Trey teased San-Ho-Zay in Weekapaug Groove. Carini included a Tweezer tease. Martian Monster contained quotes of The Final Hurrah, Death Don’t Hurt Very Long, and Sanity and a Spanish Moon quote and tease. Kung was sung over Martian Monster and contained Shipwreck quotes. Big Black Furry Creature From Mars included Martian Monster quotes. Sleeping Monkey contained a Shipwreck quote.

© Phish Inc; Rene Heumer

Spanish Moon, Sanity, Death Don't Hurt Very Long, and The Final Hurrah tease & quotes in Martian Monster, Shipwreck quote in Kung, Martian Monster quote in Big Black Furry Creature from Mars, Shipwreck quote in Sleeping Monkey, Tweezer tease in Carini, San-Ho-Zay tease in Weekapaug Groove
Debut Years (Average: 1997)

This show was part of the "2019 Mexico"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2019-02-23

Review by rmertz92

rmertz92 Disclaimer: I was not there...

But think about this... 6 songs? Encore? Phish decided the net was umbreakable... and no one was going to fall... this was one of the best shows I’ve ever heard since 2.0 (as a post 2.0 Phan). An absolute charismatic guidance through all three eras that I can’t imagine not delighting everyone. Well done.
, attached to 2019-02-23

Review by Moorephishphan9

Moorephishphan9 We were not in MEXICO this time.
I love the Phish! For all that they are. For all that they have been through. A hands down great rock and roll band. I was listening to tonight’s show....and wish we were there, but PAGE, MIKE, JON, and TREY brought the fire .
This is the greatest band on earth. I say this tearing up. Love is all I feel when I hear them play. And love is all we need.
, attached to 2019-02-23

Review by JARdale

JARdale I did the webcast and was expecting the typical "Saturday night show". I couldn't have been more wrong. This was probably the most consistent show I have ever seen live or webcast. There wasn't a single song where I shrugged my shoulders and went to the bathroom. The song choices were top notch, the order of the songs never made me say "WTF!?!?", and the quality of playing was pretty damn good especially as the show progressed. There were a few flubs here and there but nothing that took away from the show. And if the first two sets weren't good enough, the encores blew the roof off my house. Just a tremendous show from the first note to the last. If you missed this one, you need to check it out. This is why these guys are the best at what they do.
, attached to 2019-02-23

Review by autreyue

autreyue take me away, UNCLE EBENEEZ
UNBEATABLE groove - fish is totally locked in and creates the most soothing, relaxed environment. FIRE tweezer.
Carini brings tweezer back in for the kill.
Great jamming from everyone, especially trey through the entire run.
Looked like a blast from the confines of my couch
, attached to 2019-02-23

Review by olfactory_Splooge

olfactory_Splooge This is a great fucking Phish concert. I'll keep it brief. The Curtain With is never a bad way to start things and continues the themed lyrics and I think we got a few bass drops from Mike. . Punch rocks every time. Blaze on > Destiny is straight forward but on point. I have now seen every version of Most Events An't Planned. I hope I see all the rest. Page for MVP on the weekend. I don't really remember the Divided Sky but maybe its because I was having so much fun on night 3. Steam, CDT close in standard form.

The Second set is one big ride with no letting up. You can read the setlist your self and pick out any part you want. You will enjoy yourself.

This Encore is why you travel across any border. You don't need intergalactic jams when the band is just showing off their creativity with some good old fashion fun. BBFCFM usually kind of grinds my ears but his one landed perfectly. They are getting better at what I will call mash ups these days. Its a modern take on the 93-94 segue fests of old. Or maybe its the same as it ever was and they have just brought it back for us. Hug your new friends good bye during the Sleeping Monkey and then take your sip of those watered down drinks for Reprise. Adios Amigos.
, attached to 2019-02-23

Review by s1177375

s1177375 This was definitely the best night of the three the thing that made this three tour best was the weird set placement in a few bust out The Emotional Rescue this box brain I do not like has water at all so I cannot accept any of those songs as good I never will even though I'm sort of starting to tolerate we will outlive our brains because it sounds sort of like a better disco version of two versions of me I still don't like any of the Cavs bought stuff the Yum was of course a really good placement to have that first and this was the best of the three nights that's by no stretch it was the tightest it had obviously the best encore but the Mercury Takes the Cake for Night 2 and the I've always wanted it this way Takes the Cake for Mike one not exactly sure what takes the cake for night 3 probably the tweezer or The Encore still not worth going all the way down there and paying all that money just to be on a beach and hearing inferior sets but to each his own I'd rather do couch tour oh and by the way death does hurt very long According To Jesus would you listen to Trey or Jesus on this according to Jesus death hurts forever and I'm going to try it doesn't hurt very long at all I think I'll stick with the guy who made me
, attached to 2019-02-23

Review by Moorephishphan9

Moorephishphan9 We were not in MEXICO this time.
I love the Phish! For all that they are. For all that they have been through. A hands down great rock and roll band. I was listening to tonight’s show....and wish we were there, but PAGE, MIKE, JON, and TREY brought the fire
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