SET 1: Set Your Soul Free [1], Halley's Comet[1], Strange Design[1], Winterqueen[1], Blaze On[1], Wolfman's Brother[1], Turtle in the Clouds[1], Water in the Sky[1], The Inlaw Josie Wales[1], When the Words Go Away[1], Shade[1], Everything's Right[1], Theme From the Bottom[1], Sample in a Jar[1], Bathtub Gin[1], Sleeping Monkey[1], Backwards Down the Number Line[1] > The Wedge[1], Miss You[1], Summer of '89[1], Twist[1] > Chalk Dust Torture[1], Wilson[1] > Say It To Me S.A.N.T.O.S.[1]
ENCORE: Back on the Train[1], Tube[1], More[1]