Thursday 02/27/2025 by Icculus


[Phish cover band Reprise is playing Brooklyn Bowl for the first time on Saturday, March 8, reprising 12/30/97, and I wanted to "interview" Reprise's co-manager, RJ Bee, for the first time as well. RJ not only volunteers to help run this blog, but also co-founded Osiris Media in 2018 with Tom Marshall and the Helping Friendly Podcast in 2013 with Brian Brinkman, Megan Glionna and Jonathan Hart. -Charlie]

CD: When was your first show?

RJ: The Palace, 10/28/95!

CD: Noob. No seriously when was your first show?

RJ: Hey man, I was born in the 70s! Doesn't that make me a vet? But seriously I was 16 and wish I had seen them earlier, so as not to have perma-noob status.

CD: When did you first hear about Reprise? Who are they and when did they begin playing? Is there a list online of what shows they've performed to date?

RJ: Tom and I asked Cal Kehoe (guitarist for Reprise) to bring together a group of musicians to create a set of Phish Fall '97 music for our Undermine Fall '97 live event. This was at Ardmore Music Hall, a few minutes from my house, and Cal brought Chris DeAngelis (bass), Adrian Tramontano (drums), and Kiran Edwards (keys) to play. Keyboardist Scott Chasolen, our vocalist / keys player now, sat in on that gig.

© 2024 Bill McMenamey
© 2024 Bill McMenamey

The guys also played an HF Pod pre-show concert at Bitter End in NYC before the Saturday 8/5/23 MSG show, where the guys performed again. Tom and I talked with Cal and the guys over the course of the next several months, and decided to put something together with Cal, Scott, Chris, and Adrian. We came up with the name Reprise and launched at Nectar's in March of 2024.

And's own Scott Marks created this handy spreadsheet of all of Reprise's shows and the shows that they've recreated. Very appreciative of Scott for all of his work, and for doing this.

CD: How did you begin to manage them, was there someone who or something that inspired you to begin managing such a shiny new band?

RJ: Tom and I were involved at the beginning, but knew we needed help. We brought our friend and collaborator Ed Maier of Elm Three Productions to co-manage and help with booking, and now the three of us are working together to make sure Reprise can grow as much as possible.

The cool thing about this band is that of course they're all insanely talented musicians, but they also all really, really love Phish. So you don't just get a band covering great songs and jamming, you get an interpretation from people who have lived and appreciated this music for a very long time.

© 2024 Bill McMenamey
© 2024 Bill McMenamey

CD: For someone who has never heard them play, or who is on the fence about seeing a Phish cover band at BB on a Saturday night, are there some jams/tracks on YouTube or elsewhere online that you'd recommend they listen to?

RJ: Dude, yes. Okay, so...MK Devo has pro-shot a few of the shows, and his work is incredible. Here's them recreating 12/2/95 at Park City Music Hall, recreating 12/28/95 at the Iron Horse, both shot by MK Devo. And here's them recreating 11/26/97 at Park City Music Hall, this was shot by Dave DeCrescente, who did an awesome job.

CD: Thank you! Anything else you'd like to add about the band?

RJ: I've been at most of their shows, and I can't tell you how many people have come up to me and said something like "this captures seeing Phish in a smaller venue than anything I've ever seen."

As you know, they "reprise" a different show for every concert. They're putting their own spin on the jams, of course, but it's a real tribute to Phish's music. I think their vocal harmonies are one of the most genuine elements of the approach, and along with the precise playing and the exploration, it's a completely different way to reimagine Phish.

CD: Is there anything else you'd like to mention, perhaps something so deeply personal that you'd never want it publicly disclosed anywhere, particularly not a Phish fan website?

RJ: Yes, this is the part where I thank you for your 30+ years of dedication to our community and say that we couldn't be where we are without you, Charlie! I also don't really like Possum, still.

CD: That’s very kind of you to say, but if I’d wanted your opinion I’d have given it to you—about me AND Possum. Final question: how do you pronounce “Reprise,” knowing there’s only one right answer, i.e., Reh-Preeze?

RJ: Re-Prize. That’s how we all pronounce it so there will be no more curiosity about this!

CD: Congratulations, you all are all wrong! That said, I nevertheless hope to see Reprise soon, and I thank you for your time. Oh and I am also going to wish you a HAPPY THIRTIETH PHISH ANNIVERSARY now because I’m liable to forget it between today and October 28, 2025. You should consider writing a Thirty Years Of Sucking At Phish post for this blog. You’re welcome.

© 2024 Bill McMenamey
© 2024 Bill McMenamey

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, comment by tfoxd
tfoxd Very timely and interesting - we’re heading to check out Reprise taking on 12/12/95 tonight at The Met!
, comment by K8ter22
K8ter22 They are AMAZING! A must see!
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 I am hoping to go to the 12/11/99 show they plan on playing in New Hope, PA on 3/9. I had heard of this band before and didn’t know new material was being posted on YouTube. The original 12/2 set II is one I have listened to many times and I appreciate the effort Reprise put into that. You can even hear some of the flavor of the original Tweezer in this performance.
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