Monday 06/29/2015 by bl002e


Welcome to the 190th edition of Phish.Net's Mystery Jam Monday! The winner will receive an MP3 download courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net. To win, be the first person to identify the song and date of the mystery jam clip. Each person gets one guess per day, with the second “day” starting after I post the hint. A hint will be posted on Tuesday if necessary, with the answer to follow on Wednesday. Good luck!

Hint (Posted 2015-06-30 10:10 am): As noted in previous MJMs, sometimes the mystery jam of the week is topical and sometimes it is not. This week's mystery jam is intentionally topical.

Answer (Posted 2015-07-01 10:20 am): It's a rare week when the Blog wins, but even more rare when the contestants aren't even close. This week's MJM was played in a small club in Vermont, but the date of the show may come as a shock you. The clip comes from the 4/11/04 Sand at the original Higher Ground in Winooski. While it features Trey, Mike, Page, and Fish, it comes from a Trey solo show -- or, just like the Fare Thee Well concerts, a Trey side project. The Blog wins its 13th MJM out of 190, and the contestants will play for two MP3 downloads in next week's MJM. All-Time MJM Results


, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez Well, that's old school as hell. We're definitely pitching out of my wheel house today.
, comment by Doctor_Smarty
Doctor_Smarty 9/15/90 David Bowie
, comment by elatedvet
elatedvet antelope 5/3/85
, comment by CadillacRainb0ws
CadillacRainb0ws SOAM 11/27/92
, comment by phootyjon
phootyjon 4/4/1991 Bowie
, comment by illbuyyouaewe
illbuyyouaewe 12/30/93 Mike's
, comment by Phart_Door
Phart_Door No clue, but sounds like a Tweezer to me
, comment by Destiny_Bound
Destiny_Bound Antelope 4/18/92
, comment by Lee_Fordham
Lee_Fordham Good Times Bad Timed 2/12/93
, comment by Choda
Choda @MiguelSanchez said:
Well, that's old school as hell. We're definitely pitching out of my wheel house today.
You mean wheel chair. Ha ha. Get it?
, comment by IdRatherBeOnTour
IdRatherBeOnTour I know it is It's Ice but just can't find the show...GL everyone...
, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel 5/9/92 Tweezer
, comment by kidrob
kidrob 6/29/94 bowie
, comment by metawhy
metawhy sounds like SOAM. great recording also - sbd?
, comment by Feel_The_Bern
Feel_The_Bern Sounds like an Antelope to me. 91-92 by the sound of the recording. I'll see if I can find it...
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 This one's a humdinger. Page throwing me off. Beautiful selection here. The glory of entertaining yourself as you go down this memory lane of shows while simultaneously frustrating yourself miss after miss.
, comment by jwp86
jwp86 Bowie 4/17/92
, comment by jragz44
jragz44 Sounds very early... Will do the 8/10/87 Bowie..
, comment by CadillacRainb0ws
CadillacRainb0ws The Other One 5/3/85
, comment by mgrant0213
mgrant0213 Eyes of the world 5/3/85
, comment by dr_strangelove
dr_strangelove I can't wait to see the answer. that clip is sick
, comment by Guelah34
Guelah34 Sounds like a Mike's to me. Gotta figure out what date though...
, comment by GottaJibboo
GottaJibboo Hint makes me believe its a dead cover. I like @CadillacRainb0ws and @mgrant0213 guesses, but can't confirm either is correct.
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez That clue certainly confirms me thought that this was an 80's thing. I was going to throw something from 5/3/85 out there as a guess, but that's been covered.

I'll go with 4/1/86 help on the way.
, comment by Matty1222
Matty1222 Eyes of the World 12/1/84
, comment by illbuyyouaewe
illbuyyouaewe Slipknot! 4/1/86
, comment by Lee_Fordham
Lee_Fordham I think a Dead tune is too easy for the hint, so I'm going with a show in CHICAGO:

David Bowie - June 18 '94
, comment by stillwaitin
stillwaitin Antelope 5/3/85
, comment by PersnicketyJim
PersnicketyJim I'm trying to find times in which Phish played in front of a rainbow, which may or may not have occurred on 1992-08-17. But then rainbows got me thinking of marriage equality, which makes me want to look for wedding gigs, especially since the clip sounds like it took place was in a house or studio. Alas, I can't listen to 1988-05-28.

Fishman's snare sounds odd, Page's use of the B-3 is a little unique, Mike's extra poppy, and Trey's tone strikes me as 1990-ish. I'd say it's in the key of A but it could also be related to E, but that's type II...

At this point we have to work collectively on this one.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 @PersnicketyJim said:
I'm trying to find times in which Phish played in front of a rainbow, which may or may not have occurred on 1992-08-17. But then rainbows got me thinking of marriage equality, which makes me want to look for wedding gigs, especially since the clip sounds like it took place was in a house or studio. Alas, I can't listen to 1988-05-28.

Fishman's snare sounds odd, Page's use of the B-3 is a little unique, Mike's extra poppy, and Trey's tone strikes me as 1990-ish. I'd say it's in the key of A but it could also be related to E, but that's type II...

At this point we have to work collectively on this one.
That's using your noodle. It's funny because you could see Trey's playing as something from Spring 92 and then you hear Page and you might think this is something from the 80s. A year and a half in the No MJM Penitentiary gave bl002e time to think about how he wanted to confuse and emasculate the Phish fans. I played around too much last night but maybe I'll have a eureka moment later on after work. Big ups to anyone who can nail this one.
, comment by perpg
perpg tweezer 4/13/91?
, comment by Doctor_Smarty
Doctor_Smarty 11/3/84 St Stephen
, comment by forbin1
forbin1 I don't think it's from the 80's...I'm thinking early 90's
, comment by yeagermeister
yeagermeister Antelope 10/18/91
, comment by mgrant0213
mgrant0213 This one is ridiculously tough. I am hoping that if I watch Trey channel Angus Young on Halloween 1989, it will help me see the answer. Plus, Trey with the 'guns out' is almost over the top.
, comment by akjed
akjed Timber (Jerry) 5/21/1988
, comment by sirhotpants
sirhotpants Bowie 4/10/93

Probably isn't it but I've been combing through '92 and '93 Bowies and Chalkdusts and think I'm getting close, but gotta split so that's my guess for now. The mix for 4/10/93 sounds similar to the MJM mix at least... (so did the one from 5/2/92, which is an incredible sounding show that I'm happy I found!)
, comment by forbin1
forbin1 6/28/95 Tweezer
, comment by Destiny_Bound
Destiny_Bound I'm still stuck on Antelope in '92, but Page's use of a B-3 and not piano is throwing that line of thinking off. First shows in CA? San Fran area shows? Trey's guitar certainly sounds like '92. What is our topical connection???
, comment by Fikus
Fikus Fairly certain it's not it, but I'm going to go with Mike's, 4/29/94
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 @Destiny_Bound said:
I'm still stuck on Antelope in '92, but Page's use of a B-3 and not piano is throwing that line of thinking off. First shows in CA? San Fran area shows? Trey's guitar certainly sounds like '92. What is our topical connection???
Topical ointment reference. It was that time at the Front when Trey asked someone from the crowd for some Neosporin. But what Front show....

No, there is no such show with this type of reference. It's funny because the hint could have just been that is a SBD recording but at least there is something to help you; or throw you further into confusion.
, comment by CadillacRainb0ws
CadillacRainb0ws its definitely is NOT Love Me Like a Man from 3/18/97...
, comment by IdRatherBeOnTour
IdRatherBeOnTour Jennifer Dances 12-5-99
, comment by DogInTheStation
DogInTheStation Call It A Stormy Monday, 2-23-89
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes Timber Ho 9/2/87
, comment by negativeseven
negativeseven 1985-05-03 Scarlet Begonias
, comment by barisax47
barisax47 You were on to something. It's Antelope from 3/13/92.
, comment by barisax47
barisax47 @barisax47 said:
You were on to something. It's Antelope from 3/13/92.
whoops, directed at @destiny_unbound
, comment by barisax47
barisax47 Sorry for the triple post. Wasted three comments on being wrong, and tagged the wrong person, shoulda double checked. Must've been listening to the sample with that show open in another tab or something...
, comment by PersnicketyJim
PersnicketyJim Barely topical, can't listen to verify... Timber (Jerry) 1988-07-30
, comment by Shmendrick
Shmendrick Sound's like an 80s Mike's Song to me.
, comment by Feel_The_Bern
Feel_The_Bern 8/17/92 Tweezer, maybe? I was thinking this show because of its being in California, and the first performance of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and related teases (rainbow at Levi's, gay pride, Supreme Court, etc). The recording informed me as well, also being SBD and in the 92-ish zone we've narrowed it down too.
, comment by Rmirish1
Rmirish1 I like your thought process ramsaYEM, I was leaning towards Bowie from the same show - 8.17.92 Bowie
, comment by seano
seano that shows already in the charts, looks perfectly relevant though
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer We really haven't nailed this yet? I really hate to let the blog win... but it's 11 PM and I have a meeting first thing tomorrow morning. Maybe a little checking wouldn't hurt (and my first thought was late '80s Whipping Post FWIW).
, comment by Dadstaches
Dadstaches 1st ever guess...7/3/95 Bowie?
, comment by Fleezer
Fleezer Antelope 8/14/97
, comment by runlikecarini
runlikecarini sounds like a 93/94 mikes. ill start combing
, comment by nickavv
nickavv Slipknot - 04/01/86
, comment by stillwaitin
stillwaitin Bowie 6/28/92
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 Samsonite! I was way off!
, comment by Lee_Fordham
Lee_Fordham Bowie 7/3/94
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes The blog has to play dirty to win, huh? (Just kidding! Well-played!)
, comment by Lee_Fordham
Lee_Fordham TAB, albeit members of Phish? Blog gets an * for this win.

, comment by IdRatherBeOnTour
IdRatherBeOnTour Blogs going down next week!!
, comment by Phart_Door
Phart_Door Blog had to trick us to win. Boo!
, comment by PersnicketyJim
PersnicketyJim That the clip was so difficult to identify, that it sounded to us all like still somewhat amateur Phish to us, further indicts the era between the very late 1990s and 2009, in my opinion.

Tricky but good selection, @bl002e. MJM forces us to fine-tune our ears. Bring it for next week!
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez Well, that was one shitty hint!!

Either way, I was not going to get that one. Well done MJM. I think it's been a while since you have experienced the sweet taste of victory.
, comment by Feel_The_Bern
Feel_The_Bern Wow, that's incredible! How do I get the SBD recording of that show? I really like that jam.
, comment by stillwaitin
stillwaitin I remember the show was billed as "easter jam". I was going to go because I had a feeling it would be trey, but I got sick and bailed. D'oh!
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Ugh, the thought crossed my mind that this wasn't a Phish jam, but I thought that was too dirty of a trick (both times it happened). Whatever, the blog needs a few wins from time to time. Blog's going down next week.
, comment by Destiny_Bound
Destiny_Bound dammit! On re-listen, I do hear the tones of the Sand baseline. Trey "side project" is quite a distraction given the other relevant "topical" events of the past and coming weekends. Who would have thunk it would be related to the Dead, and Trey playing with them...only Captain Obvious, duh?

Well played!
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @uctweezer said:
Ugh, the thought crossed my mind that this wasn't a Phish jam, but I thought that was too dirty of a trick (both times it happened). Whatever, the blog needs a few wins from time to time. Blog's going down next week.
(Yes, I know this technically is a Phish jam)
, comment by Hugh_Mongus
, comment by bl002e
bl002e @Feel_The_Bern said:
Wow, that's incredible! How do I get the SBD recording of that show? I really like that jam.
From the Phish Download Spreadsheet:
, comment by forbin1
forbin1 Booo! I want my money back!
, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel Nice win Blog. No cripes from me on this one. The benefit from being way off on the year for this is that I've rifled through a bunch of great jams from '87-'92, which is nice.
, comment by melt_the_tek9
melt_the_tek9 sorry, but Trey sitting in with the Dead is not a "Trey side project." A phish member side project would be their own band. Just as Mike Gordon Band is a side project, when Mike played with The Other Ones, that was not a Mike side project, at least I never would consider it to be.

Booo blog!!!
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 @uctweezer said:
@uctweezer said:
Ugh, the thought crossed my mind that this wasn't a Phish jam, but I thought that was too dirty of a trick (both times it happened). Whatever, the blog needs a few wins from time to time. Blog's going down next week.
(Yes, I know this technically is a Phish jam)
Wasn't the other one that sick Pork Tornado jam from 2006?
, comment by bl002e
bl002e @melt_the_tek9 said:
sorry, but Trey sitting in with the Dead is not a "Trey side project." A phish member side project would be their own band. Just as Mike Gordon Band is a side project, when Mike played with The Other Ones, that was not a Mike side project, at least I never would consider it to be.

Booo blog!!!
My explanation may have been a bit off, semantically, but the hint is still perfectly valid: as he did on April 11, 2004 and this past weekend, and as he will do this coming weekend, Trey played a non-Phish show.

Obviously, this hint wasn't exceptionally helpful, but it had been way too long since the contestants were stumped, and I'm a firm believer that the more challenging this game is, the greater the number of people there are who are able to participate, and the more fun it ultimately is. I'd thought of making the hint related to the location (either the state of VT or some reference to the song "Higher Ground" ;) , but I feared that either would give it away to easily, not realizing how stuck most of you would get on this one being from an older show.

And as alluded to by @uctweezer, the precedent of MJMs not necessarily being from an outright Phish show has already been set (see here and here). At least this one featured Phish in its entirety. :-)
, comment by bl002e
bl002e Holy crap -- check out the sixth comment (by DogGone) in the first MJM I linked above (MJM #69). The correct answer was right in front of all of you this entire time!
, comment by eyesontweeprize
eyesontweeprize The hint was unhelpful and misleading. I don't see how a TAB show jam is "intentionally topical" because Trey is currently playing these dead shows. Nope nope nope nope nope. But congrats to the blog for winning, nonetheless.
, comment by bl002e
bl002e Image
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