SET 1: Suzy Greenberg > The Lizards, Time Loves a Hero[1], Golgi Apparatus, Bold As Love, La Grange, Contact, Costume Contest -> Harry Hood
SET 2: Halley's Comet[2] -> Whipping Post, Fee > Alumni Blues > Letter to Jimmy Page > Alumni Blues, Walk Away > Divided Sky, The Ballad of Curtis Loew[3], Mike's Song, Take the 'A' Train > Fire
SET 3: Fluffhead > AC/DC Bag, Foam[4], Terrapin[5], Big Black Furry Creature from Mars, Timber (Jerry the Mule)[6], Slave to the Traffic Light[6], Donna Lee[7], Run Like an Antelope[6], I Didn't Know[8], Wilson[9], Peaches en Regalia[6], Funky Bitch[6]