Monday 07/15/2019 by howard_roark


© 2019 Phish (Rene Huemer)
© 2019 Phish (Rene Huemer)

[This recap is courtesy of Brian Brinkman user @howard_roark (@sufferingjuke / @_beyondthepond on Twitter). While the opinions expressed by a recapper on this site are not necessarily shared by any volunteer who works on, Brian is a volunteer on, so there's that. -Ed.]

Some Phish shows make you laugh. Some make you dance. Some make you rock out. Some make you think. Some freak you out. But the really rare and special kinds of shows leave you dumbfounded and speechless. Laughing incoherently, amazed at whatever it was you just witnessed, wearing a shit-eating grin, and incapable of putting into words what you and 30,000 others just experienced. Sunday night, July 14, 2019, was one of those rare & special Phish shows where everyone in the venue, and those following at home, all felt let in on a secret joke the band has been telling for 36 years. Bustouts, rarities, hi-jinks, lectures, and the longest jam of 3.0. It was a kitchen sink kind of a show and one that will surely be discussed with the best of the era, up there with 8/31/12 and 7/25/17.

The Summer 2019 Tour has been a fascinating one for Phish. They've incorporated nearly 20 new songs in their rotation while playing 200+ unique songs throughout the tour. It goes without saying that this kind of effort to play a large catalogue of complicated songs, all while introducing new songs that have no historical context or basis for where/when they should be played, is a massive challenge for any band, let alone one that's nearly 40 years into their career.

In addition, they've built off the jamming breakthroughs of 2017 and 2018, thus compacting their improvization at times, while spending more time developing space & fresh musical ideas rather than driving towards a simpler, blissful rock peak. Add to it, they spent a large portion of their tour in the NE Kingdom that they were raised in for the first time since Summer 2016. Between the Baker's Dozen parking them in NYC for 3 weeks, and the cancellation of Curveball in August 2018, the band hasn't spent as much time on their home turf over the last three summers. Since then they've released an album while writing two other albums worth of new material. It goes without saying that there was a lot of change within the band heading into Summer 2019, and it showed. Quite frankly, I don't think the band has taken this many risks within their playing and show construction since Summer 2012, even as some of the results have been mixed.

And so the band arrived at Alpine Valley, a venue they love & have played 17 times, to conclude an incredibly unique, if at times, frustrating month of Phish. Dedicating their first two nights to working through their newest material, and exploring ethereal spaces within their songs, there were questions lingering about how the band would approach the Sunday night set at Alpine, and the final show for seven weeks.

If the first "Landlady" in 122 shows (7/10/16) was any indication, then the first "Olivia's Pool" in 692 shows (11/17/97) all but solidified what the band was up to. Whatever the inspiration was, they were opening the vaults, and unloading on their fanbase. The first set was dotted with even more rarities: "The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday" > "Avenu Malkenu" > "TMWSIY" - 147 shows (8/21/15), only the third "Spock's Brain" since 2000, and the first "Glide" in 82 shows (7/23/17). Elsewhere the energy was kept strong with the second "Pebbles & Marbles" of the tour, Ghost Of The Forest standout "About To Run," and only the fourth Set I "Good Times, Bad Times" of 3.0.

These are the sets we travel to see Phish for even when we shouldn't. They're the reason we huddle around choppy Mixlr streams on Tuesday & Wednesday nights. They're the reason we get into spats online with other passionate fans about this crazy band we all love. The rareness of seeing a first set like 7/14/19 is why we're all still here in 2019 seeing this group of Dads who still aren't sick of the inside joke they've been playing on us all for years.

© 2019 Phish (Rene Huemer)
© 2019 Phish (Rene Huemer)

Oftentimes it feels like when Phish plays a first set as strong as 7/14/19 - especially one so focused on rarities - they lose a bit of steam going into the second set (here's looking at you 7/20/16.) There would be none of this Sunday night at Alpine.

Phish emerged from their "15 minute break" with intentionality and focus. Opening with (IMO) the best song they've written in all of 3.0 - "Mercury" - they shifted gears slightly, here focusing the next hour of music on their newest material. "Mercury" bobbed and weaved for about 13min before fading (somewhat prematurely) into "Ruby Waves."

At this point, there were some concerned fans - more on this in a bit - as it seemed as though the band's penchant to cut off jams during the final week of the tour was having an adverse effect on their shows. Yet in historical Phish fashion - think 11/2/98 level owning of your fanbase - the band didn't just take "Ruby Waves" for a ride, they jammed it for 38 minutes and 8 seconds. The longest jam of 3.0 and the 7th longest jam of all time. While the band has proven time and again this tour that they can craft really meaningful pieces of improv in sub-15min jams, few will argue that they didn't use the majority of their 38 minutes in purposeful and gushingly creative improv.

The Alpine "Ruby Waves" will be remembered as one of the best jams of the era as it should be. There were segments of ethereal bliss butting up against 70s arena rock, terrifying wall-of-sound repetition segueing into infectious groove-based jamming. Every time it sounded as though it were going to conclude, the band found a new direction. It was a statement on the work the band has put in over the past three years to fully connect again through improvisation. Justification for their longevity, and a massive creative reward for the multitudes of risks taken over the last six years.

It's wild in moments like these to think back to 2013 when they were celebrating their 30th year together. At the time they seemed to have reached a peak and were looking back on how they'd grown and survived over the previous three decades. Little did we all know that they were spending the year crafting an album's worth of songs they'd debut that Halloween. Since then, they've released two albums, while crafting two full records for subsequent Halloween shows, and Trey added another record in 2019 through a burst of individual inspiration. Now, as their fortieth anniversary looms in 2023, it feels as though they've gone through a complete creative rebirth 3-4 times over since 2013. In jams like the Alpine "Ruby Waves" we hear how much more connected and dedicated they are now than they were even during a year that was designed as an acheivement simply by means of them performing live in it. Whatever work they need to put in to continue creatively moving forward, I am all for.

© 2019 Phish (Rene Huemer)
© 2019 Phish (Rene Huemer)

And so, how do you follow-up a jam like the Alpine "Ruby Waves?" You come down with your late-night sultry blues jammer "Twist," mellow-out with "Swept Away>Steep," drool a bit while shouting "Death Don't Hurt Very Long," and then play the first "Icculus" in 210 shows (12/31/2013). You tell your fans to stop being so damn concerned, to read the fucking book, and drool along with their neighbors.

Toss in "Buffalo Bill," because, why the hell not? And then finally (finally?) the "You Enjoy Myself" we all could see a mile away and hugged like an old friend we needed to see right then and there. But, since this is no ordinary show, how about the first "Catapult" in 191 shows (7/27/14) and then the second "Contact" in a week, but this one dedicated to a Bride/Groom-to-be who Trey met at his hotel & gave the best engagement story ever to. Yes, of course, all of that.

In a show reminiscent of 8/14/09, 7/3/11, 8/31/12, 7/27/14, 8/9/15, and 11/2/18 for its old school vibe, and rare find qualities, the band then came out for their encore - with just about 2 min to spare until curfew - and claimed "there must be something more than this..." Must there be? Perhaps it's better to say that "in a world gone mad" a show like this must be possible.

"Tweezer Reprise" closed out the show in ideal fashion. A three-minute coda to their most historically exploratory song, it exists solely to make you scream and laugh and pump your fists and bash your head back & forth through the air like a crazed lunatic. It's stupid and loud and brash and hilarious and a perfect encapsulation of the energy Phish conjures up in their fans & their entire fanbase. We love it when it's played where/when it shouldn't be, and we love it when it's the final notes the band leaves us with on a tour.

And yet, it's a strange thing, a show like 7/14/19, especially closing out a tour that felt so damn different and so new for Phish. A tour where the band took so many chances with setlist construction and jamming. A tour where, when things aligned and clicked, it produced some of their finest music of the last 20 years. And a tour where, when things didn't connect, it was awkward and clunky, and never took off. To close out this summer with a show that was such a celebration of why we all listen to Phish felt a touch out of step with the overall themes of the tour. Though, perhaps that's the magic of a show like this happening at the conclusion of the tour, rather than lodged in the middle of it. Perhaps we and the band needed the reminder that, while they're clearly so focused on evolution and the next sound of Phish, the reasons why so many of us came to - and return to - their music, is worth celebrating again, even for a night.

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, comment by Harpua34
Harpua34 Perfect review. That mighta been best show I’ve seen since pre initial hiatus. I’d have to think but that was pretty close to a damn near perfect show. A heater from the first song to the last. That show had everything you could ask for.
, comment by JacKeePa
JacKeePa The FOMO is for real with that one and is making me question my life’s decisions. Should I keep my job? Should I abandon life’s responsibilities? The answer is no, right? RIGHT?? Great recap and giving us insight about what it feels like to be at an historic phish experience.
, comment by User_25597_
User_25597_ I wonder if people would feel as strongly about this show as I'm sure they're going to if there weren't SO many rarities crammed in there. And that observation is not to take away from the playing, which was great. But come on man. Look at that setlist! It's way past gratuitous. I guess flying to Milwaukee and dealing with Alpine is the cost we now must pay to witness something like that.
, comment by ThinMan
ThinMan Excellent, excellent review and recap of the show. Loved it. Also, loved your thoughts on this tour as a whole and couldn't have said it better myself. Downloading now...
, comment by DWD_Free
DWD_Free As opposed to what? Playing "crazy" shows in every city? Every night? Gratuitous, yes. Just be happy for the people who were there and go about your day. Not everyone has to fly to Milwaukee, either. This could have happened in a town near you (theoretically, without knowing if Phish ever play near your hometown). Peace and Love and 38+ minute jams to y'all.

@JMart said:
I wonder if people would feel as strongly about this show as I'm sure they're going to if there weren't SO many rarities crammed in there. And that observation is not to take away from the playing, which was great. But come on man. Look at that setlist! It's way past gratuitous. I guess flying to Milwaukee and dealing with Alpine is the cost we now must pay to witness something like that.
, comment by Harpua34
Harpua34 @JMart said:
I wonder if people would feel as strongly about this show as I'm sure they're going to if there weren't SO many rarities crammed in there. And that observation is not to take away from the playing, which was great. But come on man. Look at that setlist! It's way past gratuitous. I guess flying to Milwaukee and dealing with Alpine is the cost we now must pay to witness something like that.

Woulda still been classic. They coulda played anything last night and it woulda been incredible. Ruby waves was jam of the year maybe freaking decade. Just complete insanity. Great audience trey ban vibes all night. Great bustpits, great talking to audience great new and old songs and great, top notch jamming. Just a complete home run of a show. The bust outs were the icing on the cake.
, comment by theresoundingecho
theresoundingecho Therapist: "When did you start experiencing problems?"
Me: "When I felt that seeing the Friday and Saturday shows were good enough for me and drove home."
Therapist: "hmmmm...I see. Did you at least live stream the show?"
Me: "No...what can I do to make the pain go away?"
Me: "Thanks."
, comment by bailey
bailey Fantastic review!
, comment by Cavitate
Cavitate Superb review! I raged this show solo in my living room on couch tour, but spent very little time on said couch. The family was away and I had a fantastic day of uninterrupted boy tasks - amazing Breakfast at Wimbledon, pool vacuuming in the sunshine, even fit in watching the replay of this years’ Pats vs. KC Chiefs playoff game. But nothing prepared me for the onslaught of emotion brought on by my favorite band in the world.

I felt satisfied having only caught SPAC and Fenway this tour - got to hear them integrate new material, got to wrangle with the obligatory rain issues, even had stellar moments of solid jamming and unexpected hijinks. But last night was a whole different animal. I had chills travel up my spine, teary moments harkening back on my 26 years of dedication and experience with these fools, laugh out loud instances that solidify my love for 4 dorky goofballs (a love that can not be explained to the uninitiated.)

I needed last night. I needed it to play out exactly as it did. I needed to dance in my underwear, needed to cry tears of nostalgic reverie, needed to text my wife In the middle of the night to tell her what had happened, needed the reminder to NEVER ever miss a Sunday show. This was one for the record books. This is why on every level I love being a crazy Phish fan. Pretty stoked to mow the lawn this afternoon while belting out nonsensical lyrics and laughing about drool, catapults, and looking for owls.
, comment by puravidaphish
puravidaphish Best review I’ve ever read for the best book I’ve ever read! What a night!
, comment by BDLemonCaspian8417
BDLemonCaspian8417 All's well that ends well
, comment by waxbanks
waxbanks Thanks so much for this review, Brian.
, comment by HelpingFriend
HelpingFriend Easily one of the best shows I have attended, since the early 90’s. Phans love to hate on Alpine, whereas I absolutely love the place - It’s historic, it offers the best sound next to Red Rocks, cell phones barely work there, and it’s the bands favorite place to play. When they choose to close out the bulk of summer tour with a rare 3-day weekend there, for the first time in years, that spells magic. And what is the only thing better than spending a weekend in southern Wisconsin during the middle of summer? That show.
, comment by natkingbowl
natkingbowl Stellar review for an unbelievable show. Next level Phish!
, comment by Multibeast_Rider
Multibeast_Rider Great job capturing the feeling of being there.

Btw - when they hit the 30 min mark of Ruby Waves I almost felt like it was a directed FU to the people who complained about the lack of 20 min songs this tour. That jam was a thing of beauty.
, comment by whrdina
whrdina Sometimes the couch can be great, there was a moment in Ruby Waves, during one of the lulls where the band was shifting gears, camera close up on Trey, he looked down (i think he was changing a pedal) and he had a clear "oh, you think I'm gonna ripcord, but I left it backstage tonight." he had what I can only describe as a shit-eating grin on his face and appeared to be chuckling to himself, then they played for 20 more minutes. Jam of the Year!!!
, comment by ratherbephishin
ratherbephishin What a fantastic thoughtful review, excellent work! Perfectly articulates my feelings about this amazing show as well as it place in the tour, and what it all means in general.
, comment by jubman
jubman Incredible, insightful writing. Thank you for this review.
, comment by n00b100
n00b100 A+ review, my friend. Real salient thoughts about this tour in general, too.
, comment by phortgang11
phortgang11 Incredible review of not only this show, but the tour as a whole. Damn near shed a tear reading it.
, comment by todrjohn
todrjohn perfect recap and i share your thoughts and visions brother .. peace and lets continue to drool together .. we’re all part of a drooling phamily with phamily jewels in the f*cking book so read it !!! see y’all at dicks!! love dicks
, comment by EvenCarlSagan
EvenCarlSagan Thank you!
Very cool & perfect review!
I missed 8/9/15 after hitting the night before & now, I missed 7/14/19 in the exact same fashion.
I'm getting good at missing these monster Sunday shows.
Still.. it all works out.
I'm just a little freaked out & drooling a bit.
When will this stop?

::smiles in review::

~Cheers, Phish!!!
We LOVE you!!!
, comment by farmhose
farmhose It’s always ironic to me that folks wanna hear “Icculus” but they don’t wanna read the book! They don’t want to surrender their (fairly unimaginative) expectations, they can’t praise the band without mentioning that they “know” how much “better” the band should be, and that every other evening is always a few song choices short of their big phantasy. As the writer mentioned the jams, although shorter, have been consistently impressive, and the times they felt cut short were to segue quite smoothly into another song. There were a handful of absolutely 5-stars shows this summer whose rating on this site barely scratch a 4, and last night’s show is currently at a 4.6 because folks feel they need to regulate the excitement and disallow this show from reaching its rightful status of one-of-the-greatest-Phish-shows-PERIOD.
, comment by Phloridian1
Phloridian1 This was a great review, so kudos there. But this show did get me thinking; what was more significant the bust-outs or the 38 minute genius jam of Ruby Waves? I would say IMO, the jam of Ruby Waves. While I love bust-out shows, I am into this band for the long, intricate jams (I know not everyone shares my opinion). I would prefer a 5 song set of type II to the first set here. Still gives me FOMO seeing the set list, but this show was food for thought. Anyway, I'll be at Dicks so we can see what this show means for the Labor Day weekend, maybe a return to some Dicks tricks???? We shall see!!
, comment by Stormin
Stormin Greatest payoff show ever!
, comment by ltbuilder7
ltbuilder7 Brian, thanks for the wonderful review AND your Beyond the Pond shows/Tweets over the past year. You provide Fresh and amusing thoughts that help keep me engaged with my fav band and learn about some new ones to faceplant into!
, comment by Phishear2019
Phishear2019 Great review, but let's not forget that just because a jam is long doesn't necessarily it good. The Ruby Waves from last night was one of those jams that just kept giving and really stayed tight and focused with every turn. What a great weekend really. It was a really great weekend with friends and I finally got a sloth after seeing these guys since the early 90s.
, comment by MongoNugget
MongoNugget Very nicely said! It was a fun ride with some pretty nasty jamming. Worth every minute of the 13 hour drive.
, comment by swittersdc
swittersdc You are the man.
, comment by AlpineBison
AlpineBison @HelpingFriend said:
Easily one of the best shows I have attended, since the early 90’s. Phans love to hate on Alpine, whereas I absolutely love the place - It’s historic, it offers the best sound next to Red Rocks, cell phones barely work there, and it’s the bands favorite place to play. When they choose to close out the bulk of summer tour with a rare 3-day weekend there, for the first time in years, that spells magic. And what is the only thing better than spending a weekend in southern Wisconsin during the middle of summer? That show.
well said!
, comment by gausssplit
gausssplit If what occurred during YEM doesn't cancel out all the bullshit I dont know what will. Congrats bro on best proposal ever. Multi millionaires showed they love us what more could we ask for.
, comment by solestus
solestus Great review of an amazing show. Thanks!
, comment by Evmonster
Evmonster Great review!!! I was fortunate enough to go to 5 shows on this tour between Camden, Fenway , and Mohegan. I watched the rest with my wife via the live streams. I can’t imagine what the energy was like in that building last night! I know what it was like from my couch, so... I feel like even when the band “missed” they never really missed. I think the GOTF stuff is great, and the Kasvöt stuff is just amazing. I’m truly happy for everyone who was in alpine last night, and I hope that everyone gets a show like that at some point. Can’t wait for Dicks! Finally, thanks to the band for constantly touring to please all of us! We shouldn’t take that for granted.
, comment by hoppywingsuit
hoppywingsuit you people have to be joking. they sound like a bad cover band of themselves. have you ever herd 12/31/95 or big cypress? trey got neutered a few years ago. he's still trying to find the pair. get a grip people. phish has not been good in a few years
, comment by Harpua34
Harpua34 @hoppywingsuit said:
you people have to be joking. they sound like a bad cover band of themselves. have you ever herd 12/31/95 or big cypress? trey got neutered a few years ago. he's still trying to find the pair. get a grip people. phish has not been good in a few years
Somebody’s jealous the missed the show of the decade and as good if not best show since 2000. You listed arguably and most likely the 2 best shows ever. No it prob wasn’t at that level but I was at big cypress and considering the age and longevity of the band and the fact it was a 2 set show, this show was really just as fulfilling in terms of blowing the roof off my highest expectations of what the show would be. It was the most satisfied I’ve ever been with a 2 set show and I’d prob say my 3rd best 2 set show I’ve ever seen outa the 81 I’ve been to dating back to Alpine 1997. I can’t put into words the experience of Sunday with the band hitting on all cylinders and playing as close to a flawless show as you can ask for these days. In this guys opinion, it was the best show of 3.0 and prob since 1.0 or the first hiatus. Don’t be bitter you missed it, be happy the band is still taking chances and playing shows like this all these years later.
, comment by Stormin
Stormin @Evmonster said:
Great review!!! I was fortunate enough to go to 5 shows on this tour between Camden, Fenway , and Mohegan. I watched the rest with my wife via the live streams. I can’t imagine what the energy was like in that building last night! I know what it was like from my couch, so... I feel like even when the band “missed” they never really missed. I think the GOTF stuff is great, and the Kasvöt stuff is just amazing. I’m truly happy for everyone who was in alpine last night, and I hope that everyone gets a show like that at some point. Can’t wait for Dicks! Finally, thanks to the band for constantly touring to please all of us! We shouldn’t take that for granted.

Like you I saw Fenway and Mohegan, and a few streams (woohoo Saturday and Sunday night!). You stole the words and thoughts and all the well wishes right out of my mouth. Well said. Major couch energy and joy for the AV phaithphul on my end, too. We are all truly blessed. This is NOT to be taken for granted!
, comment by hoppywingsuit
hoppywingsuit @Harpua34 said:
@hoppywingsuit said:
you people have to be joking. they sound like a bad cover band of themselves. have you ever herd 12/31/95 or big cypress? trey got neutered a few years ago. he's still trying to find the pair. get a grip people. phish has not been good in a few years
Somebody’s jealous the missed the show of the decade and as good if not best show since 2000. You listed arguably and most likely the 2 best shows ever. No it prob wasn’t at that level but I was at big cypress and considering the age and longevity of the band and the fact it was a 2 set show, this show was really just as fulfilling in terms of blowing the roof off my highest expectations of what the show would be. It was the most satisfied I’ve ever been with a 2 set show and I’d prob say my 3rd best 2 set show I’ve ever seen outa the 81 I’ve been to dating back to Alpine 1997. I can’t put into words the experience of Sunday with the band hitting on all cylinders and playing as close to a flawless show as you can ask for these days. In this guys opinion, it was the best show of 3.0 and prob since 1.0 or the first hiatus. Don’t be bitter you missed it, be happy the band is still taking chances and playing shows like this all these years later.
, comment by gratephulphish
gratephulphish @hoppywingsuit said:
@Harpua34 said:
@hoppywingsuit said:
you people have to be joking. they sound like a bad cover band of themselves. have you ever herd 12/31/95 or big cypress? trey got neutered a few years ago. he's still trying to find the pair. get a grip people. phish has not been good in a few years
Somebody’s jealous the missed the show of the decade and as good if not best show since 2000. You listed arguably and most likely the 2 best shows ever. No it prob wasn’t at that level but I was at big cypress and considering the age and longevity of the band and the fact it was a 2 set show, this show was really just as fulfilling in terms of blowing the roof off my highest expectations of what the show would be. It was the most satisfied I’ve ever been with a 2 set show and I’d prob say my 3rd best 2 set show I’ve ever seen outa the 81 I’ve been to dating back to Alpine 1997. I can’t put into words the experience of Sunday with the band hitting on all cylinders and playing as close to a flawless show as you can ask for these days. In this guys opinion, it was the best show of 3.0 and prob since 1.0 or the first hiatus. Don’t be bitter you missed it, be happy the band is still taking chances and playing shows like this all these years later.
Jaded 1.0er pissed he still lives in his mom’s basement.
, comment by Stormin
Stormin I'm watching the webcast again and thinking that the band could have simply gone home after the GTBT they just tore up and that would have been a hell of a show right there.
, comment by jclan91
jclan91 Great review, Brian! Watched the first set from the lawn and my daughter was kind enough to let me take her seat down front for Set 2. Holy shit, is all I can say. I have to say I was getting a little worried after the flubby, shortish Mercury (imagine the video of this on youtube being your only exposure to this show!). Nearly 40 minutes later I was jumping up and down hugging the stranger next to me. Seriously, they could have done a couple more tunes and called it a night and shit would have been pretty good. By the end, I was like "remember that Ruby Waves they did a while ago?". Wtf!! Love these guys. I liked Friday and Saturday just fine as well. The "micro jamming" thing sounded pretty good actually, to my ears, but Sunday put things in perspective. Oh, and is Death Don't Hurt Very Long always THAT nasty live?!!?
, comment by Doppelgangsta
Doppelgangsta Perhaps even greater than the music was the fact the guys seemed to be having a blast up there. That hasn't always been the case over the last 20 years but the future of Phish has never seemed more promising and I can't wait to see what's yet to come.
, comment by beautiful_buzz_76
beautiful_buzz_76 This show is why I Phish!!
, comment by acidtechno
acidtechno amazing show
, comment by Harpua34
Harpua34 @gratephulphish said:
@hoppywingsuit said:
@Harpua34 said:
@hoppywingsuit said:
you people have to be joking. they sound like a bad cover band of themselves. have you ever herd 12/31/95 or big cypress? trey got neutered a few years ago. he's still trying to find the pair. get a grip people. phish has not been good in a few years
Somebody’s jealous the missed the show of the decade and as good if not best show since 2000. You listed arguably and most likely the 2 best shows ever. No it prob wasn’t at that level but I was at big cypress and considering the age and longevity of the band and the fact it was a 2 set show, this show was really just as fulfilling in terms of blowing the roof off my highest expectations of what the show would be. It was the most satisfied I’ve ever been with a 2 set show and I’d prob say my 3rd best 2 set show I’ve ever seen outa the 81 I’ve been to dating back to Alpine 1997. I can’t put into words the experience of Sunday with the band hitting on all cylinders and playing as close to a flawless show as you can ask for these days. In this guys opinion, it was the best show of 3.0 and prob since 1.0 or the first hiatus. Don’t be bitter you missed it, be happy the band is still taking chances and playing shows like this all these years later.
Jaded 1.0er pissed he still lives in his mom’s basement.
Sure guy. I’m not gonna insult you cause I don’t have to. You do it to yourself kid. You joined phish net in 2015. Lmao. Have a great life. Youngin. Maybe if you act right, you won’t miss the next all time great show so you won’t have to bitch and cry and downplay a show u missed and weakly try to insult those who were there and had a fucking blast. Karmas a bitch.
, comment by fnkymtrs
fnkymtrs @hoppywingsuit said:
you people have to be joking. they sound like a bad cover band of themselves. have you ever herd 12/31/95 or big cypress? trey got neutered a few years ago. he's still trying to find the pair. get a grip people. phish has not been good in a few years
LOL - throwing shows around from 20 + years ago - they were in their early 30s! Some people cant help but stare in the rear view mirror. I'm thankful they are still playing (at an incredibly high caliber I would add) and I can spend a few glorious hours with like minded music nerds.
, comment by yhgtbfkm
yhgtbfkm @hoppywingsuit said:
you people have to be joking. they sound like a bad cover band of themselves. have you ever herd 12/31/95 or big cypress? trey got neutered a few years ago. he's still trying to find the pair. get a grip people. phish has not been good in a few years
What’s Big Cypress? Should I check that show out?
, comment by Pagegrrl34
Pagegrrl34 @Multibeast_Rider said:
Great job capturing the feeling of being there.

Btw - when they hit the 30 min mark of Ruby Waves I almost felt like it was a directed FU to the people who complained about the lack of 20 min songs this tour. That jam was a thing of beauty.
And a big FU to those who endlessly whine about GOTF AND GOTF being boring dad rock. I’m still in a daze from being there, floating around my house since I got home last night. All I can do is laugh!
, comment by wtwrva
wtwrva the most exciting phish show I ever seen, saw phish on JUNTA TOUR, bought the double cassette at merch table, said "wtf is this bunch of retards doing? who tf sings the A-Train?", now I am one! but this show was all ritual, a holy day, got this vibe twice before, at mothership in late nineties, then again first night of Magnaball following Trey's anointing by Bobby in Chicago......seemed to me Trey transformed into what we just saw!

...........goat sacrifice must have been done backstage?

Hadn't seen that spirit since 1.0

That was a whole other level than anything I ever witnessed, really unique, special, and can never be replicated.

i love this band! see ya at dicks!
, comment by wtwrva
wtwrva @hoppywingsuit said:
you people have to be joking. they sound like a bad cover band of themselves. have you ever herd 12/31/95 or big cypress? trey got neutered a few years ago. he's still trying to find the pair. get a grip people. phish has not been good in a few years
how awful for you bud. you're just mean!
, comment by phishphan97
phishphan97 Just listened to The Alpine Ruby Waves and was absolutely and completely blown the fuck away. Locked in and ferocious and like nothing I've heard Phish do in my 22yrs on the train. Thank you.
, comment by Runaway_Jay
Runaway_Jay Great review, great show. Wow.

Can Only hope for dicks to sniff the level of excellence achieved on n3 in Alpine.
, comment by mcquinn
mcquinn Really fine review, of this tour, this run, and this show.
, comment by djfried
djfried This was my first show still amazed a few days later and glad I got to experience it. That second set especially got me grinning from ear to ear. Really glad I decided to make the drive I'm hooked!
, comment by mjr0314
mjr0314 Just don't know if this show beats Dicks Sunday 2015, my last landlady.
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