In keeping with the theme of the second set, Hood included a Moby Dick tease. Trey introduced Fish as “Russell Crowe” during Terrapin. The Moby Dick inside of the HYHU jam featured Trey on drums and Fish on vacuum. The Chalk Dust Reprise was akin to the version last played on December 10, 1994 (393 shows), with the band singing the words “Chalk Dust Torture” over varied music. At the end of the encore, Trey joked that, if anyone missed anything, they should read the book or see the movie. Trey also teased Moby Dick at the end of the encore's Chalk Dust Reprise. Prior to this show, Moby Dick had not been played since November 29, 1997 (174 shows).
Moby Dick tease in Harry Hood, Moby Dick tease in Chalk Dust Torture Reprise
Debut Years (Average: 1992)

This show was part of the "2000 Summer U.S. Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2000-07-11

Review by andywentling

andywentling If everything written about this show isn't enough...the 6'6" guy with the Harlem Globetrotter uniform giving high-fives and saying "good game" on the way out of the lawn at the end sealed it. Mind-numbing awesome!!!
, attached to 2000-07-11

Review by Corey

Corey I tripped so hard i thought they were making fun of me. I love these guys!
, attached to 2000-07-11

Review by MiguelSanchez

MiguelSanchez falling after a pretty sharp show, us fans were expecting serious fire works on this middle night of the 3 night deer creek stand. they got most of the farm house stuff out of the way the night before, so it was time to dig deep tonight!

yamar: this was a very nice chiller opener, like ctb the night before. trey had some nice little explorations on the back end of this yamar.

the moma dance: this upped the funk factor a peg. it feels really well following yamar.

uncle penn: turning the vibe on its head, this classic bluegrass tune was well-received. they nailed it.

drowned: here we go! the first jammer of the night. they rocked this one out and started to get into a weird funky jam. i looked at my buddy and said sounds like santa cruz 94 chalk dust and....

chalk dust reprise: it was the 2nd run through the 'ol chalk dust reprise. many did not spot those, but the ones that did couldn't believe it.

chalk dust torture: of course, after the reprise, they have to absolutely bury chalk dust. trey blew the roof off the pavillion. good version.

theme from the bottom: this chilled everyone out a bit without letting the quality of the music drop a peg. good version. the whole band meshed well on this take.

cavern: great way to close out the set.

set 2

2001: many had the dwd/2001 debate for a good minute before fishman kicked into 2001. this was a good solid version. page came out of the gates strong. i can't speak for the rest of the crowd, but everyone in the lower pavillion was in the hot night of phish zone from here on out.

dwd: those that were pulling for the dwd opener got their jam next. this one really took off quickly and about 15 minutes in they hit a nice little groove. trey starts hinting around moby dick for a minute before everyone else catches on. fishman, of course, was the first to really jump on it, then it was go time!

moby dick/dwd: they did a full on take of moby dick that caught this crowd completely off guard. after a decently hot drum solo the boys slam this one back into the closing section of dwd. as that fades out a bit...

runaway jim: trey was gassed on this one. the "song" portion was played with a lot of energy, and you could tell they were looking to jam on this, but they did not take this one out to far before arriving back into...

moby dick: uh oh, was this going to be one of those sets... sure looks like it.

gbott: at first, i was bummed to hear this one. i thought it was going to be a momentum killer, and i was getting a little sick of hearing this one all summer but they surprised me. trey starts throwing some pretty hilarious moby dick lines in the middle section of gbott. the gbott guitar effect was used and the moby dick lines just sounded hilarious

harry hood: time for page to lead the fun! right after hood intro is played, page starts hitting some really funky moby dick/clavinet stuff. this hood really takes off, occasionally dancing around the moby dick theme, but with some really nice jamming along the way, this one finds its way to the typical land of you can feel good about hood.

character zero: this song annoys the piss out of me, but after such a hot set, who cares?!!!


1st tube: pretty straight forward until we begin recapping the nights fun...

moby dick: of course, we have to do one more!

chalk dust reprise: this was complete with some pretty funny trey banter about those that missed anything need to see the movie. some believed this meant a deer creek dvd might be on the way, but alas, never to be.... not to mention i didnt see any cameras. that's neither hear nor there, good way to cap off a great night!

set 1
drowned>chalkdust rep>chalk dust

set 2


this is one of the best shows i've seen them play. very good night. unfortunately, it left a lot for the 3rd night to live up to. the '00 deer creek run peaked right here. the first set of the 3 rd night was great, but the 2nd set really peters out after cross eyed.
, attached to 2000-07-11

Review by 1969tasmanseries

1969tasmanseries The Moby Dick show.

The meat of set 1 :D rowned first rages, then cools down into light funk before stopping suddenly. When it starts up again, it's a bustout of CDT Reprise. Very interesting to hear. > to CDT itself, which turns into a awesome climax.

Except for the Reprise, this set's fairly average for the time

Set 2

For the most part, the jammed-on songs - DWD, Jim, BOTT & Hood - are straightforward, average, and tight. What sets them apart is the Moby Dick, of course, which is goofy phish at its finest. Hood, perhaps, has some cool jamming around the Moby Dick theme. Henrietta and encore are hilarious

Final thoughts: Nothing in the show is very deep or mind-blowing, but it is lots of fun. 4 stars.

Highlights: Drowned, CDT reprise > CDT, and Moby Dick shenanigans
, attached to 2000-07-11

Review by RagingMobOfJoggers

RagingMobOfJoggers From />
Deer Creek Music Center (or the new, less popular name Verizon Wireless Music Center) has been a Phish Summer Tour staple since 1995. Deer Creek has always held a special spot in Phish fans' hearts because Phish rarely lets them down when they come to this Indiana corn field (the picture above is the road going into the parking lot). The 24,000 person venue is located in Nobelsville, a tiny town with more stalks of corn than trees. Despite the little development and residential space around the amphitheater, the town has given it an 11pm curfew. Last year the second set began just before 11, pushing the end of the show almost until 1am which was certainly welcome by fans but probably not Deer Creek's staff. A lot of shows at Deer Creek are worth mention actually, but I want to focus on the second night of a three night concert from 2000.

On Tuesday, July 11th, 2000 Phish took the stage with a standard version of Ya Mar, an upbeat song perfect for a hot July night. Phish then jumped into the show headfirst with an above average version of Moma Dance. This version is thick, Trey sounds extremely clean and Page and Fish are there to back him up, the end gets intense quickly between those three with Mike there to provide support. After a peppy Uncle Penn, Page's baby grand echoed to the back of the grass with the beginning of Drowned.

After the composed section of Drowned, they go into a jam one would expect from this song; a roller coaster of notes from Trey with Fish rolling behind him and Page trilling away. Around ten minutes or so into the song Trey starts playing as if he is signaling they will be going back into the song. Once the band gets that cue Trey starts fading away, leaving Mike and Fish to fend for themselves. The Mike and Fish combo gains a head full of steam, driving the night into a funk adventure. Everything gets nice and tight when Fish switches from his ride to his 3/4 closed hi-hat. Trey starts stroking in in a manner that sounds like a sped up and loose Get Back on the Train sort of way. Fishman hits his snare with more and more pop, letting Mike work around the powerful and simple drum beat. Then the jam stops, like the start/stop style stop from 1997 or '98, after a few seconds they all go back to where they left off in the jam only to stop again. The next time they come back in after a few seconds, it sounds similar to what they were just playing, but not quite. The music, after the second stop, is noticeably more structured than before.

During one of my favorite Phish moments ever, Trey starts singing the lyrics "chalkdust tourtuuuure!", not the lyrics to Chalkdust Tourture, though. The guitar sounds similar to the real song, only slowed down, everyone is slowed down. The structure, albeit simple, is nothing the same. The "song" is based around it's three small crescendos where Trey yells "chalkdust torture!" with the rest backing him up on vocals. It's not the easiest thing to explain, I suggest downloading it though because it sounds absolutely euphoric. Then, without missing a beat, Trey launches into the real song.

In this faster than usual ten minute version, it contains fierce drum rolls behind a wailing Trey. After the first peak, Fish and Trey build up lots more tension for a second, larger, peak. It sinks back down then for a tensionless little peak from just Trey before going into the end of the song. An excellent version.

The second set opens with ambient drum crashes and digital delays in the middle of billowing smoke on stage. It turns out the first set was just foreshadowing how fun the second was going to be. At about the 1:39 mark Fish snaps into the tight beat of 2001 in the middle of one of Trey's more unstable digital delays, when he hears the drums he lets it get loose and the delay "cries" away in a dramatic fashion. He has started 2001s like this before, see 2009's MSG 2001. After the drums are kickin' Trey laces Deer creek with a web of digital delay loops, and these ones don't fade away quickly with time like some of his more recent ones have in Gotta Jibboos and 2001s. This version is a solid dance party to get the fans moving after the set break.

Out of the ambient sound that comes at the end of 2001, it soon turns into Mike's ambient sound and ends up being the quicker than normal distorted intro to Down With Disease. Coming out of the high energy composed section of the song, it is a standard Down With Disease jam, with Trey playing lots of notes in front of the support of Fish. Around the 10:20 mark Trey gets slightly distorted while Fish is still rolling along behind him as if Trey was still blazing along. At 12:15 Trey comes in rolling with chords, Fish follows with a roll and they sink down into Moby Dick, last played on 11/29/1997. The loose rendition of Moby Dick gets the crowd roaring. After one of the stops in the song, Trey looks to Fish and boom back into the end of Down With Disease.

Out of the end of Down With Disease came Runaway Jim, a standard jam--until Trey started playing Moby Dick again and Fish popped from the ride to the hi-hat in order to thump out the Moby Dick beat again. Moby Dick would end that version of Runaway Jim. Next was Get Back on the Train, an upbeat version that also eventually goes into Moby Dick in the middle of it's jam. It was apparent that Moby Dick was going to be the "central theme" on this night. This time, after they play Moby Dick, Fish starts going back into the snare-heavy GBOTT beat, while Trey obviously expected ending the song. This makes for an awkward ending to the song, but it's what happens when Phish is going to be improvising like crazy all night long, a tiny price to pay.

Fishman then decides to hit the high toms and embark into a fun version of Harry Hood. The playful intro to the song is laced with, you guessed it, Moby Dick teases from Page, Mike and Trey, respectively--all of which leads to a little mini Moby Dick drum solo tease from Fish. The ensuing jam is noodley and lacks a climax, not boring, but not special. The end lyrics come on and out of the end of the song they go into yet another version of Moby Dick. Trey, probably jealous, eventually gets to play Moby Dick on the drums himself while he is on Fish's set for HYHU after Terrapin (where Trey also calls Fishman Russell Crowe, Fishman claiming it was "[his] best [film] to date") later in the second set.

The encore sums up the theme and fun of the night. First Tube>Moby Dick>"Chalkdust Tourture Reprise", only this "CDTR" has goofy banter from Trey, closing out the show during the euphoricly sounding newfound song, first of all telling all the people camping there that night to "not do anything [they] wouldn't do" and finally, "we are THE PHISH, FROM VERMONT!"

If anything, get this show for the Drowned>Chalkdust Tourture Reprise>Chalkdust Tourture.

, attached to 2000-07-11

Review by IdRatherBeOnTour

IdRatherBeOnTour EPIC SHOW!! Next favorite after NYE Big Cypress.

, attached to 2000-07-11

Review by spreaditround

spreaditround PHISH, TUESDAY 07/11/2000
Noblesville, IN
SET 1:

Ya Mar: Great jam to open this one up! It’s nothing to out there or anything but they definitely fire up the 4 headed beast here. Trey and Fish, especially shine.

The Moma Dance: Standard.

Uncle Pen: Standard.

Drowned: The last few minutes of this one is what set’s it apart from basically any version – totally bouncy and upbeat. Great theme that they set in place and run with it. If you can’t dance to this one then I am not sure what to tell you. Would recommend!

Chalk Dust Torture Reprise: Woah, totally out of left field. It took me a beat or two but then I realized where I had heard this before. I used to listen to 12.10.94 a lot. That is where I had heard this before. What a riot this was! Would recommend for the unique aspect of it all. >

Chalk Dust Torture: Standard.

Theme From the Bottom: Standard. >

Cavern: Standard.

SET 2:

Also Sprach Zarathustra: Great way to open up the second set! This was a lot of fun. >

Down with Disease: -> Moby Dick > Down with Disease: They teased MD in Cavern at Hartford, so this wasn’t totally out of left field. Very fun and entertaining sequence here. >

Runaway Jim -> Moby Dick: Standard Jim but when they busted back into MD it was becoming apparent that the band was thoroughly enjoying themselves this evening.

Back on the Train -> Moby Dick > Back on the Train: Standard BOTT .

Harry Hood > Moby Dick: Standard Hood.

Hold Your Head Up > Terrapin > Hold Your Head Up > Moby Dick[1] > Hold Your Head Up: Fishman hamming it up and Deer Creek ate it up.

Character Zero: Standard.


First Tube > Moby Dick > Chalk Dust Torture Reprise: First Tube is normal, MD of course and then the hilarious banter in CDTR.

Summary: This show was a lot of fun to attend. Walking out of this one was a hoot over hearing all the lively conversation and recounting of what just transpired. The rating currently I guess I understand why it is so high because of the unique aspect of this one. Outside of that though and the Ya Mar, there isn’t anything else I ever need to revisit. Would rate as a 4/5.

Replay Value: Ya Mar

[1] Trey on drums and Fish on vacuum.

In keeping with the theme of the second set, Hood included a Moby Dick tease. Trey introduced Fish as “Russell Crowe” during Terrapin. The Moby Dick inside of the HYHU jam featured Trey on drums and Fish on vacuum. The Chalk Dust Reprise was akin to the version last played on December 10, 1994 (393 shows), with the band singing the words “Chalk Dust Torture” over varied music. At the end of the encore, Trey joked that, if anyone missed anything, they should read the book or see the movie. Trey also teased Moby Dick at the end of the encore's Chalk Dust Reprise. Prior to this show, Moby Dick had not been played since November 29, 1997 (174 shows).
Ratings are currently offline.
Overall: 4.607/5 (>50 ratings)
Drowned, Chalk Dust Torture Reprise, Chalk Dust Torture, Also Sprach Zarathustra
Moby Dick tease in Harry Hood, Moby Dick tease in Chalk Dust Torture Reprise
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