SET 1: Remember Me (When the Candle Lights Are Gleaming) [1], Bury Me Beneath the Willow[1], She's Gone, Gone, Gone[1]
This performance was part of Hug Your Farmer's "A Night at the Opry" benefiting Vermont flood response and recovery. Mike and Tessa Gordon sang vocals on the above songs.
SET 1: Mike's Song, The Real Morning Party -> Tilting, Atari, If I Die [1], Breakfast Feud [2], Escape Horse [3], Hit or Miss [4], Give It to Me [5]
ENCORE: Sharing the Night Together [6]
SET 1: Say Something, Steps, Louisiana Sun, Connected, Human Nature, Guilty Pleasures, Carini, Sughn Never Sets
SET 1: Connected, Say Something, Steps, Louisiana Sun, Human Nature, Guilty Pleasures, Back in the Bubble, Carini
SET 1: Say Something, Connected, Louisiana Sun, Steps, Human Nature, Meat, Guilty Pleasures, Sughn Never Sets
SET 1: Say Something, Connected, Louisiana Sun, Human Nature, Carini, Mull, Back in the Bubble, Guilty Pleasures
SET 1: Back in the Bubble, Haywire, Marissa, Peel, Tilting, Connected, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Say Something, Louisiana Sun, Sughn Never Sets, Got To Be More Careful, Human Nature, Jones, Mull, Crazy Sometimes
ENCORE: Guilty Pleasures
SET 1: Mull, Steps, Jones, Crazy Sometimes, Meat, Louisiana Sun, Back in the Bubble
SET 2: Haywire, Human Nature [1] > Got To Be More Careful, Peel, Guilty Pleasures, Connected, Sughn Never Sets
ENCORE: Carini
SET 1: Connected, Back in the Bubble, Before You Gotta Go, Circling, Tilting, Ooh I Like Your Loving, Mull [1], Cities[1]
SET 2: Pure Energy, Got To Be More Careful, Guilty Pleasures > Revolution of the Mind, Jones -> Carini
ENCORE: Sweet Emotion
SET 1: Say Something, Tilting, Cities, Circling, Mull > Pure Energy, Jones, Ooh I Like Your Loving, Guilty Pleasures > Carini
SET 1: Connected, Mull, Before You Gotta Go, Get U Ready, Casual Enlightenment, Louisiana Sun [1] -> Back in the Bubble
SET 2: Undone > Jones, Pure Energy, Meat > Haywire > Revolution of the Mind
ENCORE: Rich Man, Funky Bitch
No known setlist
SET 1: Pure Energy, Haywire, Got To Be More Careful, Revolution of the Mind > Don't Walk Away, Tilting, Funky Bitch
SET 2: Yarmouth Road, Mull, Walls of Time, Casual Enlightenment, Jones, Get U Ready > Crazy Sometimes
ENCORE: Connected
SET 1: Undone, Back in the Bubble, Rich Man [1], Cities, Moonlight [2], Say Something, Meat, Sughn Never Sets
SET 2: Connected, Get U Ready, Carini, Marissa, Peel, Jones, Guilty Pleasures
ENCORE: A Wave of Hope > Sweet Emotion,
SET 1: Connected, Mull, Before You Gotta Go, Steps, Tilting, Ooh I Like Your Loving > Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Revolution of the Mind, Victim, Circling, Yarmouth Road, Haywire, You Sexy Thing, Pure Energy
ENCORE: Funky Bitch
SET 1: Say Something, Guilty Pleasures, Haywire, Walls of Time, Pure Energy, Meat, Circling, Back in the Bubble, Cities, Connected, Funky Bitch > Carini
SET 1: Connected, Victim, You Sexy Thing, Circling, Jones, Tilting, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Revolution of the Mind, Peel, Got To Be More Careful, Sughn Never Sets, Marissa, A Wave of Hope, Crazy Sometimes
ENCORE: Sweet Emotion
SET 1: Pure Energy, Get U Ready, Mull, Casual Enlightenment [1], Steps[1], Ooh I Like Your Loving[1], Guilty Pleasures[1]
SET 2: Back in the Bubble, Haywire, Say Something > Cities, Meat, Sughn Never Sets
ENCORE: Carini
SET 1: Undone [1] > Crazy Sometimes, Before You Gotta Go, Back in the Bubble, Don't Walk Away[1], Meat > Tilting > Sweet Emotion
SET 2: Yarmouth Road, Revolution of the Mind > Peel > Circling > Peel, Got To Be More Careful, Victim > Connected
ENCORE: Guilty Pleasures
SET 1: Connected, Haywire, Mull, Circling, Say Something, You Sexy Thing, Sughn Never Sets
SET 2: Steps, Revolution of the Mind, Ooh I Like Your Loving, Guilty Pleasures > Marissa, A Wave of Hope [1], Pure Energy, Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Who Knows Who? [2], Funny Thing About Love[2], Carini [3]
SET 1: Guilty Pleasures [1], Tilting[1], Cities, Get U Ready [2], Mull, Yarmouth Road, Back in the Bubble, Peel, Got To Be More Careful, Ooh I Like Your Loving, Tiny Little World, Sweet Emotion
SET 1: Say Something > Pure Energy [1], Before You Gotta Go [2], Mull[2], Ooh I Like Your Loving[2], Crazy Sometimes, Jones, Sughn Never Sets
SET 2: Victim, Connected[1], Circling[2], You Sexy Thing[2], Haywire, Revolution of the Mind[1], Back in the Bubble
ENCORE: Carini[2]
SET 1: Yerushalayim Shel Zahav
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
SET 1: Rings, Living In The Country, Tiny Island, Old Habits [1], The Last Steam Engine Train > Airproofing, Ojo, You Are My Flower[1], Standing in My Shoes, Twice, Flat Top, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Invisible
No known setlist
SET 1: The Last Steam Engine Train, Airproofing, Ojo, Tiny Island, From The Cradle To The Grave, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Invisible, Old Habits, You Are My Flower, Four Cents, The Collins Missile, Over The Dam, Corrina, Corrina, William Powell, Disco, Unknown
SET 1: The Only One, William Powell, Living In The Country, Tiny Island, You Are My Flower [1], The Last Steam Engine Train, Ojo, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Four Cents [2], From The Cradle To The Grave, Old Habits[1], Wonderland by Night[2], Rings, Invisible, Airproofing
SET 1: William Powell, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Tiny Island, From The Cradle To The Grave, Living In The Country, She Thinks I Still Care [1], The Last Steam Engine Train, Twice, Standing in My Shoes, Four Cents [2], Airproofing, Corrina, Corrina, Cripple Creek, Old Habits[1], Disco
No known setlist
This previously recorded performance was part of NPR Music's Tiny Desk (Home) Concert series and featured the debuts of Flat Top and Sheets. The Only One and I Am Random featured Fish on drums. Leo had recorded at Creation Audio in Minnesota with Mike being joined by Fish at Tank Recording Studio in Burlington, Vermont.
SET 1: The Only One [1]
This performance was part of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert's "Play At Home" series and featured Leo, Mike, (with Fish on drums) playing the debut of The Only One from unknown locations.
SET 1: Angel Band [1]
This performance was part of the Touch & Go memorial livestream for Gordon Stone, who had recently passed away and featured Mike on acoustic guitar, Tessa on lead vocals, and Mike and Sue on backup vocals. The location of this performance is unknown.
This performance was canceled as a result of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.
SET 1: Pendulum, Put Down The Phone, Meat, Borrowing Rain, Midi N'goni, You Strike My Main Nerve, Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Back in the Bubble, Whirlwind, Cruel World, Steps, Say Something, I Am Random
ENCORE: Ruby Soho
SET 1: Victim 3D, Andelmans' Yard, Save Me, Haywire, Marissa, Go Away
SET 2: Victim, Peel, Soulfood Man > Waking Up Dead, Face > Back in the Bubble
ENCORE: Destiny Unbound
SET 1: Steps, Long Black Line, Cruel World, Angatta, 555 > Babylon Baby, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Equilibrium, Jumping, Mind Mischief, Put Down The Phone, Tropical Rocket, Normal Phoebe, Sughn Never Sets
ENCORE: Funky Bitch
SET 1: Victim, Haywire, Stealing Jamaica, Say Something, My Favorite Mistake > Midi N'goni > Crazy Sometimes > Victim 3D
SET 2: I Am Random, Whirlwind, Borrowing Rain, Jones, Spock's Brain, Back in the Bubble, Cities
ENCORE: Save Me > Yarmouth Road
SET 1: Whirlwind, Put Down The Phone, My Favorite Mistake, Meat, You Strike My Main Nerve, Let's Go, Go Away
SET 2: Pendulum, Peel, Got To Be More Careful, Funky Bitch, Marissa, Face, Ruby Soho
ENCORE: Soulfood Man
SET 1: I Am Random, Victim, Haywire > Stealing Jamaica, Jones, Sughn Never Sets
SET 2: Angatta, Borrowing Rain, Back in the Bubble, Trapezoidal Sunshine, Are You a Hypnotist??, The Grid, Steps, Tropical Rocket
ENCORE: Destiny Unbound
Sughn Never Sets contained I Am Random teases and quotes.
SET 1: Whirlwind, 555, Surface, Black Tambourine, Borrowing Rain, Let's Go, How Many People Are You
SET 2: Ether, Looking for Clues, Peel, Marissa, Pendulum, Cities
ENCORE: Sugar Shack
SET 1: Equilibrium, Spock's Brain, Put Down The Phone, Normal Phoebe, I Am Random [1], You Strike My Main Nerve[1], Steps[1]
SET 2: Face > Stealing Jamaica, Angatta, Sleep to Dream, Crazy Sometimes, Sughn Never Sets
ENCORE: Gimme Some Lovin'
SET 1: Victim, Haywire, Save Me, Meat, Borrowing Rain, Back in the Bubble, Steps > Victim 3D
SET 2: Peel, Waking Up Dead, Say Something, Funky Bitch, Different World, Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Ruby Soho
SET 1: Pendulum, Cruel World, Borrowing Rain, Got To Be More Careful, Andelmans' Yard, Tropical Rocket, Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Victim 3D, All I Can Think About Is You, Whirlwind, Dig Further Down, Sughn Never Sets, Cities, Go Away
ENCORE: Sweet Emotion
SET 1: Face, Up And Down, Jones, Angatta, 555 > I Am Random, Destiny Unbound
SET 2: Equilibrium, Long Black Line, My Favorite Mistake, Haywire, Soulfood Man, Steps, How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Looking for Clues
SET 1: Let's Go, Whirlwind, Sleep to Dream, Yarmouth Road, Midi N'goni [1], Back in the Bubble[1], Go Away
SET 2: You Strike My Main Nerve, Peel > Stealing Jamaica > Peel, Normal Phoebe, All I Can Think About Is You [2], Spock's Brain, Tiny Little World, Ruby Soho
ENCORE: Sugar Shack
SET 1: Victim, Say Something > Victim > Victim 3D, Steps, Borrowing Rain [1], Meat > Sailin' Shoes -> Jumping, Sughn Never Sets
SET 2: Pendulum > Save Me [2] > Pendulum, Haywire, I Am Random > Sailin' Shoes > I Am Random, Cities > Crazy Sometimes > Sailin' Shoes > Crazy Sometimes
ENCORE: Funky Bitch
Soundcheck: Peel (this soundcheck is incomplete)
SET 1: Whirlwind, Stealing Jamaica, Haywire > Are You a Hypnotist??, Meat > Sughn Never Sets, Got To Be More Careful, Steps, Crazy Sometimes
SET 1: Say Something, Victim, Haywire > Wildflowers, Steps, Meat -> Ruby Soho, Face > Victim 3D
SET 2: Pendulum, Jones, Sughn Never Sets, Peel, Marissa, I Am Random, Crazy Sometimes
ENCORE: You Strike My Main Nerve
SET 1: Don't Chin The Dog
SET 1: Tomorrow Never Knows
SET 1: Pendulum, Put Down The Phone, Wildflowers, The Grid [1], Mother's Song, Spock's Brain, Infinite > Say Something
SET 2: Only a Dream, Steps, Black Tambourine, Yarmouth Road -> Thin Air > Yarmouth Road, Jumping > Marissa, Go Away
ENCORE: I Am Random, Gimme Some Lovin'
SET 1: Whirlwind, Equilibrium, Sleep to Dream -> My Favorite Mistake, Tropical Rocket, Noon to Noon, Angatta, Jam [1], Sughn Never Sets
SET 2: I Am Random, Victim [2] > Peel[2], Got To Be More Careful[2], Haywire[2] > Are You a Hypnotist??[2], Crazy Sometimes[2], How Many People Are You[2]
ENCORE: Sweet Emotion[2]
SET 1: Destiny Unbound, Pendulum, Jones > Ether, Marissa > Normal Phoebe
SET 2: Let's Go, Cruel World, Up And Down, 555 -> When Your Mind's Made Up, Check Your Pepper, Steps > Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Cities
Soundcheck: Sughn Never Sets, Ether, D'yer Mak'er (this soundcheck is incomplete)
SET 1: I Am Random -> Equilibrium, Put Down The Phone, Looking for Clues, My Favorite Mistake, D'yer Mak'er > Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Go Away > Stealing Jamaica > Mind Mischief > Just a Rose > You Strike My Main Nerve, Sughn Never Sets
ENCORE: Ruby Soho
SET 1: Let's Go, Haywire, Stealing Jamaica, Infinite > Trapezoidal Sunshine, Are You a Hypnotist??, Jones > Go Away
SET 2: Crazy Sometimes > Wildflowers, Spock's Brain, Peel, Say Something
SET 1: Whirlwind, Steps, Sleep to Dream, Got To Be More Careful, Tropical Rocket, Angatta, You Strike My Main Nerve, Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Tiny Little World, Stealing Jamaica, Put Down The Phone, Noon to Noon, When Your Mind's Made Up [1], My Favorite Mistake, Jones, Sweet Emotion
ENCORE: If You Want Me [2], I Am Random
SET 1: Different World, Victim, Infinite > Jumping > Meat, Black Tambourine, Let's Go
SET 2: Up And Down, Sughn Never Sets, Yarmouth Road > Thin Air [1] > Yarmouth Road, Marissa, Cities, Face
ENCORE: Destiny Unbound, Gimme Some Lovin'
SET 1: I Am Random, Equilibrium, Haywire, Wildflowers, Tropical Rocket, Sughn Never Sets, Crazy Sometimes > Victim 3D
SET 2: Don't Chin The Dog > Pendulum -> Looking for Clues, Peel, Steps, My Favorite Mistake, Sweet Emotion
ENCORE: Sugar Shack
SET 1: Jumping, Tropical Rocket [1], Yarmouth Road, Let's Go, Noon to Noon, Spock's Brain
SET 2: Infinite > Waking Up Dead > Haywire -> You Strike My Main Nerve, Marissa, I Am Random, Face
ENCORE: How Do I Know
SET 1: Go Away, Stealing Jamaica, Put Down The Phone, Are You a Hypnotist??, Trapezoidal Sunshine, Angatta, Cities > Sughn Never Sets
SET 2: Victim, My Favorite Mistake, Haywire -> How Many People Are You > Meat -> Whirlwind, Crazy Sometimes, I Am Random, Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Funky Bitch
SET 1: Equilibrium, Long Black Line, Sleep to Dream, Sughn Never Sets, Wildflowers [1], Meat > Victim 3D > Face
SET 2: Pendulum, Haywire, Got To Be More Careful, Stealing Jamaica, Up And Down, Marissa, Destiny Unbound
ENCORE: I Am Random
SET 1: Victim, Put Down The Phone [1], Angatta, 555, Looking for Clues, Yarmouth Road, I Am Random[1], Go Away
SET 2: Whirlwind, Jones, Steps, My Favorite Mistake[1], Sugar Shack, Surface > Crazy Sometimes
ENCORE: Ruby Soho
SET 1: Steps, Stealing Jamaica, Haywire [1], Mind Mischief > Cities, Infinite [2], Tiny Little World, Victim 3D
SET 2: Let's Go, Peel, Marissa, Jumping, Sughn Never Sets[1], D'yer Mak'er[2] > Say Something
ENCORE: How Many People Are You
SET 1: Don't Chin The Dog
SET 1: Say Something, Whirlwind, Peel, Victim > Sweet Emotion, Pendulum, Wild and Blue [1], Do You Still Drink About Me [2], Crazy Sometimes[2]
SET 1: Victim, Whirlwind, Sleep to Dream -> Marissa > You Strike My Main Nerve, Pendulum, Got To Be More Careful > Steps > Victim 3D
SET 1: Say Something, Stealing Jamaica, Jones > Steps, Mind Mischief, Yarmouth Road > Crazy Sometimes > Cities, Go Away > Sweet Emotion
SET 1: Marissa, Whirlwind, Destiny Unbound, Victim > Victim 3D > Got To Be More Careful, Let's Go, You Strike My Main Nerve, Steps, Pendulum > Gimme Some Lovin'
SET 1: Endless Highway [1] > Midnight on the Highway[1], Don't Lie [2]
SET 1: Stealing Jamaica, Waking Up Dead, Noon to Noon, Cruel World > Steps, You Strike My Main Nerve
SET 2: Angatta, Up And Down, Pendulum, Peel, Mind Mischief > Crazy Sometimes > Say Something
ENCORE: Gimme Some Lovin'
SET 1: Victim > Victim 3D, Equilibrium, Trapezoidal Sunshine, Got To Be More Careful, Destiny Unbound, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Whirlwind, Steps, Sleep to Dream > Marissa > Normal Phoebe > Sweet Emotion
ENCORE: Cities
SET 1: Let's Go, Long Black Line, Jumping > Stealing Jamaica, Don't Chin The Dog > Pendulum
SET 2: Steps, Jones > Crazy Sometimes, Looking for Clues, Peel > The Grid -> Peel, Meat > Go Away
ENCORE: Funky Bitch
SET 1: Equilibrium, Stealing Jamaica, Surface, Funky Bitch, Long Black Line > Noon to Noon, Destiny Unbound
SET 2: Different World > Just a Rose, Andelmans' Yard, Marissa, Whirlwind
SET 1: Victim, Cruel World, Meat > Traveled Too Far > So Far Gone, Steps, Mind Mischief > Go Away
SET 2: Victim 3D > Pendulum > Peel > Trapezoidal Sunshine > Peel, Let's Go > Sweet Emotion
ENCORE: How Many People Are You,
SET 1: Stealing Jamaica, Crazy Sometimes, Just a Rose, Morphing Again > The Field > Morphing Again, Got To Be More Careful, Destiny Unbound, Go Away
SET 2: Up And Down, Jones, Dig Further Down, Sleep to Dream > So Far Gone, Steps, Say Something, Whirlwind, Noon to Noon, Face
SET 1: Victim, Here Today, Surface, Looking for Clues, Midnight, Pendulum, Victim 3D
SET 2: Peel, Sugar Shack, Marissa, Babylon Baby, Cities, Equilibrium, Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Yarmouth Road
SET 1: Stealing Jamaica, Cruel World, Destiny Unbound, 555, Angatta, You Strike My Main Nerve, Go Away
SET 2: Victim 3D, Normal Phoebe > Jumping > Check Your Pepper > Jumping, Meat, Crazy Sometimes, Let's Go, Sweet Emotion
SET 1: Whirlwind, Equilibrium, Sleep to Dream, Got To Be More Careful, Noon to Noon, Ruby Soho, Face
SET 2: Say Something, Yarmouth Road [1], Steps[1], Marissa[1], Peel[1], Victim[1], Mind Mischief[1] > Gimme Some Lovin'[1]
ENCORE: Do You Still Drink About Me [2] > Victim 3D[1]
SET 1: Long Black Line, Just a Rose, Steps, Surface, Current Futures, Traveled Too Far, Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Go Away, Jones, Ether > Take It As It Comes, Cities, Pendulum
ENCORE: How Do I Know
SET 1: Angatta, Equilibrium, Cruel World > Got To Be More Careful > Trapezoidal Sunshine, Whirlwind, Gimme Some Lovin' [1]
SET 2: Victim, Steps > Peel, Mind Mischief -> Pendulum, Victim 3D
ENCORE: Let's Go
SET 1: Crazy Sometimes, Yarmouth Road > Cities, Marissa, Andelmans' Yard, You Strike My Main Nerve, Face
SET 2: Stealing Jamaica, Jumping, Noon to Noon, Meat > Go Away
ENCORE: Sweet Emotion
SET 1: Victim > Equilibrium, Just a Rose > Don't Chin The Dog, Got To Be More Careful, Pendulum > Babylon Baby
SET 2: Whirlwind, Different World > Peel, Destiny Unbound, Ruby Soho, Let's Go
ENCORE: Mary Jane's Last Dance > Victim 3D
SET 1: Up And Down, Long Black Line, Sleep to Dream > Morphing Again, Mind Mischief -> Take It As It Comes
SET 2: Steps, Say Something, Marissa -> You Strike My Main Nerve, Tiny Little World -> Go Away > Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Looking for Clues
SET 1: Stealing Jamaica, Cruel World -> Trapezoidal Sunshine, Face, You Strike My Main Nerve, Victim -> Victim 3D
SET 2: Pendulum, Angatta, Surface, Meat > Normal Phoebe > Cities
ENCORE: Whirlwind > How Many People Are You
SET 1: Crazy Sometimes, Steps, Jumping, Got To Be More Careful [1], Equilibrium, Destiny Unbound
SET 2: Jones -> Go Away, Noon to Noon[1], Marissa, Ruby Soho, Victim > Let's Go
ENCORE: Sweet Emotion
SET 1: Victim 3D, Whirlwind, Mind Mischief, Cruel World, You Strike My Main Nerve [1], Go Away, Victim, Ruby Soho, Meat, Crazy Sometimes
SET 1: Stealing Jamaica > Say Something, Marissa > Cities, Destiny Unbound [1], Steps, Sweet Emotion > Tiny Little World, Pendulum
No known setlist
SET 1: Whirlwind, Victim, Cruel World, Mind Mischief, Steps, Say Something, Go Away
SET 2: Victim 3D, Marissa, Pendulum, Peel > Trapezoidal Sunshine > Peel, Are You a Hypnotist??, Tiny Little World > Sweet Emotion
ENCORE: Let's Go
SET 1: Victim, Stealing Jamaica, Steps
SET 1: Steps, Up And Down, Jones, 555, Babylon Baby, Angatta, Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Equilibrium, Sleep to Dream, Andelmans' Yard, Spock's Brain, Normal Phoebe, Mary Jane's Last Dance, Go Away, Face
ENCORE: Ruby Soho
SET 1: Victim > Long Black Line, Cruel World > Marissa, Jones -> Don't Chin The Dog, Pendulum
SET 2: Take It As It Comes, Different World > Trapezoidal Sunshine > Angatta, Sleep to Dream > Crazy Sometimes, How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Spock's Brain
SET 1: Stealing Jamaica -> Jumping, Meat > Morphing Again, Check Your Pepper, Victim, Face
SET 2: Steps, Whirlwind, Mind Mischief -> Victim 3D > Soulfood Man -> Check Your Pepper, Cities, Go Away
ENCORE: Ruby Soho
SET 1: Crazy Sometimes, Jones > Andelmans' Yard, Victim > Take It As It Comes, Pendulum
SET 2: Sugar Shack, Go Away > Peel > Up And Down > Are You a Hypnotist?? -> Peel > Sweet Emotion
ENCORE: How Do I Know
SET 1: Victim 3D, Waking Up Dead, Ruby Soho, Marissa, Equilibrium, Angatta, Mind Mischief, Go Away
SET 2: Stealing Jamaica, Cruel World > Trapezoidal Sunshine > Normal Phoebe, Crazy Sometimes, Whirlwind, Cities, Let's Go
No known setlist
SET 1: Pendulum, Jones, Crazy Sometimes, Ruby Soho, Meat, Victim [1], Steps[1], Victim 3D[1]
SET 2: Check Your Pepper, Ether, Sleep to Dream, Marissa, Angatta, Tiny Little World, Cities
ENCORE: Let's Go
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
SET 1: Victim, Stealing Jamaica, Steps
SET 1: Victim 3D -> Victim > Say Something, Cruel World, Trapezoidal Sunshine, Mind Mischief > Steps
SET 2: Whirlwind, Check Your Pepper, Yarmouth Road, Jones > Go Away, Ruby Soho, Pendulum
ENCORE: Black Tambourine
SET 1: Up And Down, Equilibrium > Sleep to Dream, Long Black Line > Sweet Emotion > Tiny Little World, Steps, Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Jumping, Go Away, Mind Mischief > Waking Up Dead, Marissa, Whirlwind, How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Let's Go
SET 1: Whirlwind, Cruel World, Ether, Equilibrium, Stealing Jamaica > Cities > How Do I Know, Go Away
SET 2: Different World, Victim > Victim 3D, Current Futures [1], Trapezoidal Sunshine, Face, Sweet Emotion, Normal Phoebe, Pendulum
ENCORE: Funky Bitch
SET 1: Victim 3D, Long Black Line > Don't Chin The Dog, Mind Mischief [1], Surface, Steps, Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Say Something > Pendulum [2], Peel > So Far Gone[2] > Peel, Up And Down, Tiny Little World, Marissa, Just a Rose > Victim > Victim 3D
ENCORE: Let's Go
SET 1: Victim [1] > Dig Further Down, Jumping, Stealing Jamaica[1], Angatta, Equilibrium[1], Cities, Only a Dream
SET 2: Steps[1], Jones > Normal Phoebe > Trapezoidal Sunshine[1], Go Away[1], Ruby Soho [2], Face
ENCORE: Whirlwind
SET 1: Long Black Line, Whirlwind, Sugar Shack, Peel > Marissa > How Do I Know > Crazy Sometimes, Face [1], Victim 3D[1]
SET 1: River Niger
SET 1: Say Something, Tiny Little World, Looking for Clues, Whirlwind [1], Marissa[1], Up And Down[1] -> Cities, Crazy Sometimes, Meat > Here Today, Victim 3D[1]
SET 1: Face > Traveled Too Far, Say Something, Crazy Sometimes > Peel, Let's Go, Jones > Tiny Little World, How Many People Are You
Soundcheck: Cruel World
No known setlist
Soundcheck: work on Susskind Hotel, work on Live and Let Die, work on Susskind Hotel, Mother's Song, work on Traveled Too Far, work on The Grid, work on Live and Let Die, Miss You (The Rolling Stones), work on Live and Let Die
SET 1: Say Something, Daisy Hill Grove, Susskind Hotel [1] > Mother's Song > Susskind Hotel, Morphing Again -> The Field > How Do I Know
SET 2: Sugar Shack, Angatta > Peel, Meat > Sleep to Dream, Tiny Little World, Different World
ENCORE: Black Tambourine > Check Your Pepper
SET 1: Here Today, Cruel World -> Don't Chin The Dog, Let Her Go, The Grid, Jones > Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Take It As It Comes > Cities, Spock's Brain, Yarmouth Road, Jumping, Normal Phoebe [1] > Only a Dream
ENCORE: Check Your Pepper
Soundcheck: Everybody's Talkin' (Incomplete)
SET 1: Face, Surface, Long Black Line, Sleep to Dream, Check Your Pepper, Babylon Baby
SET 2: Waking Up Dead, Eclipse, Peel, Everybody's Talkin', Just a Rose, Looking for Clues [1], How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Let's Go
Soundcheck: Sound, Eclipse, Jam, Everybody's Talkin' (this soundcheck possibly incomplete)
SET 1: Long Black Line, Cruel World > Everybody's Talkin', 555, Daisy Hill Grove, Looking for Clues > How Many People Are You
SET 2: Spock's Brain, Let's Go, Peel, How Do I Know, Jones > Face, Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Funky Bitch
SET 1: Say Something, Jumping, Morphing Again, Sleep to Dream, Check Your Pepper, Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Take It As It Comes, Waking Up Dead, Only a Dream, Meat, Let Her Go, Here Today, Voices, Different World
ENCORE: Sugar Shack
SET 1: Surface, Long Black Line, Don't Chin The Dog > Eclipse, Are You a Hypnotist??, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Angatta > How Many People Are You, Andelmans' Yard, Normal Phoebe, Jones > Looking for Clues, Let's Go
ENCORE: Cities
SET 1: Voices > Take It As It Comes, The Field, The Grid, Waking Up Dead, Check Your Pepper, Jumping
SET 2: Face > 555, Different World, Just a Rose > Let Her Go > Dig Further Down, How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Meat -> Check Your Pepper
SET 1: Say Something, Spiral, Jones > Looking for Clues, Daisy Hill Grove, Check Your Pepper, Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Ether > Black Tambourine, Peel, Susskind Hotel > Mother's Song > Susskind Hotel, Sleep to Dream, Here Today
ENCORE: Spock's Brain > Let's Go
SET 1: Waking Up Dead, Jumping, Morphing Again, Don't Chin The Dog > Let Her Go > Traveled Too Far
SET 2: Here Today, Just a Rose, Yarmouth Road > Let's Go, Take It As It Comes, Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Sugar Shack [1]
SET 1: Long Black Line, Surface, Angatta > Check Your Pepper, Cruel World, Are You a Hypnotist??, Face
SET 2: Here Today, Looking for Clues, Peel, Spock's Brain, Jones > How Do I Know > How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Meat -> Check Your Pepper
SET 1: Here Today, Jumping, 555, Let's Go, Just a Rose, Looking for Clues > Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Traveled Too Far > Let Her Go > Sleep to Dream, Angatta, Yarmouth Road > Check Your Pepper, Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Say Something
SET 1: Jones [1]
SET 1: Face, Surface, Sugar Shack, Jones > Looking for Clues > Peel > Looking for Clues
SET 2: Different World, Daisy Hill Grove, How Do I Know, Take It As It Comes, Cities, Check Your Pepper, Dig Further Down, How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Let's Go, Meat -> Check Your Pepper
SET 1: Say Something, Jumping, Waking Up Dead, Morphing Again, How Do I Know, Another Door
SET 2: Babylon Baby, Sleep to Dream, Long Black Line, The Maker [1], Just a Rose, Normal Phoebe, Tiny Little World
ENCORE: How Many People Are You
SET 1: Horizon Line, Cruel World, Check Your Pepper [1], Ether, Meat > Long Black Line
SET 2: Yarmouth Road, Daisy Hill Grove > The Field > Say Something, Looking for Clues > How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Funky Bitch
SET 1: Say Something, Jumping, Waking Up Dead [1], Andelmans' Yard, Horizon Line, How Do I Know > Looking for Clues, Don't Chin The Dog, Let's Go[1], Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Yarmouth Road
SET 1: He's Gone [1]
SET 1: Shakedown Street, Yarmouth Road [1], Loose Lucy, Pride of Cucamonga, Funky Bitch, Mason's Children, Six Feet of Snow [2], Cumberland Blues [3]
SET 2: Samson and Delilah, Viola Lee Blues > Unbroken Chain, Fire on the Mountain, 555, Cryptical Envelopment > The Other One > The Maker > The Other One > Not Fade Away
ENCORE: Uncle John's Band, Brown-Eyed Women, Deep Elem Blues, Deal > Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad > And We Bid You Goodnight
SET 1: Long Black Line, Normal Phoebe, Happy Birthday to You, Number 1 Crush, 555, Babylon Baby, Jumping, Crazy Sometimes > Face
SET 2: Take It As It Comes, Jones, How Do I Know, Yarmouth Road, Here Today, Sleep to Dream, Say Something, Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Daisy Hill Grove > Looking for Clues > How Many People Are You
SET 1: Here Today, Surface, I'm Deranged, Cruel World, Spock's Brain > The Field, Crazy Sometimes
SET 2: Say Something, Cities, Daisy Hill Grove, Traveled Too Far, Peel, Meat > Tiny Little World > How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Barton Hollow
SET 1: Long Black Line, Daisy Hill Grove, 555, Number 1 Crush, Angatta, Eclipse, Take It As It Comes, How Many People Are You
SET 2: Don't Chin The Dog, How Do I Know, Say Something, Crazy Sometimes > Yarmouth Road, Looking for Clues, Jones > Face
ENCORE: Sugar Shack
SET 1: Horizon Line, How Many People Are You, Jumping, Sound, Susskind Hotel -> Mother's Song -> Susskind Hotel, Cruel World, Different World
SET 2: Daisy Hill Grove, Only a Dream, Sleep to Dream, Normal Phoebe, Peel, Meat, Here Today
ENCORE: Cities
SET 1: Long Black Line, Daisy Hill Grove, Here Today, Number 1 Crush, Ether, Crazy Sometimes, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Take It As It Comes, I'm Deranged > The Field, Peel > Say Something, Sugar Shack, Yarmouth Road, Black Tambourine, How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Spock's Brain, Cities
SET 1: Don't Chin The Dog, Babylon Baby, Jones > Voices > Normal Phoebe, Looking for Clues, Crazy Sometimes -> Another Door
SET 2: Horizon Line, Daisy Hill Grove, 555, Spock's Brain, Eclipse [1], Sleep to Dream, Angatta > Face
ENCORE: How Do I Know
SET 1: Here Today, Daisy Hill Grove, Long Black Line, Cruel World, Meat -> Say Something
SET 2: Different World -> Crazy Sometimes -> Take It As It Comes, Yarmouth Road, Number 1 Crush > Tiny Little World > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: How Many People Are You > Cities
SET 1: Horizon Line, Here Today, The Field, Meat, Babylon Baby, Peel, Angatta, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Ether, Don't Chin The Dog, Dig Further Down, Surface, Looking for Clues, Spock's Brain, Spiral, Number 1 Crush, Crazy Sometimes
ENCORE: Sugar Shack
SET 1: Long Black Line, Cruel World, 555, Jumping, Lonely Island [1], Say Something > Black Tambourine, Face
SET 2: Daisy Hill Grove, Yarmouth Road > Cities, Take It As It Comes, Voices, How Many People Are You > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Barton Hollow
SET 1: Don't Chin The Dog > Andelmans' Yard, I'm Deranged, Surface, Spiral > Meat > Babylon Baby, Take It As It Comes
SET 2: Normal Phoebe, The Field > Tiny Little World, Peel, Only a Dream > Number 1 Crush > Crazy Sometimes, Jones, How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Yarmouth Road
SET 1: Daisy Hill Grove, Say Something, Cruel World, Horizon Line, Sugar Shack, Angatta, Looking for Clues, Different World
SET 2: Another Door, Sleep to Dream, Horizon Line, Susskind Hotel > Mother's Song [1], Jumping, Sound, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: How Do I Know
SET 1: How Many People Are You, Long Black Line, The Field, Spock's Brain, Daisy Hill Grove [1], Tiny Little World
SET 2: Ether, Crazy Sometimes[1], Number 1 Crush [2], Meat, Don't Chin The Dog[1], Traveled Too Far, Are You a Hypnotist??, Face
ENCORE: Cities
SET 1: Say Something, How Many People Are You > Sleep to Dream > Yarmouth Road, Looking for Clues, Tiny Little World, Face
SET 1: Angatta [1]
SET 1: Different World, Cruel World > Meat -> Normal Phoebe, Babylon Baby, Angatta > Another Door
SET 2: I'm Deranged > Peel > Sound, Tiny Little World > Loon, The Last Step, How Many People Are You > Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Here Today
SET 1: Long Black Line, Andelmans' Yard, Spock's Brain, Sleep to Dream, Horizon Line, Are You a Hypnotist??, Take It As It Comes
SET 2: Surface > How Many People Are You > Yarmouth Road > Looking for Clues, Ether, Say Something, How Do I Know [1], Face
ENCORE: Make Up Your Mind [2], Sugar Shack
SET 1: Only a Dream, Say Something, How Many People Are You > Sleep to Dream, Meat > Jumping, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Here Today, Jones > Black Tambourine, Traveled Too Far > How Do I Know, 555, Face > Dig Further Down > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Different World
SET 1: I'm Deranged > Yarmouth Road > I'm Deranged > Take It As It Comes, Papa Loves Mambo [1], I'm Deranged > Jumping -> I'm Deranged > Caught Up -> Tiny Little World
SET 2: Burning Down the House[1] > Here Today, Sleep to Dream, The Last Step, Spock's Brain > Sleep to Dream, Another Door, Long Black Line, Jones > Only a Dream, Face
ENCORE: Looking for Clues
SET 1: Sugar Shack > Sound, Jones > Normal Phoebe, Andelmans' Yard > Susskind Hotel > Face > Susskind Hotel
SET 2: Take It As It Comes, Surface > How Many People Are You, Peel, Looking for Clues, Say Something, Cruel World, Dig Further Down
SET 1: Long Black Line > Babylon Baby, Sleep to Dream, The Last Step, Tiny Little World, Meat > How Many People Are You
SET 2: Angatta > Ether, Jumping, 555, Yarmouth Road, Black Tambourine, Traveled Too Far > How Do I Know > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Here Today
SET 1: Different World, Another Door, Surface, Here Today, Say Something, Looking for Clues, Spock's Brain, Different World
SET 2: Jones, Take It As It Comes, Sugar Shack, Normal Phoebe, Are You a Hypnotist??, Voices, Face, How Do I Know
ENCORE: How Many People Are You
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Looking for Clues, Spiral, Meat > Cruel World, Angatta, Traveled Too Far
SET 2: Horizon Line, Sleep to Dream > Only a Dream > Sleep to Dream, How Many People Are You, Peel, Sugar Shack, Jumping, Yarmouth Road, Here Today
ENCORE: Tiny Little World
SET 1: Take It As It Comes, Long Black Line, Sleep to Dream, Andelmans' Yard, Say Something, Jumping, Face
SET 2: Here Today, Ether > Spock's Brain, Yarmouth Road, Looking for Clues, Jones > How Many People Are You, Tiny Little World, How Do I Know
SET 1: Sugar Shack, Jones, How Many People Are You, Peel, Long Black Line, Say Something > Sleep to Dream, Different World
SET 2: Normal Phoebe, Spock's Brain, Jumping, The Last Step, 555, Another Door, Yarmouth Road > Looking for Clues, Voices
ENCORE: Black Tambourine
SET 1: Horizon Line, Take It As It Comes, Angatta, Loon, Susskind Hotel, Surface, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Traveled Too Far, Here Today, Ether, Cruel World, Meat, Andelmans' Yard, Are You a Hypnotist??, How Many People Are You, Long Black Line > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: How Do I Know
SET 1: Long Black Line > I'm Deranged > Jones, Sugar Shack, Here Today, Yarmouth Road, Sleep to Dream, Face
SET 2: Sound, Jumping, How Many People Are You, The Last Step, 555, Another Door, Looking for Clues, Say Something, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: How Do I Know
SET 1: Take It As It Comes, Cruel World, 555, Angatta, Sleep to Dream, Tiny Little World, Jumping
SET 2: Jones > Dig Further Down, Looking for Clues, Yarmouth Road, Susskind Hotel, Normal Phoebe, Face, How Do I Know
ENCORE: Spock's Brain, Meat
SET 1: Another Door, Take It As It Comes, Spiral, Peel, Spock's Brain, Black Tambourine, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Horizon Line, Say Something, Cruel World, Meat > Ether, Voices, How Many People Are You, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Looking for Clues
SET 1: Here Today, Long Black Line, Sleep to Dream [1], Sugar Shack, Are You a Hypnotist??, Different World
SET 2: Only a Dream, 555, Take It As It Comes [2], The Last Step[2], Andelmans' Yard, Face, Normal Phoebe, Yarmouth Road, How Many People Are You
ENCORE: Meat, How Do I Know
SET 1: Say Something, Surface, Here Today [1], Babylon Baby > Spock's Brain [2], Jumping, Angatta > Looking for Clues [3], Tiny Little World
SET 2: Ether, Jones, How Many People Are You[1], Meat > Face > Traveled Too Far > How Do I Know[3]
ENCORE: Yarmouth Road
SET 1: Cumberland Blues, Tennessee Jed, Ship of Fools, 555, Scarlet Begonias > Bird Song > He's Gone, Loose Lucy, U.S. Blues
ENCORE: Touch of Grey
SET 1: Flash Jam, Cactus Dragonfly Jam
SET 1: Fireworks, Greenpoint, Atari, Such a Night, This is How it Goes, RISD [1], At the Show[1], I Put a Spell on You [2], It Seems It's All a Lie, Rainy Day Woman #12 & 35, Let's Go Get Stoned, Jam[1], I Heard It Through the Grapevine[2], Turn On Your Love Light[2], Fearless > Benny and The Jets > Fearless, Limbs of a Pine[1]
ENCORE: Contact (partial), Bathtub Gin (partial), Witches of Ulster[1]
SET 1: Paint, Jumping, Are You a Hypnotist??, Spock's Brain, Twists and Bends, 555 [1], Face
SET 2: Angatta, Different World, Sound -> Fly -> Sound, Pretty Boy Floyd, Yarmouth Road, Hand in My Pocket > Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Barton Hollow, Long Black Line
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Jumping, 555, Ether, Pretty Boy Floyd, Long Black Line -> Miss You
SET 2: Surface, Mrs. Peel -> Peel, Say Something -> River Niger -> Say Something, Mississippi -> Jones -> Midnight > Skin It Back, Dig Further Down, Face
ENCORE: Yarmouth Road
SET 1: Yarmouth Road [1]
SET 1: Ether > Cruel World, Yarmouth Road, Different World, Pretty Boy Floyd, Spock's Brain, Face > Peel, Cities [1], Tiny Little World[1]
SET 2: Long Black Line, Crumblin' Bones, Barton Hollow, Angatta, Spiral, Jumping, Traveled Too Far -> She Said She Said -> Tomorrow Never Knows > Are You a Hypnotist?? > Tomorrow Never Knows -> She Said She Said -> Traveled Too Far, Say Something
ENCORE: Soulfood Man -> Alphabet Street
SET 1: Late in the Evening [1], The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) [2]
SET 1: Couch Lady, Face, Peel -> The Poet's Final Instructions [1] -> Peel, Mrs. Peel > Dig Further Down, Pretty Boy Floyd, Spock's Brain, I'm Deranged -> Take Me to the River Jam -> Tiny Little World
SET 2: 555, Jones > Sailin' Shoes > Ether -> Either -> Ether, Yarmouth Road, Barton Hollow, Long Black Line
SET 1: Another Door, Surface > Only a Dream, Loon, Twists and Bends, Say Something, Just a Rose -> Voices
SET 2: Morphing Again, Long Black Line, Mississippi > Black Tambourine, Spiral, Walls of Time, Jumping, Paint, Soulfood Man
ENCORE: Cities
SET 1: Long Black Line, Andelmans' Yard, Jones > Spock's Brain, Yarmouth Road, Pretty Boy Floyd, Ether, Hand in My Pocket, Different World
SET 2: Traveled Too Far, Jumping, Meat > Willow Tree, Normal Phoebe, Peel, Say Something, Angatta, Tiny Little World, Are You a Hypnotist??, Face
ENCORE: Barton Hollow
SET 1: Long Black Line, Surface, Spock's Brain, Twists and Bends, Peel, Mrs. Peel -> Paint > Face, Hand in My Pocket > Normal Phoebe
SET 2: Jumping, Jones > Susskind Hotel > Ocean Of Diamonds [1] > I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate[1] > Ocean Of Diamonds > Susskind Hotel, Different World, The Grid > Tiny Little World > Black Tambourine, 555 [2] > Another Door, Skin It Back
ENCORE: Say Something
SET 1: Babylon Baby > Cruel World, Yarmouth Road, Long Black Line, Pretty Boy Floyd, Are You a Hypnotist??, Tiny Little World, Emotional Railroad, Different World
SET 2: Sound > Dig Further Down > Ether, Cities, Say Something > Meat, Jumping > Normal Phoebe, Face
ENCORE: Barton Hollow, Funky Bitch
SET 1: Jumping, Radar Blip, Jones -> Spiral > Spock's Brain, Twists and Bends, Angatta, She Said She Said, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Surface > Meat > Long Black Line, Peel, Another Door, Mississippi -> Morphing Again, Hand in My Pocket > Soulfood Man
ENCORE: Yarmouth Road, Skin It Back
SET 1: Say Something, Andelmans' Yard, Jones, Dig Further Down, Paint, Jumping, Crumblin' Bones, Walls of Time, Face
SET 2: Yarmouth Road, Ether, Are You a Hypnotist??, Either, Horizon Line > Cities, Sugar Shack, Normal Phoebe, Different World
ENCORE: Barton Hollow, Pretty Boy Floyd
SET 1: Long Black Line, Jumping, Meat, Pretty Boy Floyd, Pretend, Ether, Different World, 555, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Surface, Spock's Brain, Peel, Say Something, Sound, Yarmouth Road, Hand in My Pocket, Angatta, Face
ENCORE: Twists and Bends > Miss You
SET 1: Paint, Traveled Too Far, Jumping, Mississippi, Twists and Bends, Long Black Line, Jones > Sailin' Shoes, Tiny Little World
SET 2: Puddle, Sound, Black Tambourine, Andelmans' Yard, Hand in My Pocket, Yarmouth Road, Are You a Hypnotist??, Face, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Different World
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Yarmouth Road > Willow Tree, Angatta, Spock's Brain, Pretty Boy Floyd, Long Black Line, Rhymes, Face
SET 2: Different World, Ether, Meat, Another Door -> Fly -> Another Door > Peel -> It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry [1] -> Peel, Hap-Nappy, Mrs. Peel > Say Something, Cities, Tiny Little World
ENCORE: Barton Hollow
SET 1: Long Black Line, Yarmouth Road
SET 1: Long Black Line, Sound, Cruel World, Yarmouth Road, Crumblin' Bones > Traveled Too Far -> Angatta, Mississippi, Face
SET 2: Ether, Normal Phoebe [1], Surface, Walls of Time, Different World, Say Something, Hand in My Pocket -> Sugar Shack, Voices > Hap-Nappy
ENCORE: Miss You
SET 1: Different World, Jones, Spock's Brain, Are You a Hypnotist?? -> Puddle -> Are You a Hypnotist??, Jumping, Pretty Boy Floyd, Meat > Voices > Different World
SET 2: Yarmouth Road, Morphing Again, Say Something, Peel, Sound, 555, Sugar Shack, Tiny Little World
ENCORE: She Said She Said
SET 1: Babylon Baby, Traveled Too Far, Cruel World, Meat, Pretend, Spock's Brain, Andelmans' Yard > Tiny Little World
SET 2: Paint, Face, Peel, Another Door, Twists and Bends, Long Black Line, Rhymes > Peel > Hap-Nappy
ENCORE: Cities
SET 1: Long Black Line, Surface, Face -> Susskind Hotel -> Face, Say Something [1], Miss You [2], Messin' with The Kid[2]
SET 2: Ether, 555 > Black Tambourine, Loon, Yarmouth Road, Crumblin' Bones, Jumping -> Horizon Line
ENCORE: Funky Bitch
SET 1: Paint, Face, Willow Tree, Long Black Line, Pretty Boy Floyd, Different World, Caught Up > Tiny Little World
SET 2: Either, Yarmouth Road > Either > Ether, Dig Further Down, Are You a Hypnotist?? > Spiral, Angatta, Jumping
ENCORE: Barton Hollow
SET 1: Jumping, Say Something, Mississippi, Spock's Brain, Pretty Boy Floyd, Surface, Only a Dream
SET 2: Different World, Peel, Long Black Line, Mrs. Peel, 555, Hand in My Pocket -> It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry -> Face > Hap-Nappy
ENCORE: Are You a Hypnotist??
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Yarmouth Road, Jones, Long Black Line, Spock's Brain, Surface, Traveled Too Far
SET 2: Ether -> Either [1] -> Puddle [2] -> Ether, Love On One Condition[2], Twists and Bends[1], Jumping, Paint, Say Something -> Tiny Little World
SET 1: Say Something, Horizon Line, Jumping, Sound, Pretty Boy Floyd, Long Black Line, Different World [1]
SET 2: Mississippi, Peel, Tiny Little World, Barton Hollow [2], Meat, Babylon Baby, Face
SET 1: Tiny Little World, Yarmouth Road -> Caught Up, Surface [1], Radar Blip, Loon[1], Are You a Hypnotist?? [2], Another Door
SET 2: Pretty Boy Floyd[2], Spock's Brain[2], Morphing Again > Mrs. Peel, Face, 555[2], Long Black Line
ENCORE: Voices
SET 1: Long Black Line [1], Tiny Little World[1]
SET 1: Face [1], Say Something [2], Cruel World, Sugar Shack, Mississippi[2], Traveled Too Far -> Caught Up[1] -> Traveled Too Far, Crumblin' Bones, Dig Further Down -> The Spider and the Ghost of the Fly[2] -> Dig Further Down, Jumping[1]
SET 2: Paint[1], Ether[1], Jones > Fire From a Stick, Peel, Mrs. Peel[1], Angatta[2], Hap-Nappy
ENCORE: Andelmans' Yard
SET 1: Long Black Line [1], Peel[1], Tiny Little World[1], Yarmouth Road [2]
SET 1: Bird Song [1]
SET 1: Willow Tree [1], Yes We Can[1], The Field[1], Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes[1]
SET 1: Shakedown Street , Tennessee Jed, West L.A. Fadeaway, He's Gone, Sugaree, Bertha, Ramble On Rose, Dupree's Diamond Blues, Black Muddy River, Dark Star > Standing on the Moon > St. Stephen > Help on the Way > Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower
SET 1: Rag Mama Rag [1], The Weight [2]
SET 1: Only a Dream, Rhymes -> Jaded, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Barika > Spiral, Weekly Time, Down to the Nightclub
SET 2: Traveled Too Far -> Horizon Line, Skin It Back, What Things Seem, Walls of Time, Cities, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Meat > You Don't Mess Around with Jim
SET 1: Another Door, Crumblin' Bones, Black Tambourine, Morphing Again, Jones, Mound, Toys R Us [1] > Hand in My Pocket, Barika, Susskind Hotel
SET 1: Sugar Shack, Can't Stand Still -> She Said She Said > The Way It Goes, Andelmans' Yard, Kissing the Lipless [1] > Babylon Baby, Funky Bitch, I Miss My Mind, Hap-Nappy
SET 1: Horizon Line, Voices, Sailin' Shoes, Emotional Railroad > Meat > You Don't Mess Around with Jim [1], Dig Further Down, Don't Do It, River Niger -> Idea
SET 1: Jones > Ya Mar > Sailin' Shoes
SET 1: Under Stars, The Secret Place, Matta, Signals, An Ending (Ascent), Under Stars II, Drift, Silver Morning, Deep Blue Day, Weightless, Always Returning, Stars
SET 1: Deep Blue Day, Under Stars II, Weightless
SET 1: Horizon Line, Only a Dream, I'm Deranged -> The Way It Goes, Just a Rose > Voices, River Niger, Don't Do It -> Horizon Line
SET 2: Funky Bitch, Sugar Shack, Hand in My Pocket -> Dig Further Down -> Dream Song 22 - 'Of 1826' [1] -> Dig Further Down, Crumblin' Bones, Skin It Back -> Hap-Nappy, Won't Get Fooled Again
ENCORE: Suzy Greenberg [2]
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Sideways, Willow Tree, Meat, Andelmans' Yard, Barika [1], Don't Do It[1], The Beltless Buckler > Sailin' Shoes, Soulfood Man
SET 2: Couch Lady, Jones > Down to the Nightclub > Can't Stand Still, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Sound, What Things Seem, Black Tambourine, Another Door
ENCORE: Things That Make You Go Hmmm...
SET 1: Traveled Too Far -> Sugar Shack -> Traveled Too Far -> Sugar Shack -> The Field -> Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten -> Traveled Too Far -> Sugar Shack, I Miss My Mind > The Void > La La La -> Traveled Too Far
SET 2: Cities, Susskind Hotel -> Cruel World > The Void [1] > She Said She Said, Sugar Shack Reprise -> Walls of Time, No One Receiving -> Susskind Hotel, Hap-Nappy
SET 1: Another Door, Cruel World, Sideways [1], The Way It Goes [2], What Things Seem, I Miss My Mind -> River Niger, Things That Make You Go Hmmm... > Babylon Baby
SET 2: Sailin' Shoes, Just a Rose -> Black Tambourine, Andelmans' Yard, Meat > Sound, Sugar Shack, Idea
ENCORE: Funky Bitch > Won't Get Fooled Again
SET 1: Horizon Line, Spiral, Exit Wound > Walls of Time, Hand in My Pocket > Fire From a Stick, Crumblin' Bones, Couch Lady, Susskind Hotel
SET 2: Dig Further Down, Skin It Back, Willow Tree, Can't Stand Still, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Revelator, Traveled Too Far > Won't Get Fooled Again [1]
ENCORE: Hap-Nappy > Down to the Nightclub
SET 1: Sound, Can't Stand Still, Babylon Baby, Jones, Walls of Time [1] > Black Tambourine[1] > Down to the Nightclub[1] > Susskind Hotel[1] > Black Tambourine[1], I Miss My Mind, Horizon Line, Just a Rose > Mound
ENCORE: Sugar Shack
SET 1: Susskind Hotel > Horizon Line, Just a Rose, Flashback > Black Tambourine, I Miss My Mind, River Niger [1], Down in the Flood [2], Weekly Time[1], Mound
SET 2: Babylon Baby, Hap-Nappy, Cities, Heavy Metal > The Spiritual Jam, Got Away, Down to the Nightclub, Crumblin' Bones, Can't Stand Still, Hand in My Pocket, Idea
ENCORE: Skin It Back
SET 1: Spiral, Soulfood Man > Jones > Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, Heavy Metal > The Spiritual Jam, Fire From a Stick, Sugar Shack
SET 2: Mount Philo, The Time For Loving Is Now, Nobody's Home, Easy To Slip, Jaded > On a Bad Day, Emotional Railroad -> Lit O Bit, Meat, Idea
ENCORE: Things That Make You Go Hmmm...
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Sound, I'm Deranged > Willow Tree, River Niger, Balloon, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, You're No Good [1], Mound
SET 2: Traveled Too Far, Flashback > Funky Bitch, Pretend, What Things Seem > Hand in My Pocket, Couch Lady
ENCORE: Takin' It to the Streets
SET 1: Idea, Walls of Time, Sugar Shack, Cities, Can't Stand Still, Heavy Metal > The Spiritual Jam, Crumblin' Bones, Black Tambourine, Hap-Nappy
SET 2: Horizon Line, The Void [1], Cruel World, Got Away, Middle of the Road, Susskind Hotel > La La La > Susskind Hotel
SET 1: Morphing Again, What Things Seem, 15 Step -> The Grid -> Makisupa Policeman, Fire From a Stick, I Miss My Mind, River Niger, Flashback > Babylon Baby
SET 2: Andelmans' Yard, Easy To Slip -> The Field > Access Me -> Revelator, Spiral, No One Receiving > Weekly Time -> Susskind Hotel
SET 1: Another Door, The Void -> Heavy Metal -> Fixin' to Die [1] > The Void > Rhymes, Exit Wound, She Said She Said, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Cities
SET 2: Balloon, Only a Dream -> God Put a Smile Upon Your Face, Just a Rose > Pretend, Nobody's Home, The Beltless Buckler, Traveled Too Far, Mound
ENCORE: Down to the Nightclub
SET 1: Horizon Line, Jaded, Emotional Railroad -> Rock On -> Funky Bitch > Susskind Hotel > The Spiritual Jam [1] > Funky Bitch, Got Away, It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry [2], Can't Stand Still
SET 2: Radar Blip, I'm Deranged, Spiral, Soulfood Man, Flashback > Meat > Jones > Hap-Nappy, I Miss My Mind, Voices
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Sound, Walls of Time, Babylon Baby, Cities, Crumblin' Bones, Mound, Hand in My Pocket > Sugar Shack, Dig Further Down
SET 1: Can't Stand Still, Flashback, Just a Rose, Access Me, What Things Seem, Nobody's Home, She Said She Said, Swamp Music [1], Babylon Baby
SET 2: Traveled Too Far, Couch Lady, Meat > Walls of Time, Cruel World, Skin It Back, Middle of the Road, Hand in My Pocket > Sugar Shack, Idea
ENCORE: Takin' It to the Streets
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Balloon, Black Tambourine, Willow Tree, Fire From a Stick, Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, Jaded [1], Alphabet Street[1], Down to the Nightclub[1]
SET 2: Sound, Susskind Hotel > River Niger > Rock On > Susskind Hotel, I Miss My Mind, Hap-Nappy, Got Away, Hand in My Pocket, Mound
ENCORE: Jones[1], Things That Make You Go Hmmm...[1]
SET 1: Another Door, The Void, Pretend, Spiral, Meat [1], Sailin' Shoes[1], Crumblin' Bones[1], Flashback [2], Dig Further Down
SET 2: Mount Philo > Horizon Line, Just a Rose, Easy To Slip > River Niger > Only a Dream, Going Up Home to Live in Green Pastures, Cities, Lit O Bit, Sugar Shack
ENCORE: Soulfood Man
SET 1: Radar Blip, Idea, Rhymes, Babylon Baby, I Miss My Mind, Middle of the Road, Soulfood Man > Traveled Too Far, Mound [1]
SET 2: Mound [2], Can't Stand Still, Walls of Time, Cruel World, The Grid > Andelmans' Yard, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Meat -> Mound -> Got My Mojo Working [3] -> Mound -> Susskind Hotel
ENCORE: Down to the Nightclub
ENCORE 2: Hand in My Pocket
SET 1: Sound, Dig Further Down, Jones > Sailin' Shoes, What Things Seem, Exit Wound, Alphabet Street, Crumblin' Bones, Only a Dream
SET 2: The Void, Access Me [1], 15 Step, Heavy Metal [2] > Got Away, Couch Lady > Wave the Ocean, Voices -> She Said She Said -> Voices > Black Tambourine
ENCORE: Down to the Nightclub, Sugar Shack
SET 1: Horizon Line, Cities, Morphing Again, Can't Stand Still, River Niger, Jones > Meat, Babylon Baby
SET 2: Mound, Balloon, Willow Tree, Traveled Too Far, Nobody's Home, Susskind Hotel > La La La > Susskind Hotel, Hand in My Pocket, Another Door
ENCORE: The Time For Loving Is Now
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Can't Stand Still, Rhymes, Voices, The Beltless Buckler, Makisupa Policeman, I Miss My Mind, Meat, Lit O Bit, Hap-Nappy
SET 2: I'm Deranged > The Field, Got Away, Jaded, Sugar Shack, Black Tambourine, River Niger > Funky Bitch, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Skin It Back
SET 1: Sound, Couch Lady, Just a Rose, Radar Blip, Easy To Slip, Fire From a Stick, Babylon Baby, Cities, Mound
SET 2: Horizon Line, Balloon [1], Hand in My Pocket, Only a Dream, Midnight, Crumblin' Bones, What Things Seem, Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Going Up Home to Live in Green Pastures[1], Soulfood Man
SET 1: Another Door, Walls of Time, Emotional Railroad, Spiral, Got Away [1], No One Receiving > Susskind Hotel > Revelator > Susskind Hotel, Down to the Nightclub
SET 2: Can't Stand Still, Jones > Meat > Black Tambourine [2], The Void, Nobody's Home > River Niger, Morphing Again, Idea
ENCORE: Takin' It to the Streets
SET 1: Horizon Line, Middle of the Road, Traveled Too Far, Willow Tree, Sailin' Shoes, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Babylon Baby [1]
SET 2: Funky Bitch, Andelmans' Yard, The Grid, Cruel World, Crumblin' Bones, Pretend, She Said She Said, What Things Seem, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Mound [2]
SET 1: Can't Stand Still, Another Door, Willow Tree, Spiral [1], Exit Wound[1], Sarala, Crumblin' Bones, She Said She Said, Only a Dream
SET 2: Horizon Line, Cruel World, Pretend, Sailin' Shoes, No One Receiving, Voices, Hand in My Pocket > Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Down to the Nightclub [2], Idea[2]
SET 1: I'm Deranged, Andelmans' Yard, Rhymes, Horizon Line, Easy To Slip [1] > Walls of Time [2], The Void[2], Sugar Shack[2], Cities[2], Traveled Too Far[2] > Sound[2]
SET 2: What Things Seem[2], Nobody's Home[2], Revelator[2] > The Grid[2] > Makisupa Policeman[2] > Susskind Hotel[2] > 15 Step[2] > Susskind Hotel[2]
ENCORE: Alphabet Street[2]
SET 1: Can't Stand Still, Horizon Line, Just a Rose > She Said She Said, Exit Wound, Crumblin' Bones, Down to the Nightclub, Hap-Nappy
SET 2: Another Door, Willow Tree, Sailin' Shoes, Morphing Again > Rock On > The Field > Morphing Again, Sugar Shack, Hand in My Pocket, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Skin It Back
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, What Things Seem, Jones, Pretend, Mount Philo, Radar Blip, I Miss My Mind, Meat > Soulfood Man
SET 2: Walls of Time, The Void, Cities, Voices, Revelator, Fire From a Stick, Funky Bitch > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: The Time For Loving Is Now
SET 1: Idea, Foundation, Rhymes, The Grid > Three Little Birds, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Susskind Hotel > Down to the Nightclub, Dig Further Down
SET 2: Horizon Line, Lit O Bit, Sound, Just a Rose, The Void, River Niger > Funky Bitch, Hand in My Pocket, Can't Stand Still, Hap-Nappy
ENCORE: Sugar Shack
SET 1: Fire From a Stick, Voices, Emotional Railroad, She Said She Said, What Things Seem, Weekly Time, Things That Make You Go Hmmm..., Couch Lady
SET 2: Mount Philo [1], Can't Stand Still, Spiral, Swamp Music, Cruel World, Morphing Again, Meat, Skin It Back, Jaded
ENCORE: Takin' It to the Streets
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Horizon Line, Willow Tree, Susskind Hotel > Swingtown > Susskind Hotel, The Outdoor Type, Hap-Nappy, Hand in My Pocket, Only a Dream
SET 2: Dig Further Down, The Void [1], Sailin' Shoes > Crumblin' Bones, Pretend, Rock On, Down to the Nightclub, Idea
ENCORE: Funky Bitch
SET 1: Couch Lady, Just a Rose, Fire From a Stick, Revelator, Spiral, Nobody's Home, On a Bad Day, Cities, Soulfood Man
SET 2: Traveled Too Far > Blinded By the Light [1] > Traveled Too Far > River Niger > La La La, Cruel World, The Grid > Makisupa Policeman, No One Receiving, I'm Deranged, Another Door
ENCORE: 15 Step
SET 1: Can't Stand Still, Sound, Susskind Hotel, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Middle of the Road, Walls of Time, Radar Blip, Dig Further Down
SET 2: Idea > Lit O Bit, Hand in My Pocket, Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > The Field > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, Funky Bitch [1], Pretend, On The Move, Jones > Sailin' Shoes > Hap-Nappy > Rock Me Baby
ENCORE: Sugar Shack
SET 1: Fire From a Stick, Horizon Line, Rhymes, Meat, The Outdoor Type, Crumblin' Bones, What Things Seem, Cities, Idea
SET 2: The Time For Loving Is Now, Morphing Again, The Void, Sailin' Shoes, Exit Wound, Voices, Takin' It to the Streets, Traveled Too Far > Gimme Shelter > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Down to the Nightclub
SET 1: Can't Stand Still, Only a Dream, Walls of Time, I Miss My Mind, Andelmans' Yard, Down to the Nightclub, Emotional Railroad > Traveled Too Far
SET 2: Middle of the Road, She Said She Said > River Niger > She Said She Said, Horizon Line, Cruel World, Intensified, Sugar Shack, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Hand in My Pocket [1]
SET 1: I'm Deranged, Spiral, Meat, Pretend, Freedom Dream [1] > Nobody's Home, The Beltless Buckler, Just a Rose [2] > Another Door
SET 2: Susskind Hotel > Rock On > The Grid > 15 Step > Jaded, Sailin' Shoes, I Miss My Mind, Alphabet Street > Soulfood Man
ENCORE: Rock Me Baby[2]
SET 1: Idea, Voices, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Rock On, Can't Stand Still, Willow Tree, Couch Lady, Only a Dream
SET 2: Fire From a Stick, The Void, No One Receiving, Cities, Swamp Music, What Things Seem, Radar Blip, Andelmans' Yard, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Lit O Bit, Things That Make You Go Hmmm...
SET 1: Another Door, Horizon Line, Cruel World, Sailin' Shoes, Crumblin' Bones > River Niger, Revelator, Sound, Traveled Too Far > She Said She Said > Traveled Too Far
SET 2: The Time For Loving Is Now > Morphing Again, Jones > Meat, Sugar Shack, 15 Step, Walls of Time, Hap-Nappy
ENCORE: The Outdoor Type [1], Down to the Nightclub
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Walls of Time, Sugar Shack, Spiral, Can't Stand Still > The Field > Midnight, La La La, Idea
SET 2: Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, Jaded, Cities, Susskind Hotel > River Niger, She Said She Said, Middle of the Road, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Takin' It to the Streets
SET 1: Voices, Rhymes > Only a Dream, The Void [1], What Things Seem, Pretend, Meat > Traveled Too Far
SET 2: Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Lit O Bit, Fire From a Stick, Makisupa Policeman > The Grid > Makisupa Policeman, Emotional Railroad > Radar Blip > I'm Deranged, Things That Make You Go Hmmm..., Hap-Nappy
ENCORE: Down to the Nightclub, Swamp Music
SET 1: Sound, Dig Further Down, Horizon Line [1], She Said She Said, Cruel World, Down to the Nightclub [2], Rock On[2], Susskind Hotel, Idea
SET 2: Can't Stand Still, Sailin' Shoes[2], I Miss My Mind[1], Sugar Shack, Revelator, River Niger, 15 Step, Another Door
ENCORE: Soulfood Man
SET 1: Can't Stand Still, Horizon Line, Fire From a Stick, What Things Seem, Babylon Baby, Jam -> Get Low, Flashback, The Void, Jam, Spiral
SET 2: Can't Stand Still, Horizon Line, Fire From a Stick, Jam, What Things Seem, Jam, Babylon Baby, Fire From a Stick, The Void, Jam, Spiral, Idea, Peace Frog, Jam, What Things Seem
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Sugar Shack, Walls of Time, 15 Step, Spiral, Idea [1], Crumblin' Bones, Dig Further Down
SET 1: Another Door, Middle of the Road, Meat > Willow Tree > Fiddle Jam, Jaded [1] > Weekly Time[1] > Jaded[1], Nobody's Home > Susskind Hotel
SET 2: Morphing Again, Only a Dream, Hap-Nappy, Sugar Shack, 15 Step > River Niger, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, She Said She Said
ENCORE: Jones, Country Boy[1]
SET 1: Can't Stand Still, Spiral, Columbus Stockade Blues [1], Voices[1], Radar Blip, The Beltless Buckler > I'm Deranged > Dig Further Down
SET 2: What Things Seem, Fire From a Stick, Crumblin' Bones, Revelator > Hap-Nappy > La La La, Cities, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Swamp Music
SET 1: The Time For Loving Is Now, Andelmans' Yard, Weekly Time, Cruel World, Soulfood Man, Wave the Ocean, Voices, Walls of Time
SET 2: Sound > Another Door, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, Sugar Shack, Country Boy, River Niger, Jones, Susskind Hotel
ENCORE: Intensified > Crumblin' Bones
SET 1: Middle of the Road, Dig Further Down, Spiral, Midnight at the Oasis, The Beltless Buckler, Traveled Too Far > Emotional Railroad > Fire From a Stick > Traveled Too Far
SET 2: Only a Dream, Can't Stand Still > Radar Blip, 15 Step, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely, What Things Seem > Hap-Nappy > Morphing Again, Meat
ENCORE: Foundation
SET 1: Frame Jam > Can't Stand Still, Couch Lady, Be Good and You'll Be Lonely [1], I'm Deranged [2] > Walls of Time[2] > I'm Deranged[2], Emotional Railroad > Voices
SET 2: Andelmans' Yard, Sugar Shack, Jones > Swamp Music, Nobody's Home, Fire From a Stick, The Grid, River Niger > She Said She Said
ENCORE: Another Door
SET 1: Only a Dream, Can't Stand Still, Pretend > Can't Stand Still > Pretend, 15 Step > Midnight [1], Where The Soul of a Man Never Dies[1], Middle of the Road, Cruel World, Soulfood Man
SET 2: Dig Further Down, Hap-Nappy [2], She Said She Said, Crumblin' Bones > Morphing Again, Meat, Another Door
ENCORE: Country Boy [3]
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Cities, What Things Seem [1], When the Cactus is in Bloom[1], Sound, Things That Make You Go Hmmm..., Nobody's Home, Susskind Hotel
SET 2: Voices, Makisupa Policeman, Midnight, Willow Tree, Fire From a Stick, Sugar Shack, Revelator > Jaded
ENCORE: Swamp Music
SET 1: Another Door, Spiral, Walls of Time, Andelmans' Yard, Crumblin' Bones, Middle of the Road, Can't Stand Still > River Niger > Traveled Too Far
SET 2: Fire From a Stick [1], Rhymes -> Only a Dream > Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Radar Blip, Meat, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Sugar Shack
SET 1: In the Kitchen
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, What Things Seem, Sugar Shack [1], The Field, Spiral, Swamp Music, Crumblin' Bones, Dig Further Down, Happy Birthday to You
SET 2: Can't Stand Still > Revelator > Soulfood Man > La La La, 15 Step > River Niger > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Things That Make You Go Hmmm...
SET 1: Can't Stand Still, Sound, Pretend, Spiral, Nobody's Home, Cities > Dig Further Down
SET 2: The Beltless Buckler > 15 Step > When the Cactus is in Bloom, Couch Lady, Meat > The Time For Loving Is Now, Emotional Railroad, Only a Dream
ENCORE: Takin' It to the Streets
SET 1: Traveled Too Far, Andelmans' Yard > I'm Deranged > Andelmans' Yard, Crumblin' Bones, Sugar Shack, River Niger, Radar Blip > Revelator, Another Door, Susskind Hotel
ENCORE: She Said She Said
SET 1: I'm Deranged, Another Door, Exit Wound > The Field > Sarala > Revolution, No One Receiving, Only a Dream [1]
SET 2: Only a Dream [2], What Things Seem, Couch Lady, Swamp Music, Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, Can't Stand Still, God Put a Smile Upon Your Face, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Makisupa Policeman
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Morphing Again, Can't Stand Still, 15 Step, La La La, Cruel World, Walls of Time, Susskind Hotel
SET 2: Revelator, Voices > Nobody's Home > Voices > Sound, Sugar Shack, Wave the Ocean, Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Alphabet Street
SET 1: Dig Further Down, What Things Seem, Swamp Music, Emotional Railroad, Voices > Sugar Shack > Voices, On a Bad Day, Jaded [1] > Who By Fire[1]
SET 2: Soulfood Man, The Grid, Crumblin' Bones, River Niger, Things That Make You Go Hmmm..., Couch Lady, Another Door, Radar Blip
SET 1: The Beltless Buckler, Andelmans' Yard, Jaded, Willow Tree, Only a Dream, Pretend, Cruel World > I'm Deranged, Couch Lady
SET 2: Susskind Hotel -> Express Yourself > Intensified, Crumblin' Bones, Cities, Voices > Midnight > Voices, Sarala > Another Door
ENCORE: Takin' It to the Streets
SET 1: Another Door, Walls of Time, Spiral, Can't Stand Still > Revelator > The Field > Morphing Again > Soulfood Man > Dig Further Down
SET 2: Sugar Shack, What Things Seem, Sound [1], Hey Now Baby [2], 15 Step, River Niger > Radar Blip, Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Rhymes, She Said She Said
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Morphing Again, Wave the Ocean, Emotional Railroad, River Niger, Happy Birthday to You, Nobody's Home, Voices > Dig Further Down
SET 2: Traveled Too Far, I Want to Hold Your Hand [1], Sugar Shack, Meat, Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, 15 Step > No One Receiving > Susskind Hotel > Only a Dream
ENCORE: Things That Make You Go Hmmm...
SET 1: Another Door, Sound, What Things Seem, Spiral, Crumblin' Bones [1], Weekly Time[1], Swamp Music[1]
SET 2: Radar Blip, Peggy-O [2], Sugar Shack, River Niger, Still Water, Can't Stand Still, La La La, Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: She Said She Said
SET 1: Can't Stand Still, Meat, Traveled Too Far, Emotional Railroad, Foundation, Who By Fire, Nobody's Home, Susskind Hotel
SET 2: Andelmans' Yard, The Grid, Makisupa Policeman, God Put a Smile Upon Your Face, Sugar Shack, The Field, Cities, Another Door
ENCORE: Alphabet Street
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Sugar Shack, Walls of Time, Cruel World, Pretend, River Niger > Soulfood Man, Traveled Too Far
SET 2: Revelator [1], Dig Further Down, Spiral, Nobody's Home > 15 Step, Voices, She Said She Said
ENCORE: The Time For Loving Is Now
SET 1: Only a Dream, Sound, Rhymes, Can't Stand Still, Andelmans' Yard, The Grid, The Field, Soulfood Man
SET 2: Susskind Hotel, Swamp Music, Crumblin' Bones, Voices, Willow Tree, The Beltless Buckler, Another Door > La La La > Another Door
SET 1: Sugar Shack, Radar Blip, Emotional Railroad, What Things Seem, Morphing Again, River Niger, Wave the Ocean [1], Yield Not to Temptation [2]
SET 2: Jaded, Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, 15 Step, Couch Lady, Spiral, Nobody's Home [3], I'm Deranged[3], Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Dig Further Down
SET 1: Voices, Andelmans' Yard, Walls of Time [1], Can't Stand Still[1], Spiral, Swamp Music, The Field, Midnight, Crumblin' Bones, Only a Dream
ENCORE: Things That Make You Go Hmmm...
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Sugar Shack, Cruel World, Foundation, Pretend, God Put a Smile Upon Your Face, Nobody's Home, Susskind Hotel, River Niger, Couch Lady, Meat, Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: What Things Seem, Soulfood Man
SET 1: Another Door, Andelmans' Yard, Emotional Railroad > Can't Stand Still, Spiral, Ain't Wastin' Time No More [1] > La La La [2], Sound, Sarala > Couch Lady, 15 Step, Only a Dream
ENCORE: Sugar Shack, Takin' It to the Streets
Soundcheck: Dig Further Down
SET 1: Susskind Hotel, Walls of Time, Traveled Too Far, Swamp Music, The Field > Another Door > Things That Make You Go Hmmm..., Crumblin' Bones, Drums [1], Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Meat -> Soulfood Man
SET 1: Sugar Shack [1], Radar Blip, What Things Seem, Morphing Again, The Time For Loving Is Now, No One Receiving > Traveled Too Far > Couch Lady, Emotional Railroad > Traveled Too Far > Meat > Dig Further Down
ENCORE: River Niger, Voices
SET 1: Another Door, Rhymes, Jaded, The Grid, Spiral [1], Sound, Nobody's Home [2], Who By Fire[2], The Field, God Put a Smile Upon Your Face[2], Only a Dream
ENCORE: Susskind Hotel, She Said She Said
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Radar Blip, Swamp Music [1], What Things Seem [2], Can't Stand Still[2], Voices, The Field[1], Couch Lady, Sarala [3] > Intensified[3] > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Andelmans' Yard > 15 Step[1] > Andelmans' Yard
SET 1: Doin' My Time, Eyes of the World, Cumberland Blues
SET 2: Peggy-O [1], Tore Up Over You, Come Together > Skin It Back, U.S. Blues, Express Yourself, Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) > Mercury Blues
SET 1: Sound, Another Door > Midnight, Only a Dream -> Living for the City, The Time For Loving Is Now > River Niger > Meat, Crumblin' Bones, Cruel World, Walls of Time, Traveled Too Far > Things That Make You Go Hmmm... > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Dancing in the Street [1]
SET 1: Susskind Hotel, Andelmans' Yard, Walls of Time, Willow Tree, She Said She Said > Express Yourself > She Said She Said, Weekly Time > Makisupa Policeman > Dig Further Down, No One Receiving > Radar Blip, Another Door
ENCORE: La La La -> Alphabet Street
SET 1: Morphing Again, Rhymes, Only a Dream > Living for the City [1], Voices, Cruel World, Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, Radar Blip, Things That Make You Go Hmmm... -> Jaded > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Sound > Takin' It to the Streets
SET 1: Another Door, Willow Tree [1], Susskind Hotel[1], Andelmans' Yard, Pretend, Only a Dream [2], Meat > River Niger > Crumblin' Bones > Dig Further Down
ENCORE: She Said She Said
SET 1: Another Door, Crumblin' Bones, Midnight, She Said She Said > River Niger -> She Said She Said > Walls of Time, Meat, I Got Loaded [1], Cruel World, Radar Blip [2] > Voices -> No One Receiving -> Voices -> Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: On a Bad Day > Andelmans' Yard
SET 1: Another Door, Crumblin' Bones, Voices, Pretend, Things That Make You Go Hmmm... [1] > Meat[1], Andelmans' Yard, Walls of Time, Emotional Railroad, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Makisupa Policeman
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard [1], Dig Further Down [2], Cruel World > Ain't Love Funny, Kryermaten [3] > Ain't Love Funny, Jam [4], Andelmans' Yard [5] > Morphing Again[5]
SET 2: Andelmans' Yard > Traveled Too Far, Things That Make You Go Hmmm... [6] -> Andelmans' Yard [7] > Voices [8], Andelmans' Yard > Another Door
ENCORE: Andelmans' Yard > Alphabet Street
SET 1: Sound, Meat, Dig Further Down, Pretend, I'm Deranged, Born On the Bayou [1], The Time For Loving Is Now, Another Door, Emotional Railroad, Andelmans' Yard, Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Soulfood Man
Soundcheck: Weekly Time, Ain't Love Funny
SET 1: Voices, Crumblin' Bones, William Powell [1], Living In The Country [2], Rings[2], Andelmans' Yard, Traveled Too Far, She Said She Said > River Niger > She Said She Said, Cruel World, Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Makisupa Policeman [3] -> Alphabet Street[3]
SET 1: Another Door, Sound, Cruel World, Soulfood Man, Midnight [1], Bury Me Beneath the Willow[1], Takin' It to the Streets, Radar Blip, Things That Make You Go Hmmm..., Voices, Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: She Said She Said
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Morphing Again, Jaded, Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, Voices > River Niger, Another Door, I Got Loaded
ENCORE: Alphabet Street
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Rhymes > Sound > Another Door > No One Receiving [1] > Another Door > Weekly Time > River Niger, La La La, Traveled Too Far > Emotional Railroad > I'm Deranged > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: On a Bad Day, Dig Further Down
SET 1: Another Door, Meat, Cruel World, Walls of Time, Voices, La La La, Radar Blip [1], Brawlin [2], Takin' It to the Streets [3], Dig Further Down, I'm Deranged, Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Alphabet Street [4]
SET 1: Andelmans' Yard, Cruel World > Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny > The Time For Loving Is Now > Alphabet Street > River Niger, Another Door
SET 2: Makisupa Policeman > Radar Blip -> Think [1] > Pretend [2] > I'm Deranged > Morphing Again > She Said She Said
ENCORE: Midnight > Takin' It to the Streets
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Rhymes, La La La > The Curtain With [1] > Sound, She Said She Said, Andelmans' Yard
SET 2: Voices, White Freightliner Blues, Jaded, Rock Steady [2], Things That Make You Go Hmmm... > Traveled Too Far
ENCORE: Meat > Things That Make You Go Hmmm...
SET 1: Another Door, Crumblin' Bones, She Said She Said, On a Bad Day [1], Milwaukee Here I Come[1], Andelmans' Yard [2], Traveled Too Far[2], Voices[2], Walls of Time[2], Makisupa Policeman[2], Morphing Again, Meat
ENCORE: Alphabet Street
SET 1: Another Door, Walls of Time, She Said She Said, Voices, The Time For Loving Is Now > Makisupa Policeman, Cruel World, Andelmans' Yard, Crumblin' Bones > Bye Bye Baby, Weekly Time, Traveled Too Far
SET 1: Voices, Traveled Too Far, River Niger, Takin' It to the Streets, On a Bad Day [1], Bury Me Beneath the Willow[1], I'm a Little Bit Lonesome[1], She Said She Said, Radar Blip [2], Things That Make You Go Hmmm...[2], Dig Further Down
ENCORE: Spanish Moon [3]
SET 1: Radar Blip, Cruel World, Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, Dig Further Down, Makisupa Policeman, Another Door, Crumblin' Bones, Voices
ENCORE: She Said She Said
SET 1: Another Door, Cruel World > Morphing Again, Makisupa Policeman > Dig Further Down > Walls of Time, Traveled Too Far
SET 1: Traveled Too Far > Bye Bye Baby [1] > Traveled Too Far, River Niger[1], Midnight[1], Voices, Still Water, Voices, The Time For Loving Is Now, Makisupa Policeman, Radar Blip, Dig Further Down
SET 1: Sound, Jaded, Crumblin' Bones, If 6 Was 9, On a Bad Day [1], Bury Me Beneath the Willow [2], I'm a Little Bit Lonesome[1], She Said She Said, Voices, Another Door
ENCORE: Skin It Back [3]
SET 1: Voices, Walls of Time, Radar Blip, Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten > Ain't Love Funny, Takin' It to the Streets, Andelmans' Yard, Things That Make You Go Hmmm... > I'm Deranged [1] > Things That Make You Go Hmmm... > Traveled Too Far, Express Yourself
SET 1: Another Door > Weekly Time > Cruel World, On a Bad Day [1], Morphing Again [2], Meat > Traveled Too Far > Rhymes[1] > Dig Further Down
ENCORE: She Said She Said
SET 1: Voices [1], Traveled Too Far[1], Pretend[1], Sound[1]
SET 1: Another Door, She Said She Said > Traveled Too Far > River Niger [1], Crumblin' Bones, Sound [2], Andelmans' Yard, Meat, Things That Make You Go Hmmm...[1], Dig Further Down, La La La > Takin' It to the Streets[1]
SET 1: Dig Further Down, Crumblin' Bones, Traveled Too Far [1], Walls of Time[1], Meat
SET 1: Another Door, She Said She Said
SET 1: Another Door, Walls of Time, The Time For Loving Is Now, Dig Further Down, Cruel World [1], Meat[1], She Said She Said [2]
SET 1: Traveled Too Far, Voices, Crumblin' Bones [1], Jaded [2], Meat [3], Andelmans' Yard, She Said She Said, Dig Further Down
SET 1: Another Door [1], Traveled Too Far[1], Ain't Love Funny > Kryermaten[1] > Ain't Love Funny, Voices[1], Cruel World, La La La [2], Andelmans' Yard[1], Walls of Time[2], She Said She Said[2], The Time For Loving Is Now[2]
ENCORE: Meat[2], Dig Further Down[1]
SET 1: Feel So Bad, Maple Leaf Strutt, Steal Away, What's Going On, Use Me
SET 1: Rhymes > Bertha, Yellow Moon > Alphabet Street, Monkey Man, I Got Loaded, U.S. Blues, Emotional Railroad, Keep On Growing
SET 2: Come Together > Express Yourself > Foundation, Estimated Prophet, Cumberland Blues [1], Intensified [2], Weekly Time > Shakedown Street, Bring It On Home To Me [3], Think [4], Rock Steady[4], Eyes of the World, New Minglewood Blues, Just Kissed My Baby > Cruel World
SET 3: Twist, Higher Ground > The Other One > Into the Mystic > Loose Lucy, Three Little Birds [5] > Scarlet Begonias > I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water, Late in the Evening
SET 1: Jam > No Expectations, U.S. Blues -> Lost Highway, So Lonely -> Car Carrier Blues -> Jam -> She Caught the Katy and Left Me a Mule to Ride, White Freightliner Blues -> Cumberland Blues, Pressure Drop [1] -> Just Kissed My Baby > Alphabet Street
SET 2: Jam -> I Got Loaded[1] -> Jam > I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water, Goin' Down Slow > Foundation, Doin' My Time, Into the Mystic -> Drums -> The Other One
ENCORE: Weekly Time
ENCORE 2: Looking at the World Through a Windshield, Bring It On Home To Me
SET 1: Shakedown Street > Truckin', The End of the Innocence, Touch of Grey
SET 2: The Way It Is, Sugaree, Come Together, U.S. Blues, Iko Iko [1]
SET 1: Piece of My Heart, Comes the Dawn, 7 Seconds, Cumberland Blues [1], Your House, Fountains of Wood [2], New Speedway Boogie[2], Good Lovin'[2]
SET 2: Scarlet Begonias[2] -> Fire on the Mountain[2], Next Dimension -> Drums -> The Other One[2], The Center[2] -> Turn On Your Love Light[2]
ENCORE: See You Again
SET 1: The Center, Your House > Cumberland Blues [1] -> Comes the Dawn, New Speedway Boogie, Next Dimension -> Drums -> The Other One[1], The Wedge, Fire on the Mountain, Turn On Your Love Light
ENCORE: Good Lovin'
SET 1: Piece of My Heart, Comes the Dawn, 7 Seconds, Your House, New Speedway Boogie, Good Lovin', The Center, Cumberland Blues [1], Turn On Your Love Light
SET 2: U.S. Blues[1], Fountains of Wood, Next Dimension -> Drums -> The Other One[1], The Wedge, Sugaree, Fire on the Mountain
ENCORE: See You Again
SET 1: U.S. Blues [1], Revolution[1] -> Jingo, For This One Hour -> Ticket to Nowhere -> Cumberland Blues[1]
SET 2: Sugaree, Comes the Dawn, Next Dimension -> It's Up to You -> Good Lovin' -> Drums -> Arabian Wind -> The Center > Turn On Your Love Light
ENCORE: Ripple
SET 1: Piece of My Heart, Comes the Dawn > 7 Seconds, Your House, New Speedway Boogie, Good Lovin'
SET 2: The Center, Loose Lucy, Fountains of Wood, Next Dimension -> Drums -> Arabian Wind -> The Other One [1], The Wedge, Fire on the Mountain
ENCORE: See You Again
SET 1: Piece of My Heart, Next Dimension, 7 Seconds, Your House, New Speedway Boogie, Good Lovin'
SET 2: The Center, Cumberland Blues [1], Fountains of Wood, Comes the Dawn -> Drums -> Arabian Wind > The Other One[1] > The Wedge, Who Do You Think You Are? > Fire on the Mountain
ENCORE: See You Again
SET 1: Hard To Handle, The Center, Next Dimension, Tear Upon God's Face, It's Up to You -> Good Lovin'
SET 2: Into the Mystic, Arabian Wind, Who Do You Think You Are? -> Drums -> Your House, Comes a Time > Turn On Your Love Light
ENCORE: In the Midnight Hour
SET 1: Scarlet Begonias, Fountains of Wood, Who Do You Think You Are?, 7 Seconds, Comes the Dawn -> Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad
SET 2: The Center, Ticket to Nowhere -> Cumberland Blues [1] -> Drums -> Space -> Twist[1], Your House, Fire on the Mountain
ENCORE: Ripple
SET 1: New Speedway Boogie, Next Dimension, Sugaree, Comes the Dawn -> Good Lovin'
SET 2: Fountains of Wood, Revolution [1] -> Drums -> Arabian Wind, Your House > Who Do You Think You Are?, U.S. Blues[1]
ENCORE: See You Again
SET 1: The Center, 7 Seconds, Next Dimension, For This One Hour, Fountains of Wood, Cumberland Blues [1]
SET 2: The Wedge > Drums -> The Other One [2] > Your House, Loose Lucy, Scarlet Begonias -> Fire on the Mountain
ENCORE: See You Again
SET 1: Mystery Train, Weekly Time, Bowling Green, Honky Tonkin', In Each Love, Some Pain Must Fall, Blame It On My Heart, Ramble Dove, Cocaine Blues, Just Someone I Used to Know, Semi-Truck, Heaven's Just a Sin Away, Maybe I Will, Foolin' Around, I Got Loaded, Loosening Up the Rules
ENCORE: I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water
SET 1: Fountains of Wood, The Dancing Sorcerer -> Sugaree, The Center, Who Do You Think You Are? > The Other One [1] > Fire on the Mountain [2]
ENCORE: Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad [3]
SET 1: Revolution [1] -> Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad, Bagua Osi, The Center, Sugaree, Fountains of Wood
SET 2: Fire on the Mountain, Who Do You Think You Are? -> Beam Me Up Scotty, Where Love Goes (Sito), Rhythm Devils In Space -> The Other One[1]
ENCORE: Ripple
SET 1: The Dancing Sorcerer -> China Cat Sunflower [1] -> I Know You Rider[1], Fountains of Wood, Where Love Goes (Sito), Temple Caves, The Other One [2]
SET 2: The Center, Who Do You Think You Are? -> Rhythm Devils In Space -> Beam Me Up Scotty -> Arabian Wind, Bagua Osi, Revolution[2] -> Jingo
ENCORE: Fire on the Mountain
SET 1: Fountains of Wood, The Center, Sugaree, Bagua Osi, Revolution [1] -> Jingo
SET 2: Where Love Goes (Sito), Who Do You Think You Are?, Arabian Wind, Hey Ya!, The Other One[1] -> Fire on the Mountain
ENCORE: Comes a Time[1]
SET 1: Mystery Train, Loosening Up the Rules, Just Someone I Used to Know, Six Feet of Snow > Semi-Truck, Ramble Dove, I Got Loaded, Float Away, Heaven's Just a Sin Away, Jackson, Maybe I Will, Cocaine Blues, Looking at the World Through a Windshield, Peggy-O, I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water, Weekly Time
ENCORE: Bowling Green
SET 1: Becky > Xanadu, Jam [1] > Foam, Clean Up Woman, Welcome Red, Mike's Song [2]
SET 1: Tonight's My Night, Heartaches & Hangovers, Weekly Time, Just Someone I Used to Know, Foolin' Around, I Got Loaded, Semi-Truck, Ramble Dove, Maybe I Will, In Each Love, Some Pain Must Fall, Bowling Green, Heaven's Just a Sin Away, Looking at the World Through a Windshield
ENCORE: Jackson
SET 1: Bowling Green, In Each Love, Some Pain Must Fall, Ramble Dove, Maybe I Will, Semi-Truck [1], I Got Loaded[1], Just Someone I Used to Know [2], Weekly Time[2], Jackson[2] > I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water[2]
SET 1: Heartaches & Hangovers, Ain't No Grave (Gonna Hold This Body Down) [1], About Time, Juanita[1], Big Iron[1], Sea of Regret, In Each Love, Some Pain Must Fall, Walking the Floor Over You, Cocaine Blues
SET 2: I Got Loaded, I'm Movin' On, One for Neil, Foolin' Around, Ramble Dove, Milwaukee Here I Come[1], Float Away, Six Feet of Snow, Lost Highway, Semi-Truck
ENCORE: My Babe, Today I Started Loving You Again, Weekly Time
SET 1: Lost Highway, Blue Night, I Don't Wanna Play House, Weekly Time [1], Honky Tonkin'[1], Just Someone I Used to Know [2], I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water[2], Ramble Dove[1], Blame It On My Heart [3], I'll Never Grow Tired of You[3], Gone Gone Gone[3]
SET 2: Mystery Train [4], Maybe I Will[1], Loosening Up the Rules[1], King of Broken Hearts [5], Baby I'm Ready [6], Bowling Green[6]
ENCORE: Jackson[1], Baby I'm Ready[1], I Shall Be Released [7]
SET 1: Baby I'm Ready, Milwaukee Here I Come, Maybe I Will, Heaven's Just a Sin Away, Ramble Dove > Bowling Green, Foolin' Around, Float Away, I Got Loaded [1], Weekly Time[1], Lost Highway[1]
SET 2: Cocaine Blues[1], In Each Love, Some Pain Must Fall[1], I'm a Little Bit Lonesome[1], Semi-Truck[1], Just Someone I Used to Know[1], Gone Gone Gone[1], Possum[1], Jackson
ENCORE: Sea of Regret, Honky Tonkin', Loosening Up the Rules
SET 1: I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water, Is Anybody Goin' to San Antoine?, One for Neil, Ooh Las Vegas, King of Broken Hearts, Weekly Time, In Each Love, Some Pain Must Fall, Heartaches & Hangovers, I Don't Wanna Play House, Folsom Prison Blues, Ramble Dove, Looking at the World Through a Windshield, My Babe, Home By the Sea, I'm Movin' On > Loosening Up the Rules, Honky Tonkin', Lost Highway
ENCORE: Make the World Go Away, Jackson [1], Semi-Truck
SET 1: Bowling Green, Semi-Truck, Weekly Time, Foolin' Around, I Got Loaded, Ramble Dove [1], Milwaukee Here I Come, Maybe I Will, Big Iron, Loosening Up the Rules[1], Cocaine Blues
SET 2: Jackson, About Time [2], Looking at the World Through a Windshield, My Heart Skips a Beat, Just Someone I Used to Know, Columbus Stockade Blues[2], Nothin' Shakin' (But the Leaves on the Trees), Heartaches & Hangovers, Lost Highway
ENCORE: Heaven's Just a Sin Away, Six Feet of Snow
SET 1: Jam, Jingo, Voodoo Child (Slight Return), Iko Iko, Jam, Not Fade Away
SET 1: Jingo, Scarlet Begonias Jam, The Other One Jam, Iko Iko, Fire on the Mountain, Also Sprach Zarathustra [1], Not Fade Away -> Percussion Parade
SET 1: Hatikvah [1] > Cars Trucks Buses, The Beltless Buckler, Welcome Red, Play Pause Stop, Theme From the Bottom, Best Reason To Buy The Sun
SET 2: Dixie Cannonball > Auld Lang Syne, Becky, You Enjoy Myself, Clean Up Woman, Mike's Song -> Also Sprach Zarathustra -> Mike's Song, Hoe-Down, Sunny's Song, Freedom of Choice [2], Passin' Me By[2]
ENCORE: Goin' Down Slow, My Pet Goat
ENCORE 2: The Godfather Love Theme > Foam
SET 1: Welcome Red, Play Pause Stop, Hoe-Down, Last Child, White Freightliner Blues, Best Reason To Buy The Sun, Mike's Song, Goin' Down Slow
SET 2: You Enjoy Myself, Becky, Dixie Cannonball, Theme From the Bottom, You Don't Miss Your Water
SET 1: Play Pause Stop, Cars Trucks Buses, Aqui Como Alla, Goin' Down Slow, Sunny's Song, Memphis, Welcome Red, Best Reason To Buy The Sun, You Enjoy Myself > Free Bird > You Enjoy Myself
SET 2: Theme From the Bottom, Becky, White Freightliner Blues, Scratchitti, Dixie Cannonball, Mephisto, My Pet Goat, Foam
SET 1: Becky, Hoe-Down, Welcome Red, Theme From the Bottom, White Freightliner Blues, The Beltless Buckler -> Hatikvah -> The Beltless Buckler
SET 2: Jam -> Foam, You Enjoy Myself > Mike's Song > Freedom of Choice > Mike's Song
ENCORE: Passin' Me By
SET 1: The Godfather Love Theme -> Hatikvah -> The Godfather Love Theme > Best Reason To Buy The Sun, Cars Trucks Buses, Welcome Red, Lost Highway, Becky, Memphis, Clean Up Woman -> Scratchitti, You Don't Miss Your Water -> Play Pause Stop, Foam
ENCORE: You Enjoy Myself
Soundcheck: Jam
SET 1: Jam > Cumberland Blues > Chalk Dust Torture -> On a Plain > Wave the Ocean > Sweet Thing -> Jam [1] > Waves[1] -> Jam[1] -> Angel[1] > Loose Lucy[1]
SET 1: Wave the Ocean > Goin' Down Slow [1], Iko Iko[1], Sugaree [2]
No known setlist
No known setlist
Soundcheck: Invisible, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Ojo, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Rings
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, Clone, Twist, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing, Old Habits [1], William Powell, The Last Steam Engine Train, Corrina, Corrina, Cripple Creek, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Rings, Sweet Emotion, Invisible, Ya Mar [2]
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, William Powell, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing, Old Habits [1], Standing in My Shoes, Twice, Jack Fig, Cherry County, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Rings, Invisible, The Grid, Ya Mar
ENCORE: Machine No. 2
ENCORE 2: The Last Steam Engine Train
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
SET 1: Disco, Clone, Living In The Country, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, William Powell, Don't Call Me Ray, The Last Steam Engine Train, Corrina, Corrina, Cripple Creek, Standing in My Shoes, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Rings, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing, Foundation
SET 1: From Pizza Towers To Defeat, William Powell, Invisible, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing, The Grid, Living In The Country, Unknown, Corrina, Corrina, Cripple Creek, The Banks are Made of Marble, Disco, Clone, Rings, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Ya Mar
ENCORE: Machine No. 2
SET 1: Disco, Clone, Living In The Country, The Collins Missile, The Banks are Made of Marble, William Powell, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing, Invisible, Foundation
SET 1: William Powell, Don't Call Me Ray, Disco, Clone, Living In The Country, The Banks are Made of Marble, The Collins Missile, The Grid, Twice, Standing in My Shoes, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing, Corrina, Corrina, Cripple Creek, Eight Miles High, Foundation
ENCORE: Machine No. 2
SET 1: Disco, Clone, Living In The Country, The Banks are Made of Marble, The Collins Missile, William Powell, Don't Call Me Ray, Twice, The Grid, Eight Miles High, The Last Steam Engine Train, Rings, Ya Mar, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing
ENCORE: Machine No. 2
SET 1: William Powell, Don't Call Me Ray, Disco, Clone, Living In The Country, The Banks are Made of Marble, The Collins Missile, Twice, The Grid, Ya Mar, The Last Steam Engine Train, Eight Miles High, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Rings, Ojo, Foundation
ENCORE: Machine No. 2
SET 1: Disco > Clone, Living In The Country, William Powell, Don't Call Me Ray, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Sweet Emotion, Standing in My Shoes, Invisible, The Last Steam Engine Train, Rings, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing
ENCORE: Machine No. 2
SET 1: William Powell, Don't Call Me Ray, Clone, Disco, Living In The Country, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Sweet Emotion, Standing in My Shoes, Rings, The Last Steam Engine Train, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing, Invisible, Corrina, Corrina, Cripple Creek
ENCORE: Machine No. 2
No known setlist
SET 1: William Powell, The Last Steam Engine Train, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Disco, Living In The Country, The Banks are Made of Marble, Clone, The Collins Missile, Standing in My Shoes, Corrina, Corrina, Cripple Creek, Rings, Cherry County, Machine No. 2, Twice, Ya Mar
This performance featured Neil Symonette on drums.
No known setlist
SET 1: Standing in My Shoes, Disco, Clone, Living In The Country, Rings, The Collins Missile, Tuning Song, William Powell, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing, Cherry County, Vaseline Machine Gun, Foundation
No known setlist
SET 1: Eight Miles High, Jam [1], Twice, Ain't Love Funny, Corrina, Corrina, Cripple Creek, Jam [2], Rings
SET 2: The Collins Missile, Cherry County, Machine No. 2, Ya Mar, Ojo > Too Fast > Airproofing
ENCORE: The Banks are Made of Marble, Foundation
No known setlist
No known setlist
No known setlist
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, Clone, The Collins Missile, Eight Miles High, Standing in My Shoes, William Powell, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, The Last Steam Engine Train, Corrina, Corrina, Cripple Creek, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Rings, Ya Mar
SET 1: 9X9, Sunny's Song, My Pet Goat, Best Reason To Buy The Sun > Becky, Welcome Red, Foam, Hoe-Down, Scratchitti, The Beltless Buckler [1], Mike's Song
SET 1: Best Reason To Buy The Sun, Becky, Clean Up Woman, Aqui Como Alla, The Beltless Buckler, Big Whopper
SET 2: Welcome Red, Forever Night Shade Mary, Theme from The Rockford Files, Mephisto [1], Hoodoo Voodoo [2], Heartbreaker[2], Foam
ENCORE: Serpentine Fire
SET 1: Foam Reprise [1], Best Reason To Buy The Sun, Big Whopper, Last Child, Mephisto, Clean Up Woman, Theme from The Rockford Files
SET 2: Becky, Mike's Song, Welcome Red, Scratchitti, Darts, Roundabout
ENCORE: Serpentine Fire
SET 1: Foam [1]
SET 2: Becky, Aqui Como Alla, Best Reason To Buy The Sun, Scratchitti, Forever Night Shade Mary > Welcome Red
ENCORE: Hoe-Down, Serpentine Fire, Cars Trucks Buses
SET 1: Becky, Best Reason To Buy The Sun, The Beltless Buckler, D's Diner [1]
SET 1: Hoe-Down, Clean Up Woman, Becky, Foam, Aqui Como Alla, Roundabout
SET 2: Theme from The Rockford Files, Cars Trucks Buses, Welcome Red, Scratchitti, The Beltless Buckler > Mike's Song
ENCORE: Moby Dick [1] > Heartbreaker[1]
SET 1: Lengthwise > On the Corner > Welcome Red, Becky, Last Child, Black Satin > Aqui Como Alla, Clean Up Woman, Theme from The Rockford Files
SET 2: Foam, Lengthwise > Mike's Song, Cars Trucks Buses [1], Roundabout, Forever Night Shade Mary > Hoe-Down
ENCORE: Scratchitti
SET 1: Scratchitti, Aqui Como Alla, Becky, Roundabout, Welcome Red
SET 2: Lengthwise -> Foam, Mephisto [1], Hoe-Down, Clean Up Woman, Theme from The Rockford Files
ENCORE: The Beltless Buckler [2], Mike's Song
SET 1: Becky, Lengthwise, Forever Night Shade Mary > Scratchitti, The Beltless Buckler, Hoe-Down
SET 2: Theme from The Rockford Files, Clean Up Woman > Foam, Last Child, Heartbreaker [1], Mike's Song
ENCORE: Cars Trucks Buses
SET 1: Jam, Scratchitti, Jam > Jam > Welcome Red, Jam [1]
SET 1: Couch Lady [1], The Beltless Buckler[1], Inside Out[1], Jones[1] > Gatekeeper[1], Short Circuit[1], Regression[1], Wayside / Back In Time[1], Round Room[1], Soulfood Man[1], Free Born Man[1], Southwind[1]
ENCORE: Outside Out[1], Alphabet Street[1]
SET 1: Bone Delay > Outside Out > Scrapple from the Apple [1] > Outside Out, Car Carrier Blues, If You Ask Me[1], Where The Soul of a Man Never Dies, Sunday Driver, Soulfood Man, For the Losers, The Lesson, Regression, That's the Way, The Teacher
ENCORE: Exit Wound, Southwind
SET 1: Couch Lady, Gatekeeper, Jones, Inside Out, Wayside / Back In Time, Round Room, Regression, Soulfood Man, Free Born Man, Southwind, Goin' Down Slow [1], On Your Way Down [2]
ENCORE: Cruel World [3], You've Been in Love Too Long
SET 1: The Beltless Buckler, Take Me Out > Jones, Inside Out, Wayside / Back In Time, Couch Lady, Regression, Short Circuit, Soulfood Man > Bone Delay > Southwind
ENCORE: Take Me Out II [1], Alphabet Street[1]
SET 1: The Teacher, Round Room, Gatekeeper, Free Born Man [1], Sunday Driver, Standing on the Outside, Car Carrier Blues, Steel Bones, If You Ask Me, For the Losers, Soulfood Man, Six Feet of Snow
ENCORE: Exit Wound, Regression
SET 1: Bone Delay > The Beltless Buckler > Jones > Outside Out > Inside Out, Soulfood Man, That's the Way, Regression, Short Circuit, Where The Soul of a Man Never Dies, Southwind > Couch Lady
ENCORE: You've Been in Love Too Long
SET 1: Steel Bones [1], The Teacher[1], Gatekeeper, Regression, Soulfood Man, For the Losers [2] > Round Room, Where The Soul of a Man Never Dies, Things in Life[2], Southwind[2], Goin' Down Slow[2]
ENCORE: Jones, Alphabet Street[2]
SET 1: Take Me Out, The Beltless Buckler [1], Still Water[1], Inside Out > Outside Out, If You Ask Me[1], Wayside / Back In Time[1], The Lesson [2], Car Carrier Blues, Soulfood Man, Regression, Couch Lady
ENCORE: Sunday Driver, Take Me Out II[2]
SET 1: Couch Lady [1], Bone Delay[1], Jones [2], Short Circuit[1] -> Outside Out, Regression[1], Exit Wound[1], Where The Soul of a Man Never Dies[2], Sunday Driver[2], Gatekeeper[1], Inside Out[1], That's the Way[2], Soulfood Man, Take Me Out Outro[1], Six Feet of Snow[2]
ENCORE: Round Room[2] > You've Been in Love Too Long[2]
SET 1: Living In The Country, Disco, The Collins Missile, William Powell, The Last Steam Engine Train, Rings, Twice, Clone, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, The Driving of the Year Nail, Standing on the Outside, Eight Miles High, Car Carrier Blues, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Ya Mar, Cripple Creek
SET 1: Minor Swing, Sea of Regret, Chaconne, Floppy Eared Mule > Take Me Out, Miss Chatelaine, A-OK, Blue Bayou, Red Haired Boy
SET 2: Dark Eyes, Working on a Building > Reuben's Train, Black Orpheus, Nigel Tufnel, Ain't Love Funny, Grappa, Everybody's Talkin', Devil's Dream
ENCORE: Backtrackin'
SET 1: Listos Tres, Working on a Building > Reuben's Train, Tears, Doin' My Time, Ain't Love Funny, Chaconne, Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, Nigel Tufnel, Blue Bayou, So What, Devil's Dream
ENCORE: Backtrackin'
SET 1: Dark Eyes, Sea of Regret, Red Haired Boy, Ballad for Trio > Billie's Bounce, Old Ebenezer Scrooge, Grappa, Floppy Eared Mule > Take Me Out, A-OK, Half Creek [1], Little Maggie[1], Everybody's Talkin', Air Mail Special
ENCORE: Six Blade Knife
SET 1: Minor Swing, Floppy Eared Mule > Take Me Out [1], Miss Chatelaine, Black Orpheus, Everybody's Talkin', A-OK, Grappa, Ain't Love Funny, Working on a Building > Reuben's Train, Tears, Blue Bayou, Devil's Dream
SET 1: Listos Tres, Old Ebenezer Scrooge, Working on a Building, Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, Nigel Tufnel, Theme from Young Frankenstein, Backtrackin'
SET 2: Softly, As In a Morning Sunrise, Sea of Regret, Straight Up, A-OK, Miss Chatelaine, Six Blade Knife, Devil's Dream
ENCORE: Doin' My Time
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, The Collins Missile, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, William Powell, Rings
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, Clone, William Powell, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Clay > Ain't Love Funny, Twice, Can't Hang, Standing in My Shoes, The Driving of the Year Nail, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Corrina, Corrina, Cripple Creek, Car Carrier Blues, Rings, Ya Mar
ENCORE: The Last Steam Engine Train
SET 1: Middle of the Road, The Collins Missile, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Rings, Clay > Ain't Love Funny, The Last Steam Engine Train, Deep River Blues, The Driving of the Year Nail, Clone, Living In The Country, William Powell, Ya Mar, Cripple Creek, Twice, Disco
No known setlist
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, The Collins Missile, William Powell, Rings, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Can't Hang, Standing in My Shoes, The Last Steam Engine Train, Te Veo, Cripple Creek, Clone, Middle of the Road, Corrina, Corrina, Car Carrier Blues, Ya Mar
ENCORE: Deep River Blues, Eight Miles High
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, Clone, William Powell, Clay > Ain't Love Funny, Rings, Can't Hang, Standing in My Shoes, The Collins Missile, Middle of the Road, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, The Driving of the Year Nail, Cripple Creek, Te Veo, Standing on the Outside, Ya Mar
ENCORE: The Last Steam Engine Train
SET 1: Standing in My Shoes, Can't Hang, Living In The Country, Clone, The Collins Missile, Middle of the Road, Twice, William Powell, Clay > Ain't Love Funny, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, Te Veo, Cripple Creek, Ya Mar
SET 1: William Powell, Car Carrier Blues, Rings, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, The Collins Missile, Middle of the Road, Living In The Country, Clone, Clay > Ain't Love Funny, Cripple Creek, Te Veo, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, I Am A Lonesome Fugitive, Eight Miles High, Ya Mar
ENCORE: Disco, Deep River Blues
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, The Collins Missile, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Strange, Rings, Te Veo, Cripple Creek, Clone, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, The Driving of the Year Nail, The Banks are Made of Marble, Corrina, Corrina, Clay > Ain't Love Funny, Eight Miles High, Twice, Ya Mar
ENCORE: The Last Steam Engine Train
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, The Collins Missile, William Powell, The Last Steam Engine Train, Car Carrier Blues, Rings, Deep River Blues, Can't Hang, Clone, Middle of the Road, Standing in My Shoes, Twice, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Ya Mar
ENCORE: Cripple Creek
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, The Collins Missile, Clone, William Powell, Car Carrier Blues, Rings, Can't Hang, Twice, Te Veo, Cripple Creek, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Eight Miles High, Ya Mar
ENCORE: Deep River Blues
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, The Banks are Made of Marble, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, William Powell, From Pizza Towers To Defeat, Te Veo, Te Veo, Cripple Creek, The Collins Missile, Clone, Middle of the Road, Corrina, Corrina, Standing in My Shoes, Can't Hang, Rings, Ya Mar
ENCORE: Eight Miles High
SET 1: Disco, Living In The Country, The Banks are Made of Marble, I'm Going Back to the Old Home, William Powell, Car Carrier Blues, Te Veo, Corrina, Corrina, The Collins Missile, Clone, Middle of the Road, Cripple Creek, Standing in My Shoes, Can't Hang
No known setlist
SET 1: The Phoenicians, Ort Cloud, Leviathan, Footprints, The Wham Bam Boodle, White Dove, Monica, Escape from Salt Lake, The Wild Blue Yonder, Spankin' The Monkey, Fertile Crescent, Partido Alto
SET 1: The Phoenicians, Always with You, Straight Life, Monica, Leviathan, The Wham Bam Boodle, Unknown, Escape from Salt Lake, Spankin' The Monkey, Fertile Crescent, Unknown, Children of the Rainbow
SET 1: The Phoenicians, Monica, Leviathan, Ort Cloud, Escape from Salt Lake, The Wham Bam Boodle, Spankin' The Monkey, Dancing with Ishtar, Children of the Rainbow, Fertile Crescent, Partido Alto
SET 1: Beggin' You to Stay, Going Through The Motions, Fixin' to Die, I'm So Glad, Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, Diggin' Up Bones, Basically Frightened, Outside Out, Turn On Your Love Light, Grandma's Got a Motorcycle, Everybody's Talkin', Yield Not to Temptation, Messin' with The Kid
SET 1: Grandma's Got a Motorcycle, V.F.W., No Egos Underwater, Fixin' to Die, Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, Diggin' Up Bones, Working on a Building, Beggin' You to Stay, Isles of Langerhan, Outside Out [1], Turn On Your Love Light
ENCORE: Ring of Fire
SET 1: Yield Not to Temptation, Working on a Building, Compared to What, Destiny Unbound, Can't Take My Eyes Off of You [1]
SET 1: Beggin' You to Stay, Going Through The Motions, No Egos Underwater, I'm So Glad, Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, Diggin' Up Bones, Basically Frightened > Compared to What > Basically Frightened, Messin' with The Kid, Lima, Turn On Your Love Light
SET 2: V.F.W. > Isles of Langerhan > Working on a Building, I Remember > Outside Out [1] > Yield Not to Temptation [2], Get To Know You Better > Fixin' to Die > This Here Bottle
ENCORE: Soulfood Man[1]
SET 1: Lonesome Fiddle Blues, Sunday Driver, On and On, Old & In the Way Breakdown, Heavy Traffic Ahead, Black Mountain Rag, Roanoke, Kissimmee Kid
SET 2: Hillbilly Jazz, Oshkosh, Floating on a String, The Wabash Cannonball [1], Night Train, Kinfolks in Carolina, The Beltless Buckler [2], Air Mail Special, Taking Flight, Vassar's Boogie
ENCORE: Foggy Mountain Special
SET 1: Scrapple from the Apple, Samba de Orfeu, Little Maggie, Ballad for Trio, Billie's Bounce, Blue Bayou, Devil's Dream
SET 2: Red Haired Boy, Ain't Love Funny > Hard Times Come Again No More, Cherokee, Black Orpheus, Air Mail Special
Soundcheck: Jam
SET 1: Nardis, Devil's Dream, So What, Yardbird Suite, Unknown, Red Haired Boy, Air Mail Special, Ain't Love Funny -> All Blues, Minor Swing, Ballad for Trio, Scrapple from the Apple, St. Thomas
No known setlist
SET 1: Jezebel > Compared to What is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.
This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.
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The Mockingbird Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Phish fans in 1996 to generate charitable proceeds from the Phish community.
And since we're entirely volunteer – with no office, salaries, or paid staff – administrative costs are less than 2% of revenues! So far, we've distributed over $2 million to support music education for children – hundreds of grants in all 50 states, with more on the way.