Song Abbreviations

The default setlists avoid abbreviations, for maximum clarity and so as not to confuse newer fans. (Show notes and song notes do, however, use abbreviations.) Not everyone will recognize PYITE, BBFCFM, MMGAMOIO, WMGGW, or SOAM - and SOAM might be :Scent of a Mule" or "Split Open and Melt".

However, many users will find that abbreviated setlists are both easier to read and more like a conversation about a show. When was the last time you used the full song title “Run Like an Antelope” or “You Enjoy Myself ” in a conversation? The abbreviations “Antelope” and “YEM” have become more conversationally common than the original song titles, and fans rarely take the time to write out full titles. We therefore now offer J-card toggles to shorten song titles.

ALO: A Live One

ASZ: "Also Sprach Zarathustra", aka "2001"

AUD: Audience recording of a show, made using microphones with in the taping section or FOB, as opposed to a recording made from the soundboard (2-track or otherwise), FM radio, pre-FM, local FM (e.g. for handicapped seating), or monitor feed.

BATR: Bouncing Around the Room

BBFCFM: Big Black Furry Creature From Mars (once argued as BFatFCFM, but released as Black on Hampton Comes Alive)

BBJ: Big Ball Jam or Beach Ball Jam or Big Beach Jam

BOAF: Birds of a Feather

BRTR: Bouncing Round the Room

BTP: back to paul (alternative to FOB; see also BTP, RUF; compare OTS)

CDT: Chalkdust Torture

CTB: Cars Trucks Busses

DAUD: audience tape (see AUD) mastered on a DAT

DAUD1: analag master of an audience tape, e.g. Mics > Dat > Analog, as opposed to DAUD2, which is Source > Dat > Analog master > Analog copy.

DEG: "Dave's Energyguide"

DSBD: soundboard tape (see SBD) mastered on DAT

DSBD1: analog master copy of a DSBD, i.e. SBD > DAT > Analog, constituting the first analog generation.

DWD: Down with Disease

FEFY: Fast Enough For You

FM1: master recording of an FM transmission (radio broadcast or otherwise; see AUD for other possibilities.)

FOB: Front of Board (tapes made with mics forward of the soundboard)

FOTM: Fire on the Mountain

GCH: Giant Country Horns

GD: the grateful dead

GTBT: Good Times Bad Times

HYHU: Hold Your Head Up

IAH: i am hydrogen

IDK: i didn't know

JMP: jazz mandolin project

LXL: "limb by limb"

MO: Mail Order, as in Tickets-By-Mail

MFMF: My Friend, My Friend

MLB or MLBJ: Mind Left Body (Jam)

MMGAMOIO: My minds got a mind of its own

MMW: Medeski Martin and Wood (funky jazz trio)

MSO: My Sweet One

NICU: song title

NYE: new year's eve

PBs: the phunky bitches

PLM: People for a Louder Mike

PMITE: "punch me in the eye"

PON: Picture of Nectar

PTBM: Phish Tickets-by-Mail

PYITE: Punch You In The Eye (orgininally PMITE)

RLA or Antelope: Run Like an Antelope

RMP (usually in lower case, rmp):

SBD: SoundBoaRD -- a tape made from the actual mixing console, rather than from microphone input. Typically an analog master recording, as opposed to DSBD which is initially recorded directly from the soundboard to DAT.

SITM: Silent in the Morning

SSTTA: Sneakin Sally Through the Alley

STTA: Surrender to the Air

SOAM: Split Open & Melt (more commonly Split or Melt) or Scent of a Mule (more commonly Scent or Mule)

TAB: Trey Anastasio Band, typically his Summer 2000 ("money love and change") tour but sometimes also to refer to his earlier "solo" tours (both of which included other musicians, inc. Tony and Russ).

TFTB: Theme From the Bottom (more commonly Theme)

TMWSIY: The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday

WAYSIYEM: What Are You Saying In You Enjoy Myself? and its variant WATSIYEM: What Are They Saying In You Enjoy Myself?

WMGGW: While My Guitar Gently Weeps

WOTC: "Walls of the Cave", a Phish original

WUDMTF : Washa Uffitze Drive Me to Firenze (probably WTASIYEM)

YEM: You Enjoy Myself

"[Other species] tend to work with what's there. They don't really change the basic structure of it."
-- Jon Fishman, 4/22/92 interview with Shelly Culbertson



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