Monday 09/23/2013 by bl002e

MYSTERY JAM MONDAY PART 161 Mystery Jam Monday iteration: 161
Prize: One MP3 download courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net
Objective: To be the first person to identify the song and date of the mystery jam clip
Rules: Each person gets one guess per day, with the second “day” starting after I post the hint on Tuesday if necessary, with the answer to follow on Wednesday
Start time: Now

Hint: If Mr. Carey were judging this week's MJM, as of Tuesday at 9:27am ET, Mr. Monroe would have twice the money needed to win.

Answer: Several of you were able to figure out the hint -- as of the time it was posted, all submissions were past the date of the correct answer, so using "The Price is Right" rules (hosted by Drew Carey), since everyone else was "over", Bill Monroe's two-dollar bill would have been double the $1 it would have taken to win. Unfortunately for you, and fortunately for the Blog, only Contestant Emeritus @pauly was able to figure out this week's MJM: the 8/21/93 Stash. For the record, it was previously said that a more straightforward hint might be in order next time. For a mystery jam from the prominent month of August 1993, I'd say this was a suitable increase in clarity, no?

Stop by next Monday for a double-MP3 giveaway MJM! All-Time MJM Results


, comment by Doctor_Smarty
Doctor_Smarty 12/2/03 Tweezer Reprise
, comment by JesusFreak
JesusFreak 6/28/95 Tweezer
, comment by abuani
abuani Shot in the dark here: 10/21/95 GTBT -> Reprise.
, comment by abuani
abuani To Specify, the GTBT outro into Reprise.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 My heart says 92 but my brain says 93
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose Definitely 3.0
, comment by rygar
rygar I feel like a hear a percussionist in the mix? Maybe Fall 96 era?
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes 11/30/97 Them Changes
, comment by Choda
Choda I thought 3.0 at 1st...but went to check a thought (I was wrong) came back and listened a 2nd time and my brain said 1.0...but I thought last weeks was from 95...what do I know?
, comment by Davosenergyguide
Davosenergyguide 12/02/1995 Tweezer
, comment by telascomet
telascomet 10/29/96 mike's song
, comment by Mikesgroover
Mikesgroover @telascomet said:
10/29/96 mike's song
This, I believe is correct.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @Mikesgroover said:
@telascomet said:
10/29/96 mike's song
This, I believe is correct.
Sheeeeeyit, not sure if correct, but I told a buddy at work I could see this being a Fall '96 Mike's Song about an hour ago.
, comment by homerk
homerk @uctweezer said:
@Mikesgroover said:
@telascomet said:
10/29/96 mike's song
This, I believe is correct.
Sheeeeeyit, not sure if correct, but I told a buddy at work I could see this being a Fall '96 Mike's Song about an hour ago.
Definitely no discussions about the MJM at my workplace, a bit jealous of ucpete.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @homerk said:
@uctweezer said:
@Mikesgroover said:
@telascomet said:
10/29/96 mike's song
This, I believe is correct.
Sheeeeeyit, not sure if correct, but I told a buddy at work I could see this being a Fall '96 Mike's Song about an hour ago.
Definitely no discussions about the MJM at my workplace, a bit jealous of ucpete.
Haha, it's actually kind of funny. I work as a computational biologist at a big company, and for the longest time I was the only one doing what I do. But last month, I was able to help bring in a second computational biologist to work with me, and he just so happens to be one of my best friends and the person with whom I've seen the most shows (16 together)! No one at work knows about our affliction really except maybe a couple people on my team. My buddy was walking by my office as I was closing my door and said "Oh, you busy?", and I said "Get in here -- MJM was posted while we were in that last meeting."
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Don't think it's the 10/29/96 Mike's Song but DAMN is there a part that sounds almost identical (but in a different key).
, comment by HighClassWook
HighClassWook Now I might be crazy, but it kinda sounds like an Antelope...
, comment by Blackeydsloth
Blackeydsloth 12/1/96 Tweezer
, comment by homerk
homerk Thought it was Walk Away but can't find anything.

The bass rift at 20 seconds sounds a bit like the end of Tweezer Reprise.
, comment by Fluffyfluffyhead
Fluffyfluffyhead @uctweezer said:
@Mikesgroover said:
@telascomet said:
10/29/96 mike's song
This, I believe is correct.
Sheeeeeyit, not sure if correct, but I told a buddy at work I could see this being a Fall '96 Mike's Song about an hour ago.
Phish lovin' coworkers? unheard of!!

I saw a kid walking in a store wearing a Ween shirt the other day. (this is in Apple Valley, Ca, mind you) I say "Hey! Ween!" He looks at me (I'm 45) and says "Wow, I can't believe you know who they are!" I said "shiiiiit." LOL
, comment by phishncincy
phishncincy 11-14-98 Tweezer
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 On a non-MJM related note, I just saw in my email that 12/7/95 is getting released by Live Phish. You can listen to Slave and Possum from that show on . One of my all time favorite shows and one of those tapes that I listened to over and over again when I was younger.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 @phishncincy said:
11-14-98 Tweezer
No but that is phishncincy and really good phishncincy.
, comment by markhood
markhood It sounds like they are jamming in E. I will go Mike's Song - 10-19-95
, comment by DudeBroMan
DudeBroMan Feels like a mid-90's Bowie to me, so I'll wildly guess the version from 10/8/95 Missoula.
, comment by The__Van
The__Van Definitely Antelope.
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez 12/17/95 tweezer
, comment by stevemott
stevemott 11/6/96 Mike's Song
, comment by bostonron
bostonron 11/26/94 Bowie
, comment by Shmendrick
Shmendrick No clue but it sounds like a '95 Bowie to me.
, comment by mmbyem
mmbyem Antelope 12/8/95
, comment by braindeadr
braindeadr 12/15/95 Philly- Good Times Bad Times
(near the transition into Tweeprise)
, comment by braindeadr
braindeadr OK. My guess was wack. I don t think it s a GTBT; it just kinda sounds like one. I think it's from '93 or early '94. Heavy Tweezer bass line at the end...
, comment by curtiss
curtiss 7/20/98 simple
, comment by sweateryettie
sweateryettie Antelope 6-9-95
, comment by Mikesgroover
Mikesgroover It really sounds like a Mike's jam to me, and 96 has that heavy percussion element. 11/6/96 post-Mike's jam
, comment by AllForYourDelight
AllForYourDelight Mid '90s Bowie was the first thing that popped into my head. They frequently transitioned into grooves like these.
, comment by AllForYourDelight
AllForYourDelight And someone said it's in E. Mike's is in F# for the first jam whereas Bowie is in E the whole time.
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose Really doubt this is later than 94, folks. Can anyone make heads or tails of that hint?
, comment by markhood
markhood Isn't Bowie Em to D?
, comment by mgrant0213
mgrant0213 9/27/95 Bowie
, comment by Doctor_Smarty
Doctor_Smarty 11/25/95 Mike's Song
, comment by homerk
homerk @andrewrose said:
Really doubt this is later than 94, folks. Can anyone make heads or tails of that hint?
Im either dense or out of touch but I got nothing from this hint. All google can tell me is that mariah carey named a kid monroe.
, comment by Pregnant_hens
Pregnant_hens 12/7/95 mikes
, comment by RoundMound
RoundMound @homerk said:
@andrewrose said:
Really doubt this is later than 94, folks. Can anyone make heads or tails of that hint?
Im either dense or out of touch but I got nothing from this hint. All google can tell me is that mariah carey named a kid monroe.
The only thing I can think of is Drew Carey in some sort of Whose Line is it Anyway (or price is Right?) reference...the Monroe piece has me stumped.
, comment by Lee_Fordham
Lee_Fordham Mike's 6-25-95
, comment by RoundMound
RoundMound Based on the clue-Going to guess Mike's Song 11/25/95

Drew Carey Hosts Price is right. Since the MJM went "over" 1 dollar would be the winning bid. Monroe? Bill Monroe. What's 1 dollar doubled? a two dollar bill.

Mike's was followed by My Long Journey home ( Left all my money but a two dollar bill)

Unfortunately can't confirm because im stuck at work and cant get on to have a listen
, comment by Doctor_Smarty
Doctor_Smarty Beat you to it Round Mound
, comment by RoundMound
RoundMound @Doctor_Smarty said:
Beat you to it Round Mound
I just noticed that!
, comment by Doctor_Smarty
Doctor_Smarty I used the same logic...great clue...two dollar bill was the first thing that popped into my head upon reading it
, comment by homerk
homerk If it is a price is right reference maybe we all overbid by not yet guessing something as old as the mj
, comment by GottaJibboo
GottaJibboo Unless I missed it, I don't hear it in the 11/25/95 Mike's.
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose I don't either. I like the Bill Monroe thinking and the two dollar bill. I had no idea Drew Carey hosted the Price is Right but it's certainly the only scenario where I can see 'having enough money' enabled 'winning' something. Usually you buy things with money. Unless we're talking about an election. But I digress. What about specifying the exact time.. 9:27? Significant?
, comment by PersnicketyJim
PersnicketyJim 1994-04-13 Bowie

It's in E...sounds like Mike's Languedoc and Trey's Ross Compressor...Page sounds like he's trying to bring it home with typical Bowie notes, and after Fishman's fill at the end I bet they close it out. I like the jam chart explanation, plus this date appears to be missing from Phishtracks and the MJM needs all the help it can get there.
, comment by The__Van
The__Van I wonder how many times the blog is going to say they need to give a straightforward hint before they actually do.
, comment by GottaJibboo
GottaJibboo @The__Van said:
I wonder how many times the blog is going to say they need to give a straightforward hint before they actually do.
I was thinking the same thing! @andrewrose I also had no idea Drew Carey hosted the Price is Right. Bob Barker anyone?

I originally thought the hint was a clear path to the 5th Ball (aka Carreystock), but Jim Carrey spells his name differently. I remember listening to a tape of this, but can't remember the specifics. Based on the setlist, the only song that would fit the MJM is Twist> Jam.
, comment by HarborSeal
HarborSeal I am pretty sure the hint is supposed to suggest that every guess before 9:27 this morning was too late in Phishtory. So, it's from a show before 6/9/95.

Reasonable hint. But not enough for this player.
, comment by funkbeard
funkbeard Could it possibly be Simple 11/16/94? Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor, MI?
, comment by Tuddd
Tuddd 12/30/94 Tweezer
, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand 11/16/94 Simple was going to be my guess, @funkbeard beat me to it
, comment by stevemott
stevemott Bowie 5/2/92
, comment by ekstewie1441
ekstewie1441 Mike's 1993-03-05
, comment by jblaiss82
jblaiss82 "David Bowie" - 11/17/1994
, comment by likeaghost
likeaghost free - 6/26/95
, comment by BOBinonthesurface
BOBinonthesurface Farmhouse 1985 at red rocks
, comment by JesusFreak
JesusFreak Bowie - 11/14/94
, comment by Choda
Choda I've had theories all day then I found this to confuse everyone more.

, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez I need to enlist bilbo bagging to assist me with these riddles...I mean hints
, comment by JOBOOZOSO
JOBOOZOSO Has anyone listened to this yet:

Saturday, 06/18/1994
UIC Pavilion, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL

For some reason this MJM reminds me of something in this show.

, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel I honestly have no clue and even though I'm convinced its a '94, maybe '96, and possibly even Europe '97 as well pretty sure it's an indoor venue I'm going with 7.3.95 Bowie.
, comment by Icculus96
Icculus96 6-7-95 lonesome cowboy bill
, comment by braindeadr
braindeadr Wild guess. I'm throwing out Mike's Song 2/20/93.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 Wild guess- 4/29/93 Mike's.
, comment by melt_the_tek9
melt_the_tek9 Tweezer reprise 12-17-95

That bass lick at about 20 seconds is the juice, and that's Mike's signature Tweezer bass sound for the mid 90s all day. Page sounds like a baby grand to me, that's 93 and on.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 @melt_the_tek9 said:
Tweezer reprise 12-17-95 That bass lick at about 20 seconds is the juice, and that's Mike's signature Tweezer bass sound for the mid 90s all day. Page sounds like a baby grand to me, that's 93 and on.
When I first heard this, I did a quick search for Tweezer Reprise teases and jams within songs and knew it wouldn't be that easy. It does have a Mike's Song sound to it though.
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez Wow... well played mystery jam!! I the 8/21/93 2nd set well, but i'm not sure i've ever even heard the first set. You better believe i'll familiarize myself with it soon!!
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 When I saw the hint, I thought it was either referencing Bill Monroe or James Monroe James Monroe was featured on $1 coins and on the $100 bill for a brief period in the 1800s. I thought maybe the Monroe reference meant the show with the MJM had an Uncle Pen, which that 8/21 show ironically does. Score for Pauly and I can't imagine RabeldyNugs didn't know this one straight away.

The funny thing is that source can sometimes give a pivotal hint if you have the same one in your collection or can throw you off too. I did a search for SBD sources in 93 but I only have a decent AUD of the 8/21/93 show.
, comment by duggy
duggy HA! Cryptic hints are the only worthwhile kind that keeps this fun/interesting -- no more clarity needed, I say!
, comment by Beacon_Of_Light
Beacon_Of_Light Agree @duggy. This new state of not knowing the MJM is better than the previous state of showing up and knowing the jam, only to find out somebody answered it 8 minutes after it was posted. Keep up the good work @bl002e!
, comment by napoleon
napoleon @bl002e You're doing a great job with the MJM but your hints are terrible.
, comment by bl002e
bl002e Thanks for the praise, but a tad harsh on the criticism, @napoleon. I'll agree that some previous hints had been too confusing to help even a single person -- I should have at least stuck with my initial hint of "45 of 63" for MJM #159 rather than linking the box score -- but given that several people were able to solve this one, I feel great about this past one.

I'm a daily devotee to the NY Times crossword puzzle during the hour or so of free time I have between work and studying for actuarial exams, and while the Monday/Tuesday puzzles make me feel great about myself, it's just instant gratification. When I'm able to solve a Friday/Saturday puzzle in under two hours with no outside assistance, it's a far more satisfying feeling of accomplishment. Same goes for pub trivia -- those early questions that illicit crickets when the answer is revealed aren't nearly as exciting to get correct as the ones toward the end when people are either slapping themselves on the forehead for not figuring out the cryptic way it was asked, or screaming at the host that no one could possibly know it.

If my hint was more along the lines of "this is a Stash jam played prior to 1995," and one of you inevitably gets it right within the hour, then I'd feel the hint was terrible. The hint for MJM #159 was in hindsight terrible as well, but given that 13 single-jam MJMs had passed without stumping you all, I was still convinced it would be quickly solved. Hell, MJM #137 was a ONE-SECOND clip and MJM #148 was a 30-second clip of a SILENT JAM, and those were solved sans hint. The attempt to match the level of difficulty in the clip and hint versus the level of skill exhibited by the contestants is not an easy balance to achieve, but I think it's imperative to at least make the attempt if we want this to continue to be an entertaining game worthy of everyone's time.
, comment by The__Van
The__Van @bl002e I meant no disrespect, I just get frustrated when hints seem to click with everyone but me. In fact I still don't get this weeks hint. I spent a great deal of time looking for this one because I was so convinced it was Antelope so when I couldn't find it AND I didn't get the hint, I got mad. It's a little discouraging to feel like you know so much about your favorite band and then realize you don't know THAT much. Like one time I was with my friend at his first show and they started up Cavern. Naturally I turn to my friend and yell "LLAMA!" Can you feel the pain?
, comment by JOBOOZOSO
JOBOOZOSO So freaking weird. I posted this yesterday:

Has anyone listened to this yet:

Saturday, 06/18/1994
UIC Pavilion, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL

For some reason this MJM reminds me of something in this show.
Great show! I wanted more "Mind Left Body", so I clicked the song and it took me here: />
First version...

I downloaded entire show last night - haven't had a chance to listed to Stash yet.

, comment by Doctor_Smarty
Doctor_Smarty I still don't get it...what does Two dollar bill have to do with 8/21/93 Stash?
, comment by bl002e
bl002e @Doctor_Smarty said:
I still don't get it...what does Two dollar bill have to do with 8/21/93 Stash?
...both were total nods to Jerry?
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