
From: gt5606b@prism.gatech.EDU (PATSIS,PETER ANGELOS)
Subject: Atlanta Show
Date: 29 Mar 92 22:58:15 GMT

  Very interesting show, real short considering the second set was cancelled
due to electrical hazard. It appears there was a puddle of water that  
apparently was due to the concession stand spilling water into the theatre.
The hot dog guy must have had another gig that night. I knew something was
up when the Atlanta Police came into the playhouse theatre.

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp:     ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt5606b
Internet: gt5606b@prism.gatech.edu


From: HARBEREF@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
Subject: Atlanta
Reply-To: HARBEREF@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1992 18:43:28 GMT

Here's the setlist to the ill-fated Atlanta show:

Runaway Jim
Bouncing Around the Room
Signal Explanation
David Bowie

(A Capella set due to small flood in theatre, underwater amps, etc.)
Carolina in the Morning
I Didn't Know
Sweet Adeline

Sorry I didn't post this sooner, but my ride back to Nashville overheated hiss
jeep, melted his water pump, and cracked his engine head or whatever.  (If you
own a pre-88 Jeep Cherokee, I pray for you).   

The first set was impossible.  The energy level was so intense that I could h
have cared less about being electrocuted in a lake of water.  Apparentlyed
the concession stand sprang a leak in a water pipe.   
The water level was high enough to get into the amplifiers, so the crew couldn'
not turn the power on for the second set without fear of killing everyone in re
the audience.

The A Capella set was neat.  The band did their best.  Jon got ready to play
a bagpipe solo during I Didn't Know, but someone turned off the power to the
vacuum just as he started, leaving him at center stage with dead bagpipes,  
exclaiming "Shit!  Right at the most crucial time of my life!"  So he switched
to trombone.  A very interesting show.  I wish they had pulled out an acoustic
guitar, but it's too late now.  Off to St. Louis!  (Not in a Jeep, mind you.)

-Eric Harbert


From: GUMBO%NCSUMVS.BITNET@ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu
Subject: reviews
Reply-To: GUMBO%NCSUMVS.BITNET@ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1992 21:18:26 GMT

      Saturday, onto Atlanta. An easy 3.5 hours from Charlotte.
      We got to the Variety Playhouse around 7. Since we had an
      hour til doors open we poked around little five points,
      which is similar though not as nice as the main st. area
      in Burlington, Vt.  We found ourselves (only 3 of us left)
      at Fileenes Pizza joint,  order 3 large slices,  add our
      own special ingredient and head to the Playhouse.  Doors
      open shortly there after, and we proceed to the second
      row center (gotta love G.A.).
           Set I
             -language instructions
                - whole set on fire
      Now by this point the three of us have quite a nice catch
      on our little phishin trip,  but here's where the big one
      got away.  Towards the end of the first set we noticed a
      steady stream of water flowing beneath our feet  (the
      pizza made it more noticealbe).  Second set Trey comes out
      and says "We have a bad situation",  most of the cables
      and wires were under water.  If the power for the equipment
      had been turned back on for set 2 we could have all been
      fried!  Amidst the disbelief, Trey said they would do a
      few a cappella tunes and call it an evening.  Amazingly the
      crowd understood (although some did want acoustic music and
      some simply chanted "Zap us, Zap us."
             Set II
               Sweet Adeline
               I didn't know   w/Fishman on trumbone
        Trey said there was no other choice but to call it quits
        and the next time they are in Atlanta they would do
        something special.  There is no way I'll miss the show
        next time there down in Georgia!
           Considering the night was still rather young, we
        played in Atlanta for a few hours,....but that's another
              "Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina
                    in the morning!"
