The first Tweezer included Walk This Way teases from Trey. Trey teased Mercury in the second Tweezer. Runaway Jim contained Funiculi Funicula teases from Trey. Scents and Subtle Sounds did not have the intro. Trey teased If I Only Had a Brain and Mike teased Gotta Jibboo in A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing. Taste included a Scents and Subtle Sounds tease from Trey. Have Mercy was quoted in Possum. The Final Hurrah was quoted at the end of Tweezer Reprise.

© 2019 Phish (Huemer)

Mercury and Walk This Way teases in Tweezer, If I Only Had a Brain and Gotta Jibboo teases in A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing, Scents and Subtle Sounds tease in Taste, Have Mercy quote in Possum, The Final Hurrah quote in Tweezer Reprise, Funiculi Funicula tease in Runaway Jim
Debut Years (Average: 1999)

This show was part of the "2019 Summer Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by ekstewie1441

ekstewie1441 Terrific, *complete*, and consistent show.
-Above average type 1 jamming in Jibboo, SANTOS, Sand.
-Big type 2 moments in Jim and others.
-Lots of segues and teases
-Bustouts, rarely played songs, and a bunch of tour debuts.
-A Tweezerfest
-Great mix of old, new, and in between....dark star and blue sky jamming.
-Unique set openers
-Probably would be a show of the year candidate if played MSG NYE run but may end up falling into the glorious stew of riches we now have as one of many 3.0 shows (100+?) that a semi-jaded vet could plausibly be expected to have in a top 10 list.
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by LizardwithaZ

LizardwithaZ Have Mercy was a nice way to ease us in.
Gotta Jiboo was absolutely on fire. Really great version.
Free was its usual self, and Ginseng Sullivan is a delight.
That brings us to the first big shocker, a Tweezer early in the first set. I’ll have to listen back, but I thought this version did some really good things in a short time.
Then -> Passing Through. This was an incredibly slick segue and I didn’t realize it had even happened until the vocals started on passing through. Really fun song, and I like it more than I realized.
Ya Mar was fantastic, and placed perfectly, followed by another shocker with a first set Mercury. I was really pumped to get this, and it did not disappoint. Awesome work by Trey on this. And the. Suddenly, Tweezer was back! But just for a moment before SANTOS comes in, and this is a song that is one hell of a set closer.
Set 2 started off with Jim, and I think we all knew it wasn’t going to be a normal Jim. This version gets weird, and at nearly 20 minutes covers a lot of ground, and still returns to finish the song. I’m going to be giving this a lot of listens. A good Scents, with a brief foray back into Tweezer before going into a rocking Sand. This combo destroyed! Lifeboy provides the cool down, and is such a nice song, and ASIHTOS cued things back up. Great jamming continues here, before moving into a solid Taste, followed by twenty Years Later. Of course, I knew there had to be something else to end the set, and sure enough, Possum appeared. And this is a version that gets out there. There is some dissonant weirdness, and there is also a section where Have Mercy comes back. In the moment, I thought it would have been Possum->Have Mercy->Possum.
Encore had me worried for a moment, as I was at Night 1 of Alpharetta 2018 when we got More without a Tweeprise, but they delivered the goods here with a solid Tweeprise to send us home.
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by scupper

scupper Enjoy them one by one…or by 111

Phish’s Charlotte stop marks my one hundred and eleventh Phish show. Many fans would sight this number as inconsequential, not because they’ve been to more or less shows, but because that number isn’t associated with our normal anniversaries. It’s not a silver, ruby, golden, diamond, or sapphire jubilee; it’s simply 111. I do not fancy myself as someone who studies numerology. I don’t believe in paranormal or transcendental relationships between numbers and concurring events. Hell, I don’t even believe in ghosts, unless Phish is playing a good one! What I do know as fact is that I habitually look at the clock as it turns 11:11 without fail, hence the fascination. As a high school art teacher, my students have learned to celebrate this daily moment with me, mainly because as a Pavlov response to eating lunch, the 11:11 bell for the cafeteria is the perfect stimulus trigger. My second job as a college cross-country & track coach leads to even more excessive levels of admiration for the number. Sometimes our runners use their GPS watches to add .11 miles onto an already long eleven-mile route! Speaking of running, I often turn my Phish shows into trail running vacations. A couple days ago, I ran for half the day on the Appalachian Trail in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I digress.

Show number 111, at the PNC in Charlotte, is a long distance from my local go-to, Alpine Valley, the sight of my first show in 1997. My morning Charlotte coffee was a Guji, Ehtiopian pour-over from HEX Espresso Bar. My afternoon run was on the Charlotte Rail Trail and my pre-concert craft beer was one small flight from NoDa Brewing Company. My random drive-in car music was Jethro Tull’s “Skating Away on the Thin Ice”, Wild Nothing’s “Midnight Song”, The Kink’s “Good Day”, The Stone Roses’ “Love Spreads” and Gary Higgins’ appropriately titled “Looking for June”.

The evening ‘s weather was perfect, and consequently, fans didn’t seem to mind waiting in long lines during the entry process even if they missed the first chords of Have Mercy. The smiles continued during the entire opening segment of “Gotta Jibboo” through “Ginseng Sullivan” and the playing was as idyllic as evening’s breeze. Sometimes Phish brings an “AC/DC” out of the bag in the one or two slot as a declamation point “to get the show on the road”. That point tonight might have been the five spot, when they dropped a first set “Tweezer”! We quickly figured out, though, it wasn’t an earmark for change or sinister in anyway; it was the perfect continuation of the honeyed playing which came earlier. The middle of this “Tweezer” was simply beautiful and demonstrates why many fans drive hundreds of miles to hear this kind of interplay. The bliss jam perfectly sequed into “Passing Through” as Page simply kept his lines congruous throughout. Mike turned up the bass a bit for the Kasvot number while Trey continued his flawless interplay. Fishman, wearing shades throughout, was spot on. A light “Ya Mar” was next and finished with the first extended breather in some time. “Mercury” was driving throughout (Trey’s solo had some Cross-eyed & Painless flavors before steering back into a super short “Tweezer” part-deux. Within minutes the band heads right into the set closer, “Say It To Me S.A.N.T.O.S.”, only the fifth version of the song and a perfect way to close possibly the best first set of the summer so far.
The song selection of set one was perfect (a blend of old an new) and opening with a set two “Runaway Jim” seemed like the perfect selection, although some Carolina fans who were at last year’s Raleigh show might complain that it was the centerpiece of that show too. I would like to point out that this year’s show was drastically different, with this year’s first set being much stronger, and “Jim” acting as one piece of a larger tapestry during this year’s stint. This “Jim”, moving through some of the awesome textures implied in “Tweezer”, eventually shifted to some interesting minimal percussive sediment at the fifteen-minute mark before the main theme reappeared four minutes later. The “Scents and Subtle Sounds” was not the song of the night, but the name alone definitely summed up the tenor of the evening. The brief “Tweezer” part III, only lasted for a few seconds and was the launch pad for another great DJ transition into “Sand”. The permagroove that ensued had the entire venue dancing. I think it’s fair to say that many wondered if “Sand” would go back to “Tweezer”, but it came to a normal conclusion. “Lifeboy” was the breather that some wanted and a great choice if that’s the direction you wanted in this slot, although I wasn’t finished with my prior headspace yet. “A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing” brought us closer to the finish line, and I was fine taking that route. This wasn’t the “ASIHTOS” with atonal abstractions (think Baker’s Dozen) found on many versions; this harkened back to the night’s earlier moments found in “Jim”. The “Taste” could be considered part of “ASIHTOS” and gave Fishman room to flex. “Twenty Years Later” served the same function as “Lifeboy” had a quarter hour before. The outro solo from “Twenty” could have been an opportunity for more Tweezer Kavot-madness, but the band went with “Possum”. The crowd responded very favorably. This is not usually one of my favorite songs, but I really enjoyed how they spun a little magic into this one. At the five to seven minute marks, the whole band pulled back from the chaos a bit to let a great diminished dynamic emerge. This allowed the band to sing a “Have Mercy” reprise over the “Possum” theme. Awesome. “More” and “Tweezer Reprise” put an exclamation mark on a wonderfully played performance by all members.

Drafted at 11:11a.m. (One day after the summer solstice, which occurred shortly after 11:11a.m. EDT)
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by jonesgator

jonesgator Am I insane (probably) or was there a pretty clear Free Bird solo in SANTOS?

Guys, holy shit, the level of playing at this show was unreal. I was there, and I always have to put an asterisk by shows I've attended because to me they are all the best, but this one was straight fire. The energy was palpable and really never went away for the entire show. And my first Lifeboy!! Couldn't have been a better show for me. See you all in Denver!
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by moonofjupiter

moonofjupiter The moment Have Mercy hit there was this energy between the band and crowd and you could just feel the flow.
Energy was high.
Then a severally funky Jiboo. Like wow.
Free kept the energy going. Funk. Fun.
And then by ginseng you could tell that it was “one of the shows”.

Twee cam out hard and from this moment on it was easily without argument one of the best shows of 3.0.

Make note that it was def possum>have mercy>possum.
And that second set twee fully happened as well. There was also a second Jim for a few counts. Maybe 45 seconds or so.

All this aside: best show of 2019 thus far and once of the best I’ve ever seen.
Another lifeboy! Taste! Mercy!

Holy shit. It was better than the setlist loooks ans the setlist looks epic!
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by art_vandelay

art_vandelay I decided to pump the brakes before commenting about this show....I'd felt maybe in hindsight, the explosive crowd & band energy + the in-the-moment euphoria of being there would've led to a bunch of "one of the best shows!"-type bravado one might hear when exiting the venue. So last night, I blasted the Charlotte show on the stereo in the living room, expectations a bit more grounded...

And you know what? It was still a hell of a show to my ears. Apart from a shaky "Taste" which sounded like Trey wished he could've had a do-over, everything just seemed to work on this Friday night. The Tweezer(s) were quite satisfying, Jim was some next-level type II jam candy, Sand was groovily on point, on and on...hell, even Possum had some machine-gun fireworks reminiscent of years past, almost (but not quite, lol) giving my fave version (Atlanta '97) a run for its money.

My girlfriend's first show, and she's already asking about the next. Besides loving the music, she couldn't stop raving about how bonkers, yet still totally connected to the band, the crowd was. No arguments here :)
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by betty_ford

betty_ford Today, I will refrain from giving a play by play review of the highs and lows of this show. In lieu of this, I have a short, but personally meaningful tale to tell. As it is now 2019, I have been listening to this band for a little over a decade. It took 3 years from my first real, meaningful audible adventure to witness my first show in 2011. Despite all the reasons I couldn't get to shows during 09-10, I can credit my attendance to my first phish show to one person, and for this favor I am eternally grateful. Fast forward to Thursday June 20th 2019. Thanks to social media, I knew that mike had been hiding golden tickets to each show of summer tour thus far. With plans to attend the charlotte show with my old friend, I was excited to hopefully make it to town before the tickets were hidden. Unfortunately for me, this wasn't the case. After trolling social media at work like we all do, I soon realized mike and the band made it to charlotte before I did. He was actively hiding the ticket while I was watching his post. My heart began to race. Shit, I wouldn't be getting the tickets after all. Bummer. But wait!
Unbeknownst to him, my old friend was VERY close to the exact space mike had left the goods. After some frantic texting to alert my charlotte crew, I had hoped I could help someone at least come close to getting the tickets.

After a few exchanges, I learned that said friend from above was on his way. A few moments went by and I learned that unbelievably he had FOUND the tickets, and that he had met mike! Incredible! Sparing further details, as he left the coffee shop he said to mike, "I'll see you YA MARROW". I joked that he owed me the tickets, as I felt responsible for his surreal Thursday evening, and that he was pushing his luck with a song request.

Fast forward again to the first of many wonderful segues and jams of the night, tweezer -> passing through left us smiling from ear to ear as our night had started out wonderfully. Little did we know, our smiles would be getting bigger very shortly. As the first notes of Ya Mar filled the evening sky, our eyes opened as wide as they possibly could have and our group began to cry with laughter. It happened! Mike said yes!

All of this to say, without him I likely wouldn't be typing this, and without me, there would be no Ya Mar on the 6/21/19 setlist. Or maybe there would be... This is phish after all.
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by Looch

Looch Great show with tremendous energy. Phish always delivers in Charlotte. Reason #1265 that I love this band - who else could not only cover a fake album they actually created but then have the entire crowd singing the lyrics of the unreleased material the following summer? Trey’s smiles during Tweeprise said it all. Sneaky good Friday night show - we thought we would get the Chalkdust / Character Zero rock show but the Phish from Vermont delivered the real goods.
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by SirDelins

SirDelins I’m still a new fan, so this was just my second show (first show was last year), but man, this show was great!

Have Mercy was a nice way to open the show, a cool bust out to start the first set. Gotta Jibboo was next, and I really enjoyed getting down to this song. The whale call got a cheer from the crowd. It was another cool Type I version. Speaking of Type I jamming, a rocking Free comes next, which I really enjoyed. Ginseng Sullivan was a nice bluegrass number, and it leads way to Tweezer. Tweezer caught me off guard, as I was expecting it to open the second set, but I was still pumped to hear this version, and it had quite the great jam. I was a bit disappointed when Tweezer made way for Passing Through, but it is still a nice song and was my first ever Kasvot song live. Ya Mar was nice to hear, and it was a really solid version too. Mercury comes next, and its has a cool jam that leads us back to a brief Tweezer jam that flows into S.A.N.T.O.S. S.A.N.T.O.S. raged, and its Freebird-like jam was an excellent way to close an excellent set.

The second set opens with Runaway Jim. With the Birds from Wednesday night, I was wondering if Runaway Jim would also get the treatment, and it delivered. The jam started in cool fashion, taking the jam in a nice percussive direction. This eventually gives way to a wicked spacey section, with Fish’s drumming and CK5’s lights adding to the chaos nicely. The improvisational highlight of the night. After that was SaSS, a song I have always really liked, and after a brief jam we are back to Tweezer once again for another brief moment before sliding right into a fiery Sand. This song is cool to listen to, but it is so fun to be there in person. Lifeboy is a nice breather after those first three songs, and it is a nice performance. A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing is another great jam. Even at just 10 minutes, they explore quite a bit in this jam, make sure to give it a listen. There was a moment during ASIHTOS where I could almost hear the path of the rest of the jam, but instead they instead went to Taste. I like Taste, so even though this performance was rather rough, I still enjoyed hearing this song, which has become pretty rare lately. Twenty Years Later is quite a cool song, and this version is a raging 8 minute venture that fits well in this particular spot. Possum ends the set, and this particular version stands out as a unique version with Have Mercy lyrics and raged harder than other versions.

More was okay. Tweezer Reprise is always a good encore. And then the show was over.

Overall, this show was a lot better than my first show (7/31/18) and was super fun to be at. I’m certain I’ll will listen to Tweezer, Runaway Jim and ASIHTOS again. Nights like tonight prove that we are in for a great summer tour. See you at MPP!
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by Moorephishphan9

Moorephishphan9 Attended this show with my wife almost to the day of my 19 year Phishiversary! Oh Mercy what a show and the crowd was excellent! both Band and crowd were full of energy throughout, no let downs. Love the new stuff the boys are laying down! What an awesome show, the Phish left us with good vibes and love....cheers!
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by banjodave77

banjodave77 This was a phenomenal show - excellent vibes, the boys played with confidence and conviction. Highlights were as follows: Have Mercy opener, Jibboo, Tweezer>Passing Through, Ya Mar was super, and SANTOS was a great 1st set closer. Jim>Scents>Tweezer>Sand, Lifeboy was my favorite part of the show! Possum went deep and the Have Mercy reprise in it was seemless and beautiful. LOVE AND LIGHT!
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by 2202003_4lyfe

2202003_4lyfe This is show that will live in infamy. Its a story in sense. An awesome show in another. Decent venue after a little comment i read about this venue being Blockbuster sponsored at first helped explain the architecture of this shed. The shake was tight yet within it there was much politeness and fair. Heady toppers and ice cream. Old friends reunited, scents and subtle sounds. But then i sat in the wrong seat. But phish was playing so no time to move to where my buddy was cause i thought i was in my seat lol.

Have Mercy had me in a absolute rasta man zone of a buzz. I was in awe really. Ive been very very fortunate in my phish shows. But this was over my head. Would of guessed it in a million years. I was catatonic. The rest of set was just a blazing fast ripper of a set. Just unbelievable seeing this band perform like this. Its funky unpredictable rock. Its not experimental jazz or even improvisation anymore. Its phish rock. These songs, and friends create such an amazing feeling. I love it.

Second set found friends. Good call doobies and good quality friendship. My buddy has been to 43 phish shows 23 more than me. But funny enough everyone with me has been fucking sick. Maybe not deer creek 04 as much but still a great experience with friends, camp etc cough mushrooms. This time im not tripping anymore. Ive reaped the rewards of careful usage. Maybe some other day. Anyways Runaway Jim is a big favorite of mine and my buddy's seen it a bunch if times. Over 12. Which is kind of a joke between us. Either way I laughed. Kinda too hard i teared up. Scents is welcome at almost any position in a set. After jim euphoric. Its no into but does it need it when it enters blissland no? Tweezer is my most heard song its official after this show. So phish kinda got me and my buddy so i laughed again. Lifeboy really almost got me teared up. My buddy helped me regain faith in god again. I told him i didnt really believe anymore when i was out of high school. He cared enough to tell me other wise. So very far. Those guitar licks in that song are so great. But what really stood out to me in my first life boy was i never really heard the music enough because the lyrics are so powerful to me because of that very story. So ASHITOS is a highly highly under jammed song. I mean this so g should be played for at least 15 mins every time. Oh shit Sand i forgot about Sand. Because i really forgot sand. After the show my buddies homeboy mentioned sand and was like what sand lol? Taste that phans taste that phor phree! Love the song placement. Sand is hard to beat in a sense of lyrical power and jamming and momentum of dancing. But Ashitos and Taste a beautiful i mean perfect Twenty Years Later! Rejoice Phans Rejoice! This set before i get to the rest was strong and confident by all band members Fishman played so well. He absolutely killed it. Page is better than anyone who play piano in a rock band. He is so consistent and his voice is under rated, and if phish wants to really step it up a but page could feature more songs. Trey has captained this ship for a long time but page to me is on top. Trey in this night was on top but has shown an ability to play to his bands strengths. Grasping the oppurtunity let everyone shine. People hate on him a lot. I heard that some dude at blossom was yelling fuck you trey at the top of his lungs during miss you, and this mollied out chick was screaming at the top of her lungs and crying like a maniac. But possum just shits on all that negativity as the band came together like fierce tornado and ripped the hinges off pnc. People wanted more i mean as soon as the band stepped off the stage people where in a panic. More is what they got. I like More, Miss You, Bug, etc i dont leave early cause golgi wasnt played for the 927th time. Tweezer Reprise was expected but honestly i wanted more that possum just makes me phish crazy.

So shows over lot/ shake time. Balloons are in full fill pop repeat. 10$. Highest ive ever seen. They are making a lot of money and people arnt even haggling i know because i was drunk and kind of in awe of the whole aspect of the operation but i was struggling with my wallet my hands where not working with my mind i was pretty tired/ stoned/ drunk/ yet bound to no2. I guess i fumbled my wallet. But i woke up the next morning and realized its absence. I live in Mi im in NC. Buddy bails me out i venmo him. Its 6292019. Wallet was found that night. Scott tried really hard to find me. I guess other people did as well. Karma is real people. Do unto other as you would yourself. God loves you. You may have it rough or great but be humble help other be kind and take risks beyond your sense or idea of fear. Ive helped and taught people quite a bit in my day. Ive changed a lot to be who i am and i promise all of you that i will change even more. To be better and help more! Be your own reprise! We are a phamily! I overall give this show a 8.9/ 10. If the venue owners where smart they would take a serious look into blossom music center and mane some changes. That area could use a really awesome barn.
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by aybesea

aybesea This was a reasonably strong show with a bit of a quirky song list. There's a Tweezer fest thing running throughout this show, and for a first set (primarily) Tweezer, it's actually a pretty good one (SAT of 122.53). Other highlights include a Mercury (108.80), Possum (125.00) and a HUGE Runaway Jim (255.11) that I've been really waiting for!

The overall show ranking is a 1072.61, in line with a respectable show, but not at the top of the show list so far for Summer 2019... that is still Blossom.
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by twlkr27

twlkr27 My very first Phish show. Not disappointed in the slightest. I hoped for a Mercury, a S.A.N.T.O.S., and a Jibboo on the way over and was treated and delighted with all three. Especially this Jibboo. My god, this was WAY above average in my opinion. Have Mercy set the laid back mood, Lifeboy was a rare one I didn't see coming, Taste is killer, Jim was great, and how about this for a phirst Phish show treat: a Tweezerfest. Like, come on. I couldn't have asked for a better time. Thank you Phish for the wonderful night. See you again soon.
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by s1177375

s1177375 Best show of the tour by a long mile this one had me dancing at a Goodwill for goodness sakes Trying on clothes dancing my ass off in front of people and I didn’t care it was that good. Any time you start w Marley and end w Marley it’s a good reggae time. The tease in possum was excellent and I don’t even like that song I’m so sick of Julius Possum and Haley’s unless it’s going to be a jam I am just done with those songs but this one packaged the show together perfectly and I remember I judge possum too harshly. The Gotta Jiboo is stellar the tweezer meandering was the highlight for me it even made passing through fun and I don’t like that song or album at all. The ya mar was very nice as well. The whole first set was just excellent and That means a lot because I don’t like 2 of those songs and yet they worked in rotation perfectly. The Jim was the song of the night of course but the sass and sand were nice shorter jams too Back into tweezer so much fun. Tweezer all night long is great. Best show of the tour has a lifeboy? Wow I would not believe that I would say that but it’s true. Still don’t like lifeboy slow and the lyrics are lies for us Christians but very pretty version. Next worth mentioning is the 20 years later very nice version I liked the jam a lot and then the have mercy in possum just perfect This show for me was all about tweezer alligator mouths and the runaway Jim set 2 opener. Best show thus far by a mile!!
, attached to 2019-06-21

Review by s1177375

s1177375 OK so the mighty diamonds I’ve never heard of the diamonds and I’m not into looking into all the histories of all the stuff I don’t now so I didn’t know that I just thought it was a Marley song as it sounds reggae like. Should be a Marley song. Now I got a listen to the May diamonds cause I have no idea what they sound like
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