Permalink for Comment #1376159241 by Combusticator

, comment by Combusticator
Combusticator @TheEmu Thanks for such a spirited recap, and for sharing your IT moments. I think you achieved an excellent balance btw 'in the moment' subjective impressions and considered context.

One of my own first IT moments descended during a Caspian back in 1999, and I've always been annoyed by the bad rap that song gets here, thanks I think to 'the nickname that shall no longer be used,' which has always seemed like an unusually trashy way for Phish fans to talk about any aspect of the band's catalog. Glad to see Caspian redeemed, yet again.

I'm listening to the Drive-In Jam now, and this isn't just some weird ambient effects to complement a spectacle (a la Storage Jam, which was cool as hell but doesn't warrant much repeat listening). The Drive-In is a rich instrumental journey, and deserves a musicological recap all of its own, as @TheEmu wisely intuited. is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

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