Monday 05/06/2013 by bl002e


On this lovely seis de mayo, I'd like to welcome you to the 142nd chapter of's Mystery Jam Monday! As always, the first contestant to correctly identify this week's song and date will win an MP3 download courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net. The rules haven't changed: one guess per person per day, with the second “day” starting after I post the hint. A hint will be posted on Tuesday if necessary, and the answer will be posted on Wednesday.

Buena suerte!

Wednesday Answer: By correctly identifying the 10/8/99 Halley's Comet this week's MP3 download goes to @mcgrupp81, who's now recorded three MJM wins. Bravo!

MJM CXLIII drops Monday.


, comment by davarama
davarama Disease - 7/7/1999
, comment by jwp86
jwp86 Runaway Jim 11/29/97?
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Is the espaƱol a red herring?
, comment by stevemott
stevemott Tube 11/2/98
, comment by drucifer
drucifer 7-1-99 disease
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer I guess I can come right out and say it because it's clear that others are thinking along the same lines, but this *has* to be a 1999 / 2000 DWD.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Down with Disease 9/26/99
, comment by GhostlySponge
GhostlySponge Disease 9/10/1999
, comment by tripples
tripples dwd 7-17-99
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose @uctweezer it doesn't have to be anything. but sounds pretty 99/00 to me, yeah.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @andrewrose said:
@uctweezer it doesn't have to be anything. but sounds pretty 99/00 to me, yeah.
Of course not, and I'm usually wrong when I'm certain about the MJM, but damn does a '99 / '00 Disease fit perfectly here. It looks like my 9/26/99 guess (at the UNO center!) is wrong...
, comment by markhood
markhood Ghost -> Down With Disease 12-11-97
, comment by Choda
Choda 9/22/99 Ghost
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez 7/12/99 DWD. hopefully, i don't regret this pick moments after submitting. sure sounds '99 dwd'ish.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 I wish I could spend time checking. 10-8-99 Halley's. Pretty sure it isn't but it's hot.
, comment by NickSalv
NickSalv 7/26/99 DWD
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes 9/24/99 Disease
, comment by The_Good_Doctor
The_Good_Doctor 8/06/98 DWD
, comment by slpingmnky
slpingmnky 7-15-2000 DWD
, comment by pflaumja
pflaumja 7-18-03 DWD
, comment by Bob_Loblaw
Bob_Loblaw 8-15-10 DWD
, comment by Poizon45
Poizon45 Simple 7/31/1999, it's a guess. Happy 6th of May, leftover Taco flavored kisses for everyone!
, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel Mango Song> Jam 7.24.99
, comment by brainstemblast
brainstemblast DWD 9/29/99
, comment by phishncincy
phishncincy 7-18-99 Piper?, just random guess
, comment by ttambascio
ttambascio 8-17-97 DWD
, comment by negativeseven
negativeseven 7/28/98 Down With Disease
, comment by becker_ross
becker_ross 10-08-99 Halley's Comet
, comment by Blackeydsloth
Blackeydsloth 12/8/99 Sand
, comment by HarborSeal
HarborSeal 7/9/98 Drowned
, comment by djcampfirepants
djcampfirepants Down with Disease 12-15-99
, comment by crackerjackie
crackerjackie 7-10-98 DWD
, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand 7/26/99 DWD
, comment by Beacon_Of_Light
Beacon_Of_Light is it part of that huge BOAF from 07/23/99 columbus? It has a peak a lot like that. however I'm pretty sure it's the 10-8-99 halley's, which was already guessed.
, comment by PhreePhish
PhreePhish @mcgrupp81 said:
I wish I could spend time checking. 10-8-99 Halley's. Pretty sure it isn't but it's hot.
Pretty sure you got it. Hard to match up though still.

Was almost SURE it was a '98-'00 Ghost. There are so many that tempo and key!

Puttin' out 9/8/00 Ghost just in case.
, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand I already guessed, just my 2 cents here- but this sounds a lot like the DWD from 12/29/95. There's a certain motif he plays in this jam that reminded me of it
, comment by crackerjackie
crackerjackie The author has removed all of the text from their comment
, comment by Phish86
Phish86 God dammit!!! I came in to say 10/8/99 Piper. Night after my first show. Both great show!
, comment by Dmabell
Dmabell Was going with 10.8.99 Piper also
, comment by becker_ross
becker_ross Yeah, it's definitely the Halley's. I didn't realize someone had already guessed it.
, comment by User_23503_
User_23503_ @becker_ross said:
10-08-99 Halley's Comet
This is correct.
, comment by RowdyPiper
RowdyPiper Piper spac 2004?
, comment by RowdyPiper
RowdyPiper Oops didn't see it was already guessed
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @mcgrupp81 said:
I wish I could spend time checking. 10-8-99 Halley's. Pretty sure it isn't but it's hot.
Nailed it. Wow. I need to brush up on my late '90s Halley's. I only really geek out to 8/3/98, 11/11/98, and Hampton '97. I'm pretty sure that 100% of the time I'm sure that an MJM is a particular song, I'm wrong about the song. Moral of the story: don't listen to me! :)
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez There's a few Halley's from that '99-'00 era that have a very dwd'ish sound. The Blossum '00 version had us playing this game a month or two back.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 @uctweezer said:
@mcgrupp81 said:
I wish I could spend time checking. 10-8-99 Halley's. Pretty sure it isn't but it's hot.
Nailed it. Wow. I need to brush up on my late '90s Halley's. I only really geek out to 8/3/98, 11/11/98, and Hampton '97. I'm pretty sure that 100% of the time I'm sure that an MJM is a particular song, I'm wrong about the song. Moral of the story: don't listen to me! :)
Don't sell yourself short ucpete! I was hearing Ghost just as much as DWD but I figured the Halley's could be it. I just explained the concept of the "hose" jam to my wife and referenced this Halley's.
, comment by funkbeard
funkbeard right rhythm and groove to be a Ghost. Also, correct key. Hard luck, but famous jam.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @funkbeard said:
right rhythm and groove to be a Ghost. Also, correct key. Hard luck, but famous jam.
Yeah but Ghost is often in a minor mode during the jam. Of course anything goes and they switch to a major mode sometimes too. This was a good MJM. At least I had the '99 part right, though that "swelling, wall of sound" style jamming (don't know if that's a good description but that's how I hear it) was a dead giveaway for me. See y'all next week, thanks for the game @bl002e.
, comment by secondtube
secondtube DWD 12-11-97 rochester. one of my fav shows
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