Thursday 04/02/2020 by phishnet


[We'd like to thank Phish nerd extraordinaire, Maya Gans (@WindoraBug on .net, @mayacelium on Twitter), for writing this post and sharing the phishr library that she wrote with Sam Levin (@levisc8 on .net, @SamLevin5 on Twitter) with the community - ed.]

When I tell people I meet outside of the scene that I’m a Phish fan it’s always met with a certain look - you know the one. But this always makes me laugh because one of the reasons I love Phish so much is how they provide one of the richest data sets to adoring fans. I love when folks who say they hate math or statistics end up rattling off their most seen songs, largest song gaps they need to close, or provide feedback on graphs I put up on Twitter.

Phish fans love data, and for that reason Sam Levin and I created the R package phishr. You can request an API Key here and our packages have a handful of functions that help do the heavy lifting.

# load the libraries

We can use the setlist function which takes on two arguments - your API key [I’ve saved mine to a string called my_apikey] and the show date you’d like the setlist of.

Looking at the most recent setlist:

pn_get_setlist(my_apikey, "2020-02-23")

## Set Song Segue ## 1 Set 1 Crowd Control , ## 2 Set 1 Farmhouse , ## 3 Set 1 Breath and Burning , ## 4 Set 1 Divided Sky , ## 5 Set 1 Meat , ## 6 Set 1 Everything's Right , ## 7 Set 1 The Squirming Coil , ## 8 Set 1 Wingsuit , ## 9 Set 1 David Bowie ## 10 Set 2 Simple > ## 11 Set 2 Golden Age > ## 12 Set 2 Fuego > ## 13 Set 2 Undermind -> ## 14 Set 2 Back on the Train > ## 15 Set 2 Passing Through ## 16 Encore Rise/Come Together > ## 17 Encore The Horse > ## 18 Encore Silent in the Morning , ## 19 Encore Fee , ## 20 Encore Funky Bitch , ## 21 Encore More

If you want to select multiple shows you can use a map function to apply the setlist function to each show date:

First we’ll create a vector of the show dates we want setlists for Then we can map the setlist function on each of the show dates Then we need to add a column that corresponds to the Date of each show

Mexico <- c("2020-02-20", "2020-02-21", "2020-02-22", "2020-02-23")
setlists <- map(Mexico, ~pn_get_setlist(apikey = my_apikey, .x))

Phexico <- map2_dfr(setlists, Mexico, ~mutate(.x, Date = .y))


## Set Song Segue Date ## 1 Set 1 Torn and Frayed > 2020-02-20 ## 2 Set 1 Ghost > 2020-02-20 ## 3 Set 1 Free > 2020-02-20 ## 4 Set 1 Shipwreck -> 2020-02-20 ## 5 Set 1 Free , 2020-02-20 ## 6 Set 1 Shake Your Coconuts , 2020-02-20 ## 7 Set 1 Victim , 2020-02-20 ## 8 Set 1 The Moma Dance > 2020-02-20 ## 9 Set 1 Gotta Jibboo , 2020-02-20 ## 10 Set 1 Shade , 2020-02-20 ## 11 Set 1 The Landlady > 2020-02-20 ## 12 Set 1 Destiny Unbound , 2020-02-20 ## 13 Set 1 Steam > 2020-02-20 ## 14 Set 1 Crosseyed and Painless > 2020-02-20 ## 15 Set 1 Run Like an Antelope > 2020-02-20 ## 16 Set 1 Cavern > 2020-02-20 ## 17 Set 1 Beneath a Sea of Stars Part 1 > 2020-02-20 ## 18 Set 1 Say It To Me S.A.N.T.O.S. 2020-02-20 ## 19 Encore You Enjoy Myself 2020-02-20 ## 20 Set 1 Turtle in the Clouds , 2020-02-21 ## 21 Set 1 Shafty -> 2020-02-21 ## 22 Set 1 Plasma -> 2020-02-21 ## 23 Set 1 Shafty -> 2020-02-21 ## 24 Set 1 Plasma > 2020-02-21 ## 25 Set 1 The Lizards , 2020-02-21 ## 26 Set 1 Bathtub Gin -> 2020-02-21 ## 27 Set 1 Shafty -> 2020-02-21 ## 28 Set 1 Bathtub Gin > 2020-02-21 ## 29 Set 1 Blaze On , 2020-02-21 ## 30 Set 1 Sea and Sand , 2020-02-21 ## 31 Set 1 Possum 2020-02-21 ## 32 Set 2 Sigma Oasis > 2020-02-21 ## 33 Set 2 Also Sprach Zarathustra > 2020-02-21 ## 34 Set 2 Drift While You're Sleeping , 2020-02-21 ## 35 Set 2 Lifeboy , 2020-02-21 ## 36 Set 2 I Always Wanted It This Way -> 2020-02-21 ## 37 Set 2 No Men In No Man's Land -> 2020-02-21 ## 38 Set 2 Piper > 2020-02-21 ## 39 Set 2 Good Times Bad Times 2020-02-21 ## 40 Encore Sand -> 2020-02-21 ## 41 Encore Weekapaug Groove -> 2020-02-21 ## 42 Encore Shafty 2020-02-21 ## 43 Set 1 Willin' , 2020-02-22 ## 44 Set 1 Tube , 2020-02-22 ## 45 Set 1 Evening Song , 2020-02-22 ## 46 Set 1 Set Your Soul Free , 2020-02-22 ## 47 Set 1 You Sexy Thing > 2020-02-22 ## 48 Set 1 46 Days , 2020-02-22 ## 49 Set 1 Waste > 2020-02-22 ## 50 Set 1 Your Pet Cat , 2020-02-22 ## 51 Set 1 Tweezer > 2020-02-22 ## 52 Set 1 Manteca > 2020-02-22 ## 53 Set 1 Makisupa Policeman > 2020-02-22 ## 54 Set 1 Twist 2020-02-22 ## 55 Set 2 Energy > 2020-02-22 ## 56 Set 2 Soul Planet > 2020-02-22 ## 57 Set 2 Waves > 2020-02-22 ## 58 Set 2 Carini > 2020-02-22 ## 59 Set 2 Chalk Dust Torture -> 2020-02-22 ## 60 Set 2 Have Mercy > 2020-02-22 ## 61 Set 2 A Life Beyond The Dream , 2020-02-22 ## 62 Set 2 Harry Hood 2020-02-22 ## 63 Encore Sweet Jane > 2020-02-22 ## 64 Encore Tweezer Reprise 2020-02-22 ## 65 Set 1 Crowd Control , 2020-02-23 ## 66 Set 1 Farmhouse , 2020-02-23 ## 67 Set 1 Breath and Burning , 2020-02-23 ## 68 Set 1 Divided Sky , 2020-02-23 ## 69 Set 1 Meat , 2020-02-23 ## 70 Set 1 Everything's Right , 2020-02-23 ## 71 Set 1 The Squirming Coil , 2020-02-23 ## 72 Set 1 Wingsuit , 2020-02-23 ## 73 Set 1 David Bowie 2020-02-23 ## 74 Set 2 Simple > 2020-02-23 ## 75 Set 2 Golden Age > 2020-02-23 ## 76 Set 2 Fuego > 2020-02-23 ## 77 Set 2 Undermind -> 2020-02-23 ## 78 Set 2 Back on the Train > 2020-02-23 ## 79 Set 2 Passing Through 2020-02-23 ## 80 Encore Rise/Come Together > 2020-02-23 ## 81 Encore The Horse > 2020-02-23 ## 82 Encore Silent in the Morning , 2020-02-23 ## 83 Encore Fee , 2020-02-23 ## 84 Encore Funky Bitch , 2020-02-23 ## 85 Encore More 2020-02-23

And now we have data to look at some numbers! How about number of songs per set per show?

song_counts <- Phexico %>%
mutate(Set = factor(Set, levels = c("Set 1", "Set 2", "Encore"))) %>%
group_by(Set, Date) %>%

## # A tibble: 11 x 3 ## # Groups: Set, Date [11] ## Set Date n ## ## 1 Set 1 2020-02-20 18 ## 2 Set 1 2020-02-21 12 ## 3 Set 1 2020-02-22 12 ## 4 Set 1 2020-02-23 9 ## 5 Set 2 2020-02-21 8 ## 6 Set 2 2020-02-22 8 ## 7 Set 2 2020-02-23 6 ## 8 Encore 2020-02-20 1 ## 9 Encore 2020-02-21 3 ## 10 Encore 2020-02-22 2 ## 11 Encore 2020-02-23 6

And we can visualize that:

ggplot(song_counts, aes(x = Set, y = n, fill = Set)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
facet_wrap(.~ Date) +

We can also use the function pn_get_show_notes for each show and scrape this for text data or teases

notes <- map(Mexico, ~pn_get_show_notes(apikey = my_apikey, .x)) %>% unlist()
names(notes) <- Mexico

# show the first show's note

## 2020-02-20 ## "This show was webcast via LivePhish and featured multiple bustouts: Torn and Frayed was last played on July 7, 2012 (285 shows), Shipwreck was last played on October 31, 2014 (189 shows), and Shake Your Coconuts was played on July 21, 2017 (100 shows). The return to Free contained Rescue Squad and Shipwreck quotes. The lyrics in Shake Your Coconuts were changed to "It's Phish in Mexico time." Trey teased Walk This Way in You Enjoy Myself.via"

Lastly we can look at ratings:

ratings <- map(Mexico, ~pn_get_show_rating(apikey = my_apikey, .x)) %>% unlist()

## [1] 3.4591 3.8567 4.0376 3.5541

Is number of songs per show a good predictor of rating?

# group data by number of songs
counts_per_show <- Phexico %>%
group_by(Date) %>%

# add the ratings to the data
counts_per_show$rating <- ratings


## # A tibble: 4 x 3 ## # Groups: Date [4] ## Date n rating ## ## 1 2020-02-20 19 3.46 ## 2 2020-02-21 23 3.86 ## 3 2020-02-22 22 4.04 ## 4 2020-02-23 21 3.55

Run a simple linear model

model <- lm(rating ~ n, data = counts_per_show)
x <- summary(model)
pf(x$fstatistic[1L], df1 = x$fstatistic[2L], df2 = x$fstatistic[3L], lower.tail = FALSE)

## [1] 0.1938811

Nope. Not significant at all. BUT! I hope this is a fun introduction to a package that inspires you to look at this rich data set you love, test your hypotheses, and create visualizations! Feel free to reach out to me or Sam on our GitHub account.

If you liked this blog post, one way you could "like" it is to make a donation to The Mockingbird Foundation, the sponsor of Support music education for children, and you just might change the world.


, comment by jfcnj
jfcnj this is really neat! only issue is it's in R ;) we need a pyphish library!
, comment by andybi
andybi Love it! Guess I need to go learn R!
, comment by donutsilovedonuts
donutsilovedonuts Perfect timing, just started teaching myself R last week! Looking forward to playing around with Phish stats for educational purposes :)
, comment by bearlikewales
bearlikewales This is amazing, thank you so much. Time to do some Phishtistics!
, comment by User_25773_
User_25773_ Anyone else have no clue what this all means?
, comment by EducateFright
EducateFright Wow, R! This is amazing!
Nice job!
, comment by cajuncook
cajuncook @jfcnj said:
this is really neat! only issue is it's in R ;) we need a pyphish library!
I'm invested in making this happen. Stay tuned...
, comment by EducateFright
EducateFright I don't know R at all, but I do know Java, Kotlin, and Haskell... I might be interested in helping out somehow, if help is needed and something useful could be done with those languages. PM me if you are interested in chatting.
, comment by CaudalPeduncle
CaudalPeduncle @donutsilovedonuts said:
Perfect timing, just started teaching myself R last week! Looking forward to playing around with Phish stats for educational purposes :)
me too! well re-learning... use it or loose it
, comment by genius_anyway
genius_anyway @cajuncook said:
@jfcnj said:
this is really neat! only issue is it's in R ;) we need a pyphish library!
I'm invested in making this happen. Stay tuned...
@jfcnj A friend and I started on this a while back. Definitely still needs some work, I’m happy to contribute more as well:
, comment by jfcnj
jfcnj @cajuncook said:
@jfcnj said:
this is really neat! only issue is it's in R ;) we need a pyphish library!
I'm invested in making this happen. Stay tuned...
awesome! looking forward to it.
, comment by jfcnj
jfcnj @genius_anyway said:
@cajuncook said:
@jfcnj said:
this is really neat! only issue is it's in R ;) we need a pyphish library!
I'm invested in making this happen. Stay tuned...
@jfcnj A friend and I started on this a while back. Definitely still needs some work, I’m happy to contribute more as well:[/quote] />
very cool. will poke around a bit. would love to pitch in, but all my free time is eaten up by my toddler these days. thanks for sharing!
, comment by bl002e
bl002e Yes!! Incredible work, Maya and Sam!

I've got some light background on R, but need to get a lot more experienced with it for work and for a predictive analytics actuarial exam I'm taking in June. Since it'll probably get postponed, I've been dragging my feet on studying for it lately, but motivation-wise this is a game-changer!
, comment by planetneutral
planetneutral For those of you looking to learn R, Pluralsight just announced that they are offering their course library for free during April. They have a ton of R courses.
, comment by gregdodge
gregdodge Hello @WindoraBug, thank you for this! I'd love to pick your brain for a few minutes about this. I am setup with Postman, however am a beginner at API usage/calls (am a front-end and email dev by trade).
, comment by sevenpounds
sevenpounds Bravo!

I've been wanting to play with setlist data in a graph database for a little while now...
, comment by jackl
jackl Not to be nitpicky, but while Phish performs the shows, the "data sets" and setlists themselves would not exist without the organized efforts of many volunteer fans, specifically through this website and the earlier "Phish Companion" setlists which were compiled with love by volunteers under the aegis of a not-for-profit charity, The Mockingbird Foundation.

The roots of that effort were modeled on previous efforts, a series of "Deadbase" books (useful in the taper/tape-trading era), but with the notion that rather than being a cottage industry of a few Dead fans who sought to profit from their work, we would organize into a "crowd sourced" collective and donate any profits to charity.

There are way too many people to credit for this effort, but the main force behind the coding of the modern (post-reunion) site and the API which allows you to access and massage this data is the Foundation's current President, Adam Scheinberg. (A full list of site team credits with many of the people involved currently is accessible in the footer of this site "credits", a more complete list in the acknowledgements of "The Phish Companion, 3rd Ed.").
, comment by cajuncook
cajuncook @genius_anyway said:
@cajuncook said:
@jfcnj said:
this is really neat! only issue is it's in R ;) we need a pyphish library!
I'm invested in making this happen. Stay tuned...
@jfcnj A friend and I started on this a while back. Definitely still needs some work, I’m happy to contribute more as well:[/quote] />
Just ran through the code; it's a good start. I'll get involved with this for sure, thanks for sharing!
, comment by topolewb
topolewb I’m glad someone knows how to do this so we can all enjoy and perseverate over.
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