, attached to 2010-06-18

Review by findyourcity

findyourcity Lots to say about this show, most of it good. My first show since last fall and its pretty obvious that Treys jamming style has changed somewhat. There are people talking about it and criticizing it. I thought the vast majority of the playing last night from all phour was nothing short of brilliant. Were there some flubs? Yeah. Were there some alight changes to the way we're accostomed to hearing some songs? Yeah some minimal changes. But including the 7 shows I saw in '09 this show had the best jamming I've seen in 3.0. Easily. Just have to look at Tweezer ยป Theme and Reba as good examples of that. Personally I think last year's Hartford show was better because of rarities and inspired playing... But last night to me is all about #1 jamming #2 funk (wolfmans, moma, tweezer) #3 fun. I love Treys new style because it is far more textural than even the spacefunk '97s - im thinking its more like an impressionist painter like a Pocasso than a jazz improvisation - and it opens new doors to new jams based on new sounds. The only critique is that it is DIFFERENT. And that throws some people off. Not me. In fact that's why I love Phish. I remember people hating on Hoist and saying that phish sux now. Well I'm still enjoying every twist and turn all the years later. Thanks for another unique mindblowing experience to the four sonic wizards.


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