Bitchin' Again

Originally Performed ByThe Dude of Life (with Phish)
Original AlbumCrimes of the Mind (1994 (Recorded 1991))
VocalsThe Dude of Life
HistorianEllis Godard
Last Update2023-11-21


About as far as you can get from a touching romantic melody, this tune includes the phrase “She’s bitchin’ again” thirty-six times. And writer (and Dude of Life) Steve Pollak’s three verses don’t add much candlelight with their nine complaints, ranging from “I thought you said you’d bring me some flowers” to “When are you going to buy me a house?”

Phish has only performed the song live once, in the encore for Amy’s Farm (8/3/91) featuring Sofi Dillof “singing” the complaints, as she did in the 1991 studio recording for Pollack's 1994 debut release. Both the live and studio versions also featured Pollak.

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