Jam Chart for Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum (29 entries)

Date Song City Timing Notes
1998-04-02 Tube Uniondale, NY 8:00 Island Tour opener. Mike's bass lines keep this funky jam fresh, while Page transitions from the clav to the organ and piano. Also includes a guitar breakdown.
1998-04-02 Stash Uniondale, NY 19:24 The jam almost immediately breaks into exploratory ground that is unusual for this period. Following an ending section without vocals, the jam at 13:10 breaks into a gorgeous ambient jam (first of '98) with "Frankie Says" quotes.
1998-04-02 CDT Uniondale, NY 10:47 Crazy set-closing version where Trey just keeps the jam going and going, and then he converses a bit with the audience during the conclusion.
1998-04-02 BOAF Uniondale, NY 9:19 Debut has a crescendo-oriented jam that starts off relaxed and picks up punch.
1998-04-02 Sneakin' Sally Uniondale, NY 12:39 -> in from "Wolfman's Brother." A heavy funk groove breaks out following the lyrical section with some great Fishman percussion. Great collective playing as the jam progresses and segues -> into "Frankie Says."
1998-04-02 Twist Uniondale, NY 18:34 Exceptional, multi-section version. The jam breaks away from "Twist" at 6:30 into a serene and lush ambient soundscape. At 13:10, an effects-laden darkness overtakes and continues until a > to "Sleeping Monkey."
1998-04-03 Mike's Uniondale, NY 13:47 Show opening "Mike's" has a funky, well played 1st jam with little touches of ambient sound. The 2nd jam kicks off with a dark and powerful tone that gradually mellows into quiet musing which warms in sentiment and -> "The Old Home Place."
1998-04-03 Weekapaug Uniondale, NY 16:26 Arguably the funkiest "Weekapaug" ever, this one is essentially "Weekapaug -> Funk Jam -> Weekapaug." Teases of the song that would become "Mozambique," "C&P" (sung, not played!), "Nellie Kane," and "Brazil" are just gravy in this extraordinarily improvisational version of the Phish classic.
1998-04-03 Roses Uniondale, NY 27:19 An incredible jam emerges out of "Roses" proper, opening Set II in a historic and highly regarded show. The improvisational jam combines dark sentiments, ambient sounds, major mode playing, and groove-based action. Must-hear version which > to a strong "Piper."
1998-04-03 Piper Uniondale, NY 16:14 After a gorgeous building intro, this version is somewhat unique in that the jam follows the ending coda that was common in early versions of "Piper." The jam itself is restrained and contemplative, based somewhat on the ending coda.
1998-04-03 Loving Cup Uniondale, NY 6:54 > in from "Piper." Sort of the icing in the cake which brings the incredible "Roses Are Free" > "Piper" jam to an upbeat and celebratory close, before launching into the comic "naked guy" madness which happens in the ensuing "Antelope."
1998-04-03 Antelope Uniondale, NY 14:16 Fish says, "If you're gonna run up on the stage, just don't let Carini get you" in the intro. This prompts hilarious "Carini's gonna get you" harmonizing throughout the song. Intense straightforward version with Funky Mike in the "Rocco" section.
1999-10-07 Tube Uniondale, NY 6:54 Wah-groove and clav early on and then Trey takes the lead while Page lays down layers on the organ.
1999-10-07 Mike's Uniondale, NY 12:05 A cool and different single jam version, with Trey on the mini keyboard at first, while Page and Mike rock out. Trey jumps back on guitar around 6:30, laying down iconic and swirling '99 sounds. Things settle down, and the stretch after 10:00 features great ambient sound.
1999-10-07 McGrupp Uniondale, NY 11:08 Trey gradually joins in with Page's serene and contemplative solo, offering his uniquely '99 tone in contrast to Page's classic piano musings. Sounding as though it may end in an uncharacteristically subdued manner, Page and Trey instead drive the playing out for another brief circuit, before closing in a more spirited and customary manner.
1999-10-07 Caspian Uniondale, NY 11:10 Similar to other versions from this period, but Trey shreds the ending part of the jam like a madman here. > to "Golgi."
1999-10-07 Weekapaug Uniondale, NY 11:36 The jam drops into a rhythmic groove right off the bat. While never far from home base, it's a different and cool version and well worth checking out.
1999-10-08 Halley's Uniondale, NY 14:24 A propulsive and swirling jam develops with nice Page and Trey teaming. Eventually settles down into a quieter, serene, and cohesive mood.
1999-10-08 Tweezer Uniondale, NY 19:57 Very long, spacey jam. Brief "Sand" tease.
2003-02-28 Gin Uniondale, NY 20:45 Another incredibly exploratory '03 "Gin." Every bit as improvisational as 2/22/03, the jam has more of a melodic, flowing nature to it, and thus bears more resemblance to the versions from the late '90s, within the context of 2003.
2003-02-28 BOTT Uniondale, NY 11:52 Fantastic "Type I" version with a crescendo-oriented jam. Arguably the standard against which all "Type I" "BOTTs" should be compared.
2003-02-28 Tweezer Uniondale, NY 26:38 Magnificent. "Hose" 'em down. Hear it at all costs.
2003-02-28 Bowie Uniondale, NY 18:31 Jam stays in familiar "Bowie" territory until 13:05 when it breaks away into some nice exploration.
2003-02-28 Hood Uniondale, NY 14:30 Great version that just keeps building and building, up and up. A BIG exclamation point to end Set II of a historic show.
2003-11-28 Waves Uniondale, NY 12:47 Long intro. Quite intense, jarring and distorted towards the ending.
2003-11-28 DwD Uniondale, NY 16:44 Stays on the customary "Type I" jam for a good while before shifting to a rocking and rhythmic bent.
2019-12-01 Tube Uniondale, NY 10:49 Totally tubular, Trey, around 4:40, hits upon groove, absolutely chill and pitch-perfect smooth (check out the audience's reaction) before leaning into his effects, matched by Page, who, on point, creates sounds which slowly ebb and flow, arriving in huge, bend-but-never-breaking waves. Page jumps to his concert piano, Trey (in sound) follows suit, and the jam lifts off with the band slowly building to a sustained and euphoric peak.
2019-12-01 Everything's Right Uniondale, NY 14:30 A "Call to the Post" tease from Trey before the song begins indicates he's ready and raring to go. Swirling synth play from Page and heavy effects from Trey highlight this cool jam; Mike and Fish lay down a slick groove to let their bandmates shine. There's a menacing end to the jam before it > into "Down With Disease."
2019-12-01 Twenty Years Later Uniondale, NY 11:47 > from "Ruby Waves." This is a dark, swirling, Mike-led jam that wastes no time getting started once the song proper ends. Page and Fish create an ambient background while Trey and Mike interplay. The end of the jam gets quite heavy before dissolving into > "Backwards Down the Number Line."
Jam chart versions are selected because of improvisational and other characteristics that distinguish these from typical versions of the song.
The jam chart team has highlighted some versions with a yellow background; these are the versions the team believes to be especially improvisational, or otherwise notable.
A purple date indicates that you were in attendance.


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