Permalink for Comment #1379111438 by mgolia6

, comment by mgolia6
mgolia6 Having past virtual encounters with Twice Bitten, knowing the style of writing and the rambling to the point of coherence, I enjoyed the post. While I agree that it wasn’t quite a review of sorts, to the person who said they couldn’t listen: download this show right now. In fact buy a ticket to any or every remaining show of this tour.

The fact is, this band is playing with a vengeance and enjoying every bit of it. The witty banter (this song went straight to the top of the charts years ago), to the slight variance in cadence to the lyrics of staple songs, to the openness to explore and see where the chips fall, while intermingling a new slew of songs into the mix…point being this band is HAWT AF as the kids say.

All that being said, the witty nature and comical viewpoint of the author of this review tells an excellent story without the drab and mundane exposition often used today. So @twicebitten, thanks for the lyrical take on last night and the tour thus far.

I’ll leave y’all with this…and I alluded to this a few times when discussing what is going on right now in Phishtown…last nights second set jams, particularly The Simple jam, evoked these unnerving waves of fear. I literally turned to my wife and said, if I was at the show right now I would be scared. Their music conjured that visceral sense of panic and I loved every second of it; and I was basically sober (minus a few sours). I want more of that.

Where the big jams of tours past in 3.0 would turn major key and get blissed out almost instantly (I think that was just the joy this band has playing together) now, oh boy, now they are going interstellar, robotic apocalypse, light saber’s in the night sky, galactic battle for the domination of our souls straight dirty down into a black hole dark. Page’s synth effects are a welcome shift from Bliss to Hellstorm.

Watch out all ye that enter tonight’s show. A probing is guaranteed, and your paying for it.

Mahalo Nui,
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