Tuesday 09/09/2014 by phishnet


[Editor’s Note: We’d like to welcome guest blogger Satoshi Sakuraba - DH.]

I went to see Phish's 2014 summer tour in America from July 2nd to July 14th. I saw eight shows in two weeks at SPAC, The Mann, and Randall's Island. It was my longest trip in America so far, and the shows were very exciting. I liked SPAC3, Mann2, and Randalls3 because Phish seemed so focused. Also, I met a lot of my friends and hung out with them. I was happy to meet them.

SPAC – July 3
This is my favorite venue because the lot is the best, I'd been there two times before. I stayed at Phanart Pete's place in Albany, NY. I was surprised they opened with "Farmhouse." Actually, I didn't remember the show because I drunk a little moonshine in the parking lot and I had heavy jet lag. I passed out during the last part of the first set. I took an energy pill when they began the second set. It was so good. "Bathtub Gin," "Limb By Limb" and “Winterqueen” were the most impressive tunes. "Winterqueen" had an extremely beautiful melody. As you know it was composed by Trey and Tom Marshall. I went with Phanart Pete and Phootdoc to Putnam Den after the show, and enjoyed drinking, dancing, and eating pizza.

SPAC – July 4
My 3rd July 4th show, Happy Birthday America!! I tried to sing "The Star Spangled Banner." "555" was powerful. "Reba" was rhythmical, I danced. I felt that phans love for the band. One of my favorite tunes, "The Squirming Coil," was perfect as set closer. I was impressed with Page's solo. Beautiful. If Fish had not shouted his part it'd have been very good. Thanks Fish, I love you. It was a perfect first set after “Moma," I didn't like “Moma." I felt "Fuego" (20min) would transform this tour when I heard it.

SPAC – July 5
Pete, Scott, John, and I went to Dinosaur BBQ in Troy for lunch before the show. They opened with "Crowd Control." It was a good opener. "My Friend, My Friend" was beautiful, but Trey didn't play it well. It's okay, Trey! I was excited to hear "Foam" and "Divided Sky." I listened to "Wading in the Velvet Sea" and “David Bowie” carefully. The band concentrated well. They played "David Bowie" perfectly. The second set was so great. I can't describe how good those tunes were. "Carini," "Waves," "Wingsuit," "Piper," "Fluffhead," " Slave to the Traffic Light," and "You Enjoy Myself" were perfect.

I felt so HAPPY to hear “YEM” at SPAC, I love that venue.

The Mann – July 8
They played "Fuego" for about 26 minutes in the second set and it was amazing. I was impressed with just "Fuego" this night. It had a long jam, I thought there were some stories in the long jam. They did not just play, they made a story. "Tweezer" > "Ghost" > "2001" > "Harry Hood," and "Tweezer Reprise." I was blown away by them. I went to a post-show with Pete in downtown and met so many friends.

The Mann – July 9
Pete, Scott and I went to Dalessandro's and had hoagies for lunch. We met Stu and Erica there. They are my good friends. I didn't think my balls would fly this night, but it happened during the second set. They opened with "Chalk Dust Torture." "Wingsuit" was the most impressive tune this night. I was a little baked and tweeted some weird shit. The second set was amazing. It was exciting as SPAC3.

Off Day
Pete, Scott, and I went to Federal Donuts. It was my first experience. I ate four donuts. It was too much. I usually have one or two donuts in Japan. American stomachs are much bigger than Japanese I think. After that Pete and I drove to New Jersey.

Randall's Island July 11, 12, 13
Randall's Island was a very beautiful venue, so I couldn't believe that I was in NYC. The moon floated in the sky. My American friends drove me there from New Jersey. Most of the people brought their own chairs, picnic sheets, and their children played there. It was typical peaceful day. It was good!

I thought Phish played well at Randall's. "Steam" > "DwD" > "Golden Age" > "Limb By Limb" were great in the second set on July 11th. "Carini," "Ghost" > "Wingsuit" and the encore, "Joy" and "First Tube," were great on July 12th, too. Personally, July 13th was the best. The first set and second set were amazing. They played a 28-minute "Chalk Dust." Also "Tweezer," "Wading in the Velvet Sea," and “Slave to the Traffic Light” were perfect. I'd already lost my balls at The Mann before. I was baked during the show. I wanted to stay there as long as possible.

In my opinion SPAC3 was the best night this trip. "Carini," "Waves," and "Wingsuit" > "Piper" > "Fluffhead." Speechless. I've seen Phish 47 times in five years. Seeing Phish was my main purpose. I also wanted to meet my friends and make new friends. Many phans were so nice to me, even though I'd never met them before.

I completely forgot to say, even though I'm living in Japan near Tokyo, that it was not easy to go to America. To go to see Phish in America I needed to take a vacation for more than seven days. Maybe most Japanese phans have a problem, but I think going to see Phish in America is worth it for us. If Phish plays in Japan again, it'll be worth it. I don't know how many phans there are in Japan. Are there about 2,000 or 3,000?? I wasn't there, but Phish sold out a 3,000-seat venue in Japan. I think there aren't a lot of phans in Japan. Most of venues don't allow smoking inside, and they don't have a parking lot, so vendors can't sell stuff. And can't sell food.

I don't know who wants to go to Japan from America. If they come to Japan again, Japanese organizers will bring the venues of less than 5,000. I'd like to see Phish at a small venue in Japan, if they came back again to Japan someday. Tickets will probably 8,000yen each night (about $80 or $100.) Maybe.

One of my friends go to see Phish every tour. Other friends go there once every other year. Most Japanese phans go to America just for Phish, they spend a lot of money and time. I do too. I was happy to hear rumors that Phish would play again in Japan. It was just rumor. But I was excited when I heard that rumors. A lot of Japanese phans have been waiting for them since 2000.

Japanese Phans Love Phish!

I'll continue my trip looking for my balls.

To all my friends, all phans, and Phish: Thank you very much.

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