Monday 06/03/2013 by bl002e


With exactly one month left to wait for Phish's 2013 summer tour opener in Bangor, we bring to you the 146th episode of's Mystery Jam Monday! To give the readers who can't participate during standard 9-to-5 work hours a fair shot, we've posted this one a bit later than usual. To win an MP3 download courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net, be the first contestant to correctly identify this week's song and date. Each contestant gets one guess per day, with the second “day” starting after I post the hint. A hint will be posted on Tuesday if necessary, and the answer will be posted on Wednesday. Let's get this show on the road!

Answer: Second-time winner @morgentown wins this week's MP3 download by knowing the 11/11/88 Whipping Post. Once again, the MJM contestants show how tough it is to stump them.

New MJM in five days. New jams to choose from in twenty-eight.


, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez i've got nothing.
, comment by Blackeydsloth
Blackeydsloth 11/23/85 Whipping Post
, comment by Jephwa14
Jephwa14 ????????
, comment by Brandonclick77
Brandonclick77 Wow,very cool jam,has hints of daves energy guide,pre 95,small venue...otherwise I got nothin...
, comment by Powdawg
Powdawg Esther 1/26/90 Portland, ME
, comment by herbpowell
herbpowell 3.20.92 Lizards
, comment by Ouish
Ouish Its Ice 3-17-92
, comment by newbornelph
newbornelph This is REALLY cool! That said, I haven't the foggiest...
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez @Ouish said:
Its Ice 3-17-92
i was thinking slightly ice'esque
, comment by Ouish
Ouish Complete guess.
, comment by mytch7
mytch7 07/03/94 it's ice... why not? I'm feeling like I hear a hint at silent in the morn.
, comment by phishncincy
phishncincy 4-13-93 Mikes, just a guess without pishtracks. Has a DEG tease and Happy Birthday Mike!
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes Random guess: 11/22/91 YEM
, comment by Bob_Loblaw
Bob_Loblaw Quadrophonic Toppling Big Cypress?
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose I'm thinking 80s.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 @andrewrose said:
I'm thinking 80s.
That was my first instinct upon hearing this. I already went through some 80s material and nothing yet. This is one hell of a tough jam to peg. They should let Rabeldy take a crack at it. I have already neglected enough work. Big ups to anyone who has the memory bank or the research drive to get this one. Good luck.

, comment by Phishphan5389
Phishphan5389 i feel like this is the tornado scene from the wizard of oz lol
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez @mcgrupp81 said:
@andrewrose said:
I'm thinking 80s.
That was my first instinct upon hearing this. I already went through some 80s material and nothing yet. This is one hell of a tough jam to peg. They should let Rabeldy take a crack at it. I have already neglected enough work. Big ups to anyone who has the memory bank or the research drive to get this one. Good luck.
the 80's are definitely far out of my wheel-house.
, comment by PhedExGuy
PhedExGuy @Phishphan5389 said:
i feel like this is the tornado scene from the wizard of oz lol
^beat me to it
, comment by PunkDwarf
PunkDwarf This sounds like Watcher in the Skies. And from the hiss and lack of crowd noise, I'm thinking pre-88'. No help though. This will be a tough nut to crack.
, comment by NickSalv
NickSalv sounds like 87
, comment by morgentown
morgentown Whipping Post 11/11/88
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer This definitely sounds like a late '80s SBD, and I think it could be It's Ice or Foam... but no early Foams fit here. Hmmm... will do some research maƱana, this one is gettable I think.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Well I may as well throw a guess out there before the hint comes along. Page has a little WP action going on so my pre-bedtime shot in the dark is:

Whipping Post 5/13/89
, comment by Icculus96
Icculus96 AC/DC Bag. 1/26/90
, comment by phootyjon
phootyjon 12/12/1995 DwD
, comment by drucifer
drucifer 11/11/88 Whipping Post. Boom.
, comment by drucifer
drucifer Crap, @morgentown got it... 9 min mark. Really thought I had that one.
, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel I thought I listed to every '88 Whipping Post last night but must've given up on that last one. Oh well.
Good job @morgentown.
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes Damn. I glanced at that setlist last night and kept moving. D'oh!
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 Ha. I got through scanning my '87 material and said f it to going through 88 late last night. Nice one @morgentown

, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer The funny thing about the late start for the MJM is that because I work at my computer all day in my office, the ~10 AM West Coast start time is perfect because I can take a listen or five, think about it, and make a quick playlist in iTunes for my likely guesses and get back to work. But once I'm home from work it's all about the kids till I run out of steam and crash shortly after they go to bed. So despite having a full time job I actually prefer the early MJM drop. That being said it seems pretty split between those who can check during the day and those that can check in the evening so if some weeks it's early and others it's late, that's fair enough to me. I'm guessing that if it were permanently switched to the late start I'd figure out a way anyway though :)
, comment by Shmendrick
Shmendrick sounds like an extended 80s Bowie intro to me.
, comment by dyn0mite
dyn0mite recording sounds way to oldschool to be its ice. pretty sick actually
, comment by User_23503_
User_23503_ Wasn't quick enough when these were easy, now nobody gets them right away but it's way too hard. Oh well.
, comment by Ez_and_not_so_Fast
Ez_and_not_so_Fast @morgentown said:
Whipping Post 11/11/88
Check and Mate. About 8:45 into it.


Yeah I was searching through 80's Bowies too.
, comment by pflaumja
pflaumja 10-26-89 Bowie
, comment by IdRatherBeOnTour
IdRatherBeOnTour This sounds very intense! Shot in the dark...Backstreet Boys 2-27-01
, comment by newbornelph
newbornelph @morgentown said:
Whipping Post 11/11/88

Good work. Props to the heads who don't get it but week after week accurately throw out the era or song. These have been tough so that in itself takes a pretty good ear & solid grasp of the general catalog.
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez whenever i think the mj is an 80's track, i immediately start checking whipping posts. obviously, i didn't catch a hit this round, and I didn't have time to dig too deep. nice work @morgentown!!
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 One of my first tapes was 10-14-89 Hobart College. Those 80s shows really take you to a warm place. The type of intimate feel from those shows has only been duplicated by the Europe Summer shows of 96-98.
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