Thursday 06/25/2015 by phishnet

BEST OF 1997 (10-6)

This week at Phish.Net, we're going to be counting down the twenty best shows of 1997, as decided by members of the Phish.Net team. We're almost there, but if you're just tuning in, you may want to start with the posts linked below. Now, without further ado, Shows 10-6 after the jump... [SP]

Honorable Mentions
Shows 20-16
Shows 15-11

10. 7/2/97 Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Jeremy D. Goodwin)

The two summer Amsterdam shows are deep doses of pure ‘97 straight to the dome, birthing the “back of the worm” mythology and featuring two huge second sets and an assortment of first-set goodies. But the second night’s better half is the monster here, with an all-time “Stash” that peaks in an eight-plus minute jamlet propelled by Trey’s eloquent repetition of a gorgeously melodic figure on guitar. (I've at times become obsessed with that guitar phrase and tried, unsuccessfully, to locate it in another Phish jam. But a cousin to it closes the deeply enchanting Great WentWolfman’s Brother.”) From there, things wind into one of the two or three summer ‘97 “Llama”s that drop suddenly into deep space, going unfinished and seguing into Trey’s story about avoiding the giant worms in the Amsterdam canals, and a playful AF jam on Steve Miller’s “Swingtown” with words appropriate to the story. If a prominently placed "Wading" ever justified itself, I believe this set-closing version does, particularly because of how nicely it's segued into. A double encore (the band left the stage after "Free"), with only the third-ever encore version of "David Bowie," adds the punctuation mark.

Oh, and by the way. The show starts with the first-ever “Mike’s Song” opener. Yeah, there’s that. [Thanks to @FiddleHead for pointing out that 7/2/97 is not the first "Mike's Song" opener. I'll note that my original claim was not a typo—I've been walking around for 18 years thinking that 7/2/97 was the first-ever "Mike's Song" opener, and that 11/22 was the first on U.S. soil. How did this happen?] That notwithstanding, the first set doesn't have a jam to compete with the many great first-set jams of this year, which is the only sag on the show's rating. Arguably, this is compensated for by the mere fact of the opener...and a show-opening sequence of "Mike's," "Simple" and "Maze" is nothing to sneeze at, in any era.

After some debate, this show placed a very respectable 10 on our list, but I had it as a top-five. For me, it's somewhere near (if not necessarily quite at) the crowded pinnacle of Phish shows, where everything is just tied with everything else because it's all so good.

9. 7/22/97 Walnut Creek Amphitheater, Raleigh, NC (Chris Glushko)

Back in 1997, there was no downloading of shows – no instant gratification. Unless you taped or had a connection directly to a taper, your wait to hear recent shows was often weeks if not months. During the second Europe tour of 1997, rumors started circulating in the U.S. that Phish was different. Yes, there was a fresh batch of new songs, but they were just a minor part of the change. Rather, the band was playing with a whole new approach. But hardly anyone except a lucky few had heard it. The U.S. tour opener in Virginia Beach gave us a glimpse into this new Phish, but it was only a glimpse.

The next night in Raleigh opened up with the most pedestrian of first sets until a storm of biblical proportions blew in during the middle of “Taste” – a storm so fierce that massive explosions from nearby lightning strikes are heard perfectly on the recordings. Then after a long rain delay came one of the single greatest second sets Phish ever assembled – a set that put the full potential of this "different" 1997 Phish on display with an assault rock, funk, soul, and two of the greatest segues in history. From the “Down with Disease” -> “Mike’s Song” to the “Mike’s Song” -> “Godzilla Stomping through Tokyo Jam” -> “Mike’s Song” (ok, I made that up, but it works) and the “Weekapaug” closer to the “Hood” encore, this set is sheer perfection. You may question Raleigh being ranked this high when it has only one great set. And if you do, you should stop questioning and play the second set one more time.

8. 11/19/97 Assembly Hall, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL (Phillip Zerbo)

Given the murderer’s row of shows that precede and follow it, Phish’s performance on 11/19/97 in Champaign, IL is almost easy to overlook, even in retrospect. All of its better known cousins from The Best Week of Phish Ever were officially released, as LivePhish 11 and Hampton/Winston-Salem ‘97. This brilliant show was oddly controversial even within our own supposedly “expert” ranks – one of our editors whiffed, leaving it off his top 20 entirely, while others had it ranked #2, or even #1. Settling in at a composite #8, let’s review the evidence. The first set contains no all-time jams, but it offers more than its fair share of “average-great.” “Julius” kicks off the affair, followed by the highlight of the set, a sixteen-minute “Bathtub Gin” that gets lost in the shuffle only because of the greatness that can be found in other ‘97 versions (see 7/21, 7/25, 8/17, 11/23). The segue to “Llama” seems botched at first, but still comes up Millhouse and turns lemons into lemonade. More than respectable versions of “Limb By Limb,” “Theme” and “Antelope” round out this very good – if not necessarily great – first set. Are there better first sets from 1997? You betcha.

There might not, however, be a better second set. The “Wolfman’s” gets the lion’s share of attention from this show, but first there is the not insignificant matter of the “2001”, a patient yet powerful affair that showcases a perfectly tuned sports car humming along in fourth gear for over sixteen minutes. The “Wolfman’s” is like a mini-suite of 1997 Phish jamming, crystallized in one blissful half hour. You want the funk? Machine-gun Trey? Dark, deep, dissonance? Balanced, ensemble playing with every band member making a distinctive mark on the jam? Sick segue to cap it all off? Check, check, check-mate! A fairly strong argument can be made that there is more jamming meat to this “Wolfman’s” in 29 minutes than there is in the significantly longer Worcester “Runaway Jim.” “Makisupa” adds a hefty dose of fun – stink kind. Had enough? The band sure had plenty more in the tank, with often overlooked yet no less awesome gems in the set-closing taste “Taste” and extended “Possum” encore. Add it all up, the second set and encore is 85 minutes of pure fire. Four song second set. All-timer jam. Goofy stoner fun. Bonus encore. No down-time. To be clear, the person who had this in the #1 slot was me – this show simply has it all.

7. 12/11/97 Rochester War Memorial, Rochester, NY (Dan Purcell)

More like “Rockester,” if you know what I’m saying. *points to guy in crowd* THIS GUY knows what I’m talking about.

In all seriousness, this show may seem like an obscure choice for a ranking this high, but please put it on and listen to it. It’s unrelenting, like a dialed-in batting lineup drilling gapper after gapper against a sweaty, overworked pitching staff. Take the second set, since as per tradition it’s the stronger set of the two: a massive “Drowned” (Larry King’s favorite second-set opener) that Phish somehow manages to segue into a cover they’d never played before. Don’t really know how they do stuff like that. Some people dislike “BBFCFM” but this seems to me terribly misguided. Part of why I love Phish is their willingness to be ugly and dumb (though never stupid) and alienating, to be weird for the sake of being weird. Why not be weird, if that’s what you want, and why wouldn’t you want to be weird at least every so often? The “Ghost” that follows previews the balls-to-the-wall heat of the 1998 versions we would grow to love (think Prague and Phoenix), before veering back into “Down with Disease,” which was played way back in the first set and, now that I mention it, is probably the highlight of the show. The second set ends with the finest “Johnny B. Goode” Phish ever played outside the city limits of Denver, Colorado.

"Maze" – 12/11/97 Rochester, NY

This show went relatively unnoticed at the time because of the relentless bombs the band had been dropping for the previous month, and in particular the great Detroit and Dayton shows from the previous weekend. The tapes for those two shows, and the tour-closing Albany joint two days after Rochester, circulated so widely and rapidly and in such great quality, and since these were excellent on their own merits they sucked most of the oxygen out of the room. Our voters believe that is an injustice that should be corrected. A “Waste” encore is admittedly kind of a kick in the stones, but by that point the crowd had gotten more than its money’s worth. This show did not sneak into its high position on our list; it rated highly for nearly all of our panel and earned its rank fair and square.

6. 11/21/97 Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA (Phillip Zerbo)

Inexplicably not cracking the top five for 1997 is 11/21/97, Friday night at the famed Hampton Coliseum. Plenty of shows have opened with a popular, unexpected first-time cover songs. Plenty of shows have opened with monster type-II jams. This “Emotional Rescue” gives you both – what band reinterprets a classic rock song as an exploratory jam vehicle, to open a big weekend? Our heroes, The Phish From Vermont. You want some more? Well here’s some more: follow up with a sizzling “Split Open and Melt.” We’re a solid half-hour into the first set before you can even think about heading to grab a beverage. By the time you’ve returned to your seat, we’re back in the high-energy groove with “Punch You In the Eye.” The set closes with a white-hot “Chalk Dust Torture” and a “Prince Caspian” in which even the song’s most strenuous dissenters can still find value, ditching the traditional closing chords in favor of a walk-off fade into delay-loop space. What a killer first set! Take a deep breath... you’re going to need it.

Easily earning Rookie of the Year song honors for Phish in 1997 was “Ghost.” Looking back, it’s still mind-boggling what this song accomplished, slotting version after version into the books of all-time Phish jams – 7/1, 7/3, 7/23, 11/17, 11/28in its debut year! Kicking off this four-song second set, the Hampton “Ghost” doesn’t quite qualify for that rarified air, but it still draws from that same well of improvisational greatness. Even at an extended fifteen minutes, this “Ghost” was still just setting the table for the show’s crown jewel, “AC/DC Bag.” This psychedelic tasting menu of ‘97 Phish jamming styles gives you a little bit of everything – funk, ambient space, blister-forming head-banging rock-and-roll. The thing that still blows me away all these years later is the ease and seeming effortlessness in which all these ideas were juggled, like switching channels between the peaks of five different thrillers in rapid succession, always somehow hitting the peak.

Slave to the Traffic Light” offered the perfect landing strip from “Bag’s” dizzying heights before ascending in a majestic flight of its own, with the always rocking “Loving Cup” taking the set home. If one were to go looking for flaws in the show – and I suppose that’s what some of my colleagues did, for this gig to wind up sixth – I guess you could say that the “Loving Cup” closer and “Guyute” encore ran out of gas? I guess. Perceived imperfections aside, I’m still shaking my head in amazement at this brilliant performance. Ladies and gentlemen, delivering in the clutch, yet again… Phish!

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, comment by Harveyglobetrotter
Harveyglobetrotter Wow, two shockers:

First, @n00b100 was right about the inclusion of 11/19/97. I totally didn't see that one coming and definitely not in the top ten. Although after reading the impassioned essay on its behalf, I realize that the 2nd set is great. I'll have to give it another spin tonight.

Second, I'm surprised 12/11/97 was regarded as "underrated" but I suppose in the context of tape trading 18 years ago I guess it could fall through the cracks. In the digital utopia we now enjoy I feel like almost anyone worth their salt has heard this show...and sung it's praises. And yeah, you might not like a Waste encore but I posit that this was the best Waste encore ever. Take that how you will.
, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel There's nothing pedestrian of the Runaway Jim> My Soul opener at Walnut Creek. One of my all time favorite segue's.

Now that we're getting to the top 5 my dark horse 11/14 doesn't seem like it'll make the list. I'd be curious to know where it ranked with the group that put this list together. I would've had 11/14 make the top 20 over Rochester (12/11). 11/14 second set was nothing like anything else from '97 which is why I think it deserves to be in the top 20. Oh well, you guys are the experts, I'm just a phan. Thanks for putting this list together. Been fun to follow all week.
, comment by J_D_G
J_D_G @WayIFeel said:
There's nothing pedestrian of the Runaway Jim> My Soul opener at Walnut Creek. One of my all time favorite segue's.

> Now that we're getting to the top 5 my dark horse 11/14 doesn't seem like it'll make the > list. I'd be curious to know where it ranked with the group that put this list together.

That show isn't in the user-voted Top 20 list, and was not among the wild card entries we manually added to that initial list. So for the purpose of this list, it was not in contention.

I discovered it anew though, anyway, and love the second set. But considering that this second set is shaped much like some other, better, four-and-five-song sets from this tour, I don't think the first set offers enough to make this show stand out from the (stiff) competition, all-around. Speaking for myself. But again, we're talking about the Top 20 of 1997...simply taken on its own terms, 11/14 is obviously a *great* show! No questions.

> Oh well, you guys are the experts, I'm just a phan. Thanks for putting this list together. Been fun to follow all week.
No way! Your username is very apt...this is all just The Way We Feel. All it takes to be an expert on this stuff is to listen to all the music (repeatedly), and think about it. And then just act like your opinion is important for some reason. That's what we do. :-)
, comment by Phunky_Mango
Phunky_Mango I smell a 11/17/97 Denver making the top 5 tomorrow!
, comment by Beacon_Of_Light
Beacon_Of_Light > > one of our editors whiffed, leaving it off his top 20 entirely, while others had it ranked #2, or even #1.

this ranking has been an interesting exercise but if anything it has shown me there's less of a consensus as to what the best shows were than I expected. '97 was so consistently amazing one person's #5 can be another person's #25. I don't think that's true of many other years.

the idea of 12/11 being an obscure choice for a high ranking was interesting to me. 07/22 and 11/19 being so high was a big surprise to me but 12/11 is straight fire, I felt like it was a lock from the start.

of course I felt that way about 08/09, 07/25, 12/30, 11/17, 12/06, and 11/22. at least one of these didn't even make the honorable mention list and that kinda blows my mind. Two, if 11/23 makes the top 5.
, comment by kidrob
kidrob I listened to the stash from te paradiso yesterday while I made a two hour trek to pick up my 4th of July FTW tickets. I completely agree about the guitar work by Trey. It got me all pumped to see him and forget about the long trek in traffic I was making to go see him with the dead in a week.
, comment by lumpblockclod
lumpblockclod FWIW, the honorable mentions weren't necessarily scientific. They were just shows we felt like writing about. I think we mentioned that 2/17 was the last show cut, but other than that, there is no order implied by them.
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose So presuming that the following four shows make it tomorrow:


What's in the running for the final and, I would argue, darkhorse spot?

I think it's down to these three:


It's an interesting showdown.

You could argue 11/14 has the most seamless and sexiest set. It's not that long, but Wolfman's-> Piper> Twist> Slave is pretty special. Maybe I overrated it because the tape held a special place in my heart back in the era in question, I don't know. The first set is nice but I'm not sure it competes with 11/23 I or 11/26 I.

11/23 is probably the frontrunner here, though I'm not sure it would have my vote. I've always thought the Gin got a bit unruly and less to my taste (especially compared to some of the longer explorations the two days prior), but the show boasts a lot of other great material. A tasty BEK, an 17 minute Stash in the first set.

Then there's 11/26. Best known for its 20 minute Character Zero second set opener, surely, but its first set might feature its best playing. The 18 minute Tweezer opener is pretty underrated. As is the Gumbo. The jam at the end of it before My Soul is something else. 2001-> Cities-> Ya Mar is slick but the show lacks real jam punch following the Zero, and is similar to 11/23 in this regard.

Or you know, it'll be 7/9. Pierre!
, comment by n00b100
n00b100 I'm guessing that 7/30 is the one from my original predicted list that didn't make the cut. I'd also be extremely surprised if anything other than 11/23 takes that 5th spot @andrewrose is mentioning. I think 11/14 II is better than any set from 11/23, but a) its first set doesn't compare to 11/23 I and b) it's not half as well-known, I would guess.
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose Have to say I'm pretty surprised about 11/21 not making the top 5. As a complete show, in my mind it may be second to only 12/30.
, comment by n00b100
n00b100 By the way, piggybacking on something mentioned in another one of these posts: I think 11/19/97 is a very good show, one that I have listened to many times and quite enjoy (digression in Wolfman's nonwithstanding), and I would *absolutely* take 8/31/12 over it. In a heartbeat.
, comment by Lee_Fordham
Lee_Fordham So 7/22 Raleigh is at 9 based on the strength of one set, but night 2 at the Went is docked because they were firing blanks in Set 3 (albeit after perhaps the most transcendent set of music the band has ever played) and ends up at 13?

I'm thinking that if you ask people to name their top 5 lifetime Phish experiences, I'm pretty sure that *phans creating our own light show with glow sticks while CK5 took a break at the end of an epic set where the Trey talked about the symbiotic energy between band and audience* is going to get mentioned.

I guess I could understand devaluing 8/17 a bit if you weren't there, but I'm presuming that the majority of the team was in attendance. It's also the 4th highest rated show of the band's entire career on this here site, but somehow it ended up as only the 13th best show of 1997? That's a hose job for a show that offers some of the purest grade HOSE I've ever experienced.
, comment by Dressed_In_Gray
Dressed_In_Gray @n00b100 said:
By the way, piggybacking on something mentioned in another one of these posts: I think 11/19/97 is a very good show, one that I have listened to many times and quite enjoy (digression in Wolfman's nonwithstanding), and I would *absolutely* take 8/31/12 over it. In a heartbeat.
Me too, and I attended the 11/19 show.

I honestly can't believe this show is on the list - let alone top 10. I just don't see it.
, comment by GreatWent19
GreatWent19 We're going to have a serious omission tomorrow. My guess for the final five...

1.) 12.30.97
2.) 11.17.97
3.) 11.22.97
4.) 7.30.97
5.) 11.23.97

But does that mean 11.22.97 is out? Seems implusible, but I can't place it above those five...
, comment by jibler
jibler here's hoping my beloved 11.14.97 receives the Honor of the Gods
, comment by n00b100
n00b100 @GreatWent19 said:
We're going to have a serious omission tomorrow. My guess for the final five...

1.) 12.30.97
2.) 11.17.97
3.) 11.22.97
4.) 7.30.97
5.) 11.23.97

But does that mean 11.22.97 is out? Seems implusible, but I can't place it above those five...
There is no way in hell 7/30 is going to be there over 12/6, which features what many consider Phish's all-time finest set. 7/30 isn't really a serious omission, IMO, Bowie -> Cities -> Bowie and some other great stuff aside.
, comment by FiddleHead
FiddleHead 10. 7/2/97 Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Jeremy D. Goodwin)
Oh, and by the way. The show starts with the first-ever "Mike's Song" opener. Yeah, there's that.


Do you mean the first-ever "Mike's Song" opener that is not immediately followed by "I Am Hydrogen" (and "Weekapaug Groove" ;) ?
, comment by nichobert
nichobert I'm reading up on yoga and meditation so that I can have some sort of baseline of inner peace to get me through the inevitable horror and disgust as 11/17/97 wins this thing.
, comment by johnnyd
johnnyd @Lee_Fordham said:
So 7/22 Raleigh is at 9 based on the strength of one set, but night 2 at the Went is docked because they were firing blanks in Set 3 (albeit after perhaps the most transcendent set of music the band has ever played) and ends up at 13?
Experience aside, and just on the music even, I find that Raleigh show to be one of the most overrated going. I've listened over and over. I doubt it would have made my top 20, had I participated.
, comment by pistilstamen
pistilstamen @WayIFeel said:
Now that we're getting to the top 5 my dark horse 11/14 doesn't seem like it'll make the list. I'd be curious to know where it ranked with the group that put this list together. I would've had 11/14 make the top 20 over Rochester (12/11). 11/14 second set was nothing like anything else from '97 which is why I think it deserves to be in the top 20. Oh well, you guys are the experts, I'm just a phan. Thanks for putting this list together. Been fun to follow all week.
11-14 is not the 'best' show from Fall 1997, but it's probably the one I enjoy listening to the most.
, comment by nichobert
nichobert I love that Raleigh show. The jams are tight. Got the first stoner metal jam of the summer, a theme they repeated all through 97 without much being spoken of it.

Jim-> My Soul is flawless, the Stash, Taste and Vultures are all tremendous.. I'd rank that first set a little over 11/14/97, but I agree that 11/14/97 is underrated.

That's the thing with Phish in general and 97 in specific.. So many shows are so great in radically different ways that it's just going to come down to personal taste.. I tend to ride for the Worcester Jim show even though the Jim is all that really really matters.. Just having a piece of improvisation that long and (IMO) that cohesive and constantly fresh makes up for everything else.
, comment by pistilstamen
pistilstamen's pretty clear what the top 5 are going to be (some order of 11-17, 11-22, 11-23, 12-6 and 12-30)...and I hang my head in shame that 6-20, 7-25, 8-9, 11-14 and 11-26 received nary a mention in this competition. Maybe the connection between my ears and brain is broken.
, comment by nichobert
nichobert I think 7/30 and 11/23 both miss the cut personally

If 11/17 had came in around 19th or so i'd have a lot of faith in humanity ;)
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @GreatWent19 said:
We're going to have a serious omission tomorrow. My guess for the final five...

1.) 12.30.97
2.) 11.17.97
3.) 11.22.97
4.) 7.30.97
5.) 11.23.97

But does that mean 11.22.97 is out? Seems implusible, but I can't place it above those five...
You have it listed at #3 there though, what do you mean?
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez Interesting. I'm not surprised that 11/19 and walnut creek made the top 20. I'm shocked they made the top 10. I feel like if you have just heard walnut creek, you think it's really good. If you were there, you think it's GREAT. Know what I mean?

Agreed on 12/30, 12/6, 11/22, and 11/17 being in the next round. Personally, 11/17 and 11/22 wouldn't be in my top 5 for the year, but opinions are like assholes...

I'm thinking the European shows got shafted a bit, especially the February/March ones. Maybe I'll be surprised tomorrow though.
, comment by Beacon_Of_Light
Beacon_Of_Light @pistilstamen said:'s pretty clear what the top 5 are going to be (some order of 11-17, 11-22, 11-23, 12-6 and 12-30)...and I hang my head in shame that 6-20, 7-25, 8-9, 11-14 and 11-26 received nary a mention in this competition. Maybe the connection between my ears and brain is broken.
We have the same connection then . . . 07/25 is like two second sets. relentless show!! then again this list has been nothing if not surprising, maybe 08/09 takes the place of 11/23 or something.

@johnnyd I spitballed a semi-list on the honorable mention thread and didn't consider 07/22 a contender either. Even if it does have some totally sick trey licks during the Mike's. Which it does.
, comment by nichobert
nichobert Wait a minute, Phoenix hasn't been on this list so far?

The Gumbo is probably my favorite funk jam ever and I've always felt like it was unquestionably the best post-95 Antelolpe

Sure, neither set only has 4 songs, but I feel like the Gumbo, Antelope and Twist are all more interesting than any of the jams from 11/17 or 11/23
, comment by nichobert
nichobert Winter Europe got properly rated IMO.. 3/1 deserved to make the list but not super high up, and Amsterdam never really felt wonderful to me outside of the short gorgeous jam before Taste and the way Taste morphs back into the DWD ending, 45 seconds of music that seems to have been the Eurkea! moment that formed the basis of what the Disco Biscuits started doing from 98 forwards, basically "How about instead of bringing the jam down and then segueing we make the transition right at the crescendo and simultaneously deliver the synergistic double ecstatic whammy of the jams crescendo and the recognition of the next song?"
, comment by johnnyd
johnnyd @nichobert said:
45 seconds of music that seems to have been the Eurkea! moment that formed the basis of what the Disco Biscuits started doing from 98 forwards
Stellar interpretation.

And this: "That's the thing with Phish in general and 97 in specific.. So many shows are so great in radically different ways that it's just going to come down to personal taste.. "
Its possible that one *type* of show or set of criteria are favored, to the exclusion of a different type. For example, in some of the prior writeups, the assumption that a show needs the "tentpole" jam to be a top x. Or just one explosive set. Or whatever.
, comment by johnnyd
johnnyd For example, a list generated by a bunch of fans whose other listening preferences leaned towards ambient electronica as opposed to (or in addition to) classic and prog rock might be notably different, especially going 20 deep.
, comment by HarborSeal
HarborSeal This list is great fun. I'd love to see the group take on other years (93-95, 98-00, 03). This is a fun exercise and reminds me of lots of great shows.

If the consensus picks for the Top 5 are right (11/17, 11/22, 11/23, 12/6, 12/30), then my top 2 shows left off completely would have to be 7/23 and 7/29. 7/23 has a bit of a weak fourth quarter, but the first set features EXCELLENT versions of Limb by Limb and Julius (maybe the best Type I Julius ever) and the second set features one of the signature jams of the summer in PYITE, Ghost.

@nichobert mentioned Phoenix. It has a GREAT first set, with excellent versions of Theme and Ghost, as well as the FIRST seriously funked out version of Gumbo. The Swept Away -> Steep > Loving Cup sequence to close is also very pleasing. The second set has sort of a weird set list, but both Antelope and Twist are all time versions, and Taste is very strong too.

I should mention 6/25 too. I don't suppose I would have put it in my Top 20, but goodness, that's just a sign of how ridiculously off the hook phenomenal 97 was. In many years, that would easily have been a top 20, or even a top 10 or 5, show.

I get how tough it is to make calls in a year like 97. So many phenomenal Phish shows will be left off any list. Just think of the amazing highlights from shows that will be left off: 6/14's Cavern, 6/20's jam into Taste, 7/3's GHOST!! (best Ghost of 97?), 7/9's ridiculous Flecktones infused YEM -> Ghost and amazing SOAM and DWD, 7/25's Chalkiest and Gin with Bob Gulotti, 8/2's Wolfman's and Diseezer, 8/3's all around (but subtle) excellence, 8/9's Mike's Groove and Slave, 11/14's second set, 11/26 Tweezer Taste and Character Zero, 12/5's Julius and Slave, 12/13's Ghost and wacko Mike;'s Groove, and 12/31's Mike's all feature amazing playing. And I would agree that none of those belong on the list.

All I mean to say is just, holy cow, Phish 97.
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose Actually 12/31 is another show I meant to mention that doesn't get the praise I think it deserves. The third set kind of goes off the rails, but the Emotional Rescue Opener and the Mike's Groove give you plenty to chew on. Are three set shows judged at a higher standard? The low ranking of 8/17 might suggest so. Put 12/31 I & II next to 12/29, for example. Having a third set is kind of a liability. More opportunity for greatest but also bigger (and likelier) window to show flaws, I guess...
, comment by ColForbin
ColForbin @HarborSeal said:
This list is great fun. I'd love to see the group take on other years (93-95, 98-00, 03). This is a fun exercise and reminds me of lots of great shows.
We need to recover emotionally first, but yes, other years will happen!
, comment by User_25940_
User_25940_ 7/30 would be nice to see...but I'm also guessing it's not gonna make the final cut.
, comment by frankenfunk
frankenfunk The last 5 have to be 11/22, 11/17, 7/30, 12/6 12/30
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez 7/23 could be the 5th on the list. Having the best ghost ever has to mean something, right?
, comment by PhishMarketStew
PhishMarketStew 5) 7-30: It feels like this will be the pick, and I love this 2nd set and the Melt but could probably pull a Fall show in lieu of it...and maybe the team will...
4) 12-6: Like Lakewood, the 1st set will keep it from the apex

The Top 3 aren't really even that. More like a triptych of divine, chaotic brillance

3) 11-17: 'Cause, you know....Tweezer, most people's favorite Ghost, YEM, DWD, Johnny B. fucking Goode & JJLC...
2) 12-30: The Encore might push this bad boy into the Top Slot but for my money this show is just a pinch behind....
1) 11-22: I have 3 children. I love them as much as a man can love his offspring. Having said that I might sacrifice one to the Gods Of Noise were I granted access to whichever wormhole certainly birthed itself somewhere in the deepest regions of space just moments after that Tweeprise ended. There isn't a single off note or imperfection in this concert, it stands, in my mind, as one of the single greatest pieces of performance art ever released upon the world. To those who were there, lets mind meld.

Here's to the .Net team who put this together, you guys are the best, keep up the hard work....or else.
, comment by TheStoryOfThePiper
TheStoryOfThePiper @MiguelSanchez said:
7/23 could be the 5th on the list. Having the best ghost ever has to mean something, right?
It damn well should.
, comment by J_D_G
J_D_G @Lee_Fordham said:
So 7/22 Raleigh is at 9 based on the strength of one set, but night 2 at the Went is docked because they were firing blanks in Set 3 (albeit after perhaps the most transcendent set of music the band has ever played) and ends up at 13?

I'm thinking that if you ask people to name their top 5 lifetime Phish experiences, I'm pretty sure that *phans creating our own light show with glow sticks while CK5 took a break at the end of an epic set where the Trey talked about the symbiotic energy between band and audience* is going to get mentioned.
Well to be fair, my contention (which is held generally by the group who worked on this) is that neither the first nor third sets offer very much, certainly nothing to compare with any of the other shows in this "neighborhood" on the list.

Please note, we endeavor *not* to factor in personal experience. A show shouldn't rank higher or lower based on the biography of the person who is rating it. But, the universal elements of the experience, and non-musical content generated by the band like Trey's remarks on 8/17, absolutely are part of the record and should be counted...says I. Most of the others in the group aimed to block that out entirely. But this is very much not a list of Shows You'd Like To Go Back In Time And Attend Again. That's just not the metric here.
, comment by Goodledays
Goodledays My 1st show was 11-23. I'd never seen anything like it, and since then there's no place I'd rather be whenever they're playing. When they're not, it's a ton of fun to study & read about them here. Great work, & thanks.
, comment by duggy
duggy Yes, really digging this series of focused posts on '97 -- and other years would be great too! Thanks for generating discussion and sparking the return to listening to older shows ... my list would be different, although many of these shows would make it although ranked differently ... got to catch 16 shows in '97 (most of any year for me) and had the lucky experience of touring in Europe for the summer and then hitting The Went, Woosta, and NYC's new year's run ... great, great year of AMAZING ORIGINAL music ...

Happy to see both the Amsterdam gigs in this list, although they sit higher for me -- I feel a bit of a U.S.-played bias to this top 20 (HA!). Maybe it's because I was there, but 7/1+2/97 stand as 2 of the best musical experiences I've ever had. That opening Ghost explodes around the 8min mark with an incredible peak that moves us into some of the grooviest spontaneous composing the band has *ever* made (to my ears), and the rest of the set does not let up, with Set II being just about perfect in construction. 7/2's first set is actually VERY strong despite the lack of large jams, although that Weekapaug goes on quite a journey of sounds (especially Page!) and is perhaps the hottest performance of that tune that year. And Set II is another wacky but perfect whole set.

6/25 from Lille (another show I had the fortune of seeing with about 299 other lucky pholks) stands high for me as well, simply because the first set is a nice long collection of tunes, mish-mashing from old to brand new ... and well, Set II takes us (like the 7/1 Ghost does in a microcosm) through all available PHISH sounds at that time, from incredible peaks, funk, raging, new tunes, silly humour, etc. It has it all in spades!

Somebody mentioned 7/25 earlier, and that would get another huge vote from me -- wasn't at the show but both sets are SUPER HOT, with Set I offering some wonderful segues as well as Set II, and Gullotti just adds a whole other energy! Stands above many shows on this top 20 in my ears, but as many have said this year is so freakin' good that the top 20 becomes fairly subjective based on your experience and tastes ... and well, there's 7/9, 11/14, etc., etc. ... thanks for the trip down memory lane!
, comment by tubescreamer
tubescreamer Waste was special. Maybe its lost some of its luster with age. But that song. Was really really special. Couldn't wish for a better encore in the 90s.
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