Split Open and Melt

, comment by TweezingSpaceRanger , attached to 2015-09-05
TweezingSpaceRanger This is my favorite SOAM of 2015...it doesn't have much competition but the jam packs a punch. The effects and textures from all 4 are fantastic
, comment by n00b100 , attached to 2014-07-13
n00b100 I'm not 100% sure I agree with @TweezingSpaceRanger ("What? n00b100 doesn't want a 3.0 jam highly recommended??!?!?!?!" *clutches pearls in disbelief*), but it's a pretty close call. This is *such* a dark and gruesome version - there are versions from even 1993 that aren't as nasty as this one (8/14 immediately leaps to mind). 7/13/14 has a quite good first set (to say nothing of its famous 2nd set), and this is a huge reason why.
, comment by TweezingSpaceRanger , attached to 2014-07-13
TweezingSpaceRanger This should be highly recommended. The chanting part is mind boggling phish and the landing is patiently drawn out and executed to perfection
, comment by n00b100 , attached to 2013-07-06
n00b100 One of the best first-set jams ever, and probably the most contentious (certainly the Denver Ghost doesn't invite the same kind of debate), in that it's a weird animal that can be hard to embrace as easily as something like the super fun 11/6/98 SOAM or the vicious piledriver that is the 12/7/95 Melt can be. But it's a true roller-coaster ride, in that you (and the band, probably) have no real idea where the band's going next, and its wealth of creativity and willingness to leap into the void here and there make it certainly worth a listen at least once. I personally think it's an incredible piece of music, all the more so because it's harder to embrace than pretty much every other great 3.0 jam.

Also, there is probably no chance they didn't do that ending on purpose.
, comment by n00b100 , attached to 2004-08-15
n00b100 I've gotten into my share of disputes about Coventry (especially when viewed in the prism of the modern era, which features a band that is almost *one hundred percent* different from the band that took the stage on this date), and jams like this one or the Bag or the soundcheck or whatever get tossed at me as to why Coventry should be celebrated and even why 2.0 still outdistances 3.0. But, to me, it isn't so much the improv that matters (shit, this is an improvisational band that was stretching improv to its breaking point nearly every show by this point, I'd HOPE they could play a good jam) as the first part, as denoted in the jam chart description - the "ugly" composed section that starts things off. I get my fair share of stick for loving Type II above else (which, I'm sure, sets me apart from the rest of the online community), and it's not always undeserved, but even thinking (let alone listening) to the way they butcher Melt and Glide and just about every goddamn song they play on both dates is why I can never, ever bring myself to listen to Coventry again. At the end of the day, I respect the band, and I respect their music and the craftsmanship of their compositions (even the ones I don't like). Why would I want to listen to a show in which *the band* cannot bring themselves to respect *their own* music?
, comment by The__Van , attached to 2004-08-15
The__Van THE highlight from Coventry. If you need any convincing to give Coventry at least one listen, listen to this jam. Emotional peaks and valleys run throughout and it's true what it says about the last 5 minutes: it is the emotions of everyone in the area all forced through tired hands, tired eyes, and tired minds to create some of the most beautifully sad music in history.
, comment by mterry , attached to 2000-06-25
mterry One of the best in the last 15 years.
, comment by cphish12 , attached to 1999-07-15
cphish12 One of the truly bizarre and wonderful ventures phish took us on in 1999. A year which the band explored the decomposition of grooves and focused on the space created in between or after. This jam along with the Bosie Bag, Portland Ghost, Deer Creek BOAF, Niigata Ghost, Raleigh Tweezer, and Austin Wolfman's are all moments that bought Phish to perfect the 99 sound at Big Cypress.
, comment by hughie46 , attached to 1998-11-06
hughie46 almost like a maximalist groove here^ , this jam is shows an absolute mastery of groove style jamming where every member of the band is speaking out, almost like soloing, at once. there is a SICK video of it on youtube, check it out for a full experience. also the second set is incredible, has a cool loop jam in makisupa and a RAGING funky bitch and a unbelievably gorgeous simple. trey is on fire in this show too.

, comment by n00b100 , attached to 1998-11-06
n00b100 There's no shortage of Type II monster Melts out there from every incarnation of the band, so I think you can make room in your heart for one that just leaps into punchy funk right out of the song proper and stays there for its entire duration. Mike and Page, in particular, really contribute to how exceptionally catchy this jam is. I think of this one like I think of 12/7/95 - a prototypical Melt for its era, with the nasty piledriver rock of the mid-90s replaced with the smooth minimalist grooves of the late-90s.
, comment by fhqwhgads , attached to 1997-07-09
fhqwhgads This is the slowest version of SOAM that I've ever heard, and somehow that makes it even better/funkier.
, comment by westbrook , attached to 1995-10-29
westbrook This is a great, somewhat unique version where the jam is not centered on Trey's soloing but on a dark whole band groove. I would love to hear a SBD of this one some day.
, comment by ColForbin , attached to 1995-07-01
, comment by kipmat , attached to 1994-10-25
kipmat Whenever I start to feel like I've "heard it all", it's always refreshing to return to the jamming charts and check out some recommended versions that I haven't heard yet. I thought the 10/29/94 Spartanburg SOAMelt was insane, but 10/25/94 definitely has that one beat. The AUD on the spreadsheet is ok, but this Melt is a worthy candidate for inclusion on a From The Archives broadcast :)
, comment by markah , attached to 1993-12-31
markah Oops...this comment posted in the wrong place.
, comment by markah , attached to 1993-12-31
markah Oops...this comment posted in the wrong place.
, comment by markah , attached to 1993-12-31
markah Unfinished. Monster 20+ jam. Best SOAMelt ever?


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