
, comment by jesterhead , attached to 2019-12-29
jesterhead Trey teased While My Guitar Gently Weeps during Carini.
, comment by CreatureoftheNight , attached to 2018-07-24
CreatureoftheNight So far, (10 shows in) this is my favorite jam of the year. A massive peak indeed!
, comment by CreatureoftheNight , attached to 2017-09-01
CreatureoftheNight Rarely does the cover art of the show fit the music perfectly, but it sure does for this version of Carini. The opening distorted fuzz brings the spacecraft to a landing. By 8:30, the bay doors open, the aliens descend and fire off a few ray guns to clear the area. Weird effects from Page signals the transition to bliss land, arriving at 11 minutes. Mike is especially active and punchy weaving his way around the landscape. At 13 minutes, the hose is being turned on to cleanse the urban landscape with goo.
So far, things have been up to par with good phish, but everything after this is top shelf. The band is purely in the zone. When I looked around on the floor, everyone I saw was in rapture. No distractions or wandering focus. It seemed as if all of us were united in in our pursuit of levitation. The mothership had lifted off and was conquering the entire planet.
The funky breakdown at 19 minutes made me think of Steam, Undermind, Sally and You Sexy Thing all at the same time. The transition into Ghost was methodical and to my ears, welcomely unexpected.
10-31-2013 will always be my favorite Carini. This is my #2. It was one of the best jams of the year and deserves much more than the tepid review currently on the jam chart. From my talks with plans, there are many others who feel the same way. I’m looking forward to the JOTY voting to place this bad boy in its rightful place.
, comment by n00b100 , attached to 2017-07-26
n00b100 Holy shit, is this jam good. You thought Carini was receding as a jam vehicle for the modern era? You thought wrong, Buster Brown.
, comment by FirstTubeCT , attached to 2016-07-16
, comment by jakekanezo , attached to 2016-07-09
jakekanezo I Feel So lucky they played this for my first Phish show! Nothing could beat the vibe I got from this song, with Trey laughing some of the words and (I think it was Page) screaming along, which hyped up the crowd enough to scream with him. Overall I think this song will end up being one of the highlights of what i hope ends up being a long journey with Phish.
, comment by chillwig , attached to 2016-07-01
chillwig some rover quotes from trey ~5:30-5:45
, comment by n00b100 , attached to 2016-07-01
n00b100 The weary groove that emerges out of this one sounds a lot, to me, like the end of the 10/31/98 Wolfman's, which is a huge plus in my book. Shame about the botched transition into CDT - one imagines Trey had it in the back of his head when he absolutely nailed the -> into it two weeks later. Love this jam; probably my favorite Carini since its annus mirabilis of 2013.
, comment by subfloor , attached to 2016-06-25
subfloor It took until this show for me to finally get on board wit Carini...for years I would just skip over it in playlist, but I remember feeling really good that night and thinking "has it always been like this?"...I don't think it has, but I'm glad I can finally vibe to it with everyone else...
, comment by TweezingSpaceRanger , attached to 2015-08-01
TweezingSpaceRanger This version is evil and heavy. While it may not have a screaming peak, it works brilliantly within the context of the set, especially following a great number line
, comment by Pinhead_Larry , attached to 2014-07-26
Pinhead_Larry Despite a relatively short jam on this one (ten minutes, after the "song" portion), this jam covers a lot of ground, and is one of the more impressive Carini's played in 3.0, particularly from 2012 onward. The jam starts on a sludgy note, and becomes increasingly shifted to a major mode. This one has some Hose in it, particularly near the final few minutes near the end before the -> to Ghost, and Page is responsible for most of this, though Trey's guitar trills certainly add to this.

Not a note feels out of place, and this one wins for my favorite Carini from 2014. Hopefully Fall terr will make me update that!

I should also give a shout-out to the Ghost that follows. It reaches a high similar to NYE '10, but with a very "1999 meets 2013" vibe to it. Listen to both. They complete each other.
, comment by kipmat , attached to 2014-07-12
kipmat I say that this version is on the same level as 7/5/14 SPAC, but your mileage may vary.
, comment by TweezingSpaceRanger , attached to 2013-12-29
TweezingSpaceRanger The entire DWD> Carini sequence should be highlighted yellow. This sequence packs the same punch that the 2015 Cheezer does, if not more. Also, there hasn't been a Carini close to being this good since this show. On top of the filthy and slowly evolving pocket Mike and Fish establish, which Trey and Page just slaughter, the crowd woo's actually work here because the band manipulates the crowds woo response to be softer each time and subtlety end the jam.
, comment by eyesontweeprize , attached to 2013-12-29
eyesontweeprize This was the best Carini of the best year of Carini IMO. Should definitely be "highly recommended." The organ/echoplex peak is pure magic - one of the best moments of 2013 (and god knows there were A LOT of magical moments in 2013).
, comment by skillz , attached to 2013-12-29
skillz This jam should be highlighted yellow
, comment by zarathustraz , attached to 2013-12-29
zarathustraz This Carini can be considered the sister jam of the monster "Steam" the night before. Both jams have a similar persistent building of intensity, mostly thanks to the symbiotic swelling of Page's organ and Trey's new Echoplex.
, comment by n00b100 , attached to 2013-12-29
n00b100 It seemed like Carini in 2013 was either about multifaceted shape-shifters (SPAC2, AC) or filthy grooves (Hampton, of course, or Worcester); this might be the filthiest groove of them all, which is saying something. What I really love about it is just how unhurried the band is throughout, content to stay right in the pocket until the opportunity to build to that monster peak (and the "woo"s, a nice comedown from said monster peak) presents itself. Fall/Winter 2013 had its share of big-time 1-2 punches, and this (w/DWD) has a case for packing the biggest wallop.
, comment by n00b100 , attached to 2013-10-31
n00b100 I saw people bandying about the phrase "Type III" after this MFer was played; it's the sort of jam that basically sounds like the band mashing together every jam style they'd honed in their history into one hell of a tasty goulash. You find yourself moving from minor-key grooving to major-key blissfulness without even realizing the mood had shifted until it's already on top of you, with effortless grace and beauty. To me, the finest Carini they've played, and the crown jewel of Carini in 2013, a season on par with Jordan in '95-96 or Ruth in 1920.
, comment by coral_sand_below , attached to 2013-10-31
coral_sand_below I hear Dark Star parallels in this as well. A great jam.
, comment by CreatureoftheNight , attached to 2013-10-31
CreatureoftheNight My second favorite jam of the year, behind the Tahoe Tweezer. A slow methodical build to a glorious peak. Inspired playing from the entire band. It doesn't get much better than this!
, comment by CameToPlay , attached to 2013-10-31
CameToPlay Every time I listen to this I am struck by the similarities to Dark Star around the 14:30 mark, particularly the famous 2/13/70 version. But a fine jam overall and accessible no matter what the mood. A good go-to 2013 jam.
, comment by n00b100 , attached to 2013-10-25
n00b100 What @Beacon_Of_Light said. @waxbanks says that the final minute of the 8/5/11 Rock & Roll sounds like DJ Shadow; to me, *this whole damn jam* does.
, comment by Beacon_Of_Light , attached to 2013-10-25
Beacon_Of_Light This is one of the jams that convinced me length doesn't matter nearly as much in 3.0. They don't waste any time and the last couple of minutes are so tight, one of the sickest grooves I heard. Do I wish it was longer? Of course, but it gets me up and out of my chair every time.
, comment by ProfJibboo , attached to 2013-10-18
ProfJibboo There have been longer jams, there have been higher peaks, there have been more intense versions, but when someone asks me what my favorite Phish jam is, this is it. Start to finish happiness. Constantly upbeat, dance-able playing that makes you lose awareness of time and space around you. Always moving with direction, never a dull moment. A true masterpiece.
, comment by TheEmu , attached to 2013-10-18
TheEmu This may be my favorite Phish jam ever. Maybe...there are other ones that I love (11/22/97 Halley's, 11/22/94 Bitch, 8/16/93 Reba). But this jam is, more or less, fucking perfect.
, comment by i_am_spaghetti , attached to 2013-10-18
i_am_spaghetti Such amazing interplay between Trey and page leading into the playfully bouncing lick Trey's rides starting around 8:30. Too much fun this one.
, comment by n00b100 , attached to 2013-10-18
n00b100 I would have probably gone red with the AC version over this one, but there's certainly nothing wrong with opining that this is the finer version. It's certainly one of the most outright *fun* jams they've ever played, the sort of jam you can call "larger than life" without too much hyperbole. Page's work alone will put a big dumb grin on your face for hours and hours.
, comment by cmango091 , attached to 2013-07-06
cmango091 This might be my definitive choice of underrated Phish jam of this era. True "Hose", very focused, and capped off with a brief sinister little jam. A real compact treat lost in the overwhelming vastness of Phish highlights produced since.
, comment by n00b100 , attached to 2012-12-30
n00b100 It's really a tale of two jams here, one of them a reasonable straightforward Carini jam that peters out in interesting fashion and one a crazed, pitch-black monster jam stomping across a barren wasteland. The first one alone wouldn't merit inclusion on the jam chart, but paired with the second it makes for a compelling jam and one of 2012's many highlights.
, comment by kipmat , attached to 2000-06-24
kipmat @timkell ID'd the "Peyton" reference in this thread from Trey's Peyton Hooten story in Morristown NJ on 2/8/18. Video of the story is in the thread - it's hilarious X-D is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

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