Debut Years (Average: 1987)

This show was part of the "1990 Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 1990-12-08

Review by Ramble_On

Ramble_On I wasn't into the band at all when I hit this show (my first). It was my first semester at SUNY New Paltz, just across the river from Poughkeepsie, and a new friend asked if I wanted to go. Rode in his VW bus to a college in Poughkeepsie (I think Vasser) and hung out in a dorm and had a few drinks. Went to the Chance and the show was more or less like a college party than a concert. It was a lot of people I had met at school those first few weeks and I just kinda wandered around the club, half listening. It wasn't crowded at all. I remember the weird lights bouncing off the wall and the merch booth in the back (wish I had bought something but really wasn't that impressed with the band). I also remember this girl who lived on the first floor of my dorm was there and wasted drunk. She was kinda hot but sloppy.
After the show, I gave away the only Phish bootleg I had because I didn't think I liked 'em. That changed over the next year or two !
, attached to 1990-12-08

Review by westbrook

westbrook This is the last show of the tour before the New Year's Run, as Trey notes. The recording for this show is pretty bad and it's missing the first set. The rhythm section sounds like a low rumble most of the time. Nonetheless, I enjoyed several parts of this show and most of the set is very tight. Llama through Bouncing is all good, and I really like this Antelope. Tela and Golgi are played well, too. I had never heard No Good Trying before and this was the second of three performances of the song. YEM is ok but they're are some cuts in the jam section. The multiple encores are nice, as well. Taking the low quality recording into account, I'll give this 3 stars
, attached to 1990-12-08

Review by tsatsawassa

tsatsawassa I recorded this show. I have both sets. I wonder if the original recordings people refer to are mine because there was some cuts in the recordings due to my using a two track that required an outlet for power. I was sitting dead center in the balcony with a small table. My extension cord was plugged into the wall behind me, but their was an aisle between me and the outlet. At one point (or two) some girl was leaning against the wall with the outlet and she put her foot on the plug, so the recording cut out. Uggghhh, I was bummed, but what do you do?

As for the show, the most amazing part I remember to this day is when Trey came out of his solo in Highway to Hell he used the mic stand as a slide, pushing the neck against the mic stand the whole length of the fretboard just as he started back into the chorus. I can still see this in my mind almost 35 years later.

Anyway, I don't really follow the band that much anymore, but my friends from those days still do. Not sure what I would do with my Master recordings from the show considering I seem to be the only person in the world with a recording of the first set.

I seem to remember there was someone else recording down on the main floor, but considering I know my recording cut out a few times for reasons explained, the linked show may be my recording. Some day I might get around to digitizing the first set, or giving my masters to someone who might be able to improve the quality if the linked recording is the one I did.

Anyway, I'm old now, 53, so I'm busy with lots of other stuff. Still, it seems like people would probably like to hear the first set since it's not available.
, attached to 1990-12-08

Review by thelot

thelot Not a very good audience source available for this second set. Thankfully at least part of this show circulates.

Llama cuts in on the recording. Nice version. Things get cooking with a red hot Antelope! Another extended Marco section. Tela makes another appearance since last being seen a couple times at the start of the tour. Trey’s solo is a little shaky. No Good Trying is played again. YEM has some cuts in it but features a great jam section and really cool bass solo that sounds like bass jello. Decent Bitch for the first encore. The Contact/Highway to Hell pairing is always a fun way to end the evening.
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