[Recap of last night's show courtesy of Nathan Tobey, user @IcculusFTW.]
Check phone for donut announcement Tweet.
HOLES. What could it meannnnn!?
Will they play “In A Hole” for real this time? Would that be too obvious? But weren’t “Harpua” and “Cinnamon Girl” obvious? Wait, does anyone but me care if they play “In A Hole?”
Also, those donuts look super tasty. Ah, what this triumphant run does to our minds.
“Baker’s Dozen” – taken together with the astonishing mini-run that led up to it -- has produced one of the most consistently thrilling runs in the band’s 34 year history. Just when Americans seem to be losing faith in, well, nearly everything – the world apart of Phish is exactly the opposite. Night after night, a band that – by any normal standard of band longevity should have long since become a nostalgia act -- is giving us new reasons to believe. And yes, last night, on August 2, 2017, they did it again.
(I had to webcast, sadly, but the power of this show was easily felt from far away).
One of the most fun aspects of this ridiculously fun run is how creative the band is getting dreaming up covers for the themes. Tonight’s show was no exception, opening with a brilliant choice – the debut of Tom Waits’ “Way Down In The Hole,” which any fan of “The Wire” knows by heart. Trey is obviously no Tom Waits, but Page’s solo hits the spot, and it’s fun to hear Mike’s bass in a tune I’ve heard so many times.
“Buried Alive” is almost always a good sign of a strong show, and this version is no exception. The “Kill Devil Falls” that follows is a focused, tightly executed first set affair. The rare “Guyute” is always welcome, especially in the first set, and, though Trey fumbles a few lines, it still delivers for a fourth song. Next, we finally get fish’s vacuum back out for the first time this year with “I Didn’t Know.” After a straightforward “NICU,” we get a much more intriguing take on the rarity “Meat,” only the 10th version since the band returned in 2009, and arguably the best. Rather than the usual stop/start breakdown, they stretch the songs’ basic theme into some wonderfully contorted places.
“Maze” makes any first-set better – and is highlighted (as always) by the Page/Trey interplay in the middle passage. It’s a fine version, but nothing special. This is one song that’s long overdue for another walk outside its normal walls (e.g. 7/12/03).
After a typically charming “Ginseng Sullivan,” we get a typically beautiful “Waiting All Night,” which I happen to love. The once overplayed “Heavy Things” is next, but it’s much more welcome, and often more interesting, in its old age. The version, while pleasant as always, is a bit of a throwaway. Note the laugh after “two holes in my face.” “Run Like and Antelope” may just be my favorite way to close a first set – and this one is fierce and well-played.
Overall, some great first set song selections – “Guyute,” “Maze,” “Antelope,” “Buried Alive,” – but I’ve been spoiled by the fantastic and incredibly rare (for 3.0) run of serious first set jams this tour. I’m hoping they return this weekend (the last one of note was 7/26/17). This was not a first set you need to rehear many times, but one that would have been a blast live.
The second set, unsurprisingly, was an entirely different story. Out of the gates with the long awaited first "Mike’s" of 2017, the chance for a second jam was on everyone’s mind. But it’s “Baker’s Dozen.” OF COURSE THEY’RE DOING THE SECOND JAM.
Only, this wasn’t just some novelty act. As good at the two second jams from 2015 are – this was another level. I’d go so far as to call it the most incredible “Mike’s Song” since Cypress (and I know 7-14-00 is great). Ok, who cares what you compare it to, stop what you’re doing, put on your headphones and listen to this immediately.
This is one of those Phish moments that words are not going to adequately describe. Suffice to say that there is superb lead playing from Trey, and the band segues – with throwback fog machine – into “O Holy Night!” Yes, the one you sang in school. Yes, the one from Christmas carols -- and it is gloriously haunting and perfect. In a run full of indelible moments, this one is among the most unforgettable. They harmonize, then it gets psychedelic, and then it gets as quiet as 20,000 people in Madison Square Garden can get before the jam fades away into “Taste.” At first, this call threw me a bit – not a typical placement, and now is not the time to just play a straightforward rendition of “Taste.”
Oh, ye of little faith.
They played one of – if not the – most amazing versions of “Taste” ever, with a spectacular eight minutes or so of must-hear improvisation.
“Sneaking Sally” is a blast, as always, and moves after a (too) short bit of funk into a celebratory, set-closing “Weekapaug Groove,” that Trey ends with many deserved exclamation points. I always think of “A Day In the Life” as the perfect choice to close a special show – its timeless mix of melody and dissonance, whimsy and terror, Lennon and Mcartney, has a way of summing up the whole adventure.
So, where does this fantastic show stack up in the donut box? A first set jam would have been sweet, but once you get to the second set, I think about it like this: there’s a level of patient, connected inspiration the band can reach that is, for lack of a better word, magical. It’s rare for the band to be in that zone, but once they are, it’s not really a question of ‘better’ or ‘worse’ so much as your own taste. Is the 4-3-98 "Roses" "better" than the 6-14-00 "Twist>Jam"? Is the Went "Disease>Gin" "better" than the 2-28-03 "Tweezer"? Is the Tahoe "Tweezer" "better" than the 7-25-17 "Lawn Boy"?
Phish in 2017 – four guys in their 50’s -- has created moments like that almost every night. And last night, they did it again.
Faith, rewarded.
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The first set was high energy and great fun. The "Way Down in the Hole" was PERFECT and set the tone. I've never seen the vacuum in person so that added to the vibe for me. Page was on FIRE during Maze and it drove that one to a fever pitch. Loved it.
The second set Mike's > Holy Night was incredible. In person I felt like the Taste dragged on as Fishman and Mike were locked in together trying to do one thing and Page and Trey were off doing another. Maybe on second listen I'll feel differently...
All told it was a killer show that demonstrates yet again how much the band enjoys inventing, joking, and playing....the reasons we all love them.
Absolutely it is, yes. You could have substituted almost anything for the "Tweezer" you chose and the answer would still be yes, however the fact that it's a 2.0 offering is odd indeed; at least to me.
I also happen to agree with previous comment and several others made that the taste was actually pretty static and not that impressive after a few minutes into the jam.
"O Holy Night" was definitely the highlight of the show
Holy night was indeed the highlight of the show, for me, anyway. So cool
Anyway, the second set was yet another jewel to add to the Baker's Dozen's already decidedly ostentatious crown. Mike's > OHN > Taste > Wingsuit is absurdly strong.
And then an entire second set Mike's Groove? With that delicious, delectable Taste and the most beautiful Wingsuit I've yet to hear them play? With O Holy Night to boot (taboot)? And that encore was just the chocolate peanut butter dust on top of a sweet sweet show.
This show has as much replayability as any show this year, including 7/25/17. I enjoyed it much more than 7/26 or 7/28 or 7/30, currently rated higher than this one among the consensus of dot net raters (although let me say here that comparing and ranking these BD shows is something of a fool's errand--we have truly been blessed with an embarrassment of riches. The "worst" of the ten BD shows so far (IMO, 8/1/17) is still a solid 3-star show, and I hold it in higher esteem than any show from 2016's "regular" summer and fall tours (i.e., excluding Dick's, Vegas, and New Year's runs). In fact, I could probably say that about any of the summer shows so far this year other than maybe Chicago night 1.
Thanks for another excellent review (and I tip my hat to the previous BD reviewers as well--you've all done a good job; I've really enjoyed reading the reviews of each of the BD shows).
Your thoughts?
Keep the Devil down in the hole
Buried Alive
Kill Devil Falls
Guyute - "As I sleep the sleep of death"
I Didn't Know - "Is that a picture of Otis Redding? Yes, right before he died."
NICU - is pretty damn dark lyrically. "I try to convey what you strive to condone"
Meat - is about death and ghosts... and feeding meat to them. "I need a resting place 'cause I already felt my body die"
Maze - "To the cavern of shame and the hall of dismay"
Ginseng Sullivan - "So I guess I'll never make it back to home"
Waiting All Night - "I'm so alone"
Heavy Things - "Stumbling as I fall from grace"
Antelope - "Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul"
Mike's Song - "This is the end My only friend, the end"
O Holy Night - need i explain?
Taste - "'Cause all I want is a taste for free" (kind of another The Wire reference)
Wingsuit - "Step outside, feel the sun It’s only you, be you, ‘cause you’re the only one"
Sneaking Sally - an all adultery song all day (up there with Baby It's Cold Outside)
Weekapaug - "Trying to make a woman that you move" (hmm?)
A Day in the Life - "He blew his mind out in a car"
Intentional? You be the judge. I don't know anything. But fun to think about.
you rank stuff like Phish MSG Summer in the City 2017 because it's impossible for you to resist JUDGING people, places and things?
The reviewer who discussed the song "meanings" is one of the very few Phish phans who adds to a meaningful discussion. So so many of you are being hosed, made the fool, sadly cannot break free of your impulse to spew out such soul crushing lines as "the band is inspired compared to (some inane time interval not relevant to anything) the avg song gap is 48!!"
Phish and the Team have been writing, rehearsing and now delivering a symphonic masterpiece where opera intersects with Bach pretty close to Broadway. Think CONTENT and meaning of what is being played out and then go and listen to Dec 31, 2013 (i know it's not "relistenable because the set closer wasn't 27 minutes) and read the fucking Book!!! per Trey's directive. This is where you may "find the light if you are looking right." Yes that's another clue...
Now please stop judging, criticizing the Divinely inspired, THINK outside of an arbitrary number like song length to connect with Grand Master Trey and really listen to 8/1 -8/2...46 Days contains a reference to The Devil right? The mood shifted , the STORY changed mood, we got Buried Alive in some deep dark hole, we tried to get out through the Weekapaugh Groove, but alas no. Our Captor would not set us free and we are stuck up in that "loop" described 7/30/17 Harpua as it's just another "Day in the Life."
Hopefully we are not "stuck in the Freezer" and The Book helps us escape because our Warden is clearly pissed off and seeing lots of RED...something our expert stream reviewers cannot possibly convey. So please stream watchers and setlist experts, study the content, context and subtext. My wish for you is not to "Get Fooled Again." Oh one last thing-to the "reviewer" who asked if anyone else cares if Phishes plays "With your A Hole" the answer NO!!! No one gives a shit (pun intended)
I sent the following to my family, after my parents recent visit. In my mulling, I realized that this is precisely how I am feeling about this band, and the associated family that suurounds me. To find me, you must have the Secret Bubble Mix. Follow the Secret Bubble Mix. Okay, love you all, ///////////
Quotes, etc.
I believe there is a pot of pure gold inside every family dynamic.
To find it, first you must believe in its existence. Then each family member must work for it, while they also lead their own individual lives.
And when we find it, it is a bit like a balancing act on a high wire. We all should be smiling at that sentence.
From my vantage, this family has found its pot of gold, and we are all very rich for it.
you rank stuff like Phish MSG Summer in the City 2017 because it's impossible for you to resist JUDGING people, places and things?
The reviewer who discussed the song "meanings" is one of the very few Phish phans who adds to a meaningful discussion. So so many of you are being hosed, made the fool, sadly cannot break free of your impulse to spew out such soul crushing lines as "the band is inspired compared to (some inane time interval not relevant to anything) the avg song gap is 48!!"
Phish and the Team have been writing, rehearsing and now delivering a symphonic masterpiece where opera intersects with Bach pretty close to Broadway. Think CONTENT and meaning of what is being played out and then go and listen to Dec 31, 2013 (i know it's not "relistenable because the set closer wasn't 27 minutes) and read the fucking Book!!! per Trey's directive. This is where you may "find the light if you are looking right." Yes that's another clue...
Now please stop judging, criticizing the Divinely inspired, THINK outside of an arbitrary number like song length to connect with Grand Master Trey and really listen to 8/1 -8/2...46 Days contains a reference to The Devil right? The mood shifted , the STORY changed mood, we got Buried Alive in some deep dark hole, we tried to get out through the Weekapaugh Groove, but alas no. Our Captor would not set us free and we are stuck up in that "loop" described 7/30/17 Harpua as it's just another "Day in the Life."
Hopefully we are not "stuck in the Freezer" and The Book helps us escape because our Warden is clearly pissed off and seeing lots of RED...something our expert stream reviewers cannot possibly convey. So please stream watchers and setlist experts, study the content, context and subtext. My wish for you is not to "Get Fooled Again." Oh one last thing-to the "reviewer" who asked if anyone else cares if Phishes plays "With your A Hole" the answer NO!!! No one gives a shit (pun intended)
If you have a theory about the overall story arc of the Baker's Dozen, I'd love to hear it.
Looking over the setlists, all I can gather is that on N1, our spaceship blasted off, we went into cryogenic sleep (inside the freezer), we've gone waaaaaaaaaaaay the f*** out into deep outer space (funk) (the music has been so so so so good), we had an epiphany about the finite nature of the entire universe (shaped like a donut) IMMEDIATELY before the arrival of the Monolith (2001, and I believe that placement is significant, also possibly signifying awakening from cryogenic sleep but not necessarily)... and then the Devil showed up and now here we are, Saturday morning, deep in a hole with our graves kept clean. Perhaps the finite shape of the universe is too much to live through...
If Tweeprise is the final song played of the BD (rather than ending N13 set 2, for instance), I fear we may remain frozen and asleep, flying unconsciously through the space of the donut for the rest of eternity...
That's my take on it, anyway. What's yours?
Didn't wreck anyone's experience of no
Repeaters was pretty lively. Leaves is based on a book with the supposition tress communicate with great complexity we just can't understand them.
Oh, i see what you did-the trees are the coach potato heads and Song-length lovers speaking a different languge. Ooh I likey!! Really cool. Good stuff
Tonight We got out of Trey's holey hell when he
Took us to see Dinner and a Movie and most certainly when he proactively excercized his demons with his guitar raising Sunday morning preacher tidbit at end of Set I. First Tube just rocked !! Dancing like a man possessed with my wonderfully sensitive gorgeously elegant wife of almost 16 years.
See ya tomorrow
Whatever the shows mean to you is not insufferable to me, and I think it'd be rude for me to even suggest that. Stay high and free, enjoy your experience of the music, and let others enjoy theirs.