Wednesday 08/25/2010 by Lemuria

Showsticks Promotion For Phish.netters is offering a special promotion to visitors preparing for Fall Tour. Save 20% on two or more tubes of ShowSticks (concert-friendly glow rings) with the promo code PHISHNET20. 10% of all proceeds are donated to the Mockingbird Foundation.Let's make it rain!


, comment by contact420
contact420 Enough with the Glow-Sticks already!

Yeah it was cool in '95,


Not Really...

Give it a rest please.
, comment by iamhydrogen
iamhydrogen @contact420 said:
Enough with the Glow-Sticks already!

Yeah it was cool in '95,


Not Really...

Give it a rest please.
, comment by iamhydrogen
iamhydrogen ^^haters hate. glow sticks at shows are awesome and there are way more people that would agree with this statement vs. yours.
, comment by cenots
cenots Still looks cool to me, can't have "Slave" with no glow sticks! I just hate it when someone whips one of those big ones at the band.
, comment by EsthersDoll
EsthersDoll I *love* glowsticks.

But I am on a glowstick sabbatical until they are made with plastics that do not come from petroleum products.

, comment by contact420
contact420 @iamhydrogen said:
^^haters hate. glow sticks at shows are awesome and there are way more people that would agree with this statement vs. yours.
See that's where you're wrong...

"cuz I'm not a hater but I do hate when getting hit in the head or some dude is running all around me bumping into people to pick 'em up just to throw them again.
, comment by oongowa
oongowa Imagine the 1000's of glowsticks that get put in a landfill after EVERY show. Glowsticks are nothing but toxic chemicals like hydrogen peroxide, phenol, fluorophor, diphenyl oxalate and many more. I don't consider myself a strict environmentalist but I do what I can and glow sticks seem like a no-brainer. Its no better than littering except you're littering with toxic chemical sticks....which if course is worse.
, comment by iamhydrogen
iamhydrogen @oongowa said:
Imagine the 1000's of glowsticks that get put in a landfill after EVERY show. Glowsticks are nothing but toxic chemicals like hydrogen peroxide, phenol, fluorophor, diphenyl oxalate and many more. I don't consider myself a strict environmentalist but I do what I can and glow sticks seem like a no-brainer. Its no better than littering except you're littering with toxic chemical sticks....which if course is worse.
While I do agree with your environmental concerns, I just finished checking out the website and apparently Show Sticks are non-toxic and non-flammable, and they're sold in a recyclable tube. Now I know that's not quite the same as saying they are environmentally friendly, but at least GSW is trying to do their part...

I spoke with someone from GSW recently and they put it to me this way: lot of people are buying glow sticks and bringing them to shows, that much we know. GSW is trying to make them safe and fun for everyone at the show by only selling the thin sticks that don't hurt if and when they hit the back of your head. Plus, they donate 10% of all proceeds to Mbird. So as far as I’m concerned, if and when I do buy glow sticks, it may as well be from GSW. They’re supporting a good cause, and from what I’ve seen so far, they've put together a pretty stellar photo sharing site. GSW has my approval.
, comment by iamhydrogen
iamhydrogen @contact420 said:
@iamhydrogen said:
^^haters hate. glow sticks at shows are awesome and there are way more people that would agree with this statement vs. yours.
See that's where you're wrong...

"cuz I'm not a hater but I do hate when getting hit in the head or some dude is running all around me bumping into people to pick 'em up just to throw them again.
Getting hit in the head with the thick rods is not cool, but GSW only sells the thin sticks for exactly that reason. I really think they deserve some credit for what they're trying to do...

As for the wooks walking around and collecting sticks, well, they should just wait for set break. They should also shower.
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