22 | 23 | 25 | 28 | 29 | 31
April: 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 15 | 16 | 16 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 25 | 26 | 27
May: 02 | 03 | 04 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
July: 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27
August: 03
September: 01 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
October: 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 15 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 23 | 24 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 30 | 31
November: 01 | 02 | 04 | 05 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 30 | 30
December: 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 31

Divided Sky was dedicated to Chris Gainty, who was seeing his first show since a car accident had left him in a coma five months earlier. Trey played with a voice box on stage that uttered curses during Sparkle, Esther, and Wilson. Trey teased Auld Lang Syne in Buried Alive. Antelope contained an Earache My Eye tease from Page and Nellie Kane teases from Mike. Weekapaug included Lion Sleeps Tonight teases. Prior to the encore, Trey mentioned the new Minkin painting Mike's mom had given to the band. Per Fish's request, Chris Kuroda subsequently used different lights on the painting. Lawn Boy featured Trey playing The Christmas Song during his solo. This show is available as an archival release on LivePhish.

Soundcheck: Memories, Dog Log, Blues Jam, Shaggy Dog, Makisupa Policeman -> Blues Jam, Take the ‘A’ Train

SET 1: Wilson > Runaway Jim, Foam, Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird > My Sweet One, Stash, The Curtain > Cavern > The Mango Song > Run Like an Antelope

SET 2: Buried Alive > Reba, Chalk Dust Torture, Sparkle, Brother, The Lizards, Hold Your Head Up > Terrapin > Hold Your Head Up, Harpua

ENCORE: Sweet Adeline[1], Golgi Apparatus

Trey felt so generous during the trampoline giveaway before Sweet Adeline that he decided to give Fish away as well, pushing him into the crowd. He also teased The Christmas Song before and during Buried Alive. Harpua included Dog Log teases from Page and Mike. Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones.

Soundcheck: Memories (x2), Dog Log, Blues Jam, Shaggy Dog, Makisupa Policeman

SET 1: Memories[1], Foam, Reba, Uncle Pen, The Squirming Coil > Magilla > The Landlady, Guelah Papyrus[2], I Didn't Know

SET 2: It's Ice > Eliza > Sparkle, You Enjoy Myself[3] > Horn > Divided Sky, Tela > Llama, Hold Your Head Up > Whipping Post[4] > Hold Your Head Up, Possum -> Wait[5] -> Possum[6]

ENCORE: Wait, Lawn Boy > Rocky Top

Memories was performed without microphones. Magilla contained Dixie and Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered (Rogers and Hart) teases from Trey. Guelah was aborted due to problems with Trey’s guitar. YEM included Charlie Chan and Oom Pa Pa signals, while Wait included Charlie Chan and Simpsons signals. After Possum returned, Wait was introduced as The Weight and Page quoted The Weight. Possum eventually ended with a Charlie Chan signals. Whipping Post featured Fish on vocals and fretless guitar. During Lawn Boy, Trey, who was introduced by Page as Lawn Boy, teased The Christmas Song.

The Possum intro contained a For the Love of Money tease from Mike, Mike's Song included Good Times (more popularly known as Rapper's Delight) teases from Mike, and My Sweet One contained a Barracuda tease.

The long David Bowie intro contained a Silver Bells tease from Page, three Charlie Chan signals, and Simpsons, Popeye, Random Note, and Random Laugh signals. The band responded to the Popeye signal by singing a random note, which is the Random Note signal's "secret language." Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones. This show was moved from the originally scheduled Angel Ballroom to this venue for unknown reasons. The opening act was The Authority.

SET 1: Underground People, Tone Clone, Question Air, Dimension Extension, Stop the Revolution, Don't Let it Stop Ya [1]

During Shockra’s set opening for Phish, Fish sat in on vacuum during Don’t Let it Stop Ya.

I Didn’t Know featured Fish on the mouthpiece of his trombone. Divided and Hood contained Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered teases by Trey. Hood also included a DEG tease from Trey. Antelope contained Charlie Chan and Simpsons signals. The opening act was Shockra.

During the Bowie intro, Trey presented monogrammed bathrobes to the crew for their dedication and hard work, with Chris Kuroda taking a light solo at Trey's request when his name was mentioned. The crowd passed the bathrobes from the stage to the crew. The Bowie intro also featured two Charlie Chan signals and Random Laugh and Simpsons signals. YEM featured a tease of The Christmas Song from Trey and a Frankenstein tease from Page. Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones.

Before Chalk Dust, Trey noted that the band was finishing a nine-week national tour and proceeded to thank and introduce the tour crew, who he proclaimed “the very best in the business.” Weekapaug contained a brief Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered tease from Trey. After Eliza, Trey commented that he wrote the song for his girlfriend (now wife) Susan Eliza, who was in the audience. Dave Grippo sat in on alto saxophone during the encore. Grippo, Mike, and Fish briefly teased St. Thomas during one of the breaks in BBFCFM.

This show was a benefit for James Bay, with proceeds benefiting organizations fighting the James Bay hydroelectric projects. Reba contained a Dave's Energy Guide tease from Trey. Weekapaug included Charlie Chan and Simpsons signals and On Broadway teases. Hood contained a Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered tease from Trey. Memories and Sweet Adeline were performed without microphones.

Possum included a Rhapsody in Blue tease from Trey. Before YEM, Trey announced that the second set would feature a special guest on guitar who has influenced Trey for years. The “special guest” turned out to be Fish, who added some atrocious fretless guitar stylings to Bike. Cavern, Magilla and Brother featured Carl Gerhard on trumpet, who teased the Flintstones theme during Magilla.

Before Wilson, Trey brought a fan named "Wesley" on-stage and wished him a happy birthday. Trey proceeded to dedicate the song to him. Weekapaug contained Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered (Rogers and Hart) and Divided Sky teases from Trey. The Bowie intro contained two Charlie Chan signals as well as Simpsons and Oom Pa Pa signals.

Wilson, My Sweet One, and the YEM vocal jam contained Mrs. Pizza Shit references. YEM was preceded by introductions of lots of friends and family, and was halted and restarted by Trey so that he can confirm that Phish had indeed changed their name to “Mrs. Pizza Shit.” YEM contained a Brady Bunch theme tease from Mike. The subsequent vocal jam contained William Tell Overture quotes. At one point during the show, Trey even grabbed a slice of pizza from a passing waitress and used it to strum the guitar. Sanity was teased before and during Terrapin.

Prior to the start of the show, Fish announced that Phish had changed their name to Mrs. Pizza Shit. Chalk Dust, Llama, Poor Heart, Harry Hood, and the conclusion of both sets (as well as the start of the second set) all featured references to Mrs. Pizza Shit. Poor Heart and Hood also had bandmembers calling each other "Mrs. Pizza Shit." Page teased Blue Monk during the Rhombus Narration. In Lawn Boy, Page referred to Trey as "Lawn Boy" prior to him taking a guitar solo. Before Love You, Fish apologized for not wearing his Zero Man outfit, explaining that he didn't have his jock strap with him. He said that the last time he was there some girl said "Hey you can see his balls!" and so that was it for Zero Man without the jock strap. Possum contained two Charlie Chan signals and Simpsons and Popeye signals (but, notably, the band responded to the Popeye signal by singing a random note, which is the Random Note signal's "secret language").

Brother was dedicated to Trey’s sister, Kristy. Dinner and a Movie, Cantaloupe, and Tweezer contained Smells Like Teen Spirit quotes. Cantaloupe was played for the first time since March 11, 1990 (225 shows). ‘A’ Train included Frosty the Snowman and We Wish You a Merry Christmas teases and a Charlie Chan signal at the end. The YEM vocal jam was based on "chicken sandwich" and burgers.

Terrapin was announced as the “restrained version” and Fish as the “Master of Restraint.” In response, Fish sang only one out of every few words to the song. Trey also clarified during the show that Colonel Forbin is not to be mistaken for Colonel (Bruce) Hampton. Bowie was preceded by a Funk #49 tease. The Bowie intro included HYHU teases, four Charlie Chan signals and Popeye, Simpsons, Oom Pa Pa, and Random Laugh signals. The band responded to the Popeye signal by singing a random note, which is the Random Note signal's "secret language." Trey teased Dave's Energy Guide in Possum. Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones.

Trey teased Possum before the second set opener. Love You featured band introductions. Antelope included a Dixie tease from Trey, a foul-up near the end when Fish attempted to end the song too early, and Charlie Chan and Simpsons signals during the final rave-up. BBFCFM contained a Brady Bunch theme tease from Mike. Memories was performed without microphones.

This show featured the first Rhombus Narration since April 6, 1990 (212 shows). Cavern contained a Simpsons signal. Memories was performed without microphones. Llama was preceded by a Gamehendge narration. Duke's Place (Duke Ellington) is listed as the encore on the master tape in the archives. The encore is not on the tape, so this may be an inside joke, a comment on the house music played post-show, or reference to Phish's first known performance of the song. The soundcheck's Dog Log contained additional lyrics about Colorado promoter and friend "Dandy" Don Strasburg. Information about the soundcheck and possible encore comes from phish.com.

Trey and Mike teased Curtain several times before the start of the show. Before Sparkle, Trey thanked the Atlanta, GA crowd for their general attentiveness, noting that Artis the Spoonman always said: “the best thing you can give to another person is your attention.” Mike welcomed his cousins who were in attendance. Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones. Tweezer contained several quick Band on the Run teases from Trey. The HYHU preceding Terrapin featured Trey and Page singing “Henrietta” vocals. My Sweet One was first sung as a gospel tune, without drums and with Fish singing lead, and then done again normally. Possum featured a Rhapsody in Blue tease from Trey, two Charlie Chan signals and a Simpsons signal.

Divided Sky contained a tease of Dixie.  Self through Crimes of the Mind (including the Phish debuts of T.V. Show and Family Picture) featured The Dude of Life. Paul and Silas was dedicated to “Jason” on his birthday. Weekapaug included Charlie Chan and Simpsons signals and an adventurous, off-center jam segment culminating with Trey chanting “a slice of pizza!” and “a bucket of lard!” The final chorus was even sung as “I’m sharing in a bucket of lard.” During the soundcheck, The Dude of Life joined the band for Family Picture, T.V. Show, and Crimes of the Mind, and Camel Walk contained a Stash tease from Trey. This show was not at the College Station Theater; that show was on March 8, 1991.

Memories was performed without microphones. Bowie through Love You featured members of The Aquarium Rescue Unit. Reba and Bowie contained DEG teases. Bowie also included a Heartbreaker tease from Mike. A Train contained an Entrance of the Gladiators tease from Col. Bruce Hampton while he was scatting and a Dixie tease from Trey. Hampton also briefly scatted in the first HYHU. Possum contained Barney Miller theme and I Can't Turn You Loose teases in the intro and four Charlie Chan signals and Simpsons, Oom Pa Pa, Random Laugh, and Key Change signals. Love You featured Fish on trombone. Rocky Top was announced as the ARU’s favorite song. The second set of this show was remastered and released as part of the archival New Orleans Relief Download release to benefit victims of Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans Relief is available at LivePhish.com with all proceeds benefiting the Tipitina's Foundation and the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation. The Aquarium Rescue Unit was the opening act.

No known setlist

This show, with Aquarium Rescue Unit scheduled to open, was canceled. Some sources indicate that it was due to a problem with the venue’s roof.

Divided Sky was dedicated to Sun Ra. 'A' Train contained Dixie teases from Trey. Tweezer included Wait quotes from Trey. After Pusherman (Curtis Mayfield), Trey explained that Hold Your Head Up became the Henrietta theme (prompting teases of HYHU by Page and Mike) because Fish hates that song more than any song ever written except La Bamba (which was then also teased by Page and Mike); the Pusherman theme was offered because Fish likes that song. Trey noted that Stash was a request from some friends of theirs on the phish.net. Trey explained phish.net and that the band was honoring requests.

Memories was performed without microphones. The vocal jam in YEM repeated "a slice of pizza". During the costume contest, there was a brief full-band tease and quote of Jesus Just Left Chicago, inspired by a fan in a Jesus costume (with a cross on his back!). The first round of the contest closed with a rendition of I Can't Turn You Loose. After each unsuccessful entrant was eliminated, Trey forced them to stage-dive.  HYHU was also played briefly during the contest. First prize - free admission to all Phish shows for one year - was shared by The Bergen County Woman Cop and Captain Bong Hit. This show marked the first appearance of Wait, which was played three times during the show. During the final Wait, before Bowie, the audience was chanting “Fuck you!” in response. Bowie contained two Charlie Chan signals and Random Laugh and Oom Pa Pa signals during the jam. I Didn’t Know featured a vacuum solo by “Showboat Gertrude,” which continued well into the final verse of the song.

A complete recording of this show does not circulate, and so the setlist is unconfirmed. In the "jam" that is believed to have started the encore and HYHU, Fish played guitar. Before HYHU concluded, Fish and Page told jokes. Fire was dedicated to “Ralph.”

I Didn't Know featured Fish on trombone. The Bowie intro contained two Charlie Chan signals as well as Oom Pa Pa and Simpsons signals. The lyrics to Gin were altered to reference a hot tub, referencing some friends who had partied at the hotel hot tub earlier that day. Harpua included On Top of Old Smokey teases from Mike. La Bamba was teased in the first HYHU and after the second HYHU. Whipping Post (first since November 26, 1990, or 111 shows) featured Fish on vocals, his hilariously inept debut on fretless guitar, and a Take Me Out to the Ballgame tease from Fish.

Trey shaved his head and beard the day before this show and was apparently the butt of several jokes from friends and fans. The vocal jam in You Enjoy Myself was based on The Ocean (Led Zeppelin) and eventually developed into Fish singing Setting Sail while the rest of the band scatted and laughed.

Before the first set, Trey introduced Mike as “Lou Reed.” After Foam, Trey mentioned how happy he was to be playing at Prescott College, which, he announced, is very similar to Goddard. I Didn't Know featured Fish on trombone. The Bowie intro contained three Charlie Chan signals as well as Oom Pa Pa, Simpsons, and Random Laugh signals. Bowie subsequently contained another Charlie Chan signal and a Tritone Down signal during the jam and maniacal screaming from Trey and Mike during the end segment. After Bowie, Trey introduced “Fern,” who read poetry during the setbreak. Fish was introduced as “Showboat Gertrude” before Terrapin; he explained that the name is derived from that of the Indian singer Shobha Gurtu. Tube was played for the first time since November 16, 1990 (111 shows). Memories and Sweet Adeline were performed without microphones.

After a false start to the song, the first verse of My Sweet One was performed a cappella. The entire song was subsequently performed in its usual rendition. During Terrapin, Mimi Fishman substituted for Fish on vacuum. She was announced as “Showboat Gertrude’s Mother.”

Trey said he wrote Foam under Ernie Stires's wing and that Ernie taught him to write in that particular style. He dedicated Foam to Ernie's two children Ernie and Liz (both in attendance) and to Ernie as well. Adeline was performed without microphones. Brother was dedicated to Page's brother and Mike's brother (who were standing somewhere in the room), with Trey joking that it was "written to sort of describe their personalities... sort of a combination of the two." Guelah was introduced as a song "about a mother." He explained that this was about Dave's (Dave Abrahams's) mother, Guelah, who used to come in when he and Dave were writing songs and that when "things were getting fun," she would knock on and open the door and pull Dave out into the hall, hence the line "and through the bedroom door intrude a fretful frown and spoiled the mood. And though I never really stand that tall, she tilt my frame, she watched me fall." Fish was introduced during I Didn't Know as "Filling in for Showboat Gertrude... Zero Man!" Walk Away was played for the first time since October 20, 1990 (123 shows). Mo' Better Blues was teased prior to Squirming Coil.

YEM contained a Take Me Out to the Ball Game tease from Trey. Suzy contained a Spider-Man theme tease and a T.V. Show (The Dude of Life) quote from Trey. Memories was performed without microphones. Harry Hood contained a Dave’s Energy Guide tease from Trey. Small Fish was the opening act. The soundcheck's My Sweet One was performed a cappella.

The first set was almost a complete Gamehendge narration and was the second time the saga was performed live. Forbin's through McGrupp featured narration between the songs. This was the first Gamehendge since March 12, 1988 (442 shows). Reba contained a DEG tease from Trey. After Love You, Trey introduced Fish as "Hankrietta" and "the shortest man in rock and roll." The Bowie intro included a hi-hat “solo” from Fish, while Trey explained how Fish’s hi-hat serves as his escape from reality and joked that if the fans wanted to come to the next gig, they'd be introduced to Fish's ice bell. The Bowie intro also included three Charlie Chan signals and Oom Pa Pa, Simpsons, and Popeye signals (but, notably, the band responded to the Popeye signal by singing a random note, which is the Random Note signal's "secret language"). Carolina was performed without microphones.

This show featured a guest appearance by Artis the Spoonman for Brother and from Brain through Rocky Top. Also, someone (perhaps Trey) played a strange pipe or flute during Brain.

Chalk Dust contained Charlie Chan and Simpsons signals and the David Bowie intro contained two Charlie Chan signals as well as Simpsons and Oom Pa Pa signals. There was also a quick Dave's Energy Guide tease by Trey near the end of the song. The YEM vocal jam was based on "pubic hair in your coke," a reference to the day's earlier testimony by Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas hearings. Adeline was performed without microphones.

Llama contained multiple false starts. Memories was performed without microphones. Antelope contained Take Me Out to the Ballgame teases by Trey. Copies of this show typically circulated with Alumni Blues and Lizards filler (from an unknown show) at the end of set I.

This show featured some great stage banter. Brother was dedicated to “the guy who offered us $10,000 to play a different song.” In the HYHU intro, Fish said “I hate this fucking song,” that the only reason the band plays the song is because he hates it and added “All I have do in this band is say I hate something, and it’ll be done forever.” Trey told the crowd that HYHU is the Henrietta theme precisely because Fish hates it. “It used to be ‘La Bamba,’” he noted, prompting Mike to play a bit of La Bamba. The HYHU outro featured Fish on trombone and later telling the crowd "you paid for this, this is what you bought." Trey said "If you only knew what a nightmare that was for poor Fish, having to listen to that song" and Fish responded with “they just do it out of HATE.” Trey asked who could tell him who wrote that song, and a fan answered correctly. Trey said the fan won the $10,000 the other guy was going to give them to a play a song and Page said the fan won a date with Fish, with Trey adding "and you can guarantee that he'll be late." After Golgi, Trey thanked the crowd, saying "we'll be right back with more songs that Fish hates, more songs that we love, and more songs that people are willing to pay $10,000 to hear." Trey introduced Page as Leon before his piano solos in My Sweet One and Rocky Top. Before Fish's trombone solo in I Didn't Know, Trey mentioned the last time they played in the area (see 4/11/91), they made Fish get up and tell a joke (The Prison Joke) that was "absolutely the stupidest joke ever" and that he (Trey) wasn't going tell the punchline. Trey went on to explain that most people around here thought Fish was a pretty bad joke teller and he wanted to give him a chance to redeem himself.  Fish's joke was "Why did the Siamese twins go to England? To let the other one drive for a while." Page also teased HYHU while Trey talked. Adeline was sung from the balcony without microphones to open the encore. Possum contained two Charlie Chan signals as well as Simpsons and Random Laugh signals in its intro and subsequently contained Rock On (David Essex) teases.

Memories and Adeline were performed without microphones. During the pause in Guelah, Trey welcomed everyone to the Hemp Festival (“Free the weed!” Mike exclaimed). Magilla contained a Wedding March tease from Trey. After Runaway Jim, Trey introduced “a very famous person” in the audience, John Basili. “Stephen King was at a gig recently,” he noted, “but this is much more exciting.” Coil contained a Linus and Lucy tease.

Possum contained Wedding March teases from Trey. Yours Is No Disgrace was teased by Trey before Paul and Silas. Coil featured an interesting Dixieland-style jam outro that segued into a dissonant and intense Tweezer. Memories was performed without microphones.

Chalk Dust contained Charlie Chan and Simpsons signals. Memories was performed without microphones. Possum contained a Rhapsody in Blue tease from Trey.

Possum contained two Charlie Chan signals and Simpsons and Clapping signals. Happy Birthday was performed by Trey (on drums), Page, and Mike and was sung by Fish and the crowd. At the beginning of Love You, Fish said "It's the birthday boy's choice" and Trey responded "It's my birthday and I want to hear Honey Love You."

The David Bowie intro contained Charlie Chan and Simpsons signals. Memories was performed without microphones.

Memories was performed without microphones. Before Llama, an award was presented for longest distance traveled for any Phish gig to Henry Petras, who traveled to Amy’s Farm from Palo Alto, California. During Weekapaug, Trey soloed while riding through the crowd on rollerblades. BBFCFM featured I Love Lucy theme teases and Antelope featured a Simpsons signal (without the "D'oh" response). After Brother, Trey wished a happy birthday to “Dmitri.”

This show marked the first performance of Glide. The final verse of Runaway Jim was omitted. Trey teased portions of Esther during the Buried Alive jam segment. The second set was preceded by an announcement that cars blocking the alley outside would be towed. It led to some humorous vocal interplay among the band members. Before his vacuum solo in I Didn’t Know, Fish was introduced as “The Earl of Sandwich.” The start of the YEM vocal jam contained many Homer Simpson "D'ohs." Fish quoted Setting Sail at the end of the vocal jam.

During Bowie, Fish filled in with chants of “Dr. Seuss” in counterpoint to the lyrics. Memories and Sweet Adeline were performed without microphones.

This show marked the first performances of Brother, It’s Ice, Sparkle, and All Things Reconsidered. Reba contained two Simpsons signals (without the "D'oh" response) and Possum had a Rhapsody in Blue tease from Trey and Charlie Chan and Simpsons signals. Chalk Dust contained four Charlie Chan signals and Key Change, Tritone Down, Clapping, and Random Laugh signals. Cavern and Jesus Just Left Chicago featured Carl Gerhard on trumpet.

SET 1: Magilla, I Didn't Know, My Sweet One, Take the 'A' Train, Donna Lee

SET 2: Unknown Song, Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home?, Contact, Sweet Adeline

For this performance, Trey played a different guitar (not a Languedoc), Mike played his Languedoc bass, Page played a single electric keyboard and Fish a mini drum kit on the porch. I Didn't Know featured Mimi Fishman playing a standard, stand-up, household vacuum. The World is Waiting for the Sunrise and an unknown song were sung and played without the band by Jack and Mary Ellen McConnell on ukuleles (possibly lightly accompanied by Page on keys) prior to Phish's second set. A second unknown song and Bill Bailey featured Jack McConnell joining the band on ukulele and vocals.

Soundcheck: Poor Heart, Crimes of the Mind (with The Dude of Life), Bitchin' Again (with The Dude of Life)

SET 1: Wilson > Foam, Runaway Jim, Guelah Papyrus, Llama, Fee, The Squirming Coil > Poor Heart > The Sloth, Divided Sky, Golgi Apparatus

SET 2: The Curtain > Reba > Chalk Dust Torture, Bouncing Around the Room > Tweezer > Esther > Cavern, I Didn't Know, You Enjoy Myself[1], Rocky Top

SET 3: Stash, Ya Mar, Fluffhead > Lawn Boy > My Sweet One, The Lizards, Buried Alive[2] > Possum

ENCORE: Magilla, Self[3], Bitchin' Again[4], Crimes of the Mind[5]

ENCORE 2: Harry Hood

This was a free show. YEM and Possum featured I Love Lucy theme teases. YEM also featured an infamous "no gerbils in your bottom" vocal jam. The theme from Rawhide was also quoted in the vocal jam. Buried Alive featured Jamie Janover on didgeridoo. Self, Bitchin' Again, and Crimes of the Mind (the last two Phish debuts) featured The Dude of Life, and Bitchin' Again also featured Sofi Dillof. Self was played for the first time since September 13, 1990 (121 shows). Mike and Fish teased Shoeless Joe before set three and the encore. Trey teased Rhythm-A-Ning in Magilla.

This one-set show, opening for The Aquarium Rescue Unit, concluded the summer "Horns Tour." It featured the Giant Country Horns on Suzy through Stash, Avenu Malkenu, Possum, Landlady, Mike's, Weekapaug, and the encore. Suzy contained a Sailor's Hornpipe tease from Trey. During I Didn't Know, Fish was introduced as Willard Scott. Possum contained Charlie Chan and Oom Pa Pa signals.

This show featured the Giant Country Horns on Suzy, Cavern, Avenu, Buried Alive through Funky Bitch, Tweezer, and Lizards through Melt. The Horns were introduced after Landlady. Stash was dedicated to a fan. YEM included a Chameleon tease by the Horns and Manteca quotes in the vocal jam. Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones. After Lizards, the band sang Happy Birthday to Chris Kuroda and played a short Happy Birthday jam with the horns. Tweezer Reprise started as Tweezer. In between Frankenstein and Melt, the Horns introduced the members of Phish. Page teased HYHU when Fish was introduced. Melt included a Munsters theme tease from Trey. The Aquarium Rescue Unit was the opening act.

This show featured the Giant Country Horns from Suzy through AC/DC Bag, Cavern through Golgi, and Poor Heart through the encore. Trey called Page "Chaz" prior to his solo in My Sweet One. Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones. The Antelope intro included Jean Pierre teases, Magilla contained an Anything Goes tease from Carl Gearhart, and Weekapaug included a Superstition tease. Gumbo included Horn introductions.

Soundcheck: Poor Heart (x2), Gimme Three Steps, Jazz Jam, Dinner and a Movie Intro (x3), Sesame Street Theme -> Jam -> Superstition, Caravan, Poor Heart -> Funky Bitch -> I'm Bad I'm Nationwide

SET 1: Golgi Apparatus > Chalk Dust Torture, The Squirming Coil > Buried Alive[1] > Split Open and Melt[1], Bathtub Gin[1], The Landlady[1], Cavern[1], Tela, You Enjoy Myself

SET 2: Possum, Guelah Papyrus, David Bowie[1], Jesus Just Left Chicago[1], My Sweet One[1] > Bouncing Around the Room[1], Funky Bitch[1], I Didn't Know, Frankenstein[1], Suzy Greenberg[1]

ENCORE: Contact[1] > Big Black Furry Creature from Mars[1]

This show featured the Giant Country Horns on Buried Alive through Cavern, YEM, Bowie through Funky Bitch, and Frankenstein through BBFCFM. The Horns were introduced after Landlady. YEM included a Chameleon tease by the Horns. The intro to Bowie included teases of The Asse Festival, Call to the Post, Merrily We Roll Along, William Tell Overture, and Entrance of the Gladiators. Bowie later contained Wipe Out teases from Mike. BBFCFM featured I Love Lucy and Brady Bunch theme teases.

This show featured the Giant Country Horns from Suzy through Weekapaug, Cavern through Tweezer, and Dinner through Caravan. Gumbo also featured Fish on trombone and Horn introductions.

This show featured the Giant Country Horns on all songs except Guelah, Poor Heart, Hydrogen, I Didn't Know, Runaway Jim, Sloth, Esther, and Fee. During I Didn't Know, Fish was introduced as "The Sultan of Swat, Henrietta." Lawn Boy featured Carl Gerhard, who was introduced as "Lawn Boy," on trumpet. Gumbo, Touch Me, and Suzy also featured Stevo Nelson on washboard, or, as Trey referred to it, “whatever the hell you call that thing.” Weekapaug included a Bonanza theme tease and Suzy contained an And the Cradle Will Rock... quote from Trey. Fish exposed himself during Touch Me. The Radiators and TR3 were the opening acts.

This show featured the Giant Country Horns on Suzy through Bathtub, Bowie, Dinner and a Movie through Stash, Avenu Malkenu, YEM, and Possum. The Horns were introduced after Landlady, which featured Rene Lopez and Dave Grippo on percussion. During the introductions, Page teased Call to the Post and "Charge!" Carl Gerhard whistled with the band during Reba. Chalk Dust contained a brief Buried Alive tease from Trey. The Bowie intro contained an Alone Again (Naturally) tease and quote. Caravan contained a Manteca tease from the Horns and included Grippo on percussion. YEM included a Chameleon tease by the Horns. The YEM vocal jam was based on burgers. Possum contained Charlie Chan and Oom Pa Pa signals and Dixie and Buried Alive teases from Trey. Spin Doctors and The Authority were the opening acts.

This show featured the Giant Country Horns for all songs except Fee, Coil, I Didn't Know, My Sweet One, and Runaway Jim. The Bowie included Bouncing and Jeopardy! theme teases. YEM included Frankenstein teases as well as a Chameleon tease by the Horns. Gumbo featured Fish on trombone and Touch Me featured Fish on cowbell. Gumbo and BBFCFM included Giant Country Horn intros. After Touch Me, Page announced that they would be debuting the Esther animated film at the setbreak. I Didn’t Know featured Mimi Fishman on vacuum.  Magilla contained an Up on the House Top tease from Carl Gerhard. Tweezer featured impromptu rapping. BBFCFM included theme from Leave It to Beaver and William Tell Overture teases during the Horn introductions and a quick tease of the I Love Lucy theme. Lawn Boy featured Gerhard, who was introduced as "Lawn Boy," on trumpet. Runaway Jim was sung as “Runaway Yim.” This show is available as an archival release on LivePhish.com.

This show featured the Giant Country Horns from Suzy through Weekapaug, Poor Heart through Landlady, Possum, and Alumni. After Guelah, the crowd was told by the promoter that they were dancing too much, prompting Trey to offer a date with Fish to the fan who danced best on their chair! Trey introduced the Horns during I Didn't Know. Trey teased Mainstreet in Weekapaug. Possum contained an Alone Again (Naturally) tease from Trey.

No known setlist

It is believed that the band only performed one song at the BMI New Music Awards, and that it may have been a cappella.

This single-set show was part of the New Music Seminar and featured the Giant Country Horns. Landlady and Stash contained Hot House (Tadd Dameron) teases from Trey. After Weekapaug, Trey introduced the Giant Country Horns. During the introductions, Page teased "Charge!" Caravan included Manteca teases. Trey humorously botched the lyrics to Cavern, leading to some funny stage banter. The Ellen James Society and Yothu Yindi were the opening acts.

This show featured The Giant Country Horns for all of the second set, all of the third set except for Esther, Chalk Dust, and Hood, and for the encore. The show began with a humorous announcement from Trey that he felt “overdressed” during National Nudist Week. My Sweet One included a tease of the Bonanza theme and Magilla included a Flintstones theme tease. I Didn't Know, in which Fish was introduced as "Hank," and Touch Me featured Fish on trombone. Possum included Charlie Chan and Oom Pa Pa signals as well as a Dave’s Energy Guide tease, while Weekapaug included more DEG teases. Trey introduced the Giant Country Horns at the end of Antelope and during BBFCFM. There was a long wait during HYHU for Fish, who was apparently in the bathroom. Hood included full-band Jeopardy! theme teases. This show ran much longer than scheduled (at one point, when Trey noted that they should wind up the show, a fan urged the band to “fuck the clock”), prompting Trey to beg the crowd to leave in a timely and orderly fashion after the encore.

This show featured The Giant Country Horns on Suzy, Alumni, Avenu, Melt through Frankenstein, Divided Sky, Flat Fee, Lizards, Stash, If I Only Had a Brain, YEM, and Landlady. Melt contained Charlie Chan and Oom Pa Pa signals. During the pause in Letter to Jimmy Page, Trey introduced the Horns. Trey flubbed the slow, middle section of Divided Sky and humorously remarked that it was “the jazz version.” Stash contained a Buried Alive tease from Trey. Brain was preceded by Happy Birthday teases and was dedicated to "Erica;" YEM subsequently included a brief reprise of the tease from Trey as well as a Chameleon tease by the Horns. The YEM vocal jam featured Chain Gang (Otis Redding) quotes from Fish.

This show, officially released as Live Phish 19, featured The Giant Country Horns for all songs except Reba, Rocky Top, Golgi, The Squirming Coil, My Sweet One, Hydrogen, both HYHUs, Oh Kee Pa, Adeline, and Fee. It also marked the first Phish performance of Moose the Mooche, which contained a tease of Rhythm-A-Ning from Trey. Trey also teased the Woody Woodpecker theme before Golgi. During the band intros before Donna Lee, Page and Russ teased Killer Joe during Russ's introduction. Prior to Touch Me, Fish was introduced as the Lizard Queen. Touch Me featured Fish on trombone. Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones.

This free show featured The Giant Country Horns for all songs except Oh Kee Pa, My Sweet One, both TMWSIYs, and both HYHUs. This show also marked the Phish debut of Touch Me. Frankenstein was played for the first time since December 3, 1989 (220 shows) and Flat Fee was played for the first time since September 13, 1988 (350 shows). Fish was introduced before Touch Me as Henrietta and, several seconds later, the Lizard Queen.

Mike teased Sweet Emotion during the bass and drums section of YEM and Happy Birthday before The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony for "Josh’s" 20th birthday. Possum contained a Theme from Woody Woodpecker tease. Trey announced that the second set would be their last until the summer, as they were going in to record an album. Technical difficulties necessitated a short break after McGrupp. This show included some humorous stage banter about prep school headmasters and the like.

Possum contained a Stash tease from Trey and the Bowie intro included Guelah and ‘A’ Train teases. Even though there was a show the next day, before Foam, Trey noted that this gig would be the last until July since the band was going into the studio to cut an album. Before Dinner and a Movie, Fish noted: “this is a song about America’s favorite pre-nuptial ritual.”

A blackout occurred during Chalk Dust. The drum solo and the ensuing Mr. P.C. featured Carl Gerhard on trumpet, who also performed on ‘A’ Train, Magilla, Cavern, and Lawn Boy. Mr. P.C. was performed for the first time since November 11, 1988 (338 shows) and included a Spider-Man theme tease from Gerhard. The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday was introduced as “The Old Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday.” This show fell on Page’s 28th birthday, a point noted repeatedly throughout the gig. I Didn't Know featured Fish on trombone. Fluffhead was unfinished; the rest of the band sung Happy Birthday to Page first over the Fluffhead melody, followed by the Happy Birthday melody. Happy Birthday was performed for the first time since September 29, 1990 (105 shows). Possum contained Yield Not To Temptation and I Know a Little teases. Magilla contained a full-band Flintstones theme tease. Mississippi Queen was teased during Fish's vacuum solo in Bike. The pause in BBFCFM featured a final rendition of Happy Birthday and the presentation of a cake; Fish then responded to the “how old are you?” crowd chants by counting off BBFCFM: “I’ll tell you how old he is: 1-2-3-4!”

Magilla featured a guest appearance from Bryan Smith on trombone and a Rhythm-A-Ning tease from Trey. Adeline was chosen as the encore because of curfew issues.

Stash, Destiny Unbound, Llama, Magilla, Mike's Song, AC/DC Bag, Rocky Top, and Run Like An Antelope featured Dave Grippo on saxophone. Mike’s Song featured The Dude of Life on vocals, who added several verses. Page began Hydrogen on a Casio synthesizer, adding a humorous touch to the last Phish show at The Front.

Tweezer contained an In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida tease from Page and Trey briefly teased Buried Alive in Chalk Dust. YEM featured Tom Baggott on harmonica and a tease of Flash Light by Mike in the bass and drums segment of the song. Terrapin contained a Woman from Tokyo tease from Page and a Theme from Peter Gunn tease from Mike. After BBFCFM, Fish referred to Trey as “Eddie Van Anastasio." Donna Lee, Mike's > Hydrogen > Weekapaug, and Tela used to appear in this setlist between Reba and Oh Kee Pa in the second set, but because these songs do not appear in circulating recordings of this show, we have removed them from the setlist.

Ya Mar contained a tease of the Brazil theme. Page's solo in McGrupp was briefly accompanied by Fish on vacuum. "Bucket of lard" was said repeatedly in the Mike's Song intro.

After Divided Sky, Trey spoke about how “exceptional” the room was, and how “inspiring” it was to play in.  He explained that the band had engaged in “philosophical discussions” about standing versus sitting at shows.  He said that some people may prefer to sit rather than stand and dance, and that the band hoped that everyone would be considerate of each other. (He also noted that he prefers to dance while listening to live music, while Page prefers to sit.) Trey added that he did not want anyone to feel uncomfortable about dancing in the aisles. Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones.

Forbin's featured a guest horn player dressed in a leopard-skin toga and a huge orange Mohawk. Possum contained an L.A. Woman tease from Trey. Terrapin was dedicated to "Marni." The Aquarium Rescue Unit was the opening act.

Chalk Dust Torture and Fee were dedicated to Trey's hero, Boston Bruins star Cam Neely. Tweezer included a Sweet Emotion tease and vocals. Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones.  Harpua found Jimmy watching Cam and the Bruins winning the Stanley Cup and contained "Charge!" teases from Page. BBFCFM included a How High the Moon tease from Mike. The Aquarium Rescue Unit was the opening act.

Fish’s drum solo before Foam was due to a broken bass string. Forbin’s featured guest Jamie Janover performing on didgeridoo. Bowie contained Mockingbird, Squirming Coil, and Chameleon teases and Possum contained a Wipe Out tease. Sweet Adeline was performed without microphones. I Didn't Know featured Fish on trombone. Fish performed this show wearing a tight blue and red superhero costume, complete with cape and hood that had been made for him. Skratch Baxter was the opening act.

Tweezer contained Sweet Emotion teases and an introduction of “Dr. Q” on bass. Fish performed Wipe Out on vacuum. The Aquarium Rescue Unit was the opening act.

Before Runaway Jim, Trey referenced Aquarium Rescue Unit and the string of shows that the two bands were, at the time, playing together. Subsequently, Bowie included Yield Not to Temptation (Col. Bruce Hampton & The Aquarium Rescue Unit) teases. Recordings that circulate with this date with a different list are mislabeled copies of November 2, 1989. The Aquarium Rescue Unit was the opening act.

Tweezer contained Heartbreaker teases from both Trey and Mike. After Tweezer, the band introduced and thanked the tour crew, presenting them with a cake and customized bowling balls. Trey teased DEG in Stash and Buried Alive in Highway to Hell.

This show was part of the University’s Earth Day festival. Divided included a DEG tease from Trey. The Mockingbird narration gave a brief recap of the Gamehendge saga. I Didn't Know featured Fish on trombone.

BBFCFM contained a Leave it to Beaver theme tease from Mike and a joke from Fish. The joke basically went: "So there's this guy who's walking down the street, and he sees this dog laying there licking his balls, and he's talking to his friend and says 'boy, I sure wish I could do that,' and the friend says 'don't you think you ought to pet him first?'"

This show featured the debut of Band/Crew Football Theme Song, which was performed as a demented version of Barracuda (by the band Heart) played over the drumbeat for My Sweet One, with Trey mincingly whining the “Crew football theme song!” lyrics. Magilla featured Paul Guinness of Ryth McFeud on trombone. Tweezer contained Walk This Way and Yield Not to Temptation teases. Brain was performed as a “special treat” for the audience. Fish sang the final verse through the vacuum, creating an excellent echo effect. Ryth McFeud was the opening act.
Ryth McFeud opened for Phish, and Trey sat in for their version of Light Up or Leave Me Alone. The song circulates on many recordings of that evening’s Phish show.

Mike teased Good Times (more popularly known as Rapper's Delight) in YEM. BBFCFM featured Fish on vacuum during one of the pauses and teases of the Leave It To Beaver theme (aka The Toy Parade) from Mike.

This show is memorable for Fish’s telling of “The Prison Joke.” Trey teased Dave's Energy Guide in Landlady. Possum included Charlie Chan and Random Note signals and a Rhapsody in Blue tease.

Trey teased Sailor's Hornpipe in 'A' Train and Heartbreaker in Good Times Bad Times. After Lizards, Trey congratulated the audience (“A lot of people have tried, but you’re the first to have done it!”) for clapping on the beat during the slow end solo. Before Fee, he repeated the compliment: “I hope you didn’t think I was making fun of you ... clapping on the upbeat – wow!”

The Bowie intro contained I Dream of Jeannie theme teases from Page. Before Love You, which included band introductions, Fish noted that his backup Mighty Mite vacuum has the same suction per inch as his broken Electrolux (which he acknowledged as “the greatest vacuum of all”).

Divided Sky contained a tease of The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday from Trey. Dog Log was played for the first time since March 9, 1990 (148 shows). Possum contained Rock Lobster, Makisupa Policeman, and Yield Not to Temptation teases, two Charlie Chan signals, and Oom Pa Pa and Random Note signals. Page teased Chopsticks in Antelope. Small Fish was the opening act.

Possum contained Charlie Chan and Oom Pa Pa signals. Mike teased Heartbreaker in Mike's Song. Hydrogen contained Woody Woodpecker theme teases from Trey. Weekapaug included Divided Sky and Dave's Energy Guide teases from Trey.

Yield Not to Temptation was teased before Possum. I Didn't Know featured Fish on trombone. Trey teased Dave’s Energy Guide during the Tweezer, and Simple Gifts during BBFCFM. The second encore was played after a loud and passionate “Phish” chant by the audience.

In one of the greatest bargains ever, Phish’s first West Coast show was on The Catalyst’s “Dollar Night” where the cover charge was only one dollar.

I Didn't Know featured Fish on trombone. Possum contained a Sailor's Hornpipe tease from Trey, the David Bowie intro contained "Charge!" teases from Mike, and BBFCFM contained a Donna Lee tease.

This show started with bad sound problems, resulting in the band aborting two attempts at a Chalk Dust Torture opener. After the first Chalk Dust failed, the band said a round of "thank yous" and Fish added "good night, we'll see you next time." Antelope contained a vocal jam in the intro and a Jean Pierre tease from Trey. YEM contained Who Knows teases. The YEM vocal jam was partially based on burgers. Before Terrapin, Fish was introduced as “the late Henrietta,” and then commented that he is no longer Henrietta, but has not yet thought of a new name. He and Trey introduced Chris Kuroda (as “Cooter,” with a “Charge!” tease) and Colorado fan “Erik the Viking.” Terrapin included a brief Whole Lotta Love jam. Weekapaug contained a Theme from Bonanza tease by Trey.

No known setlist

A show was originally scheduled for this date and venue; it appears that it was postponed until Monday, March 25, 1991.

Foam (introduced as one of Fish’s favorite songs) was preceded by a HYHU tease while Fish fixed his cymbal. Uncle Pen was introduced as a band favorite and dedicated to a fan in the crowd. Trey repeated the first line of Esther several times, as if he had forgotten the rest of the lyrics. Slave was played for Mike from “the Telluride contingency” and was preceded by Trey’s story about the ‘88 Colorado tour. After Slave, Fish came front and center to the tune of HYHU to tell his infamous “bear story.” Afterwards, Trey referenced the July 30, 1988 Telluride show, where Fish was late. Chalk Dust included Manteca teases.

Take Five was teased prior to the start of the first set. Forbin's was dedicated to Mike from Telluride. Suzy included a Reba tease. Trey teased Who Knows in Melt. Possum contained a Manteca tease in the intro and Charlie Chan and Complete Stop signals. A show on this date was originally scheduled for the Marriott Ballroom in Vail, CO; that show was canceled. This Breckenridge gig was originally scheduled for Thursday, March 14, and was a late reschedule.

Trey teased Entrance of the Gladiators in Stash. Dinner and a Movie was dedicated to "Lauren," who had donated Fish the vacuum cleaner that he was using and was in attendance that night. I Didn't Know featured Fish on trombone.

No known setlist

The gig originally planned for this date and venue was rescheduled and took place on Saturday, March 16, 1991.

Possum contained an Charlie Chan and Oom Pa Pa signals and a Dave's Energy Guide tease. Buried Alive contained a Sailor's Hornpipe tease from Trey. Bowie featured Charlie Chan and Random Note signals.

This setlist may be incomplete and out of order.  It is unclear whether this was a one or two set show. Phish performed on this evening after Col. Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit ("ARU"), so it may have been only a one set gig. The only copy of this show that currently circulates seems to have a cut after Suzy, and the BBFCFM cuts. Trey teased the Popeye theme in YEM. Suzy contained a Stairway to Heaven tease from Trey as well as an Auld Lang Syne tease. ARU's Oteil Burbridge on bass, Jimmy Herring on guitar, and Jeff Sipe on trombone joined Phish for My Sweet One and Tweezer -> Dave's Energy Guide -> Tweezer. Trey quoted lyrics from MacArthur Park (Jimmy Webb) during the DEG, which was played for the first time since March 1, 1989 (275 shows).

This setlist was adopted from fan reports and is unconfirmed and possibly incomplete. Phish may have played two sets. If they did, the setlist for set II is unknown. Col. Bruce Hampton & The Aquarium Rescue Unit opened. All information for this show is from phish.com.

No known setlist

This was a one set show opening for The Grapes. This information is from phish.com.

There was a power outage during Golgi, after which Trey mocked Fish’s “memorable drum solo.” During the latter HYHU, Fish introduced the band and humorously pointed out Chris Kuroda for causing the earlier power failure. YEM included a Wilson tease and a thank you from Trey.

During I Didn’t Know, Trey commented that this was Phish’s first show in Tennessee, and dedicated Fish’s vacuum solo to Dr. Jack McConnell and other friends in the audience. After Cavern, Trey mentioned that James Brown got out on parole, which caused Fish to comment that a cease-fire was also called that day in Iraq. “Don’t tell me this wasn’t planned,” he insisted. Rocky Top was a seemingly obvious choice as closer for the first Volunteer State show.

Trey teased Buried Alive in Stash. Possum contained Charlie Chan and Oom Pa Pa signals. I Am Hydrogen included a full band tease of Sanity. Trey teased Mainstreet in Weekapaug Groove. Whole Lotta Love was teased in Love You by the rest of the band during Fish's vacuum solo.

The YEM vocal jam was based on burgers. The HYHU intro and outro and the intro to Antelope included Let's Go teases. Love You and the Whole Lotta Love Jam featured Fish on trombone.

A local band, The Jolly Llamas, opened. Bowie included heavy Manteca teases and Charlie Chan and Random Note signals. Trey teased Under Pressure in Suzy.

The YEM vocal jam contained Hava Nagila teases from Fish. This second set listing is incomplete. A local band, The Jolly Llamas, opened.

This show, performed on Fish’s birthday, had many classic moments, including Happy Birthday teases before Coil, during Bowie and Weekapaug, and before and after Love You. Bowie also contained Charlie Chan and Complete Stop signals. The Bowie intro also included a How High the Moon tease from Mike. The Whole Lotta Love jam segued out of the vacuum solo in Love You. Magilla contained a Flintstones theme tease from Trey. The Janglers were the opening act.

There were some fun references to New York, including a line from New York New York, at the start of Llama. The first Let's Go started as HYHU. This Possum had some early Secret Language, including a Random Note signal, as well as Funk #49 teases.

Trey teased Buried Alive in Divided Sky. Bowie contained Sounds of Silence teases in Fish’s high hat intro, and had a silent jam near the end of the jam segment. Ya Mar contained a brief Happy Birthday tease from Trey. Bag contained a Bonanza theme tease from Trey was also unusually adventurous, with three dead stops during the jam segment and uncommon dissonance. Trey briefly started Horn before Harry Hood, but abandoned it. Before Terrapin, Trey announced that Fish would be “bringing out the big, heavy artillery” for the people in Keene. The “artillery” was Fish’s new vacuum, which made its debut at this show. Fish noted that “if I bleed during this song, that’ll just be part of the effects.” Inspired by his new instrument, Fish took an exceedingly spacey solo during Terrapin, complete with ersatz wolf howls, before singing the final verse through the vacuum.

The Bowie intro contained a Steppin' Out (Joe Jackson) tease from Page. Carl Gerhard made a guest appearance on trumpet during the encore. La Grange featured a Buried Alive tease from Trey.

Possum contained a brief Sailor's Hornpipe theme tease from Trey. Fee was teased prior to Love You. Lizards was aborted midway through the second verse; Trey had forgotten the words during the first verse and mumbled his way through until finally calling the song off. Destiny Unbound was jokingly announced as “Lizards.” Sloth was played in response to an audience request. The YEM vocal jam closed with a quote of the Bugs Bunny Show theme (“On with the Show, This Is It”).

Uncle Pen and My Sweet One through Rocky Top featured Russell Flanigan on fiddle. Trey quoted Fixin' to Die in the ending chorus of Antelope. Trey flubbed the lyrics to Cavern. This show featured the first known Phish performance of Let's Go, which replaced HYHU. After the second Let's Go, Trey introduced the crew (with Page providing "Charge!" teases) and dedicated Mike's Song to "Mindy" and the "spirit of Ian in the back of the room." Pete Schall's name was spoken in the Mike's intro. Page teased Fishin' Hole (aka The Andy Griffith Show theme) during Hydrogen. Trey quoted and teased Groove is in the Heart in Weekapaug Groove. A recording of Antelope through Rocky Top also circulates as 9/17/90, but it is believed that 2/4/91 is the correct date for this portion of the setlist.    

David Bowie contained Charlie Chan and Tritone Down signals and was preceded by an Entrance of the Gladiators tease from Trey. Suzy contained a Sailor's Hornpipe tease. Fish teased Cavern prior to Melt.

This show featured the first performances of Tweezer Reprise, Guelah Papyrus and Chalk Dust Torture. Page and Trey teased Dixie during Reba. The Mango Song was played for the first time since September 16, 1989 (184 shows), though Trey curiously introduced it as being “new.” The second set was cut short due to Brown University’s curfew; after Cavern, a representative from Brown (Trey: “I don’t want to tell them, you tell them!”) informed the crowd that the show had to end by midnight and that the next song had to be the last. During a pause in Letter to Jimmy Page, Trey noted: “we’re not going to forget that this got cut short, and the next time we’re back in the area we’re going to make it up to you.” Before the hasty encore Trey remarked: “we’re going to have to watch out for the ‘big hook!'”
This setlist is unverified and all but certainly incomplete.

SET 1: Brother John, Mulling It Over, Ivory Tusk, But Anyway, Slow Change, What's For Breakfast, Mother Funker, 100 Years, Alone, Sweet Talking Hippie [1]

ENCORE: Johnny B. Goode

Trey added vocals on Sweet Talking Hippie.
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