Monday 07/24/2017 by uctweezer


Welcome to the 284th edition of Phish.Net's Mystery Jam Monday, the penultimate of July. The winner will receive an MP3 download code courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net. To win, be the first person to identify the song and date of each of the three mystery clips. The three clips are connected by a theme, but the theme needn't be part of the correct answer – though it should help you get there. Each person gets one guess to start – if no one guesses correctly, I will post a hint on Tuesday around 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET, after which each person gets one more guess before the correct answer is revealed on Wednesday around 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Good luck!

Answer: Congrats to @mickeyjoe86 for quickly figuring out this week's MJM with a little help from his friends, and taking home his fourth win in the process – he's now more than halfway to MJM Emeritus! This week there was one red herring theme (My Sweet One could refer to donuts, and this jam is easily found by Googling "phish snoring jam"), one handwavy theme (all jams in the last week of November), and one true theme (all my jams go // backwards down the number line). The clips were 11/30/94 "My Sweet One," 11/26/97 "Character Zero," and 11/28/09 "Seven Below." Stay tuned on Monday for the hardest of July: MJM285.


, comment by Bob_Loblaw
Bob_Loblaw 11/30/94 My Sweet One
03/11/90 Harpua
8/11/98 Jim

All shows have 11 in the date.
Total shot in the dark and I probably just helped someone win hahahaha.
, comment by zipriderson
zipriderson Thanks Bob - saved me the trouble of listening to every Lengthwise. . .
, comment by mickeyjoe86
mickeyjoe86 11/30/1994 My Sweet One
11/26/1997 Character Zero
11/28/2009 Seven Below
, comment by Greenmanwl
Greenmanwl i'm guessing just the songs...
1-Possum grunting
2-purple haze-ing
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose @mickeyjoe86 said:
11/30/1994 My Sweet One
11/26/1997 Character Zero
11/28/2009 Seven Below
Haven't verified but this sounds right to me. I knew the second Hendrix jam was fall 97 but couldn't place it and was derailed for a while by the My Sweet One red herring (a doughnut theme? No! Songs with numbers in them...). Alas had to abandon the search.
, comment by Gumbo72203
Gumbo72203 MickeyJoe nailed it. How anybody doesn't know that 11/28/09 Seven Below immediately is beyond me lol
, comment by mickeyjoe86
mickeyjoe86 @andrewrose said:
@mickeyjoe86 said:
11/30/1994 My Sweet One
11/26/1997 Character Zero
11/28/2009 Seven Below
Haven't verified but this sounds right to me. I knew the second Hendrix jam was fall 97 but couldn't place it and was derailed for a while by the My Sweet One red herring (a doughnut theme? No! Songs with numbers in them...). Alas had to abandon the search.
That one took me a bit too. The 11/29/97 Jim has a section eerily similar, but a little snappier. It also fit the November 30, 29, 28 theme that I was working with, but I just couldn't verify it. Upon relistening, I noticed it had the swagger of a '97 Character Zero. Not a bad way to spend half hour or so.
, comment by Bob_Loblaw
Bob_Loblaw @mickeyjoe86 said:
@andrewrose said:
@mickeyjoe86 said:
11/30/1994 My Sweet One
11/26/1997 Character Zero
11/28/2009 Seven Below
Haven't verified but this sounds right to me. I knew the second Hendrix jam was fall 97 but couldn't place it and was derailed for a while by the My Sweet One red herring (a doughnut theme? No! Songs with numbers in them...). Alas had to abandon the search.
That one took me a bit too. The 11/29/97 Jim has a section eerily similar, but a little snappier. It also fit the November 30, 29, 28 theme that I was working with, but I just couldn't verify it. Upon relistening, I noticed it had the swagger of a '97 Character Zero. Not a bad way to spend half hour or so.
Great work! I'm really kicking myself because I've listened to the Times Union -7ยบ so many times and It just didn't register.
, comment by Mapleleafzzz
Mapleleafzzz I am sure i have not logged anywhere close to the listening hours in as the rest of you...but my rookie ears hear the 10/29/2013 Twenty Years Later jam in the 2nd riff. Granted the recording does not sound as crisp as a 2013 show, so I guess that rules 2013 out?
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