Monday 05/20/2013 by bl002e


Welcome to the 144th edition of's Mystery Jam Monday. You should all know how the story goes by now -- the first contestant to correctly identify this week's song and date will win an MP3 download courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net. Each contestant gets one guess per day, with the second “day” starting after I post the hint. A hint will be posted on Tuesday if necessary, and the answer will be posted on Wednesday. Gentlemen, gentlewomen, start your engines...

Tuesday Hint: Being familiar with the longest version of Gotta Jibboo that Phish has played to date can help you determine which year this week's MJM comes from. Be warned, however -- this hint is not as straightforward as you might think it is.

Wednesday Answer: It seems that the hint was as hard to solve as the MJM itself! You were very close to solving that part, as @ekstewie1441's comment mentioned that the 7/4/00 Gotta Jibboo was the answer for MJM #96, and '96 was indeed the year that MJM #144 comes from -- the 7/9/96 Mike's Song to be exact. Because the answer to MJM #144 was not mentioned in the comments, the Blog is this week's big winner with its ninth victory in 144 tries, but its second in the last five.

Next week's 145th chapter of Mystery Jam Monday will be held a day late due to Memorial Day, for which contestants will be competing to win a pair of MP3 downloads. Enjoy the holiday weekend, everyone!


, comment by RabeldyNugs
RabeldyNugs Just for fun, bc I am not really playing

Hoodie 8-16-98
, comment by phishncincy
phishncincy 12-30-99 Ghost
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @RabeldyNugs said:
Just for fun, bc I am not really playing

Hoodie 8-16-98
I thought the same thing (before the Baby Elephant) but it wasn't quite right...
, comment by RabeldyNugs
RabeldyNugs @uctweezer said:
@RabeldyNugs said:
Just for fun, bc I am not really playing

Hoodie 8-16-98
I thought the same thing (before the Baby Elephant) but it wasn't quite right...
Lol man, it was the 1st thing I thought of and saw no one posted yet so I tossed it out there. I am not around my archives so go do the dirty work and get this one!
, comment by Bob_Loblaw
Bob_Loblaw 98' YEM?
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 Mystery intro/outro. This reminds me of my friend's story about how he was just chanting 2001 for the Hampton 99 Set II Opener during the crazy intro.
, comment by IamHIGHdrogen
IamHIGHdrogen This is amazing. Can't wait to find out...
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer It's also not the 7/1/98 DWD in case anyone was thinking that...
, comment by drucifer
drucifer I'm not even guessing... Sounds 03 to me though. So what the hell. IT - Waves
, comment by phootyjon
phootyjon 9.20.2000 It's Ice; complete f$%king guess............
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Hmmm. I'm starting to think this isn't a late '90s MJM. I'm thinking more along the lines of '94 now... but did Trey have the Boomerang then?
, comment by skippy11
skippy11 did the blog just mash together something from 95 and 00? what the hell is this!?
, comment by Choda
Choda I have no idea what this is but you can use a process of elimination. Megaphone was not used after 2/25/97 until 8/12/10. There is the digital delay pedal which debuted in 94. I will win one of these again someday. I am sure it is 1.0 Phish. This new MMJ guy is good.
, comment by skippy11
skippy11 I have a crazy feeling that its a 96' its ice or something? it feels like page is about to bust into the keyboard part on the jam when they get dark but im not sure
, comment by Nader
Nader Coventry Ghost?
, comment by Choda
Choda 6/15/95 Stash
, comment by Rabbi_Lipschitz
Rabbi_Lipschitz No guess, but there appears to be an Indianapolis 500 reference with race day on the horizon, I'm just saying...

Good luck!
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes @Rabbi_Lipschitz said:
No guess, but there appears to be an Indianapolis 500 reference with race day on the horizon, I'm just saying...

Good luck!
If I had the time right now, I'd be sweeping all the Murat and Creek shows.
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez Lets toss the 8/11/97 Yem out there. It got nice and weird.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 Thought this might be 10/14/95 YEM after I heard it at home. Not the case, but somewhat similar at the end. Then I checked out the MMW jam on the 10/17 show and no dice on that. Maybe I'll get a late night hankering for failure and search aimlessly through some more jams.
, comment by herbpowell
herbpowell 6.19.95 Bowie
, comment by NickSalv
NickSalv 7/11/00 "2001"
, comment by Ruckerferd4242
Ruckerferd4242 storage jam 7/3/11?
, comment by mytch7
mytch7 The went..08/17/97 - 2001 -before the art jam...
, comment by DudeBroMan
DudeBroMan YEM -> Ghost 8-12-04
, comment by ckess22
ckess22 I thought no2, but I listened to every version...nope
, comment by Choda
Choda I went thru the NO2s as well.
, comment by Brandonclick77
Brandonclick77 Red rocks 95 Mikes?
, comment by RabeldyNugs
RabeldyNugs Since I am still not playing...

Bowie 10-05-2000 ?
, comment by WormsGalore
WormsGalore Is it the 6/29/00 Catapult?
, comment by likeaghost
likeaghost sand 12/31/99
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer WHAT THE HELL MAN?

"Gentlemen, gentlewomen, start your engines..." -- as the Rabbi pointed out, perhaps this is an Indy 500 reference, or a racing reference? Or a red herring...

"Being familiar with the longest version of Gotta Jibboo that Phish has played to date can help you determine which year this week's MJM comes from. Be warned, however -- this hint is not as straightforward as you might think it is." As we all probably know by now, the longest Jibboo was 7/4/00 at the E Centre in Camden...

So I checked the Y2K Deer Creek run (in Indiana), 7/10/00 - 7/12/00 -- no dice. Maybe "not as straightforward" is meaningful? -- checked RiverBEND 9/20/00 -- no dice. Or as @likeaghost was likely going after, everything after ALS at Big Cypress was technically played in Y2K, but I couldn't find anything there either. Other ideas: another Jibboo, another 7/4 show, another E Centre show (it's not LP8 from '99), or another -> Saw It Again (it's not something from 9/10/99 with the same pairing)... @bl002e is embarrassing us and I can't even come up with a guess this week. My gut tells me this is some '99 but I actually have absolutely nothing.
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez Yeah, the mj is taking me to school this week!!
, comment by Guyute76
Guyute76 Coventry Jibboo
, comment by IdRatherBeOnTour
IdRatherBeOnTour @NickSalv said:
7/11/00 "2001"
Def isn't of the best hows ever though!!!

The clue makes it appear as though it's for shows in 2000 where they played a 29 minute Jiboo.

Shot in the dark 7/6/00 Limb By Limb which is before 2001
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 Checking in today and wish I had done it last night. As soon as I saw this hint I went to the Jamming Chart. 40 min Jibboo in the year 2001 (hence the Also Sprachesque intro music as the mystery jam?). I saw a couple of Trey band shows that year but this could be anything. I am not going to home til later so I'll throw out 7/22/2001 Sand as my guess. Good luck to all.
, comment by postrnutbag
postrnutbag Wondering if any of the May 2000 studio sessions could be the answer. Is this limited to just shows or anything recorded?
, comment by RollCactusRoll15
RollCactusRoll15 7/31/2001 Gotta Jibboo?
I'm taking that hint very literally. Doesn't sound like Phish.
, comment by Mr_Incompletely
Mr_Incompletely 06-09-2000 Tokyo Tweezer
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose Does anyone have the 7/31/00 TAB show handy? I don't think it's TAB, sounds like 99 boomerang Ghost/Jiboo Phish to me, though there is the matter of that horn sound half-way through. Are people thinking that's the megaphone? Missing that connection. Could be a TAB guest like Grippo, Gerhard or Michael Ray, but checked most of those 99/00 appearances with Phish and not much seems to connect there.

I'm not sure what to make of the hint. Why "which year the MMJ comes from"?
, comment by skippy11
skippy11 I checked out the 3 show run from deer creek 2000 and found nothing there
, comment by GottaJibboo
GottaJibboo Taking the hint literally, it says the longest Jibboo Phish has played, not TAB or anyone else. @uctweezer is correct that the 7-4-00 Jibboo is the longest Phish has played. I also checked 12-31-99 after ALS, but couldn't find anything either.

Maybe I'm way off but with the addition of PhishTracks, MJM has been handicapped. Perhaps this is from the 7-4-10 show which does not have Set 1 on PhishTracks?

7-4-10 Jibboo
, comment by negativeseven
negativeseven David Bowie 7/4/99
, comment by likeaghost
likeaghost "Or as @likeaghost was likely going after, everything after ALS at Big Cypress was technically played in Y2K, but I couldn't find anything there either. "

That was my thought process, it was late at night and when i couldn't get the sand to play in phishtracks i thought maybe it was being blocked for a reason, the conspiracy theorist in my comes out when sleep is needed.
, comment by Penn42
Penn42 Here's a long shot interpretation of the hint. That Jibboo was on 7.4, is he trying to get us to do a little math? 7+4 = 11, 7-4 = 3. Doesn't sound 2011 to me. Maybe it's an '03 jam?
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose Interestingly enough, the Saw It Again that followed the 7/4/00 Jiboo was a bustout, after not having been played since 9/10/99, immediately following the Phish debut of Gotta Jibboo. Couldn't find anything there. Just sayin.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @andrewrose said:
Interestingly enough, the Saw It Again that followed the 7/4/00 Jiboo was a bustout, after not having been played since 9/10/99, immediately following the Phish debut of Gotta Jibboo. Couldn't find anything there. Just sayin.
Yup, I checked that last night. I am severely confused here. No TAB shows in Y2K either. The *only* other thing I can think of is that the 7/4/00 show had fireworks. When else did Phish have fireworks? I know they did at Lemonwheel, which loops me back to the first thought Rabeldy and I had yesterday: Hood > Jam > Baby Elephant Walk. 7/4/99, 7/4/10, 7/4/12, Clifford Ball, Great Went, Lemonwheel, Oswego... 7/3/94?
, comment by ItalianSpaghetti
ItalianSpaghetti The Jiboo @ 28:35 in length could translate to 10/08. Lots of August 2010 dates, including Deer Creek. Sounds pre '10 to me though...
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes I spent sometime poking around Superball this morning. My logic was July 4th weekend + racetrack = maybe?. Didn't turn anything up.
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose The hint is just making things more confusing:

Being familiar with the longest version of Gotta Jibboo that Phish has played to date can help you determine which year this week's MJM comes from. Be warned, however -- this hint is not as straightforward as you might think it is.

Ok, so we know 7/4/00 was the longest version of Jibboo by Phish. And being familiar with this version can supposedly help us determine which year the MJ comes from. If we're being straightforward, that would suggest the MJ is from 2000. But we're not being straightforward. The post midnight Cypress guess is a neat one but I don't think it's from there.

Maybe there's something about the actual 7/4/00 Jibboo itself that gives a hint about the MJ? Something about the sound? One interesting thing is that the MJ has the boomerang effect in full force that was used in almost every 99 Jibboo. And why would someone point to 2000 in such a roundabout way if the Jibboo itself weren't meaningful?

Or maybe it IS from 2000 and the straightforward comment is a roundabout way of saying it's a Twist jam?

I don't know. But what's that weird horn-like sound half-way through? Seems to me that's the key to figuring it out.
, comment by Choda
Choda ^im pretty sure that's the megaphone
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose @Choda said:
^im pretty sure that's the megaphone
Well that should narrow it down as per your early post. We just need to connect the 7/4/00 Jibboo hint to a 95 or 96 show..?
, comment by skippy11
skippy11 @Choda said:
^im pretty sure that's the megaphone

I don't think its the megaphone. it just sounds like trey looped a quick yank up the neck on one of his middle strings with just a tad bit different setting then were used too
, comment by Choda
Choda I'm pretty sure thats emergency horn on the megaphone
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose New hint theory. Longest Jibboo to-date was on 7-4-2000

7 - 4 = 3

3 - 2000 = -1997

, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @andrewrose said:
New hint theory. Longest Jibboo to-date was on 7-4-2000

7 - 4 = 3

3 - 2000 = -1997

I poked a little around Europe '97 -- it does have a little Worminess to it doesn't it?... but this sounds so '99 to me. WTF? I can't believe we've resorted to conspiracy theories regarding this MJM. @bl002e: what are you laughing at? ;)
, comment by ekstewie1441
ekstewie1441 On the MJM 96 which was the 7-4-2000 Jibboo, andrewrose suggested the last 1/3 of that jam is "First Tube-y". Are there any 2000 era First Tubes with this type of outro?
, comment by frantic0blivion
frantic0blivion sounds like mike's languedoc bass & some summer 95 space & loops to me

don't know what the deal is with the clue
, comment by telascomet
telascomet Twist 7/4/2000
, comment by Brandonclick77
Brandonclick77 Maybe another song jammed from 7/4/00 like Twist? Or 7/3/99 Runaway? Sounds 95 to me though,David Bowie-ish
, comment by Choda
Choda I love that we are all helping each other try to win.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @Brandonclick77 said:
Maybe another song jammed from 7/4/00 like Twist? Or 7/3/99 Runaway? Sounds 95 to me though,David Bowie-ish
I was just checking 7/3/95 Bowie > JBG > Bowie... no dice unless I missed it.
, comment by djcampfirepants
djcampfirepants What's the Use? 9-10-99, just before Will it Go Round in Circles (not straightforward). Same show Jibboo debuted at. Maybe.
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose @Choda said:
I love that we are all helping each other try to win.
I keep my thought process to myself until I'm really stumped. Then it's crowdsourcing time to beat the blog.
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose @djcampfirepants said:
What's the Use? 9-10-99, just before Will it Go Round in Circles (not straightforward). Same show Jibboo debuted at. Maybe.

I listened to that, don't think it's it..
, comment by PhishHeadYEMrob
PhishHeadYEMrob 7/4/2000 Saw It Again
, comment by Choda
Choda @uctweezer said:
@Brandonclick77 said:
Maybe another song jammed from 7/4/00 like Twist? Or 7/3/99 Runaway? Sounds 95 to me though,David Bowie-ish
I was just checking 7/3/95 Bowie > JBG > Bowie... no dice unless I missed it.
I was at this beauty. Deff no. I checked the melt from 7/3/ dice. I also thought listening to the jibboo that the back end of the jam sounded very diseasy and thought maybe 6/26/95 but no dice either.
, comment by slpingmnky
slpingmnky david bowie 11-19-96. i officially give up after hrs of searching. going w a star spangled banner themed show. could be anything at this point.. i starting to hear things!
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose Starting to think it's something from 7/3/13 ...
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @Choda said:
I love that we are all helping each other try to win.
Can't... let... blog... win. Once that hint comes out, it's panic time.
, comment by FunkyCFunkyDo
FunkyCFunkyDo @andrewrose said:
Starting to think it's something from 7/3/13 ...
A jam from the future, eh? Now THAT is thinking out of the box! ;)

::glares at blog::
, comment by phishncincy
phishncincy Jibboo date but not straight forward? Nothing from 02', or 07' so how about 04'? Just a random guess at 8-12-04 Ghost
, comment by Poster_Nutbag
Poster_Nutbag i still haven't figured it out but maybe someone can take this info and run with it. the longest jibboo ever was 7/4/00 (i was there, it was awesome), so it took place in the year 2000. this clip could be something from the midnight set at cypress but i don't have time to figure out which song (i tried the roses but no luck. maybe the quadrophonic toppling). HOWEVER, since this clue is not as straightforward as we think on 11/2/90 fishman introduced the band as "phish 2000" (he also said that after the love you during the midnight set). this clip is certainly not from 11/2/90 but that show was played in boulder, co, so this clip could be from a show played in colorado, and as it sounds like a '97-'00 clip that leaves just a few options on the table.
, comment by phishncincy
phishncincy Just saw it was already guessed! SHART!!
, comment by Beacon_Of_Light
Beacon_Of_Light I take the hint to mean it's not from 2000 (even though there are moments from 07/03 Jim and 09/14 Drowned that are close) but outside of First Tube I can't hear any obvious song teases in that 07/04 jibboo jam . . .
, comment by skippy11
skippy11 I just listened to Ghost from 7-3-97 and it wasn't there.
, comment by skippy11
skippy11 im just gonna help out cause I have no idea on this one. guys check out 4-4-98 lots of possibilities in that one show
, comment by skippy11
skippy11 4/4/98- 2001
, comment by Phart_Door
Phart_Door 7/10/99 Tweezer
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer The only other thing we could be ignoring is something that was said at the end of last week: that this week would be MJM 12^2. I found nothing in 12/12/95, 12/12/97, and 12/12/99, even though there are some great candidates there (including the longest ever DWD, an extended Saw It Again, and the second-longest Drowned). I officially give up unless some new shit comes to light.
, comment by skippy11
skippy11 what about some 12/2/? shows?
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes To quote Tracy Jordan: "I'm freaking out!!"
, comment by solsun
solsun I will put your hearts at ease, cause garans its "The Chicken" from 11/16/2000 by the Vermont Jazz All-Stars, just let me know when I get my free download, YAA!!!!
, comment by Tmbgnicu
Tmbgnicu The jam is from 2000, for it not to be would be an outright lie, something the blog wouldn't do. I take to the hint to mean that the jam is from 2000, but NOT Gotta Jibboo. I remember the 9-9-00 Sand getting very spacey, so I am going to say that.
, comment by pronice
pronice David Bowie 8/10/97
, comment by solsun
solsun Dang voted down, was just trying to provide a different perspective... My thoughts...

Its from 2000
Its not by Phish

I could be way off though
, comment by Tmbgnicu
Tmbgnicu @solsun said:
Dang voted down, was just trying to provide a different perspective... My thoughts... Its from 2000 Its not by Phish I could be way off though
I considered the "not by Phish" idea, but if it's not Phish, why the hell would they have stopped at that point when the other music they were making sounds exactly like Phish. It really sounds like Phish to me, but who knows?
, comment by solsun
solsun I definitely hear Trey
, comment by Your_Intense_Delight
Your_Intense_Delight It would not be a lie if the jam is not from 2000. The Jibboo is from 2000, but the hint says if you are familiar with it you will get the year.

I suspect it is something in the Jibboo jam that harkens back to another jam in another year that identifies what year this is from. I think that the venue is/was a race track of some kind ... "start your engines," and "not straight forward."
, comment by warped
warped whats the use 7/4/99
, comment by toophishy
toophishy 6/14/00 Twist?
, comment by Abe_Froman
Abe_Froman Roses are Free, Big Cypress?

Which is, technically, 1.1.00?
, comment by thelastrewind
thelastrewind Thoughts; it's got a megaphone in it. The '00 Jibboo has a sort of audience participation in it; see the hand clapping section about 18 mins in. It's not the 11/14/94 Bowie (the other big audience led jam I can think of). I'm reasonably sure it's 1995. Still searching...
, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand It's not earlier than '99, that's for sure... since Jibboo debuted that year

2000 definitely but i have no idea where to start, lol

And I don't think they played any "start your engines" type venues in 2000
, comment by andytheman
andytheman Bathtub gin 6-23-2000
, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand I'm rapidly searching the 2000 archives for Ghosts and Jibboos and Twists... this MJ really has me stumped. aarrrghh!!

I dunno guys, MJM might have finally won this time. That clue was pretty cryptic...

and the jam is basically a minute or less of random boomerang, a few organ chords, hardly any drums or bass...

good luck, people... lol
, comment by Brandonclick77
Brandonclick77 5/19/00 Bug?
, comment by Brandonclick77
Brandonclick77 6/13/00 cavern, Im feelin japan but who knows... It's nice to have a mjm challenge
, comment by NickSalv
NickSalv 6/10/2000 Twist
, comment by coryschu
coryschu David Bowie - Big Cypress
, comment by fubarized1
fubarized1 @uctweezer said:
The only other thing we could be ignoring is something that was said at the end of last week: that this week would be MJM 12^2. I found nothing in 12/12/95, 12/12/97, and 12/12/99, even though there are some great candidates there (including the longest ever DWD, an extended Saw It Again, and the second-longest Drowned). I officially give up unless some new shit comes to light.
this is whack, but it's what i'm going with (for entertainment if nothing else since it takes me back to the days when i used to do this sort of thinking):
the "hint" (if it's even a hint) from last week mjm #143, 12^2 = 144. on the surface, it just means this weeks is #144. no big deal.

BUT. if we use 144 as a reference, what dates did they play jibboo that have 14 and 04 in it? coventry. other than 1/4/04, can't go any further than that since there is no 14th month or 44th day (unless you go with day 44 of the year). and there were no jan shows in 04, nor was there a show on the 44th day of 2000 (using the "hint", keep reading).

coventry jibboo was already guessed, and after listening, it doesnt loop like mjm (gets kinda funky actually). so then i thought 12^2 = 144, what 12/2 dates are there? initially, i thought 12/2/03, but other than frank> kung> frank (too heavy after listening) nothing there jumped out at me plus no jibboo. plus it's not 2000 which is the year we were "given" in the "clue".

144/any of the months jiboo was played in 2000 are all decimals. EXCEPT june (month #6) and september (month #9). 144/6 = 24. 144/9 = 16. 6/24 does exist, but no jibboo and nothing that sounds like mjm clip. there was no show 9/16/00. jibboo was played on 6/25/00 and 9/15/00. i listened to both, no loop like mjm's.

i looked at other suspects from the jibboo nights, it's not what's the use or soamelt from 6/25 (i'll add though that the end of melt around 14 min has a tease of a song i've heard before- bela fleck/futureman? pretty neat.) mjm is close to the tube jam> circus from 9/15, but that's not it either (or piper> lizards from that night).

the problem with looking just at jibboo is that while it loops, it so rarely really breaks down like mjm's clip.

venue wise, it doesnt' sound small (i.e. 2000 japan clubs). it definitely has a bigger sound to it.

going to 94/95 to play off other's suggestions, they did play 6/24/94, but nothing there looks loopy, 9/16 and 12/12 don't exist, 12/2/94 was GCH. 6/24/95 exists, nothing there but man that bowie has mjm material all over the place. 12/2 and 12/12 exist, but nothng there (tweezer rocks too hard and dwd doesn't loop). 9/16 doesn't exist.

so given that once again i have no idea, and i did a lot of math to get nowhere (life in a nutshell), i'm gonna go with something completely random:

7/6/00 limb> 2001 segue

i could go listen to it like i did all of my other hair brained ideas, but i've been at this for almost 2 hrs...
, comment by DudeBroMan
DudeBroMan Ghost 8/3/03
, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel The intro is close and I don't think I'm right but after two days of trying to find it I'm going with 6.11.00 First Tube

, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand IT Ghost was already guessed, I think
, comment by Choda
Choda This has to be the funniest MMJ I have ever seen.
, comment by Phish86
Phish86 7/4/00 gotta jibboo
, comment by Your_Intense_Delight
Your_Intense_Delight I am going to guess 7/2/96 Maggot Brain w/ Santana. I don't have a recording of it and I can not locate one.
, comment by phil97
phil97 6/14/95 tweezer
, comment by andytheman
andytheman Maybe its from that awesome 2013 bowie that hasn't happened yet but will in the near future. I think it was like a 20 min bowie and it was awesome! (I have no idea but I can find like 10 clips that sounds almost right)
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose Congrats blog. I started skimming through summer 96 late last night but by then was out of gas. Have a feeling maybe we would have been more successful without that hint!
, comment by bl002e
bl002e @andrewrose said:
Have a feeling maybe we would have been more successful without that hint!
I thought the same, and felt a little bad that it drove everyone to scour the year 2000, but that guilt subsided after this comment gave you all the answer to the hint:

@ekstewie1441 said:
On the MJM 96 which was the 7-4-2000 Jibboo, andrewrose suggested the last 1/3 of that jam is "First Tube-y". Are there any 2000 era First Tubes with this type of outro?
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose I also love that things are getting meta here, referencing past MJMs. Speaking of which, is there a way to pull the complete archive of them?
, comment by ckess22
ckess22 This has got to be the only MJM that I've seen where almost no one (one person??) even got the correct YEAR of the jam, much less the actual song and date. Crazy.
, comment by Mr_Incompletely
Mr_Incompletely great selection, not sure about that "hint" however.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 @andrewrose said:
Congrats blog. I started skimming through summer 96 late last night but by then was out of gas. Have a feeling maybe we would have been more successful without that hint!
Ha, out of gas for all of us. The freaking hint threw everything upside down. I thought it might be a club based on the recording and listened to some Summer 97 on Monday. Amazing that 96 and Mike's Song got some love for MJ as they are both infrequent here.
, comment by Brandonclick77
Brandonclick77 Oh yeah, of course! I have to mention 8/6/96 Dwd from that week,amazing stuff...
, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel @andrewrose said:
I also love that things are getting meta here, referencing past MJMs. Speaking of which, is there a way to pull the complete archive of them?
Good call. I've always wished I had the archive list. I started one at one point just so I had a list of epic jams but couldn't keep up with it.
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose I think the hint was totally fine. Sure it threw a lot of us off a bit, but I think it was pretty clear that it was definitely not from 2000. It may have taken a bit of MJM knowledge to decipher it, but based on the megaphone sound that @Choda was pretty sure about, there's plenty of reason to think we could have figured it out even without the hint. I'm digging the direction @bl002e has taken things, even if victory seems a bit more elusive...
, comment by bl002e
bl002e Clicking "Audio" in the MJM blog entry header should give back all of the MJMs posted since the .Net upgrade, so all MJMs #26 and higher should show up:
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose @bl002e said:
Clicking "Audio" in the MJM blog entry header should give back all of the MJMs posted since the .Net upgrade, so all MJMs #26 and higher should show up:[/quote] />
Yeah I've tried that. But it only lists one page worth (going back to 135 currently) ... no way to navigate back for older entries.
, comment by bl002e
bl002e @andrewrose said:
I think the hint was totally fine. Sure it threw a lot of us off a bit, but I think it was pretty clear that it was definitely not from 2000. It may have taken a bit of MJM knowledge to decipher it, but based on the megaphone sound that @Choda was pretty sure about, there's plenty of reason to think we could have figured it out even without the hint.
Yeah, @Choda was getting very close with his spot-on analysis of the delay looping and megaphone. Regarding the hint, I do acknowledge its trickiness, but you guys have proven that even the most subtle of hints can lead you to victory.

Looking forward to next week's inevitable five-minute MJM identification.
, comment by Beacon_Of_Light
Beacon_Of_Light I want the MJMs to stay this hard. much more entertaining than coming here 3 minutes after it's posted, seeing 8 comments, listening once, and finding out it was ID'ed twice already.
, comment by bl002e
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 @bl002e said:
@andrewrose said:
@bl002e said: [quote]Clicking "Audio" in the MJM blog entry header should give back all of the MJMs posted since the .Net upgrade, so all MJMs #26 and higher should show up:[/quote ] Yeah I've tried that. But it only lists one page worth (going back to 135 currently) ... no way to navigate back for older entries.
Crap, didn't notice that. I'll see what I can figure out.
Hey guy, I have this in Excel format for everybody if they want it. I asked Lumpclod for this a few months ago and he gave me something that I turned into an Excel spreadsheet. I am at work and haven't used Mediafile before, but I can email it right now to you if you'd like and then you can post a link to Mediafile. Either that or I can shoot it over to whomever needs it if they pm me.
, comment by bl002e
bl002e Thanks @mcgrupp81! I actually do have an Excel sheet of my own and will post it once I have access to it.
, comment by Shmendrick
Shmendrick I have to say, the blog won by cheating. That wasn't a hint. It was an obstacle. Throwing people off in a further direction than they would have guessed without any hint at all.
, comment by bl002e
bl002e @Shmendrick said:
I have to say, the blog won by cheating. That wasn't a hint. It was an obstacle. Throwing people off in a further direction than they would have guessed without any hint at all.
I did specify that the hint was not straightforward to keep people from focusing solely on the year 2000, and a commenter even posted the MJM # that should have led at least one person to 1996. Call it what you will, but I think classifying a cryptic hint as "cheating" is a tad harsh.
, comment by slpingmnky
slpingmnky bravo! bravo! hint did throw all in diff directions. i scoured 95 shows with fees in them for megaphone action. but never hit 96. wouldnt have mattered tough
, comment by funkalunk
funkalunk @Shmendrick said:
I have to say, the blog won by cheating. That wasn't a hint. It was an obstacle. Throwing people off in a further direction than they would have guessed without any hint at all.

The blog "cheated"? It's a for-fun musical identification game based on all of our shared interest. Don't be so competitive about it.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @bl002e said:
@Shmendrick said:
I have to say, the blog won by cheating. That wasn't a hint. It was an obstacle. Throwing people off in a further direction than they would have guessed without any hint at all.
I did specify that the hint was not straightforward to keep people from focusing solely on the year 2000, and a commenter even posted the MJM # that should have led at least one person to 1996. Call it what you will, but I think classifying a cryptic hint as "cheating" is a tad harsh.
@bl002e: I agree with you. You did not cheat at all. In retrospect, we're dumb for not thinking MJM96 hurr durr 1996, especially after someone figured out that much. In fact, I got to the point where I was thinking of shit like well 12*12 = 144 but also 9*16 = 144, and 6*16 = 96, so it should be 6/16/XX or 9/16/XX when in reality there was no multiplication necessary. Keep up the good work dude, you're killing it as MJM host, and I for one love the challenge -- and I think most others do too, even though it drives me crazy and even though I spent three hours searching this week... and I have a full time job and a wife and three kids so those three hours should have been spent doing something other than scouring PhishTracks. I guess next week I'll have to spend 6 hours searching so that I can win two LP freebies!
, comment by GottaJibboo
GottaJibboo @uctweezer said:
Keep up the good work dude, you're killing it as MJM host
I completely agree....

Meanwhile, has anyone else started listening to particular songs and thinking "damn, that last minute would be a great MJM?" I also wonder how long it would take to solve if the MJM was a clip from a written or vocal section from a song. Take minute 1 through 1:45 of Taste, Sample, Gin, Reba, (any song really) and see how long it takes us. Of course, then it's not a "jam" and by definition doesn't belong in the MJM.

@bl002e Thank you sir, may I have another?
, comment by ekstewie1441
ekstewie1441 I am very proud to be referenced in an MJM. Guessing a song that hadn't been written at the time of performance and only being off by 5 years or so for performance date, I suspect is about the closest I'll ever get to winning.
, comment by Shmendrick
Shmendrick @bl002e You're right. It is a tad harsh. I just didn't think of a better word for it at the time. Don't take it as 'competitiveness.' I've never been able to play anyways since I'm always at work on Mondays.
, comment by cerqs
cerqs I'm so mad...I knew this!
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