Date | City | Timing | Notes |
2013-10-31 | Atlantic City, NJ | 10:47 | Debut. First version hints at future jamming potential for "Fuego." |
2014-07-04 | Saratoga Springs, NY | 19:31 | The first improvisational "Fuego" works away from the song structure gradually, making a full break by 11:30 into some very nice, light and fluttery interplay. The intensity builds to a crescendo before smoothly sliding into "DwD." |
2014-07-08 | Philadelphia, PA | 25:58 | Like the SPAC "Fuego" this jam begins with some quieter musings, followed by a couple of peaking sections. Then the jam turns rhythmic, funky, and almost jazz-like, with some nice Fish and Page, before finally dwindling to transition space. |
2014-07-30 | Portsmouth, VA | 18:28 | The jam breaks into a propulsive and somewhat dark groove at 9:00. This groove becomes more funk oriented as Page switches keyboards, then brightens in tone with some "Manteca"-like jamming near the end. |
2015-08-11 | Philadelphia, PA | 16:19 | For the 2nd straight year, the Mann gets a big "Fuego." This jam begins in a subdued manner, then builds energy and feel-good sensibility before revisiting the "Fuego" theme with an uplifting spirit. |
2016-06-28 | Philadelphia, PA | 16:04 | Dives into a low-key late-night groove at Mike's urging, then Fish takes control as Trey lays down some thick MuTron nastiness. Mike remains very present all throughout. Briefly resolves to major key, but instead puddles and > into "Runaway Jim". |
2016-07-02 | Saratoga Springs, NY | 12:27 | One of those jams that straddles the fence between "Type I" and "Type II". They never quite leave Fuego's structure, but some warm Trey interplay with Page make for a nice departure from the "Fuego" norm. |
2016-07-19 | San Francisco, CA | 11:12 | Dives into late-night relaxed sparseness, with Trey and Page adding some occasional dissonant color. Trey even touches on "Manteca" a bit, a sign of things to come. > into a fabulous "Ghost". |
2017-01-13 | Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico | 19:53 | After settling into some quieter musing, the jam takes on a percussive sense, and proceeds to build to a Trey-led, rocking peak. Gradually settling down, the jam transitions to a strong "Caspian." |
2017-07-25 | New York, NY | 18:41 | Patient and serene, the play here illustrates a band at the peak of their collective powers. Trey's smooth and textured play is matched by Page, whose work on the piano adds an effortless air. A subtle shift finds Page going electric, and the version assumes a sound surreal, with Mike working his drill, which seemingly opens a portal through which any number of ideas are released. Trey's tranquil strumming cum soloing provides a colorful legroom, which is filled by particularly fine play from Fish and produces a super > into "Thread". |
2018-07-28 | Inglewood, CA | 17:39 | One of those "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture" versions, but here goes: A strong composed section cools and, wonderfully, in lieu of working through pleasant, but familiar space, Trey seems to toy with "The Little Drummer Boy" (11:02), a line which leads through a passage(s) of concerted, cerebral, full-band play. The jam becomes stately, and "Coil"-esque in nature. But this is no outro. More great soloing follows as Trey works the music to a perfectly balanced peak. |
2019-06-26 | Bangor, ME | 17:18 | Sprite and airy play dominates until, following the 13:00 mark, the band revisits the song's primary melody (nice and growly) and descends into a welcome, if not quite warm, passage of controlled, near-chaotic play. Trey augments his tone and leans into his effects, with Mike sounding off (any number of possible teases) before the four, as if rehearsed, line up their -> into a world-class "Cities." |
2022-04-22 | New York, NY | 15:49 | Charming in-song moment as Trey snickers over the "world's greatest dad" line (it was his daughter Bella's birthday). The song itself is shaky, but after some regularly strong "Fuego" jamming Trey starts laying on some very thick riffs as Mike maneuvers the jam into choppier waters, then the bottom drops out and an ambient, almost industrial jam emerges, with effects flying everywhere and Fishman thundering away 12/30/12 "Carini" style. > into "WTU?". |
2022-07-30 | Columbia, MD | 18:53 | Furious play, early, and, if the band enjoys changing shapes, this is a posture this tune will do well to assume. To wit, when play predictably cools, Trey (and Fish) rather ratchet up the intensity, the friends offering a version befitting "viking warriors" and "animal heads." Absent early 90s tension and release, here is a new force, just a remarkable version and testament to Phish's ever-evolving vision. Listen to the aud for some of the very best of Phish: Us, responding. Tremendous version. |
2022-09-04 | Commerce City, CO | 14:31 | Solid composed section provides few surprises, but after an especially fiery peak, the jam becomes an extended, laid back and breezy meditation flavored with hints of "Meatstick" (or is it "Fire on the Mountain"?). Never quite achieving full band tease status, the jam nevertheless serves as reminder that this is indeed "Fuego" played at the foot of the Rockies at a place called "Dick's". |
2023-04-18 | Berkeley, CA | 21:34 | Rough start after a somewhat awkward transition. The band omit a section of the composition early on and forget some lyrics before launching into the jam. As is often the case, they make up for stumbles with transcendent improvisation and here they truly dive deep. After cascading peaks and some vocal levitation, they descend into the ambient abyss. Slowly resurfacing on surging waves of bliss that lift and float towards a tantalizing sonic perfection, it's not long before Mike grabs the helm and submerges the band once again as play takes a darker, more driven turn. The music churns until a theme recalling part of "Mercury" emerges briefly before > "Light". |
2023-07-12 | Huntsville, AL | 18:52 | Don't bother looking for Vikings, but listen early for a flourish from Page that kicks off a rush of play, gathering the rest of the band and using the momentum to catalyze a slowly fermenting brew of synth and effects from which the four friends extract an echo-laden groove that -> "Piper". |
2023-07-29 | New York, NY | 30:04 | Veritable monster of a version that works as an emblematic example of Phish's comfort in MSG. Focused patience marks the affair, as "soundcheck" vibes abound. Eventually the grooves turn spacier and funkier around the 20:00 mark, before building towards a major key rock out. The music then downshifts into heavenly "hose" territory, with Trey looping infectious '99-esque repeated licks and subtly reintegrating the "Fuego" melody for a stunning finale. |
2023-12-30 | New York, NY | 16:40 | Soars out of the verses into mild weirdness with Trey and Page synthing it up while Mike and Fish keep things on track with a strong pulse, then locks into a tremendous heavy-duty groove just before 11:00 and rocks out until a short interlude and -> "Train Song". |
2024-04-20 | Las Vegas, NV | 29:24 | Smoothly coasts through various stages of effortless, upbeat jamming, becomes grimier as it approaches 20:00, and then turns up the intensity as the jam winds its way to an anthemic conclusion. |
2024-08-03 | Noblesville, IN | 13:30 | "Fuego" admirably fills the role of set-closer for the first time with a tight, well-executed jam featuring melodic leads out of the verses and later a grittier section which brings certified "set-closer energy" to the rocking conclusion. |
2024-08-18 | Dover, DE | 16:32 | Following a strong composed section, the version gains greater momentum come 7:30. Laser-focused breathless jamming becomes unhinged late (some really cool sound) before, pushed by Fish, play becomes wildly percussive and, again, impressively air-tight. |
2024-10-26 | Albany, NY | 15:43 | Continuing their capacity to surprise, Albany's "context collapse" comes when, exiting "Fuego" proper, Trey directly ignites another creative spark. It's fun to hear a callback to "Jimmy .... Jimmy ...." playing as the band follows an impossibly cool, unprogrammed pattern. After the 9:00 mark, Mike offers an idea, and while the improv doesn't change direction, a slew of sonic sounds emerge, bathing the audience in bending musical 'modes' pleasantly atonal, much different from, yet similar to, a "modern" Melt. Listen to the run's "Mercury" for a completely inverse improvisational approach. |
2025-01-31 | Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico | 22:43 | Impassioned play comes early from the outset of the jam, before a breakdown after the 10 minute mark signals a change. An insistent riff from Trey then builds momentum as the music grows introspective and groovier, courtesy of Mike and Page's synth dominance. A propulsive yet atmospheric space is cultivated here and patiently explored with varying textures from each band member, before yielding to the "Fuego" conclusion. | is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.
This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.
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The Mockingbird Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Phish fans in 1996 to generate charitable proceeds from the Phish community.
And since we're entirely volunteer – with no office, salaries, or paid staff – administrative costs are less than 2% of revenues! So far, we've distributed over $2 million to support music education for children – hundreds of grants in all 50 states, with more on the way.