Monday 01/14/2013 by lumpblockclod


Welcome to the 128th running of the Mystery Jam here at As usual we will be playing for an MP3 download, courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net. The rules haven't changed: you need to correctly identify the song and the date to win. Post your guess in the comments. One guess per person per day (with the second “day” starting after I post the hint). A hint will be posted on Tuesday (if necessary) and the answer will be posted on Wednesday. Good luck...

Friday Answer: Friday already? Things kind of got away from the Blog this week. In any event, congrats to McGrupp81 for being the first to ID the 8/26/93 "Melt." The Blog will be back on Monday with a new Mystery Jam...


, comment by IamHIGHdrogen
IamHIGHdrogen Bowie '92??? Otherwise no idea...
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes Funky Bitch 11/22/94?
, comment by Choda
Choda 8/13/93 Bowie
, comment by dr_strangelove
dr_strangelove no idea, but that sure was cool
, comment by Phart_Door
Phart_Door Tweezer 6/22/95?
, comment by nematode
nematode Hmmmm, I'd say it's sometime in '93, perhaps August?
, comment by markhood
markhood 04-01-1992 Bowie?
, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel 6-28-95 Tweezer
, comment by pauly
pauly nice pix!
, comment by likeaghost
likeaghost 11/2/94 Tweezer
, comment by colforbin310
colforbin310 11/22/92 tweezer
, comment by lostboy01
lostboy01 Bowie 11.14.94
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Well, I can tell you that it's not a 1993 Stash SBD -- I checked them all : /
, comment by Beacon_Of_Light
Beacon_Of_Light 05/08/93 Stash
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @Beacon_Of_Light said:
05/08/93 Stash
I checked that one too...
, comment by Beacon_Of_Light
Beacon_Of_Light yeah I should have read the comments before I posted my guess! just went from memory, in the past I've been too slow to pull the trigger.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @Beacon_Of_Light said:
yeah I should have read the comments before I posted my guess! just went from memory, in the past I've been too slow to pull the trigger.
Ah, gotcha. Thought it was kinda strange that I posted "it's definitely not a '93 Stash SBD" and the next post is a '93 Stash SBD!
, comment by slpingmnky
slpingmnky tweezer 8-15-93
, comment by Satansdogs23
Satansdogs23 Sounds like 94. Trey has a very similar part in the Sugarbush Antelope. But it doesn't sound like that.
, comment by herbpowell
herbpowell 5.2.93 BBFCFM
, comment by GottaJibboo
GottaJibboo I hear Melt. And agree with the hell dog above about the Sugarbush Antelope. So my random Melt of '94 pick will be: 7/15/94
, comment by HarborSeal
HarborSeal Melt 6/21/94
, comment by drshaws
drshaws Don't think it's the 6/21/94 Melt. Just checked (and 6/17/94, too). Rats.
, comment by tubedss
tubedss 5/17/94 Melt
, comment by HarborSeal
HarborSeal Not surprised if I missed it... I couldn't check first hand. This sounds VERY familiar - could be an 8/93 Antelope, too.
, comment by drshaws
drshaws Heh - I was quite happy to go check. That 6/21/94 Melt was fantastic.
, comment by sumacdrive22
sumacdrive22 6/21/94 Melt
, comment by cuddlyandmuscular
cuddlyandmuscular im going with august 93 bowie
, comment by HarborSeal
HarborSeal Maybe if we get enough people to vote for the 6/21/94 Melt, they'll just make it that.
, comment by Fluffyfluffyhead
Fluffyfluffyhead HarborSeal 1/14/13 4:00 pm
Melt 6/21/94

sumacdrive22 1/14/13 4:30 pm
6/21/94 Melt

, comment by phellow
phellow 6/22/94 Fluffhead
, comment by officercookies
officercookies 1994 11/30 antelope,
But to be honest i shouldnt even try
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @Fluffyfluffyhead said:
HarborSeal 1/14/13 4:00 pm
Melt 6/21/94

sumacdrive22 1/14/13 4:30 pm
6/21/94 Melt

Don't worry, he does it every week!
, comment by voopa
voopa 8/11/93 Antelope
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez I'm on my 4th listen. This one is killing me. I almost wanna say weekapaugh, but it can't be... Right? I know I've heard this one recently.
, comment by telascomet
telascomet 8/15/93 Tweezer
, comment by earlytimes
earlytimes 11/28/94 Tweezer
, comment by Feel_The_Bern
Feel_The_Bern 5/8/93 bowie
, comment by mikh2wg
mikh2wg My first thought is 8/12/93 Tweezer. The one with all the signals at the end.
, comment by Blackeydsloth
Blackeydsloth 10/25/94 Weekapaug
, comment by perpg
perpg bowie 11/14/94
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 8/26/93 Split Open and Melt
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 Under the Melt Jamming Chart it's "Hallowed Be Thy Name". When I saw RabeldyNugs getting tons of these jams, I asked him about some his favorite shows and he mentioned the August 93 shows. They really are a treasure trove. Anybody got the Hawaii Gamehendge set on tape yet?
, comment by schvice
schvice Yep, Split Open And Melt 8/26/93
, comment by schvice
schvice Didn't see that you'd already guessed that one until I went to post my answer. Bummer!
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez Damn!! I knew I had just listened to this. Also, check out the ice> hood pairing later in the set. I'm not a huge hood guy, but this duo is fantastic. Great show.
, comment by bl002e
bl002e Wow, that's an AUD? Or is this a SBD I was unaware of? If the former, must be the FOB -- will need to check this one out.
, comment by phootyjon
phootyjon 6/19/1995 Bowie
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @bl002e said:
Wow, that's an AUD? Or is this a SBD I was unaware of? If the former, must be the FOB -- will need to check this one out.
Agreed. I thought it was a SBD and the lack of clarity was from downsampling. Limited my search to SBDs from '93-- it really did strike me as August '93 but I knew it wasn't 8/28/93 only because that show is one of those "not everyone fluffs this show but it's one of my personal favorites" primarily because it happened at my Alma Mater. Have we kangfirmed that this is 8/26/93 Melt?
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez @uctweezer said:
@bl002e said:
Wow, that's an AUD? Or is this a SBD I was unaware of? If the former, must be the FOB -- will need to check this one out.
Agreed. I thought it was a SBD and the lack of clarity was from downsampling. Limited my search to SBDs from '93-- it really did strike me as August '93 but I knew it wasn't 8/28/93 only because that show is one of those "not everyone fluffs this show but it's one of my personal favorites" primarily because it happened at my Alma Mater. Have we kangfirmed that this is 8/26/93 Melt?
I haven't relistened, but I'm pretty damn sure it is.
, comment by GottaJibboo
GottaJibboo I knew it was a Melt......good work everyone.
, comment by schvice
schvice @uctweezer said:
Have we kangfirmed that this is 8/26/93 Melt?

Definitely. I just wish I'd found it about four hours earlier!
, comment by thumpasaurus
thumpasaurus Tinley Park, Il 8/14/93. If memory serves me right during antelope (1st section) before sparks
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