Jam Chart for the state of CT (52 entries)

Date Song City Timing Notes
1990-03-01 Weekapaug New Haven, CT 5:53 Thoroughly ripping early version which again includes a Theme from Bonanza tease.
1990-05-06 Hood New Haven, CT 12:23 Solid version all around, with good interplay, great Fish, and Machine Gun Trey makes a strong showing.
1990-05-06 Bowie New Haven, CT 14:48 Ass-kicking version that gets out there nicely and is loaded with tension and dissonance. Some sick Trey playing leading to and during the trill.
1990-09-16 Weekapaug Middletown, CT 6:43 Why he is called Machine Gun Trey.
1991-11-19 Weekapaug New Britain, CT 6:45 Melodic jam includes teases of "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" (really more of a jam) and "Divided Sky," as well as expected Machine Gun Trey action.
1992-12-28 YEM New Haven, CT 20:57 Gorgeous opening segment.
1992-12-29 Tweezer New Haven, CT 13:30 A little vocal jamming in opening section. Rhapsody in Blue and Donna Lee teases; brief PYITE tease. There is also arguably "Who Knows" teasing for several measures in this version (it's not quite "Who Knows" but it's close and it lasts for several measures.)
1992-12-29 Mike's New Haven, CT 8:49 The first "Mike's" since '88 to have something other than "Hydrogen" follow. The 1st jam gets way out there into serious improv, including twisted "On Broadway" teasing. The short 2nd jam is rhythmic and has "Blue Bayou" teasing and a drum outro. After a brief stop, the band decides to play "Blue Bayou," which began a trend of inserting songs other than "Hydrogen" between "Mike's" and "Weekapaug."
1993-04-30 Possum West Hartford, CT 9:56 Experimental jam with quiet scat singing by Trey early, good tension, a near breakaway section at 6:00, and pounding Fish.
1993-04-30 Wilson West Hartford, CT 7:11 Lengthy, playful, discordant intro with "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" teases from Page on keys and Trey on vocals. The Morricone teases continue throughout, most effectively as the nightcap to a queasy, little jam preceding "BLAT BOOM".
1993-04-30 YEM West Hartford, CT 23:30 Excellent B&D!
1993-12-29 Antelope New Haven, CT 12:19 Strong '93 version that has a very unsual quiet section from 6:35 - 8:35 before returning to "Antelope."
1995-12-02 Maze New Haven, CT 11:27 > in from "2001." Hard to believe one of the all-time hose versions of "Tweezer" comes two songs after the boys detonate this cluster bomb.
1995-12-02 Tweezer New Haven, CT 15:03 Even more serious "HOSE" in the entire version. Just awe-inspiring!
1996-10-23 Ya Mar Hartford, CT 9:23 Bob Gullotti on second drum set. Nice two-way drum solo.
1996-10-23 Tweezer Hartford, CT 17:26 Extra drummer (Bob Gullotti), plus Trey on the percussion kit for awhile = lots of OOooomph.
1997-11-26 Tweezer Hartford, CT 17:29 Funk soars into some excellent, transcendent, arguably "hose" improv.
1997-11-26 Gumbo Hartford, CT 12:11 Funky jam has nice interplay between band members. Stacatto-ey at times with some "Manteca" teases. At 8:00 Mike starts a theme that they play around with for a couple minutes before Trey takes over with a solo that leads into My Soul.
1997-11-26 McGrupp Hartford, CT 10:07 An excellent version arriving midway through an excellent first set. Following a strong composed section, Page crafts an inspired passage, gently working a pleasant melody. Trey responds in kind, offering the perfect counter to Page's playing. While different from the typcially comedic "Mule-Duel," the combination here jells, creating an inspired rise to the conclusion.
1997-11-26 Taste Hartford, CT 12:02 Unbelievable playing by Trey and the others as the band builds to a HUGE peak and then drives up over another. 7/22/97 is (literally) electrifying; 8/3/97 is unusually improvisational. This version is just phenomenal, with masterful contributions by all band members.
1997-11-26 Character Zero Hartford, CT 20:43 This uniquely jammed out version maintains a heavy rock vibe for the duration and features multiple Trey solo sections. -> "2001".
1997-11-26 2001 Hartford, CT 14:23 First jam is stellar, highlighted by the 5:00-7:00 mark. Second jam goes "Super Bad" stop-start and your clothes will be shed on the ground. Segue into "Cities" is great.
1997-11-26 Cities Hartford, CT 8:00 Segues out of "2001." Nice mellow groove tacked onto the outro. -> to "Ya Mar."
1997-11-26 Caspian Hartford, CT 11:19 > in from "PYITE." Soaring and shredding guitar playing by Trey. Stellar backing from the others.
1998-11-24 Tweezer New Haven, CT 17:15 Fall '98 had some truly awesome versions!
1998-11-24 Possum New Haven, CT 13:33 -> in from "Tweezer." Extended jam that grows dissonant and off-key and also incudes "Born On The Bayou" teases.
1999-12-12 Drowned Hartford, CT 30:37 If you're looking for a good groove-based jam coming out of "Drowned," this is a more dynamic, propulsive and multi-sectional option than Big Cypress. It's solid, not epic, but well worth checking out.
2000-06-30 Tweezer Hartford, CT 12:18 Short but very powerful.
2000-06-30 Possum Hartford, CT 10:24 Trey's agitated, high pitched playing in the latter part of the jam sounds like a jet airplane throttling up for takeoff.
2000-06-30 Halley's Hartford, CT 15:06 Nice jam with good bass work from Mike that sounds similar to "Sand." The energy level really picks up in the final few minutes as Trey kicks into high gear. "Things That Make You Go Hmmm" tease by Mike.
2000-06-30 Mango Hartford, CT 12:13 > in from "Halley's Comet." Great version where the band explores and improvises with the basic "Mango" theme in a greatly extended outro jam that transitions to "Twist."
2000-07-01 Vultures Hartford, CT 10:38 Relatively rote yet impassioned play begins to build, and build (check out the fan reaction around 8:08), as Trey trills, slashes, and powers the version to a blistering peak. This yields to cool riffing, with Mike and Fish locking in to form a fun run with Trey augmenting his tone before, with Page pounding upon his keys, the musicians break free to bring the version to a close.
2000-07-01 Ghost Hartford, CT 16:24 Sleek bullet train jumps the tracks at the top of a steep grade escapes Earth's gravitational pull and goes supernova as it nears light speed. [A quick-tempo "Ghost" jam acelerates even further, Trey shreds amidst uniquely '00 sounds, and then the jam gets crazed before blasting off into outer space.]
2009-08-14 BOAF Hartford, CT 9:32 Similar to 11/13/98 in that this version mostly stays "in bounds," but likewise pushes the envelope. A quality version.
2009-08-14 DwD Hartford, CT 13:00 Atypically soulful soloing from Trey, with a strong "Reba"-like jam, shortly before the ending segue into "Wilson."
2009-08-14 Piper Hartford, CT 13:02 Once past 3 minutes of somewhat unpleasant string bending from Trey, the jam becomes quite improvisational and multi-faceted with some great Mike and Page contributions, including a "Spill The Wine" Page tease.
2010-06-17 DwD Hartford, CT 16:49 A very good clavinet-led funk groove develops. Briefly seems to be rebuilding to return to "DwD", but instead -> "Sand."
2010-06-17 Farmhouse Hartford, CT 7:26 This version has an excellent jam segment most notable for the cohesive playing by all four band mates. The peaceful, wandering melody here creates a perfect soundtrack for a summer evening. The only drawback to this fine version is Trey's use of the pitch shifter, common throughout 2010, which can be grating if allowed to dominate one's listening experience.
2013-10-27 Fee Hartford, CT 6:49 Slightly extended outro with nice melodic contributions from Mike. > to "Maze".
2013-10-27 Maze Hartford, CT 9:43 Fish, Page and Mike really crank the tension up during Trey's solo, combining for a fiery peak to this "Maze."
2013-10-27 Tweezer Hartford, CT 17:31 Overrated by your friends, this version captivates with brilliantly melodic soloing by Trey for several minutes, before flaking out a bit, and becoming aimless. (Still worth your while to hear to be sure.)
2013-10-27 Golden Age Hartford, CT 16:47 Ferocious start-to-finish, with magnificent accompaniment by Page, Mike and Fish as Trey solos.
2013-10-27 2001 Hartford, CT 8:03 Trey changes the soundscape to this constantly. Second jam is a funk Echoplex exploration. Band takes all kinds of chances here.
2016-07-09 BDTNL Hartford, CT 8:36 A strong version which features contemplative, quiet, and delicate playing, unusual for "BDTNL." Ultimately, this warm, restrained playing gives way to a traditional shredding and trilling peak.
2019-07-09 Beneath a Sea of Stars Part 1 Uncasville, CT 16:54 An absolutely stunning piece of psychedelic music, almost akin to free jazz at times, that touches on nearly every mood imaginable in Phish's improvisation and a few not imaginable in Phish's improvisation. Exceptionally deep and must-hear.
2019-07-10 Stash Uncasville, CT 12:49 The jam breaks into a really cool, "Caravan"-like (Duke Ellington) or "Spanish" minor mode jam section at about 8:00, which continues for several minutes and grows increasingly intense and includes a fleeting "Manteca" tease by Trey as well. This tension-filled playing winds its way back to "Stash" proper by 11:30, concluding a terrific version.
2019-07-10 Wingsuit Uncasville, CT 10:48 "Wingsuit" is one of those songs where, when Trey's tone, texture, and phrasing align, there is no place you would rather be than somewhere upon this planet, listening to Phish. This is one such version. The band's accents are perfect, but Trey dominates, suspending animation and creating a sort of breathless relief, wonderful peaks punctuated by Fish's impeccable percussion.
2022-07-24 Sigma Oasis Hartford, CT 17:42 Another strong entry in the early history of what has quickly become Phish's post-shutdown standard bearer, this dual peak version traverses blissful, melodic heights then contemplates subterranean spaces before reascending triumphantly.
2022-07-24 A Wave of Hope Hartford, CT 23:10 A huge version that opens the second set, the band is locked in from the start of the jam. Fish's steady play ensures the tempo stays upbeat. Later, the jam becomes an effects-fest. Trey, determined as ever, gets the band back into the song before it > into a must-hear "ASIHTOS".
2022-07-24 ASIHTOS Hartford, CT 18:19 Initially coaxed into a low-key minor jam which gradually intensifies before paring down to become minimalist and brooding, and then rebuilds into a soulful, celebratory finale.
2022-07-24 Blaze On Hartford, CT 13:27 The song's mellow outro seems built to spill in any number of directions, a musical sort of "canvas." Here, the band paints a cosmic sort of composition. Trey follows Mike for several measures, with Page and Fish providing on-point fills. Restrained play brightens a bit, the version's chill, restrained play warmed by Trey's tone. Patient, hushed, and serene, Page seems to signal a shift, and the jam becomes surprisingly psychedelic, warping into an ethereal ooze.
2024-07-23 KDF Uncasville, CT 19:12 Anchoring an improv-heavy set 2, this big-time "Kill Devil Falls" utilizes the consistency of its double-time rhythmic launchpad, allowing for the Phish textural machine to intensify and grow in density. Colorful ambient synthesizer textures coupled with Trey's seemingly endless bevy of melodic ideas dress the freight train that is Mike and Fishman’s rhythm section attack, eventually leading back to the "KDF" ending, and charging into "Carini".
Jam chart versions are selected because of improvisational and other characteristics that distinguish these from typical versions of the song.
The jam chart team has highlighted some versions with a yellow background; these are the versions the team believes to be especially improvisational, or otherwise notable.
A purple date indicates that you were in attendance.


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