, attached to 1994-10-22

Review by Nigelphish

Nigelphish Great show, downtown Orlando. First show, drove over with a bunch of friends from Dade City, Fl where we were in college. Just all around fun.We had to walk a pretty good distance to get to the venue, talk about a tense walk, nobody knew what to expect. Being our first shows, we were scares but stoked.
Field in the back of this place, the Edge. The stage backdrop were minikin clothes/sheets? (3 of them). Cops standing on the sides of the field watching everybody, but luckily no problems. Played everything tight, just like on the albums back then.
Suzy was tight, divided sounded great, pretty windy that day for some reason, sun was out and blaring though. The split was totally jammed, fluff was great and technical. Then came the new song Julius , had read a few phans rants about how hoist was "so different than their older albums" and "how they were becoming poppy". This show for me turned those perceptions on their heads. Peaches, I can barely, just for my second peaches in 2011 in Charlotte and my third in St. Louis this year, only 17, 18 yrs later, love this band.
Horse>silent was beautiful with the wind blowing and the previously mentioned backdrop. When they busted into AC/DC > highway, people went crazy, had never heard either as they weren't on any of their albums and we didn't have any live shows yet.

Just great, that's why I still go to see them today almost twenty yrs later, "I'm still upside down, it's a small world"


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